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Listen to the original Neon Genesis Evangelion endings on Netflix.
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Description from store
Netflix removed Fly Me To The Moon from Neon Genesis Evangelion and put Rei I instead. With this extension, you can the original ending theme of all the episodes as if they didn't change a thing.
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-07) Supbhanat Tawee-arkchaikul: Please Fix It T^T
- (2022-07-19) Colonel Adams: Been trying this for the past half hour, it is still not playing. Does this still work?
- (2021-09-19) Mk_Ultra_Man: It was working but just recently stopped. would appreciate a fix or explanation if im doing something wrong
- (2021-08-14) AlsoHedge: I've tried everything, and i still can't get it to work.
- (2021-05-11) Virgen Repugnante: Desactivé el adblock y funcionó.
- (2021-04-21) Iván Riera: Does anyone know if this extension is still working? I tried to restart all the browser but still didn't work. Any help?
- (2021-02-26) David Falck: "I've tried chrome://restart, I've tried CTRL+F5, I've tried restarting the computer - doesn't work anymore. Doesn't seem like Kevin Martin is interacting much with the comments and trying to make it work again either." That's what I wrote 1½ year ago. After deciding to check it out on Netflix just now, I thought "huh, wonder if that extension works now." It works wonderfully, so I've raised my rating and ant to give you my thanks. Stellar work, Kevin.
- (2021-01-25) Thisriceiswhite: despite the audio quality you're a god
- (2020-12-30) Sardinee 45: it worked well
- (2020-12-14) Vicente: no lo he probado pero wea mas buena
- (2020-08-26) nuclearProtocol: Worked after a nice ctrl+F5! unbelievable!
- (2020-08-25) Edward Chu: It's fixed! Had to install the extension, hard reset in Chrome (command-shift-r on mac) to get it to work. Works like a charm now! (You might also have to quit and restart Chrome too)
- (2020-01-20) doesn't work
- (2020-01-16) Colby Reams: Well, it seems like the site used to host the files,, is no longer working. I hope that you're able to find a replacement site or some other workaround to make this work again.
- (2020-01-11) LegendaryRQA: Doesn't work. Tried installing and uninstalling and restarting browser
- (2019-12-01) TheSolid Midget: This use to work. But now it doesn't. Please try to fix.
- (2019-10-10) Matias Welz: Doesn't work
- (2019-09-19) Kacper Laskowski (SilentStormX): Didn't work at all i tried everything people said worked for them, nope nothing worked. needs a fix probably
- (2019-08-26) Efran Vargas: sounds good, doesn't work
- (2019-08-20) Jonathan Stark: was perfect but now it stoped working a fix would be nice
- (2019-08-10) Colby: It worked before a few weeks ago, but now on my MacBook, it does not. I tried the hard refresh and uninstalling/reinstalling. Is it possible that other extensions could prevent this from working, or did Netflix block it?
- (2019-08-09) Mike H: Doesn't work anymore.
- (2019-07-22) Judith García: It's not working for me :(
- (2019-07-17) Xavior Nieves: This is a good extension but it appears to not be working anymore. I've tried some of the fixes people recommend but it's no good. An update would be nice.
- (2019-07-16) M00N MAN: no me funciona la extencion intente reiniciar chrome,desinstalar e instalar la extencion o reiniciar netflix pero no me funciona quisiera saber si hay que hacer algo para que funcione o algo
- (2019-07-06) nahuel diaz: La mejor extencion de todo chrome Store
- (2019-07-06) Manuel J. Herrera: Funciona como magia. Works like a charm! Thank you for this, from an Anime fan that somehow hasn't watched EVA after all these years. YES JUST RESTART THE BROWSER IF IT IS NOT WORKING FOR YOU.
- (2019-07-04) Facundo Almirón: Funciona perfecto, hay que reiniciar el chrome nada más. Gracias por tanto!!!!
- (2019-07-02) Astrian Zheng: Great “replace”, but it cannot replace the ending theme song in HK-area Netflix.
- (2019-06-30) Aidan Tchir: After a little bit of work you can get this thing running. I found that a Hard refresh (Ctrl + F5) on Netflix gets it to work. Includes the right endings as well. Now we can enjoy the show like it was meant to be enjoyed.
- (2019-06-29) Ryuu Noctum: Funciona pero es necesario reiniciar Chrome, desactivar y reactivar la extensión , refrescar la pagina de netflix varias veces hasta que de algún modo funcione. Valio la pena? Cada maldito segundo.
- (2019-06-27) Kitty Galore: good idea but this extension isn't working no matter what i do
- (2019-06-27) Fishyviolet: Works as advertised! Thank you, I was missing the ending theme. For those of you having troubles getting it to work, try uninstalling/reinstalling the extension and/or giving Netflix a hard refresh. Worked fine for me after that.
- (2019-06-27) Nicky Villarreal: it doesn't work helppppp
- (2019-06-27) Christian Xyox: Si funciona, pero una vez instalado hay que reiniciar el Chrome y woala
- (2019-06-26) Andrew Jones: You might have to remove and add it and restart Chrome for it to work. Works like a charm once it starts working.
- (2019-06-26) Francisco Barrientos: It works. If it doesn't work, you have to turn de extension off and turn it on again, then, you refresh the Netflix page
- (2019-06-26) Abdel: Doesn't work :/
- (2019-06-26) Abraham Díaz Castaño: It's a great idea but sadly it doesn't work :(
- (2019-06-26) Guilherme Torres: You are breathtaking!