extension ExtPose

AdBlock — block ads across the web

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Block pop-ups and intrusive ads across YouTube, Facebook, and your favorite websites with AdBlock – a trusted ad blocker worldwide.

Image from store AdBlock — block ads across the web
Description from store Block pop-ups and intrusive ads effortlessly across YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and your favorite websites with AdBlock – the ad blocker trusted by over 60 million users worldwide. As the leading ad-blocking solution, AdBlock gives you a better browsing experience and more control over your online privacy. Key free features: Comprehensive ad-blocking: Say goodbye to disruptive pop-ups, banners, and video ads on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and more, enhancing your browsing experience while boosting productivity. Privacy protection: AdBlock can disable third-party tracking to make it more difficult for advertisers to track your behavior as you browse. Enhanced security: Browse safely when you reduce malicious ads containing malware and scams from compromising your device, providing peace of mind while exploring the web. Improved performance: Enjoy faster page load times and a smoother internet experience by eliminating bandwidth-consuming ads, resulting in increased efficiency and reduced data consumption. Customization options: Tailor your ad-blocking preferences with advanced filters, allowlists, and dark mode, empowering you to personalize your browsing environment and optimize your online experience. Friendly support: Get fast and reliable support from the dedicated AdBlock team and access a robust Help Center for assistance with any queries or issues, ensuring a hassle-free experience for users. Block more than just ads with additional premium features: Block additional distractions: Manage distracting elements on websites such as auto-play videos and animated GIFs, enabling focused browsing and enhanced productivity. Hide cookie banners: Automatically hide annoying cookie consent banners that clutter websites, providing a cleaner and more enjoyable browsing experience. Sync across devices: Backup and sync your whitelists and custom ad blocking rules seamlessly across multiple Chrome profiles and devices, ensuring a consistent browsing experience. Swap ads for fun images: Replace blocked ads with customizable images such as cats, dogs, or landscapes, adding a touch of personality to your browsing experience. Change your theme: Choose from a variety of colorful themes to customize the appearance of your ad blocking interface, matching your preferences and style. About Us: Download AdBlock for free and experience ad-free browsing on all your favorite websites. Rest assured, this extension prioritizes user privacy and security, ensuring that your browsing history and personal information remain confidential. The extension begins blocking annoying and intrusive ads the moment you install it - you can just set it and forget it. Or you can customize your ad experience further by choosing to see unobtrusive ads or block them entirely, giving you full control over your browsing journey. We believe in empowering users to dictate their online experience, which is why it participates in the Acceptable Ads program. This ensures that non-intrusive ads are not blocked by default, allowing users to opt-out easily within the extension’s settings. Changelogs: [Feb 2024 ] - Various bug fixes and added support in languages including Hungarian, Thai, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Bosnian, and more [Jan 2024] Released the ability to block cookie banners for Premium, better performance on YouTube and other sites across the web, added support for Japanese and Turkish languages [Dec 2024] Added new functionality that skips video ads while you stream, better functionality while you browse [Nov 2024] Various bug fixes including the toolbar icon incorrectly showing a site is allowlisted while the extension is still active [October 2023] Fixed a few bugs so that our users have a smoother experience using the extension, including a broken link in our help flow. [September 2023] Improved infrastructure that increases the functionality and longevity of the extension. [Spring 2023] Improved YouTube and Twitch channel allowlists as you can now allow ads on specific streaming channels, not just individual videos. [Fall 2022] Improved functionality, improved infrastructure for Manifest V3, various bug fixes including lags on websites [Spring 2022] Back end improvements, improved functionality

