extension ExtPose

Control Panel for Twitter

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Description from extension meta

Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements

Image from store Control Panel for Twitter
Description from store Control Panel for Twitter is a browser extension for Twitter - its main goals are to reduce the amount of algorithmic content you see, give you more control over your timeline and make the UI less distracting. By default, your Home timeline will be the reverse-chronological "Following" timeline, which will only contain tweets and quote tweets from the people you follow. The algorithmic "For you" timeline will be hidden, and Control Panel for Twitter will keep you on "Following" if Twitter tries to automatically take you off it. Everything is configurable, so start by opening the options popup and customizing to your liking. Changes you make in the options will be applied immediately. Features: Home timeline • Use the "Following" (chronological) timeline by default • Hide the "For you" (algorithmic) timeline • Retweets • Show in separate tab / Hide • Quote Tweets • Show in separate tab / Hide • Enable muting of Quote Tweets • Hide "See new Tweets" • Hide "Who to follow", "Follow some Topics" etc. in the timeline • Hide inline prompts in the timeline • Full-width timeline content • Hide the sidebar and let timeline content go full-width UI improvements • Add "Add muted word" to the "More" menu • Fast blocking (skips confirm dialog) • Hide quotes and replies to blocked and muted accounts • Hide Retweets in user profiles • Retweets in Lists • Default to "Latest" tab in Search • Hide the quoted tweet when viewing Quote Tweets X fixes • Redirect to twitter.com • Tweak new layout • Hide Toggle navigation • Replace X branding changes • Hide Views under tweets • Hide "Verified" Notifications and Followers tabs • Restore headlines under external links • Restore Quote Tweets link under Tweets • Restore other links under Tweets • Default sorting of replies • Latest / Likes • Premium blue checks • Replace with Twitter Blue logo / Hide • Hide Premium blue check replies • Hide Premium upsells • Hide Grok • Hide Jobs • Hide Subscriptions UI tweaks • Don't use the Chirp font • Disable bold and italic text in tweets • Use normal text font style in navigation bar • Navigation density • Comfortable / Compact • Use normal font weight in dropdown menus • Uninvert Follow / Following buttons • Monochrome / Themed • Unblur sensitive content Remove algorithmic content • Hide sidebar contents • Hide Explore page contents and use it only for searching • Hide "Discover more" tweets Reduce "engagement" • Hide metrics • Reduced interaction mode • Hide the action bar under tweets – replies are now the only means of interacting • Hide the Compose Tweet button • Disable the home timeline • Find yourself wasting too much time on Twitter? Try preventing use of the home timeline • Notifications • Hide badges only / Hide Hide UI items you don't use • Bookmark button under tweets • Share button under tweets • "View post engagements" under your tweets • Tweet box in timeline • Account switcher • Messages drawer • Explore • Communities • Hide "More" menu items you don't use TWITTER, TWEET and RETWEET are trademarks of Twitter Inc. or its affiliates

