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适用于IQ Option平台的IQ Robot机器人的浏览器版本
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IQ Robot 扩展是各种级别交易者的理想工具。只需花费 5 分钟即可设置并启动机器人。
我们的 IQ Robot Cloud Analytics 服务器实时评估市场状况并将数据发送给扩展,这样 IQ Robot 能以最大准确性下注。市场分析基于 20 个技术指标。
您可以使用模拟账户试用 IQ Robot,选择必需的设置,然后基于测试结果转用真实账户。该扩展免费添加到 IQ Option 平台。
IQ Robot 开发团队关心他的用户,打造出 7 天 24 小时全天候在线技术支持聊天服务。如果您有任何问题,只需使用该聊天服务转到我们的网站,我们将立即解答您的问题。
此应用程序与 IQ Option 没有直接关系,它由独立的开发人员团队运作。
Latest reviews
- (2023-05-17) Waldo Waldiany: Miren amigos he estado probando el robot y la verdad comparado con otros, que pareciera que estan programados para perder, o simplemente si ganan a veces pero pareciera que se reprograman para perder jeje, este si funciona, osea ves como va aumentando la cuenta si esta bien programado puedes dejarlo solo, tienes que vigilarlo porque derrepente si empieza a perder y empieza a hacer martingalas a lo tonto y ahi si te puede quemar la cuenta, aunque en la mayoria de martingalas se recupera pero si puede pasar que falla hasta 5 o 6 galas y es cuando te quema la cuenta....lo mejor es por ejemplo dejarlo operar y de verdad si funciona pero cuando entra en ese bache de no ganar, tu decide cuantos maringalas permitiras, yolo solo permito 2, si no gana lo apago y que vuelva a empezar tarde o temprano se recuperara de pocas paerdidas pero jamas lo dejes solo porque si te puede quebrar jejeje pero en general la verdad si es muy buen bot solo sabiendolo usar....por lo menos lo he probado en cuenta demo...ya veremos en cuenta real jejeje...saludos
- (2023-05-04) Gustavo Camargo: Yo tuve varias experiencias todas de perdida con el robot. Dejarlo ejecutando solo hasta llegar al profit que se quiere es un riesgo absoluto, inclusive operando con inversiones de 1 dolar y queriendo llegar a 3 doalres de profit que fue la prueba mas simple que hice despues de operaciones extiosas, el robot tuvo 9 operaciones seguidas fallidas y quemo la cuenta por completo. Le di mas oportunidades y no lo dejaba ejecutando solo. (Ojo siempre escogiendo que utilizara la mencionada estrategia de analisis que toma datos de mas de 21 indicadores y que se supone tiene un porcentaje de asertividad del 73%), nuevamente llegó a tener 8 operaciones fallidas y quemo la cuenta una vez mas. Dure meses probando y haciendo analisis de los datos que entregaba el robot, siempre ejecutandolo en pares de monedas que se encontraban en tendencia y el resultado siempre fue a final de cuentas negativo. Empece a ejecutarlo dejando que tuviera hasta 7 operaciones fallidas para detenerlo, despues 6, 5 y asi hasta llegar a 3 y el resultado siempre fue disminucion del capital. La unica forma en que llegue a hacerlo crecer bastante y esto fue con la cuenta demo fue dejarlo ejecutar sin detenerlo manualmente y llego a estar casi en el doble, es decir algo tipo 19,600 USD. Que fue cuando toma la decision de volver a invertir dinero real. Despues de 7320 operaciones. Los numeros fueron operaciones fallidas 3605 y operaciones con profit 3715, lo que facilmente se ve va dar un resultado negativo dado que las operaciones exitosas van a sumar 86% de lo invertido mientras que como bien sabemos las fallidas se llevan el 100%. No se que hace las personas que aparecen en el top 100 de traders para tener ganancias mensuales de 30 mil dolares, o si es una lista no muy cierta. Por utimo no entiendo porque el robot no tiene una opcion de stop loss, seria lo minimo sensato a poder configurar. Perdi capital importante y grande desafortunadamente inclusive despues de probar y probar meses
- (2023-03-21) Lair Araujo: muito bom
- (2023-03-10) alonso aguayo: Ok guys, I've done my homework with this bot. Been testing it for 3 months now. I understood the logic that you need a large capital and a small regular investment. I did my excel table with all the formulas to log every move of the bot, with the wins and losses and percentages and times, everything. I realized that with a capital of 12k dollars and an investment of 1 dollar every minute, you are able to sustain up to 12 loses in a row, at an average of 86% profit. By the 13th loss in a row, your capital gets wiped out. I started in January 1st, 2023 with a 10k dollars demo account, using the OPTIMAL strategy available