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-15) Cursos Profissionalizantes para o seu Sucesso: otimo! quem quiser me seguir no tik-tok: @ tiago.lacer
  • (2024-05-10) elias Palacios: I am uninstalling this extension because it works partially for annoying ads but not for all, plus the same ad blocker from time to time opens a tab on its own for you to donate, as if it were an ad from the same blocker, plus it uses too many resources, mainly memory ram, even the YouTube shorts start to run slow without having any extension except the adblocker, I have already tried on the same PC with an incognito account without extensions and it worked perfectly
  • (2024-05-06) Angeles Escarbajal: funcionaba bien. pero ahora no me blockea los anuncios de la pagina jkanime. no bloquea nada, ni siquiera youtube.
  • (2024-05-03) King Gaming Roblox: This work, but unfortunately a lot of pages now have ad blocker detectors, meaning it will detect you're using an ad block.
  • (2024-05-02) AltRawMedia: Today Is the day I am uninstalling adblock extension. The annoying "please donate" page that pops up after every update across every computer I have this browser synced is TOO MUCH. Adblock has become the ad I want to block. Its no longer worth it. I tried using a tab closer to stop adblock from opening its ad-donate page but to no avail. The only way to stop it is to get rid of it entirely.
  • (2024-04-27) Winter: Some websites recognize this extension. The ad cannot be blocked.
  • (2024-04-18) Daniil: По какой то причине расширение перестало блокировать рекламу на ютуб. Добавляю теперь в вк реклама блокируется через раз.
  • (2024-04-18) MaxGoesFourth: Quite hypocritical of an app guaranteed to rid your online experience of distractions to whisk you away from the last tab you were using and load a pop-up tab out of nowhere every time it gets updated.
  • (2024-04-16) Chen Ai: It was great at the beginning but now I still get ads in youtube. Even though I disabled everything
  • (2024-04-12) miles: doesn't work anymore
  • (2024-03-29) Максим Макаридин: заблокировался инстаграм пока не удалил его с компа и не поменял пароль не мог зайти
  • (2024-03-26) Nikita “Nikita A” Alshinskii: They beg for money everytime they do update (it is quite often). No matter if you send the money they will still annoy you with the bribe. It is a bit annoying. No way to disable it though. Now it does not let me add my custom adds to block. They pop-up on my attempt to disable an add.
  • (2024-03-24) Кларк Кент: С недавних пор узнала что он может без ведома, по своей прихоти, блокировать сайты! Так случилось сайтом которым пользуюсь больше года. Просто белый экран без какого либо объяснения. По мне это уже перебор...
  • (2024-03-16) Евгений Новиков: включая расширение показывает рекламу на ютубе . Выключаю нет рекламы это че за прикол?
  • (2024-02-27) Mauro Berton: AdBlock è estremamente efficace nel bloccare una vasta gamma di annunci pubblicitari su siti web, consentendo agli utenti di navigare in modo più pulito e veloce senza essere disturbati da annunci invasivi. L'estensione offre opzioni di personalizzazione che consentono agli utenti di decidere quali tipi di annunci bloccare o consentire, nonché la possibilità di aggiungere manualmente siti web alla whitelist. Bloccando gli annunci, AdBlock può migliorare significativamente le prestazioni di caricamento delle pagine web, riducendo il tempo necessario per caricare i contenuti e risparmiando banda larga. Bloccando gli annunci di tracciamento e di terze parti, AdBlock può contribuire a proteggere la privacy degli utenti, impedendo ai siti web di raccogliere informazioni personali attraverso gli annunci pubblicitari.
  • (2024-02-16) Joe yes: It works but it suspiciously downloaded something right before
  • (2024-02-08) 雾里意难忘: 近期youtube拦截效率非常慢,出现卡慢的现象非常明显 ,希望能够修复
  • (2024-02-08) luis: good
  • (2024-02-07) School “School” School: youtube blocks it so i cant use it for youtube, however it works well everywhere else :D
  • (2024-02-02) Ne fonctionne plus... Déçue ...
  • (2024-01-29) PeekaBooFish: It work really well with youtube and such :D (But it don't work for the one minute ads on spotify...)
  • (2024-01-23) N Albert: Been using since March 2016 with no problems until recently, If would fail to load. had the update still refused to load. I was removing it and figured I would try one more thing before giving up on it. After removing it I reinstalled it and it now works once again. If anyone else has this problem try remove and reinstall.