Latest reviews

  • (2024-10-31) _: 話題を検索ページはトレンドワードだけ表示できると有難いです。 可能ならtwitter.comをx.comに自動変換できる機能があると助かります。 twitter時代のリンクを踏む場合、x.comにいちいち書き換えなければならないので。
  • (2024-05-15) Blackman Whitesuit: Great so far. Can we add a block for the verified tab and the "Get Verified" box that they recently added. This verification stuff is truly annoying. Edit 5/14/24: Recently, clicking on pictures does not enlarge them like regular twitter.
  • (2024-04-11) anmol: Best extension ever. Replaces the new ugly "X" branding with OG Twitter elements along with so many other useful features. Thank you SO much!
  • (2024-04-07) 이주현: The tab for viewing the number of cited tweets in the tweet window has disappeared since April 8. I don't know if it's a temporary error, but it hasn't been fixed yet
  • (2024-02-20) Simple Guy: Once you've set you feed to chronological order, there is no way to return to non-chronological. Aside from that, this extension is great.
  • (2023-12-16) Shane (shane1039): Elon bad.
  • (2023-11-14) Leigh Fawcett: I like the features of this extension, however, whenever I write a reply to a tweet, this extension freezes the tab randomly for between 10-120 seconds while I am typing, extremely frustrating, especially if I make a typo and have to wait for it to unfreeze a second time to fix it.
  • (2023-11-04) Jose Del Valle: Great extension, it keeps twitter nice and clean of all the new "features" the new devs adds. Also could there be an option to bring back "Circles" button back? The feature is still on the website is just that the devs hide the button
  • (2023-11-02) Tery Slavcheva: Just learned that twitter didnt actually remove circles as a functionality, just the button. The api is still there so control panel might be able to restore it if they never patch this up.
  • (2023-10-29) Gallerine: I've been using this on Firefox for ages, then swapped over to Brave so I found this here on the Google Store; absolutely fantastic. Twitter has become quite a hellhole since Elon took over imo and frankly borderline unusable, this has genuinely made my experience significantly better, a mere quarter of the clutter and garbage compared to without this extension, highly customizable and kept up to date. EDIT: Went back to Firefox but the extension is still super good :)
  • (2023-10-25) Aiden Whalen: I like this extension overall, but there's a few things that I'm personally missing that I would like to see added. Right now I use another extension called Minimal Twitter, and a few options I use on there are: - Show Labels on Hover (Hides all labels on the left of your screen unless you hover your cursor over them) - Center Vertically (Centers previously mentioned labels) - Remove timeline borders Would love to see these features added as it seems this extension gets updated way faster than Minimal Twitter.
  • (2023-10-24) Desmond: this extension is the only thing keeping me sane on twitter, thank you so much for making it
  • (2023-10-24) Batsy: This extension is great and the only thing missing is a feature to automatically update the timeline. Currently I have to use a second extension to do this so if this could be added this would be the only extension I need.
  • (2023-10-16) Konrad: Love it
  • (2023-10-16) KingOfCorinth: Fantastic app that undoes the stupid product decisions of Musk and returns power to the Twitter user. #RipThirdPartyApps
  • (2023-10-12) Dana Toland: I wish I knew about this extension sooner, love it! Would pay for it if I knew how!
  • (2023-10-11) Abby S: This is the best extension! I would have left twitter long ago if it weren't for this. The only issue I'm having is that I gor a new phone so I'm fixing all of my settings again, but the drop down menu for retweets doesn't work. I don't want retweets in a separate tab, but when I try to use the dropdown menu, nothing happens. Once that's fixed, it's a 5 star extension for sure!
  • (2023-10-11) Victoria Myznikova: really nice extention, would be also nice to restore the option of checking likes and retweets in desktop version
  • (2023-10-11) David Jorgensen: There are a lot of options, so if it removes a feature you like there is a good chance it can be restored. Good to review the defaults anyway.
  • (2023-10-09) ゆっきー: とても有用な拡張です。もはやこれ無しではTwitterをまともに見られない。 以前のTweetDeckにあった、特定のアカウントにのみ機能するキーワードミュート機能があったら最強だった。 ※追記:「○○さんがリポストしました」→「○○さんがリツイートしました」、「返信をポスト」→「返信をツイート」、「○件のポストを表示」→「○件のツイートを表示」、アナリティクスのページのXファビコンや「X アナリティクス」→青い鳥ファビコンと「Twitter アナリティクス」にするなどなど、X(笑)の面影を徹底的に消して欲しい。
  • (2023-09-29) Y N: 素晴らしい
  • (2023-09-25) Colby: for some reason this is hiding the like button on the timeline and other replies, i can only like something if i click on it
  • (2023-09-20) GR33D: Love this extension, but there is a bug where I can't see Restored Quote Tweets under posts that were edited or an account was mentioned in a photo