with the bot, with 1 dollar investment every minute. By February 1st, my demo account had a balance of 25k dollars already... I was very excited. The max number of losses in a row was 11 up to that point. Unfortunately, during February, the losses in a row got to 13 consecutive losses… and that happened 3 times during the month. That was a downer, nevertheless, tracking the rate of wins and losses in my excel, I realize that we have way too many losses for a strategy that is supposed to be making BUY/SELL decisions based on a technical indicator (RSI for example). If the strategy is any good, the rate of wins over losses should be at least 51% wins over losses... but in many, if not most cases, we have more losses than wins total during the day. We know the robot is built to compensate the losses with every next win, so as long as we have some wins every so often, we end up with profit at the end of the run... as long as there are no more than 12 consecutive losses. BUT... if the technical analysis would be good (RSI) at least the number of wins should be greater than the number of losses... though that is not the case the majority of the time. So, the technical analysis should be improved within the robot. The other downer... is that this month of March, when my demo account balance was over 60k dollars already (I'm keeping with the testing) we got to 13 consecutive losses again during March 7th... but the worst of all, is that on March 8th (yesterday) we got a streak of 16 consecutive losses in a row... and I lost everything. UNCONCEIVABLE!!!! And the only way to be able to survive 16 consecutive losses is with a capital of over 250k dollars. So... lesson learned... this robot is a risky, very risky thing... because you are bound to lose all your capital at some point, with a streak of many consecutive losses that is bound to happen sooner or later. So... the conclusion is that this BOT is not viable to consistently grow your capital. The possible solution would be to incorporate within the BOT´s coding, a better technical analysis tool that wins more times than looses, because the RSI incorporated (or whatever combination there is) is not giving a good performance. I have all the numbers recorded to back it up upon request.
- (2023-03-03) Marcos Inacio: I had good days with this bot and I recommend it, although, I think there rooms for improvements. Please consider using also buy position, I noted that it only sells. I am currently trading with
- (2023-02-10) tsuki tsuk: TESTED AND CONFIRMED Hello, Dear new users. This robot is very useful and profitable when you have brains to use. Its all automatic but if you leave it full automatic you will lose your all capitals all at once. Please don't leave it all automatic. You should test it more than a month before you use it. You will eventually knows how it works. Then you will be found what tactics will be profitable what tactics will fail. I found my tactics in 5 weeks of demo testing and i am trading real in almost half year and its profitable since. Please find your own tactics and use your brain. Its simple and easy to use. I hope you can do it. Don't hesitate to trust this robot because if you win IQ ROBOT team earn more. So they want to help you to win more. Not lose.
- (2023-02-03) mohamed amine bouhassane: i lost my money :/
- (2023-01-23) Tavir Del Carpio Muñoz: todo bien con la cuenta demo, llega al limite de dinero ganado casi siempre pero para invertir con dinero real me pide una cuenta nueva cuando ya esta vinculado a mi cuenta y no acepta una cuenta ya existente, cuando consigo entrar con esta cuenta nueva falla a la hora de hacer el deposito, definitivamente es problema de la plataforma porque ya intente con 3 tarjetas
- (2022-12-23) Luz Barrera: No funciona, te quema la cuenta lo probe 20 veces en cuenta demo y la deja en ceros, cuando pierde una operación, la siguiente entra con todo el dinero de la cuenta y lo pierde, no tiene la opción de Martin Galas
- (2022-12-18) Azure828: Lost all my capital :'( Glad It wasn't too much but it is still a big hit for me as I'm in a third world country
- (2022-12-14) Wilson Valdevite: Como faço para ele conectar em uma conta que já possuo na IQ? Se me mostrar como mudo para 5 estrelas...
