extension ExtPose

Clickbait Remover for Youtube

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Description from extension meta

Ersätter miniatyrer, samt redigerar videotitlar på YouTube.com

Image from store Clickbait Remover for Youtube
Description from store This extension replaces thumbnails with a frame from the video, effectively removing any clickbait while still showing a high quality thumbnail so you can still get a good idea of what the video is about. It can also modify titles to stop partial or all caps titles. It works everywhere on Youtube including the homepage, trending page, subscription page and channel pages. All functionality of the extension is customizable by clicking the extension icon on the top right, you can see the effect that different options have right away if you have a youtube tab open, no need to reload the page. And also on mobile. This extension might help people who have a Youtube addiction or anyone who just doesn't want to be distracted by flashy thumbnails and all caps titles while trying to find some quality content. Source code: https://github.com/pietervanheijningen/clickbait-remover-for-youtube Firefox version: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/clickbait-remover-for-youtube

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-07) Luan Dao: Excellent extension to stay sane on Youtube This extension is currently having bug which doesn't work when you refresh Youtube feed. Until it is fixed, one workaround is to disable and reenable it
  • (2023-10-23) Known Robloxian: It doesn't work.
  • (2023-10-21) S Z (YippingFox): Unfortunately it is triggering the new youtube anti-adblock for me.
  • (2023-10-03) V I: This is my MAN!
  • (2023-09-22) Татьяна Захарова: It works, thank you! Super!...
  • (2023-09-05) Giovanni Felicetti: Stopped working automatically, now you have to switch options every time you reload the homepage/subs page 04/09/23 EDIT: started working again! 05/09/23 EDIT: stopped working again :(
  • (2023-08-29) Ferdinand F. Rios: No funciona bien cuando lo usas en conjunto con la extension "Enhancer for YouTube™" en navegadores Chromium (ya que Firefox si funciona bien), me sigue apareciendo las miniaturas. Tengo la teoría que la extension carga antes que la extension que dije, ya que desactivo la extension de ustedes y la vuelvo a activar y funciona como nuevo sin problemas pero es aburrido y cansado hacer eso cada que abro el navegador.
  • (2023-08-27) Retardicus: Sounds great but it stops working as soon as the page is refreshed.
  • (2023-08-24) Vishesh Nigam: Hey Dev, this review is for you. My brother recommended and installed this addon because I was getting a lot of clickbait and unwanted recommendations for videos and which were not related to the topics I use to watch and or watching. Since a lot of addons are installed, I was not able to figure out a problem that I was seeing a lot. The problem where the title of the video or anywhere within Youtube changes from "capitalize case" to "lower case". Also, the thumbnail changes from the default to some screenshot from within the video. It all looks weird and unprofessional. Hoping to look into these bugs and improve the overall usage by allowing us to report or block clickbait videos through 3 dots. Waiting for your better response. Until then I am disabling the addon not uninstalling it. Please let us know what your plans are for updates. Also provide us something for mobile. Thanks.
  • (2023-08-21) Izofeu: EDIT: If you're using Chrome/Brave and it doesn't work upon refreshing, I found a fix which I shared on the extension page's Github. Look for my comments in issue #56. Been using it for about a year now. Best extension for YouTube you could possibly have.
  • (2023-08-16) Jack Low: Only work once. Stop working each time I refresh or restart browser.
  • (2023-07-30) VC SMiThaYe: The extension atm only works for titles on YouTube as thumbnails are back to normal. Used to remove thumbails but currently shows the clickbait thumbnail. I'm using Chrome 115.0.5790.110 official build 64bit. Fix this, and remove exclamation points in titles and I'll change my review score accordingly.
  • (2023-07-30) Akanar _: Would be better if we could remove exclamation points!!!
  • (2023-07-13) Speed Wiz: Excellent. But here, when I refresh youtube page, It not works and show the the clickbait frame. If I open extension and modify something, works again.
  • (2023-07-07) Eric L: Amazing!