  • (2023-09-18) souyuai 2021 (souyuai2021): 「ぼくのかんがえたさいきょうのついったー」をほぼそのまま実現できた拡張機能 出来たらでいいものですが、リツイートタブの軽量化をしていただけたら嬉しいです。
  • (2023-09-18) 猫猫(ニャアン): とても便利で愛用してます。 ひとつお願いがあります。 最近、トレンドで「青バッジ乞食」と言う悪質なbotやユーザーが増えてます。 要するに有料で青バッジを取得したユーザーがトレンドワードを並べてトレンド文字の内容が見たいのに関係のない話題や動物動画、ウザい海外ニュース、卑猥な女モドキで小金を稼ごうとする目的で荒らされて見るに堪えない地獄絵図と化してます。 「検索ページで「青バッジのユーザーは非表示」」を作ってほしいです。 Twitter自体の「高度な検索」も役に立ちません。是非実装をお願いします。
  • (2023-09-17) 하트냥: '재게시'를 이전처럼 '리트윗'으로 표시할 수 있는 기능이 필요함
  • (2023-09-17) 구구: 감사합니다. 드디어 나의 트위터를 되찾을 수 있었습니다. 우리 모두가 아는 그의 무계획적이고 의미없는 새 브랜딩은 실패했습니다. 아무도 X를 원하지 않습니다. 그 누구도 New owner를 환영하지 않습니다. 그는 생각이 짧다. :)
  • (2023-09-15) Sada Abe: Twitterのあるべき姿を保ってくれる素敵な拡張機能です。 (2023.09.15) Tweet詳細画面で、誰がRT、いいねしたかが非表示となってしまいました。 技術的に難しいとは思いますが、どうか復元していただけると幸いです。
  • (2023-09-14) 제드: X에 지지 마세요! 승리해줘!
  • (2023-09-14) JCW: It's still showing the followers amount after setting it to hide. Fix please
  • (2023-09-13) w: thank u for this however pls add a settings search, it's a bit exhausting to scroll thru to find a specific setting
  • (2023-09-12) Tery Slavcheva: Thank god this exists and seconding the recent reviews. We deffinetely need back the the bar that shows how many likes, quotes, retweets.
  • (2023-09-12) Hunter: Amazing. But can you add the bar that shows how many likes, quotes, retweets, and bookmarks a tweet has? Elon has removed it, and you now need to click the three dots and "view post engagements" to find it.
  • (2023-09-12) Julia U: This is great. Would you guys be able to bring back the Quote Reposts button? :') El0n, in his eternal wisdom, decided to remove it to make the UI even more unusable for everyone.
  • (2023-09-08) Bryan Taylor: makes twitter usable, holy moly
  • (2023-09-05) victoria faye: Great extension, incredibly helpful. But a recent update has completely hidden the messages drawer, even if you have the option unselected. Please add that fix to the next update.
  • (2023-09-03) media west: idea for update. remove any tweets that you dont follow on the 'for you'. eloon is forcing many users i dont follow on my timeline. he really has killed the platform. i have to block all the time now of weird people that the new algo forces on you.
  • (2023-09-03) Andrei Abramov: Отлично! Скрыло весь мусор!
  • (2023-08-31) S E: Thank you, thank you! Awesome work. Restores Twitter back to where is should be...before that dude messed it all up! Just one small favor....could you please add an option to auto refresh the timeline? It sucks having to click to see new Tweets. Thanks again!
  • (2023-08-29) Diegatus (Diegatus): It's awesome and brings Twitter back where it should be. Next features I would add is replace the x terminology they implanted to the old ones, changing words like x to Twitter, post to tweets, repost to retweet and all of those things they ruined.
  • (2023-08-27) nagasan 73: 改悪を続けるTwitter(X)を使いやすくしてくれる神拡張機能。 特に最近多いTwitter blueのアフィリエイトアカウントを「Twitterblueの返信を非表示にする」で全て排除できるのが最高!(欲を言えば「フォロワーが100万人を越える人を表示する」以外に「10万人以上」「1万人以上」等の他オプションがあったら助かります) あとこれは正直技術的に難しいとは思いますが、 ・Twitterで検索する際、ユーザー名やプロフィール名が引っかかることがあるので、それを除外する機能 ・トレンドワードを複数含んだツイートを非表示にする機能 とかがあったら嬉し泣きますね。 応援してます!頑張ってください!
  • (2023-08-27) Francisco Suárez: Only thing making twitter usable I feel so bad for the dev, having to add so many things just to keep up with the muskrat stupidity
  • (2023-08-22) L L: Thank you so, so much. I'm immensely grateful for the semblance of control this has returned to my life. You are a godsend!
  • (2023-08-22) Google User: One star removed for blocking selection of removing specific users from a reply. Otherwise, it's the only extension that sorts your tweets now by newest.
  • (2023-08-20) CristalViper: Absolute must have, although unfortunately I need to remove it every time Twitter makes me authenticate my account.
  • (2023-08-18) Diego Milan: You are a hero!!!
  • (2023-08-18) Tristan R.: Absolute necessity for using Twitter now that Tweetdeck isn't free anymore.
  • (2023-08-17) Cat: this extension is vital to my twitter experience at this point! if possible PLEASE consider fixing the update(?) that removes the messages window in the right corner of the screen, its infuriating that its gone at this moment
  • (2023-08-17) A little pigeon: It's great! very easy to use. I recommend my friends to have this. Only thing missing is the white bird for dim and lights out.
  • (2023-08-16) Iron maiden jeanne stan: LOVE THIS EXTENSION. Twitter > X always. Also please please pleaseee make a new update to revert "Reposts" back to Retweets please, it's been driving me crazy having to see reposts everytime I try to retweet but it keeps showing me "Repost".


200,000 history
4.7438 (691 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-21 / 4.9.0
Listing languages
