extension ExtPose

New Tab Studio: 倒計時,習慣,背景

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Description from extension meta

New tab 小部件:漂亮的背景,倒數計時器,待辦事項列表,習慣跟踪器,便箋,儀表板,照片,時鐘,最後期限,深色主題

Image from store New Tab Studio: 倒計時,習慣,背景
Description from store New Tab Studio是一個功能非常強大的應用程序,用於更改您的新標籤頁。您可以使用我們的小部件使其絕對任何設計,以提高您的生產力! 使用此信息中心擴展名(倒數,時鐘,引號,圖像,文本等)替換並自定義“新標籤”頁面。這將幫助您專注於主要目標或事件/截止日期並提高工作效率。在每個新標籤頁上提醒您的目標或事件,從而消除乾擾並消除拖延。 可用的小部件: 0)習慣追踪器 1)2個時鐘,日期小部件,模擬時鐘 2)倒計時 3)計數 4)文字 5)行情 6)圖片 7)工作區切換器 8)書籤 9)搜索欄 10)熱門網站 11)待辦事項清單 12)筆記 13)天氣 14)強大的背景選擇器(使用我們的背景收藏集之一,我們上傳您的照片或使用純色) 15)鏈接 16)Google網站 17)圖(矩形/線) 19)IFrame-貨幣換算器,股票價格,股票報價,國際象棋難題,有趣的事實,字典(Google翻譯),新聞,Trello,Asana,Jira,Reddit,Google日曆,新聞,Youtube,Facebook,Twitter,Wikipedia隨機文章, Instagram在新標籤中! 使用方式: 0)具有可自動更改背景的精美可自定義主題 1)養成每天的習慣並跟踪進度 2)添加時鐘,文本,引號,圖像小部件 3)添加任何待辦事項列表 4)添加書籤 5)更改小部件的位置,樣式和大小-製作自己獨特的設計,這將在每個替換的新標籤中激發您的靈感 6)假期倒數(生日,聖誕節,新年,萬聖節,感恩節) 7)活動倒數(婚禮,會議,發布,電影發布) 8)截止日期倒計時 9)目標倒計時 10)重要的日子倒計時 11)根據需要在不同模式下設置任何牆紙(HD,小,GIF) 12)顯示/隱藏倒數計時器,寫一些靈感語錄 13)黑暗主題 14)看板板 只需上傳您喜歡的圖像,設置標題和日期,然後拖放小部件即可:) --------------------- 發布功能: v。3.3.20: -新框架中的iframe-貨幣轉換器,股票價格,股票報價,國際象棋拼圖,有趣的事實,字典(Google翻譯),新聞,Trello,Asana,Jira,Reddit,Google日曆,新聞,Youtube,Facebook,Twitter,Wikipedia隨機文章,Instagram在新標籤中! v。3.3.19: -添加了感恩節壁紙 v。3.3.10: -UX改進 -模擬時鐘時區 v。3.3.9: -新奇的字體 v。3.3.8: -模擬時鐘 -倒數重複 -工作日倒計時 v。3.3.6: - 我的圖片庫。喜歡的照片的歷史記錄 v。3.3.3: -在待辦事項列表之間拖動任務(就像看板一樣) -撤消按鈕 v。3.2.9: -新徽標 v。3.2.8: -陰影渲染速度 v。3.2.6: -添加了演示視頻 v。3.2.5: -熱門網站小部件-添加大圖標 -上傳多張照片 -上傳照片的幻燈片顯示 -修復崩潰錯誤 -重新設計對話框 -重新加載後隱藏編輯面板 v。3.2.4: -許多性能改進(渲染時間,使用webp,倒數重構等) -矩形/線小部件 -搜索gif圖像 -書籤小部件 -Google鏈接小部件 -重新設計背景收藏(還添加了空間收藏) -在時鍾小部件中增加了第二個 -可以在“熱門網站”小部件中隱藏文本 -更柔和的​​文字陰影 -矩形圖像調整大小 v。3.2.3: -添加了習慣追踪器小部件 -待辦事項和註釋的禁用拼寫檢查器 v。3.2.2: -修正了城市名稱的天氣輸入 -修復佔位符的搜索欄輸入 -社交分享報價,壁紙 -改進了引號:固定引號,手動切換到下一個引號 -從主題市場安裝壁紙 v。3.2.1: -主題市場 -下拉小部件菜單 -重新設計工具箱 -克隆小部件 - 搜索欄 v。3.2.0: -響應式佈局 -美麗的預定義主題 v。3.1.2: -天氣小部件 -工作區小部件 v。3.1.0: -筆記小部件 -教程 -應用程序的新標題(New Tab Studio) v。3.0.9: -待辦事項清單 - 書籤 v。3.0.8: -背景等級(背景現在更漂亮了) v。3.0.4: -翻轉時鍾小部件 v。3.0.1: -喜歡/不喜歡圖片 -可拖動的熱門網站 v。3.0.0: -文本小部件 -時鍾小部件 -能夠更改小部件的樣式和位置 -圖片小部件 -新材料設計 -隨機背景的自定義間隔 v。2.0.8: -社交分享 v。2.0.0: -安裝嚮導 -隨機背景 -按類別(城市,旅行,自然,海灘,工作,汽車,假日,動物,女人,男人,人,建築,質地,靈性,實驗性)隨機分類的背景 -彩色背景 - 中文版 -圖像搜索優化 1.3.4版: -根據圖像大小自動檢測全屏或默認模式 -將小圖像保存到localStorage 1.3.3版: -i18n -俄語翻譯 1.3.2版: -分頁進行圖像搜索 1.3.1版: -上傳大圖像文件 1.2.9版: -全屏添加文字陰影選項 -通過unsplash服務搜索圖像 1.2.8版: -沒有圖像修復的全屏模式 -刪除預定義的事件 1.2.7版: -全屏文字顏色 1.2.6版: -熱門網站欄 1.2版。

