Instant salary estimates for Indeed, ZipRecruiter, StackOverflow, & Dice
YouWorth generates salary estimates from LinkedIn profiles using an intelligent pricing engine trained to identify patterns in data. YouWorth works around the clock analyzing large data sets like job listings and salary surveys. When a new data signal is detected, YouWorth instantly recalculates your job market value and notifies you of changes.
YouWorth for Chrome now embeds the power of its pricing engine into your browser and produces salary estimates for jobs on top job sites such as Indeed, Dice, Stackoverflow, and ZipRecruiter.
Latest reviews
- (2021-01-27) Jose Leal: Extremely dangerous. asks for permission to totally control linkedin timeline. Defaults to posting immediately.
- (2020-11-30) Kelly Preston: Wants a bunch of access but doesn't even work. Keeps saying $0 even for the job I currently have at the same company.
- (2018-08-10) Marc Dugger: Makes it fast and easy to download my LinkedIn profile data. Love it.