  • (2024-01-22) Prickley: 22.01.2024 - costs money now :/
  • (2024-01-16) W: Working over the autumn/winter 2023, but now it slows Chrome tabs and YT way down lately Jan 2024. Video ads hanging on some websites rather than blocking them out. Now so slow that yt vids lag out and can't even type comments it's so bad. Hoping for an fix!
  • (2024-01-16) B. M.: Seit letztem Update geht YouTube wieder aber die Seite ist dann sehr langsam und die Videos ruckeln oder paussieren.
  • (2024-01-16) Sambit Kumar Dalai: Due to recent updates it hangs with web pages
  • (2024-01-14) Son 2-3 gündür sadece Youtube değil aynı zamanda LinkedIn gibi birçok farklı sitenin kasmasına sebep oluyor. Acilen çözülmesi lazım.
  • (2024-01-14) George Abreu: Quite good but the ad blocker now slows down YT (Jan '24) by quite an amount. Used to work fine before the YT War on Ads took place. Right now it shows only a partial part of the add at the beginning of the video usually but again, quite laggy. Pretty great before then so hoping for an update soon.
  • (2024-01-13) Amerimnos (Amerimnos): 어제 부터 유투브 굉장히 느려진 주범. 그 외 사이트는 잘 작동함
  • (2024-01-03) A S.: for these 2 days i see want u did in youtube 😏
  • (2023-12-30) Antonio Caser: Estava funcionando até ontem 29/12, parou de bloquear anúncios do youtube...
  • (2023-12-15) Chiri Ler: Ni actualizando, ni reiniciando, ni nada, una update completamente inútil para youtube y twitch. Los demás bloqueadores se han puesto un gran paso por encima en mucho menor tiempo. A día de hoy no merece la pena si buscas reproducir contenido en diferentes plataformas.
  • (2023-12-13) Too many pop ups - Oh, a new tab just opened in front of my current tab to let me know that adblock is updating? No thanks.
  • (2023-12-13) Jeevagan: it used to fully block youtube ads,now it doesn't fully block or skip them rather it shows the end of the ads including the skip button.the major bug is that it skips the ad as well the first few minutes of the actual video content i am trying to watch(if the ad is 3mins long,adblocker skips 3 mins in the ad as well as the actual video content.it's quite annoying).although it doesn't show ads placed in the middle and end of the video. i hope they fix this issue as soon as possible!
  • (2023-12-05) Deanopolis: very good and consistent ad blocker
  • (2023-11-30) Jalen Morgan: You were supposed to destroy the sith, not join them. Use ublock origin.
  • (2023-11-30) blue: OuOb
  • (2023-11-29) Ramon Perez: It was good, but recently every time that I open chrome I get a popup ad from this extension telling me to buy the premium version... are you serious? It became the thing its trying to avoid. Uninstalled this and now im just relying on Ublock Origin now :)
  • (2023-11-29) Kelly&John Lowry: What good is an AD blocker that keeps giving you popups for its own product?
  • (2023-11-28) Roan Patrick: works so well, constant updates. youtube blocked adblockers; they found a way to get around it. god bless adblock!
  • (2023-11-27) Roman Beisembaev: An ad blocker that shows its own ads. What could possibly be worse?
  • (2023-11-26) Just got an ad for a vpn from my ad block
  • (2023-11-26) Adam L: This extension keeps asking me to buy premium service.
  • (2023-11-26) Keith Miller: With recent update a blue square appears on the adblock icon, it goes away when clicked then reappears. Edit: AdBlock now ironically keeps showing its own popups.. get uBlock Origin.
  • (2023-11-25) Santiago Percincula: fácil de usar,libre de virus,nunca tuve un problema con la extensión,gratis,llevo usándolo desde 2020 y es confiable
  • (2023-11-25) Mike Smith: Started getting too many ads from Ad Block trying to sell me a combo with a VPN.
  • (2023-11-24) Khải Nguyễn Quang: It works again thank lord
  • (2023-11-24) 孫守真: 感恩感恩 不是我們不支持廣告,幫助網站,實在是廣告中太多黃色或黑色、紅色的混在其中,防不勝防。只要廣告清淨了,我樂願大方開啟,幫助網站更好。至於那些不管廣告好壞就一律要屏蔽而自私地只顧自己的瀏覽者而言,一樣,因果自負了。南無阿彌陀佛 20231124:剛才看到有推出一個月1.66美金,一年20美金+VPN的優惠,決定訂閱了,用了這個至少6年了(這評論初寫於20170513今天才發現),也該有所報答了。感恩感恩 讚歎讚歎 南無阿彌陀佛
  • (2023-11-20) Arwan Feyrignac: Excellent, cette extension est parfaite pour son utilisation.

Latest issues

  • (2012-06-21, v:2.5.36) Michael Gundlach: How does this work?
  • (2012-06-21, v:2.5.36) Michael Gundlach: First post!
    Test post from the author.


66,000,000+ history
4.5026 (287,882 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-09 / 6.1.0
Listing languages