Latest reviews

  • (2024-10-09) Masterdesign 360o: Después de llevar mucho tiempo utilizándola , puedo decir que hay cosas por mejorar pero cuando la hicieron , la hicieron muy bien , ayuda , es productiva, es liviana. Todo organizado , genios los creadores
  • (2024-04-22) Kimberly Stewart: This extension is awesome!! I love the multiple screens, the to do lists, all the options and I can use free or upgrade. It the best one I have come across for use with Chrome. Can't wait to discover all that it has to offer.
  • (2024-04-18) Michael Ondráček: I suck at trackings tasks in JIRA so this extensions is giving me exactly. What I need to see on new tab as I just write the highest priority tasks there and see them anytime I open new tab.
  • (2024-04-14) Xavier Li: Absolutely loving it, easy to use and is mostly free though with a few premium elements. It is THE best widgets I've used. It comes with so many tools and a high amounts of tools at your disposal though there are a significant amount of for-premium tools. For general usage, this extension covers all you need.
  • (2024-03-28) Rohan Vidhate: Nice extension. Really happy with it. Ty dev team.
  • (2024-03-24) Rebecca Cross: The best extension ever
  • (2024-03-13) David Ice: Perfekt, genau das wonach ich gesucht habe, Danke!
  • (2024-03-06) OJAS JADHAV: Just what I needed with enough customization :)
  • (2024-03-05) jhin budtaisong: the best
  • (2024-02-24) Mikhail Pluzhnik: recommended
  • (2024-02-12) ليلو: Love it, its simple yet effective
  • (2024-01-30) KIMO SUDA: Simple and beautiful
  • (2023-12-22) Jamruddin: Great extension, It helped me boost my productivity
  • (2023-12-19) Jayesh Kadam: useful
  • (2023-12-14) Cristian G. Brizuela V.: Excelente extensión, la mejor que he utilizado en mucho tiempo, y he probado muchas. Estoy pensando en conseguir la versión pro. Lo mejor, el nivel de personalización que permite y los widgets.
  • (2023-12-14) Surya Chetan: Greattt ! Wonderful experience
  • (2023-12-02) Ariel Figueroa: es muy simple y no es para nada complicado configurarlo al igual que otras extenciones, los felicito!!
  • (2023-11-22) Harshvardhan Singh: Great!!
  • (2023-11-15) Steve Vranyes: I've been waiting for this for a long time - a new tab experience that you can truly customize with the capabilities that matter.
  • (2023-11-09) Luis Matias: ¡Qué maravilla de extensión! Chrome debería haber pensado en esto hace años. Si lo llegan a implementar ojalá que sea comprándole el desarrollo al Creador y así se integre gratuitamente como una función nativa. Tiene muchos puntos positivos: Si eres desorganizado, te permite organizarte. Si eres creativo, te da rienda suelta a personalizarlo a tu gusto. Si eres olvidadizo, no deja que te olvides de lo que sea que apuntes. Si no tienes tiempo para personalizarla, solo entra a la tienda de la misma app para escoger una que te quede a tono. Simplemente fascinante.
  • (2023-11-09) hrithika chaudhary: helps alot
  • (2023-11-07) Bhavya Gala: cool!!
  • (2023-11-04) Михаил Н: The best. Simple THE BEST
  • (2023-10-28) 陳泓亦: perfectly fits my need i use one color for backgound to achieve the minimal theme i want
  • (2023-10-25) Ola Wojciechowska: Wspaniałe rozszerzenie dla Chrome'a! Jestem zachwycona, w końcu wszystko, czego potrzebuję do trzymania się swojego celu, mam w jednym miejscu :)
  • (2023-10-23) Barry Smith: This is a slick extension, it's really good. But not quite what I need personally, so I need to uninstall and only give it a 4. YOU should check it out for yourself.
  • (2023-10-10) Anna Kulikova: Столько времени прошло, а фокусировка при поиске так и не была введена. Разрабы, это же крайне неудобно, когда вкладку открываешь, нужно обязательно кликнуть курсором в поле поиска!!! Сделайте по аналогии в расширении HOMEY!!! И будете лучшими! 10.10.23 - Впрочем, а воз ы ныне там...
