extension ExtPose

Backbone Debugger

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Description from extension meta

Developer Tools extension for debugging Backbone.js applications.

Image from store Backbone Debugger
Description from store Adds a panel under the Chrome Developer Tools that displays in real-time all your application views, models, collections and routers. Data displayed includes: - Views: rendering status, html element, associated model and/or collection, handled page events, events triggered - Models: last sync status, attributes, id, cid, url, associated collection, events triggered, sync actions - Collections: last sync status, models, url, events triggered, sync actions - Routers: events triggered (include routes) Extends the sidebar of the developer tools "Elements" panel to display the Backbone View of the inspected html element. ======================== See the full list of changes and previous releases on https://github.com/Maluen/Backbone-Debugger/releases

Latest reviews

  • (2018-01-11) УКВ радиостанция R8CDF: Отлично!
  • (2016-12-19) Роман Ш.: +
  • (2016-07-02) Jonny Rimes (neonwired): Doesn't seem to work anymore
  • (2015-11-06) Corin Langosch: great plugin, works as expected. thank you!
  • (2015-08-30) Heather Hughes: i cant even find it !!!!!
  • (2015-08-25) James Childers: Have to add extension-specific code to my source in order for it to work. Nasty.
  • (2015-07-08) Alexey Cherkashin: Not working with big project on Rails for me =(
  • (2015-04-21) Alexandru Aldulea: awesome!!!
  • (2015-04-01) Jason Smith: An essential tool, every backbone developer should be using this.
  • (2015-03-20) Puneeth Rai: Amazing
  • (2015-03-20) Javier Marrero Santana: Fantastic Tool :D It's very helpful
  • (2015-02-25) J P: Usefull
  • (2015-02-03) Sergei Garcia: Extremely helpful for Backbone beginners like me. Runs great and integrates beautifully into Chrome DevTools
  • (2014-09-05) Teoh WS: great tools for developing backbone SPA
  • (2014-09-02) Simply awesome!!!
  • (2014-08-14) Marie Lowe: great
  • (2014-07-10) Joseph Martinez: Thanks
  • (2014-07-08) Ozerov Aleksey: Very helpful, but sometimes need expand. Screenshot: http://take.ms/vUDER
  • (2014-07-03) Aman Patel: It's a great resource. However when your app is truly big, look elsewhere.
  • (2014-05-05) Greg Meyer: This is an absolute necessity. This can tell me, at a glance, when something is off.
  • (2013-12-31) ERt Wroc: Very good tool for Backbone developers. Makes development easier.

Latest issues

  • (2016-08-12, v:0.3.1) Extguru 9: Partnership Offer
    Hello! I represent the company EXT.GURU. I have reviewed your extension, and I would like to invite you to work with our company. I have analyzed, that your extension "Backbone Debugger" can bring you a guaranteed high income. You can get the maximum profit with our automatic service for monetizing browser extensions, while our advertising is not annoying or malicious, and does not prevent the extension of functionality. Our system optimizes traffic from around the world. We provide coordination of all the nuances and suggestions of webmasters. Payments are carried out upon request during one hour at a convenient system to you. We would also like to note that our system does not interfere with other systems of monetization, you can plug in our program as an additional method to generate an income. If you have any other extensions, we can discuss. We look forward to collaborating. Sincerely EXT.GURU team. Contacts ICQ: 654784658 Jabber: [email protected] Skype: extguru [email protected] email: [email protected]
  • (2016-06-08, v:0.3.1) Sean Coleman: No Results
    Hi, I am debugging Splunk javascript full of Backbone and really wanted to use this to find where an event triggered but I get no results and the page just hangs.
  • (2015-09-18, v:0.3.1) Vasily Yakovlev: No results
    After a certain time it stopped working and now displaying only "No results" for views, collections, models, etc. At the sime time if a set a bunch of Backbone objects to some global variables i can see them in the Chrome debugger, but Backbone plugin still shows "No results" =(
  • (2015-07-30, v:0.3.1) Cristian Valls: Compatibility with Parse
    Hi! Nice plugin here, good job! However I miss compatibility with Parse API that uses same Backbone API, and my app is built with Parse but it doesn't appear the Backbone tab in developer tools... Could you fix that? Thanks!!
  • (2015-05-27, v:0.3.0) Dario Villanueva Ablanedo: Waiting for Backbone...
    The backbone panel never loads beyond "Waiting for Backbone..."
  • (2015-02-18, v:0.3.0) Roger Studner: I don't ever see anything
    I have a rails app with a few models & collections *but no views* (i'm using React for the views). As well, i'm using https://github.com/magalhas/backbone-react-component No matter what I do, the plugin/extension doesn't seem to ever "see" any backbone things.
  • (2014-12-06, v:0.2.5) Mike Carter: Highlight views on page
    Is there any way to highlight views on a page? I work on quite a large backbone app, and it's difficult to keep track of which view corresponds to which DOM element sometimes.
  • (2014-03-06, v:0.2) Terasa Siebrands: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'year' of undefined
    There is an infinite loop in the watch.js file. Not sure what its trying to do: I put break points at lines 100 and 101 where the error is occuring: for (var attr in obj) { copy[attr] = obj[attr]; } and line 402: subj.actual = clone(subj.obj[subj.prop]); I have a year parameter on my fetch and sync calls stated in the data attribute option: model.fetch({ data: { year: [namespace.variable()] }); this value corresponds to a namespaced variable that is populated on page load. This behavior is strange as it seems to create a file called 2014... I need help from a developer/architect to continue usage of this product. Thanks, Terri


4,000 history
4.5254 (59 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-29 / 0.5.0
Listing languages