  • (2023-07-04) Emma Chan: I find that this extension is not great. While it is indeed effective in generating acceptable titles, "acceptable" is a stretch considering that it doesn't remove sensationalist headlines. Moreover, when removing sensational thumbnails on YouTube to choose among the three options, it sometimes happens that the choices are poor. I've tried multiple times, at the beginning, middle, and end of the video, but to no avail. Inevitably, some sensational faces appear because there aren't enough options for thumbnail modification. It's too minimalist, only three choices for numerous videos on YouTube. Personally, I stopped using it because I'm tired of sensationalism. Sensationalism is a real burden to endure, so I switched to DeArrow as an extension instead, and it does a better job at removing sensationalism compared to this simplified extension, Clickbait Remover, which doesn't remove sensationalism perfectly. Link to DeArrow: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dearrow-better-titles-and/enamippconapkdmgfgjchkhakpfinmaj
  • (2023-06-28) ASADF ASF: Works only if i switch between the options of the extension .
  • (2023-06-26) Julian is Gratitude: This makes YouTube much more non-distracting. How did I ever live without it?
  • (2023-06-12) Karam D.: Thank you so much for developing this amazing extension, you have no idea about how much I was addicted to youtube, thumbnails used to attract me the most, when I click on the video, most of the time they lie just to get views, now videos thumbnails became really ugly and unattractive, my addiction will be reduced a lot, thanks again for your efforts.
  • (2023-06-10) Felipe Muniz: Excelente. Youtube como deveria ser.
  • (2023-06-08) Jason rs: I uninstalled and clear cookies but it doesn't stay consistent. "Distraction Blocker youtube reddit linkedin" by Rahul Bansal is another extension that changes the thumbnail but not the uppercase titles. I hope this feature can live on. My last resort is to hire a programmer to make an updated version on fiverr or something.
  • (2023-06-08) Mirko: Everyone having problems should reinstall the tool. I think it broke after my last browser update. I had the issue that it worked when I switched options in the tool but only for videos currently displayed. Scrolling down or reloading YT would show the regular preview images again. Uninstalling and reinstalling fixed it. So glad I it works again 😁👍
  • (2023-06-07) Ian Itzla: It's been great for the several years I've had it, but today, it's effectively stopped working. I'm assuming Youtube changed something that messed with this extension. And yes, Grichka B, I did try clearing site data/cookies.
  • (2023-06-03) Addon worked great until a couple days ago. Thumbnails revert to default when first going onto YouTube. They can temporarily be changed when clicking on the different options for where to grab the thumbnail image, but will revert back to their default thumbnails if you went back or refreshed the page.
  • (2023-06-01) Eric Daley: One star just to note that the extension appears to be near broken, within the past few weeks. If you open the extension to change settings, it appears to work. Videos on screen will see a thumbnail change. But, once you start browsing youtube normally, all video thumbnails loaded are their original thumbnails.
  • (2023-05-29) Erin Bruce: its near perfect only thing that can make it better is if you could blacklist some youtubers and white list others black listing mean that if a video from a blacklisted yt comes up it brings you to a video that you can change in settings whitelisted means that a whitelisted yt comes up the title and themnail isnt changed
  • (2023-05-06) Alan deLespinasse: This is great! Replacing the thumbnails with a video frame works better than I would have expected. The only way it could be better is if it replaced the word "iconic" with something else.
  • (2023-04-27) Elif Yıldız: bu eklentiyi her kullanıcının kullanması lazım youtube ana sayfa bunalımından kurtarıyor
  • (2023-04-26) Doug Podzun: This is a weird how it changes the thumbnail. I actually predered some of the thumbnails it suggested.
  • (2023-04-25) Jatoxo: Works great! The user should decide which videos interest them, not whoever can put the most caps in the title.
  • (2023-04-20) Sparkschu Itai: Sometimes it gliches, either way I like it!
  • (2023-04-17) Mister Gold: see
  • (2023-04-11) Mark Yeaah: Go back to real life, thats cool