- (2022-12-10) andy emmanuel: am glad for it but now am having achallege on how tto install it on my computer anyone help me please because i can do it on
- (2022-11-12) Paul Gilmore: Fiquei satisfeito com a interface agradável e compreensível do IQ Bot. Já tentei vários bot sinalizadores e este é o mais adequado. E não dá problema nas retiradas.
- (2022-11-12) Xandra Brown: No mundo de hoje com tanta coisa que temos pra fazer a palavra chave é praticidade, acho que pensaram nisso ao criar o bot e pro usuário final é ótimo que seja simples de utilizar e não tome nosso precioso tempo.
- (2022-11-12) William G. Diaz: O que mais me chateia é a burocracia quando se fala em dinheiro, então fiquei feliz de ver que posso contar com rapidez e praticidade nesse sentido.
- (2022-11-12) Donald Miller: Os caras estavam mesmo inspirados quando tiveram a ideia do robô, ele já virou meu melhor amigo e tornou minhas negociações mais fáceis, agora to só sentado esperando meus futuros lucros.
- (2022-11-12) Carmen Beck: Md. Abdulla Al Hamid É um fato, não há nada que um ser humano possa fazer que um robô não faça ainda melhor. Ele é garantia de lucro a curto prazo.
- (2022-11-08) Blogger King: Nossa fiquei impressionada com a eficiência dele, tive dificuldade com negociações manuais então salvou minha vida.
- (2022-11-07) Anna Powell: Gostei da forma que foi desenvolvido, dá pra registrar rapidamente e já começar a usar, ponto positivo.
- (2022-11-07) Melvin Pitman: Feliz em encontrar esse extensão, muito prático e simples de cadastrar.
- (2022-11-04) Hamilton Astle: I have been using the bot for quite a while now and I think pretty great!
- (2022-11-04) Cholie Carole: Não sei ao certo se vai funcionar porque ainda não usei por muito tempo, mas o tutorial de início e facilidade no registro já passam uma boa impressão.
- (2022-11-04) James L. Roberts: The vast amount of options that come with this bot really make it one of the best out there!! And.. It’s free!
- (2022-11-03) Anthony Jakeson: The quick and simple registration is really appreciated. I really love this! Keep it up.
- (2022-11-01) Becky Fan: Pode negociar em seu nome, economizando tempo e esforço. Melhor bot de negociação para quem procura a IQ option. Vá experimentar uma vez.
- (2022-11-01) Harry Schmidt: With this bot trading became like 10 times easier.
- (2022-11-01) Piter Austin: I really appreciated the great interface and the beginner friendly tutorial. I managed to learn how to trade in no time.
- (2022-03-17) Diogo Carvalho: Sistema muito simples: Só funciona em contas novas com depósitos de 100 pra que o desenvolvedor receba o referral (bonificação de indicação da IQ) Bot de tendência flip coin, se acerta ele continua entrando a favor da tendência, se erra ele reverte no martingale. Trabalha puramente na sorte sem fundamento estratégico nenhum. Não recomendo jamais.
