Provides text analytics to the webpage using artificial intelligence to quickly find what you are looking for and save time
We read on average 15 articles a day but how much do we take from each of them. We often lose interest quickly and don't read the part of the article that matters. Crammer is a Chrome extension tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to analyse and find the key phrases of an article you are reading online. It then shows you the locations of key phrases you select so you can quickly find what you are looking for. ⚡
Think of it as a way of having a contents or glossary for a web page. 🔎
A popup appears over the web page once the text analytics has completed. The great part is that this popup is fully re-sizable and can be dragged anywhere when clicking on the 'Key Phrases' title. If it is getting in the way at all, there is a toggle switch button to hide and show the popup window.
BONUS #1 🎁: Able to perform analysis in 7 languages 🌍 and many more languages are on the way!
BONUS #2 🎁: Now shows a badge for each phrase displaying how many times it is mentioned on the web page!
Latest reviews
- (2022-12-23) Leo Rudá: I wanted to give it a good score, because it seems that it would be great.. if it worked for me. Unfortunately it does nothing when I click the analyze button. Could be a problem with me using Vivaldi, even though it does run on chromium and most extensions work fine imo. If there's something I could do to fix it, i'd love to hear about it. For those using Vivaldi, for now, unfortunately it doesn't work. 😕
- (2020-11-22) John Herring: Great tool for students
- (2019-09-15) Paul Walton: Very useful tool for reading articles in topics of interest
- (2019-08-20) Ruaridh Macleod: Extremely useful app that has saved me loads of time when reading articles, would definitely recommend!
- (2019-08-19) David O'Brien: Very useful tool.
- (2019-08-18) Maria S: Great extension!! haven’t been using it for too long but such a life saver! when writing papers for uni, most of the time I would end up reading quite a bit of irrelevant text hoping to find the information I was looking for, but with this extension it helps me save so much time as with the ‘key phrases’ I am able to pick out key words and go straight to the information that might suit me. Definitely recommend it to everyone!!