extension ExtPose

Chuck Anderson

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Chuck Anderson é um artista e designer oriundo de Chicago, Illinois, e actualmente <a viver em Grand Rapids, Michigan. A trabalhar…

Image from store Chuck Anderson
Description from store Chuck Anderson é um artista e designer oriundo de Chicago, Illinois, e actualmente <a viver em Grand Rapids, Michigan. A trabalhar sob o nome de NoPattern, Chuck trabalhou com clientes como a Vans, Reebok, Mountain Dew, Microsoft, Warner Brothers e ESPN. Pode adquirir o seu trabalho em www.npandco.com.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-05-26) Alexander: Пользуюсь этой темой с 2010г. Самая оптимальная тема, без всяких ненужных украшательств.
  • (2023-04-08) hcj906: 看不膩的主題!!! 喜歡這樣有點設計感又不覺得複雜!!!
  • (2023-01-06) Changseop Shin: 이거만한게 없습니다. 돌고돌다 다시 돌아왔어요.
  • (2022-12-17) Шерше С: Пользуюсь данной темой много лет, на столько привык, что другие темы вообще не нравятся! 5/5
  • (2022-12-09) mistery hormone: 用了很多很多年,突然有一天失误换了别的主题,让我失魂落魄的翻找5小时才终于找回的主题
  • (2022-10-28) Gaston Alejandro Gimenez: Lo amo! Lo desinstalé por error y estuve media hora buscándolo porque no recordaba el nombre y lo quería de vuelta :)
  • (2022-08-27) M P: simple y lindo
  • (2022-05-19) Jesus Andres Tavizon Pozos: Es el mejor tema. Discreto, buenos colores, brillos necesarios.
  • (2022-01-09) YU: 右上角的按鈕變得很不明顯
  • (2021-11-30) 易泉: 已经用了很多年,但是你们咋通过评论找到的啊。 It has been used for many years, but how did you find it through the comments?
  • (2021-09-26) Hu xin: 一直用这款
  • (2021-08-14) kou ra: 用了8年了
  • (2021-08-07) N: Любимая тема уже много лет. Нет ни одной другой, которую захотелось бы оставить дольше, чем на пять минут.
  • (2021-07-30) Yiii Little: 不管换哪个感觉 都比不过这个
  • (2021-07-09) Alexander Berezhnoy: 10 years have gone, looks like it is a time to find something a better maintained. And darker. Love space and minimalism
  • (2021-02-16) Chris Quarrie: Best theme in existence. Only adds colour to the top, above tabs, NOT on the tabs, and crucially, NOT in the Bookmarks bar. Love it.
  • (2021-02-14) Quandale: Its the theme that mister Anomaly uses so it's fire
  • (2021-01-29) Zo Schlemper: Its beautiful, but on a 4K monitor and with Windows 10's button style, the white part completely covers the miniminze / maximize / close buttons so that you can't see them at all, and it gets very annoying having to guess which button to press all the time
  • (2020-11-10) 김미정: 모든테마를 다 보았는데, 이것으로 최종결정했습니다. 숨은듯한 매력에 한순간 빠져든 기분... ㅎ 감각있는 디자인 감사합니다~
  • (2020-09-24) Zoe Butzke: Perfect simplicity for top. I can see the taps and it's still pretty. Also able to make art whatever I want, so all in all completely perfect for some personalization. 10/10
  • (2020-08-28) Dmitry Henta: Юзаю эту тему последние 9 лет, вообще не представляю Хром без нее.
  • (2020-08-04) Matt Han: I've been using this theme for almost 10 years, I use and only use this one.
  • (2020-07-03) Viking X: 一晃好多年过去了,还在用这个主题
  • (2020-04-04) Tara Steinke Rebello (Josie): Goes beautifully with the "Surreal Territory" (?) Windows 10 Theme Chuck did.
  • (2020-03-27) Jim Sparrow: One of the best theme! Using it for like forever!
  • (2020-03-11) Thomas Skall: I've used it since 2011
  • (2020-03-10) knightry: Amazing. Been my theme for many years. Stands the test of time. Thank you to the creator!
  • (2020-03-07) Xebulin Music: Absolute favorite design. I have used it on over 3 different computers and over 5 years. I will always search and use this one. Big love
  • (2019-12-08) Cheng Ying Lu: 無法再用其他主題 乾淨脫俗清新
  • (2019-11-02) Jack K: The absolute best. I hunt it down every time I need to refresh my OS.
  • (2019-09-21) N Stone: Had this theme for years and decided to change it today. I didn't bother to look at the name of this one and I spent the last two hours trying to find it again. The silver with eh splash of color at the top is just perfect and there's no proper replacement for me.
  • (2019-09-13) Minhaz Ami: Best possible lovely theme for a browser!
  • (2019-09-09) Aw Guo: Always love.
  • (2019-08-10) luis yer: Es sencillo y amigable con los ojos, no todo tiene que ser extravagante y altamente saturado
  • (2019-06-30) Joel Nogueira: Meu tema favorito! Parabéns aos desenvolvedores.
  • (2019-06-26) Juan David Guerrero Bulla: es un asco no imbentes le doy 0 estrellas
  • (2019-06-14) sfernan garroj: Hace rato que no tenia tema en el navegador, lo actualicé y entonces aproveche para darle pinta; cheque varios, pero dejé este de Chuck Anderson ya que me permite una navegación agradable a la vista por su minimalismo, además; esos grises degradados e intervalos de color claro/oscuro sobre el mouse me parecen muy acertados para esta interfaz. En definitiva; lo más indicado entre un tema ni completamente oscuro ni totalmente claro. Gran trabajo, gracias!!
  • (2019-05-21) Aure Díaz: Elegante, agradable, bonito, llevo con él muchos años y sigue siendo mi favorito
  • (2019-05-11) moises garcia: sencillo agradable a la vista
  • (2019-04-20) 陆锋: 超级棒,一直用这一款主题,现在竟然在艺术家作品里面找不到了
  • (2019-04-11) Fausto Saccone: Simple y minimalista, con lindos colores. Características que lo hacen genial.
  • (2019-03-27) Влогер техаський рейнджер: i like it/
  • (2019-03-24) Es el tema que más me ha gustado. Porque sin ser demasiado recargado tiene un diseño vanguardista y futurista. Lo que andaba buscando. Muy bueno.
  • (2019-03-15) Aegon Lu: 很喜欢这个主题背景
  • (2019-03-06) Vak Css Cordova: le da el toque mozilla
  • (2018-12-18) Illa: Have been using it for years. It is not only beautiful on its own but mainly other themes are only backgrounds. This actually changed the color of the tab background and in a really nice non-intrusive way. However the new Chrome update has ruined this beautiful theme.
  • (2018-12-10) Vratislav Novák: Motiv je fajn, jen jedna, ale podstatná chyba mně tam vadí! A to, že horní lišta má pozadí vpravo tak světlé, že nejsou vidět tlačítka pro minimalizaci, zvětšení a zavření (bílé na bílém)...
  • (2018-11-17) Ethan Chen: 原来我已经使用这个主题7年了,时间过得很快。几乎没有更换过主题。
  • (2018-11-10) 磊磊: 不知不觉用这款主题7年了...
  • (2018-10-29) Kelvin: Very good and I use this theme since Chrome born but I switch to dark theme because win10 doesnt look nice on the corne of windows right top. it looks a bit light and I cant see symbol from minimize, maximum and close.


20,000 history
4.65 (3,111 votes)
Last update / version
2011-10-11 / 3
Listing languages