- (2022-03-10) All in One: waste of time and money
- (2022-03-10) Grant Rubenstein: Please take this as a genuine review, I will be discussing everything The "trading signal" is either placing buys the whole day or placing sells the whole day I kinda think it would be better if you didnt activate trading signals in my opinion The bot does work, I have taken $10k to $20k but you need a large capital, the larger the better Its make loss equity at a single point was $8k so 80% of your balance if you had a $10k account risking $10 on each trade so of course if you lower the amount you risk, you loss will be smaller but of course so will your growth I think do not use this bot unless you have at least 5k of your deposit currency and then you can only risk at most 5 of your deposit currency if possible otherwise you are just asking for your account to be blown Support is absolutely terrible, they're rude and snobby So as a conclusion risk 10 for every 10 000, the bot just buys or sells the whole day which works but with a large amount of capital, the larger the capital and smaller trade size the better really and do not use the support unless you absolutely have to because they are extremely rude *NEW UPDATE* Had $26 000, lost it all, bot did something that it usually doesn't which is swap trade direction, if it does this I recommend stopping the bot if it does this
- (2022-02-10) Giovanna Lourenço: Muito bom, mas vale lembrar que ele trabalha com martingale entao estejam prontos para umas percas tambem, muit facil de consfigurar e suporte ate o momento bem atencioso.
- (2021-11-25) Ahmed Ali: Scam this kinds of apps must removed, Working on demo to find out its not worthy at all. Simply auto gambling with 80% loss rate. Support are useless and very rude
- (2021-09-27) El ROJITAS: lo he estado probando en cuenta de practica y hasta el momento va bien, voy a invertir los cien dólares y si me va bien volveré a darle 5 estrellas.
- (2021-09-06) Jordy Shie: SAMPAH
- (2021-09-02) M_transparent: เทรดไบนารี่ดีครับ แต่เผลอไมได้เลย ตั้งไม้ละ6 usd /1 min อยู่ดีๆพี่บอทแกเข้าออเดอร์ 1usd แต่พอจบ ไม้ต่อไปพี่แกเทหมดตัก 82 usd ยังดีที่ไม่โดน ไม่งั้นล้างพอตไปแล้ว โดยรวมแล้วน่าพึงพอใจครับ
- (2021-08-18) Nhiên Hạo: bot ngu. nếu cho tùy biến vào lệnh theo logic thì con nc được
- (2021-08-13) Jobless Lady: I'm having an amazing experience on the demo account, thinking about moving to the real account soon. An excellent option for an IQ Option platform.
- (2021-08-12) kashan junaid: With the new update, the application has become even better, in addition to being an efficient and effective robot on the iqoption platform. I highly recommend it
- (2021-08-11) Momori Raul: Easy, fast, and excellent; keep up the good work. Great robot for the iqoption platform.
- (2021-08-10) Rupa Khan: Despite being implemented in IQ Option, it is easy to access and I started the robot and in a few minutes, I was already profitable. Very good
- (2021-08-09) grimjo janajak: I really liked the simplicity and clarity that this application presents to its users. Very sophisticated but also uncomplicated. A magnificent robot for the iqoption.
- (2021-08-08) walter obrayo: This extension is spectacular. I check the performance of the robot on the IQ Option platform and I just have to say that it is incredible. Congratulations on your performance.
- (2021-08-07) Ved Prakash: The technical support is perfect, they answered me quickly and answered all my questions about iq option without any hesitation. Congratulations on the service.
- (2021-08-06) Khoniker Musafir: The probability of winning is much greater than having a loss, an excellent trading robot for the iqoption platform. Highly recommend
- (2021-08-05) Shormila Ahmed: I started with a demo account and contacted technical support. It was very well received and helped me to make the experience at iq option much better. I recommend.
- (2021-08-04) Anil: Fixing the bugs in the last update helped a lot in the extension's performance. Now the trading experience on the IQ Option platform just got even better. A big thanks to the developers.
- (2021-08-03) Opu Rahman: Despite being implemented in iqoption, it has a very simple interface and is easily accessible.
- (2021-08-02) Mahabubur Rahman: A great and highly customizable robot for the iq option platform. Thanks to the developers.
- (2021-08-01) Knowledge Power: If you compare the robot for iq option with the other trading robots, you will see that the robot has the best and simplest, in addition to being very easy to use. Congratulations to the developers.
- (2021-07-31) My Game: The extension is great to operate on the demo account, very soon I will operate on the real. The trader robot for the IQ Option platform is excellent.