  • (2023-04-08) Kurt Jethro Roxas: This makes Youtube look more boring to look at, just as I wanted it. Now I spend way less time on the site and just watch the videos that I actually went to Youtube for. No more getting distracted by loud thumbnails and titles. One thing though: please add option to ignore upcoming livestreams/premieres when replacing thumbnails. I personally find its current placeholder thumbnail (dark grey box with three dots) a bit more attention-grabbing than leaving it untouched like with ongoing livestreams/premieres.
  • (2023-03-29) Esteban Edwards: Great
  • (2023-03-13) vladushonok64: Ну, в принципе ничего, просто заменили кастомные превью-миниатюры на обычные, а также есть установка прописных букв, но для меня это не интересно, лично мне понравился предпросмотр видео, но всё равно неплохо.
  • (2023-02-13) Эдуард Мендель: супер
  • (2023-01-21) Donovan Snead (donsnead): thanks for this every time i see a damn youtubers surprised face on the thumbnail it just makes me annoyed
  • (2023-01-20) Олеся Новикова: Everything was fine, recently on many videos, instead of a freeze frame, a black square, fix it, it doesn't bother but it's not familiar.
  • (2023-01-06) Woodlands Away (WoodlandsAway10): Absolutely Phenomenal
  • (2023-01-04) Petter Henriksson: This is a must-have extension. Trying to go back to watching YouTube without it makes me severely depressed.
  • (2023-01-01) Jack Cunningham (Frappe): Its a great extension to keep you on what you actually want to watch instead of hatewatching something because of clickbait. however.. there is one problem. On this very page if you scroll to the end you see a image so terrifying.... Its multiple thumbnails of Morgz and his family death staring the camera as they normally do.
  • (2022-12-30) Ravindu Dabarera: Thank you
  • (2022-12-11) Oussama Bernou: when the extension is enebled the youtube timeline is no longer working
  • (2022-12-10) Doggo: Amazing, just amazing.
  • (2022-11-27) LUKE BUSHAN: Works exactly as expected but the thumbnail bit does not appear to work on livestreams
  • (2022-11-26) User Name: This simple, yet effectual extension has single-handedly changed my life. I was just like everyone else, a couch and chair potato who would over stimulate themselves for hours a day, wasting weeks, months, even years on an app like youtube. It was like a trap, set by the many youtube creators to keep us in this cycle of spending more time on youtube and social media than having a quality experience in real life. Many people, including I, fell victim to this. The thoughtful creators have analyzed every single pixel to see what can get viewer's attention the most. But, only a few are able to escape this loop. It is once you realize that the clickbaity thumbnails and titles are what draws your attention, that you know you need to take action. Thankfully, this beautifully made extension exists. No one finds this extension, the extension finds you. Only when you are worthy enough. After being a Clickbait Remover for Youtube Enthusiast, I have noticed significant changes in my life such as my: Social Skills, Mental Strength, Physique, Health, and much much more. I am no longer the loser I once was, watching Youtube Videos for 6 hours a day. I have now reached the level where you open YouTube knowing exactly what need to watch (a skill that is nearly impossible for many). Never in my entire life have I thought that downloading a simple extension will drastically shape who I am today. And to the creator(s) of this extension, I gotta say you did pretty good. 5/5 Stars Absolutely Phenomenal
  • (2022-11-14) Jan Zaharov: Неожидано - Super крутой эффект преображения, после применения расширения на YouTube! Страницы приобрели четкий опрятный вид, заголовки видео выровнялись в общий более компактный стиль. Видио ролики "сняли маски" и теперь стало видно суть их содержания, то есть не обязательно загружать видио, ведь это время, чтобы увидеть о чем оно, теперь Все видно и ясно. Красота и порядок!... Спасибо Авторам.
  • (2022-11-12) H A: The idea is amazing.... but it doesn't work for me. Please keep going, it has great potential as youtube is becoming more and more a time stealer with annoying bs.
  • (2022-10-31) Vivi Tamasi: So useful I hate those silly "shocked reaction" clickbait stuff,one of my most needed addon heeh


40,000 history
4.5545 (211 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-09 / 0.9.1
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