  • (2023-10-09) Jean Celeste Deita: Helps me become organized, time conscious, and productive!
  • (2023-10-06) Magali Sanchez: amo esta extension, para mi que soy desorganizada me ha ayudado totalmente con los recursos que propone,la recomiendo sin dudas
  • (2023-09-27) A Nguyen: Finally, a new tab extension that doesn't require a ridiculous amount of privacy bypasses / permissions -- since the post popular ones seem to require reading every website you visit and changing your bookmarks. This one WILL ask for additional permissions if a certain widget requires it, but that's mostly on the user's discretion. I highly appreciate that it's customizable, but I'm doing a minimalistic setup for now (weather, Time search bar). Rating will stay at 5 as long as the app stays this way and the devs don't ask for more sussy things.
  • (2023-09-26) Ann Foo Seong: LOVE THIS
  • (2023-09-14) Kaliyl Riano: Its nice I really like it but theres a problem and i sent invites to my friends and they logged in already but it still says waiting and i change the time of the slideshow of the image widget to 5 minutes and when i check it it still says 6 hours soi please fix those two problems i mentioned and I'll give this a 5 star thanks
  • (2023-09-09) Danis: БЕСИТ ТО-ЧТО ОГРАНИЧЕНИЕ НА 5 ВИДЖЕТОВ!!!
  • (2023-08-31) Ves Saphia: Customizable but I don't know why there always has to be some caveat. Got my hopes up that we'd be able to use gifs as visual bookmarks because New Tab Studio even makes gifs available as backgrounds (i mean, ... yes, it crops images rather than applying as a fill / full screen image, and only changes images, at least, every 5 minutes rather than every minute [every minute being better for testing), also it seems to keep reverting back to the default 6 hours interval for me anyway) but unlike all the other new tab pages, this one doesn't even allow us to customize the visual bookmarks with our own images at all. Instead it automatically just uses whatever the site's own e.g. favicon is. The latter issue defeats the purpose for me.
  • (2023-08-16) Robert Sieger: Love this app, very useful, love using the countdowns for various tasks!
  • (2023-08-16) VinceP 85: C'est pas mal comme extension! Mais ça serait bien de mettre plusieurs catégorie pour nos fonds d'écrans! Et de pouvoir mettre en français aussi!
  • (2023-08-10) kulwinder kaur: This was actually really good! If i could rate this 6 stars, I would!
  • (2023-08-07) Ajitha Adinath: I have been using Momentum for 8yr, I accidentally discovered this one, and it is better in every way. A big thank you to the developers.
  • (2023-08-01) Nyiko Mpenyana: No issues whatsoever on my end. Pleasantly surprised.
  • (2023-07-30) Vishal Choudhary: LOVE THIS EXTENSION FOR MY WINDOWS
  • (2023-07-29) Axolti: Good, love it!
  • (2023-07-28) Ana Vitória: Super light and easy to use, I just have a suggestion, if it is possible, it would be nice to have the Portuguese language in the application. But apart from the fact that it doesn't have this language, the app is great <3
  • (2023-07-18) Jarrah J: It's not free! I spent hours customising it to my uni schedule only to hit a paywall, which was not mentioned anywhere in the documentation or video trailer. Conning people into paying for a free app is real low.
  • (2023-06-29) JERRY MAE CASTRO: Nice One
  • (2023-06-27) Rover SETI: Отличное приложение ! Всех благ разработчикам !
  • (2023-06-25) Thisuni Nesathnie: A great app !! have everything you need I really like this. thank u sm
  • (2023-06-11) Ashish Dubey: Yes..it a great platform. It helped me a lot.
  • (2023-06-10) Haritha A: I love it
  • (2023-05-28) Ebony Hardy: great


40,000 history
4.8461 (1,358 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-05 / 3.5.10
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