Kleine Aktionen, große Wirkung. Mit OceanHero hilft jeder Tab oder jede Suche, das Meeresleben zu schützen, die Ozeane zu reinigen…
✨✨✨ Neuigkeiten: Entdecke den OceanHero-Chatbot! 🌟
Betrieben mit erneuerbarer Energie, ist der Chatbot dein Begleiter, um unsere Ozeane zu schützen. Er beantwortet deine Fragen, gibt praktische Tipps für ein nachhaltiges Leben und zeigt dir, wie kleine Taten Großes bewirken können.
🤝 Mach mit: Über 100.000 Menschen setzen ein Zeichen
Gemeinsam haben wir bereits mehr als 60 Millionen Plastikflaschen aus den Ozeanen entfernt. Damit schützen wir Meeresbewohner, reduzieren Plastikverschmutzung und fördern nachhaltige Lebensweisen. Jede Suche und jeder Tab trägt zu einem saubereren Planeten bei.
⭐️ Kleine Taten, große Veränderungen
Der Ozean gibt uns mehr als die Hälfte des Sauerstoffs, den wir atmen, und stabilisiert unser Klima. Mit OceanHero kannst du jeden Tag etwas zurückgeben – einfach, kostenlos und effektiv.
Schon fünf Suchanfragen oder 17 geöffnete Tabs entfernen im Durchschnitt eine Plastikflasche aus dem Ozean.
✨ Jede Suche zählt. Sie unterstützt direkt Säuberungsprojekte, die Plastik entfernen und das Meeresleben schützen.
🐋 Unsere Mission: Die Ozeane retten, den Planeten schützen
Der Ozean ist die Lebensader unseres Planeten. Von Meeresschildkröten bis zu Korallenriffen – Millionen von Arten sind auf sauberes Wasser angewiesen. OceanHero hilft dir, deine täglichen Online-Gewohnheiten in echte Veränderungen für die Umwelt zu verwandeln.
Zusammen können wir Plastikverschmutzung reduzieren, Aufräumaktionen finanzieren und langfristig zum Schutz der Meere beitragen. Gemeinsam gestalten wir eine nachhaltige Zukunft.
👥 Unsere Partner
Wir arbeiten mit Organisationen wie Plastic Bank und World Free Oceans zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass jede Plastikflasche, die gesammelt wird, eine nachhaltige Wirkung hat.
Einige Initiativen, die wir unterstützen:
✦ Gemeinschaftliche Strandreinigungen, die jährlich Tonnen von Plastik entfernen.
✦ Programme zur Wiederverwendung und zum Recycling von Plastik.
✦ Innovative Projekte, die verhindern, dass Plastik überhaupt ins Meer gelangt.
🎯 Das bietet OceanHero:
✦ Individuelles Browsing: Beeindruckende HD- und Video-Hintergründe für inspirierendes Surfen.
✦ Chatbot mit erneuerbarer Energie: Dein intelligenter Assistent mit Tipps zum Schutz der Ozeane.
✦ Live-Zähler: Verfolge in Echtzeit, wie viele Plastikflaschen du bereits entfernt hast.
✦ Anpassbare Modi: Helle und dunkle Designs für ein ablenkungsfreies Erlebnis.
✦ Spaß und Entspannung: Minispiele und soziale Funktionen, die den Schutz des Meereslebens fördern.
✦ Nachhaltiges Suchen: Unterstütze echte Aufräumaktionen mit jedem Klick.
🔒 Deine Privatsphäre, unser Versprechen
Dein Vertrauen ist uns wichtig:
✦ SSL-verschlüsselte Suchanfragen für maximale Sicherheit.
✦ Nur die Berechtigungen, die für die beste Nutzung erforderlich sind.
✦ Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.
🌊 Bereit, etwas zu bewegen?
Füge OceanHero zu deinem Browser hinzu und verwandle dein tägliches Surfen in sinnvolle Aktionen. Unterstütze Ozeanreinigungen, schütze marine Ökosysteme und trage zu einer nachhaltigen Zukunft bei – ganz ohne deine Gewohnheiten zu ändern.
Latest reviews
- (2021-08-31) Josee Boissonneault: I woke up today and was greeted by a picture of baby turtles. They have an option now, that lets you choose which search engine you want to use, while still saving bottles. Saving oceans, free minigames, search engine of your choice, positive messages, and baby turtles. Add it.
- (2021-08-07) A Mun: this is an amazing browser extension and an amazing way to help the world!
- (2021-04-14) Maddie King: I enjoy the concept but have found a lot of issues. The collect with friends function does not work, I am unable to see how many my friends have collected. The Mini games don't work either. Overall I like it, it would just be nice for the bugs to be fixed.
- (2021-04-13) Jingru Xu: This is a great extension, and anyone can help reduce poverty and save the oceans at the same time, without even donating money! Thank you Oceanhero developers.
- (2021-04-04) Beniwal577 Studios: It is awesome and helps the ocean and its nice but my problem is when I do big calculations it shows a error so I have to use google.
- (2021-04-02) Emily Pan: This app is awesome, I've used it for about three weeks now, and I've collected a lot of bottles. To give you a general idea, it's a search engine just like google. I also really like the ocean mode, it gives you a ocean feeling to your search... if you know what that feels like ( By the way, if you really like protecting the Earth, there is also a app that's called Ecosia, I've been using it for the last 2 years, it's a search engine that plant trees. The only reason I don't use it anymore, because I personally think the ocean needs more protection) Hope that's helpful ! :}
- (2021-03-31) Rebecca Lin: It was working really well before, but then it broke down. It said to reinstall it, and i did, but now, everytime my mouse hovers over anything the screen shakes.
- (2021-02-25) Snaker Gaming: the search engine is great, but every time i have to uninstall it (because it breaks) i cant recover my account. it sucks and i cant log in from these idiots
- (2021-02-10) Luka V: I love the ocean and the settings for this makes it beautiful also pls sub to my yt https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs6i_aN34JqeECYjL6G2gzA
- (2021-02-03) cait ng: I loved this, and I feel like I'm really helping the ocean from home, instead of picking up trash directly. I know some people are saying that only 50% of the profits go to help, but they need that money for ads, and to pay the well deserved workers. Some people don't care about climate change because they don't know how its going to affect them in the future. By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean, so why not help my simply clicking add to chrome, and searching up things like definitions of words that you don't know? Except for the fact that you can now have cute underwater pictures instead of boring white google background, nothing really changes, other than the fact that one water bottle is being removed because of searching stuff up. If you're looking through the comments, deciding if you should add this extension, I would say go for it! If you're looking for something to keep your mom from telling you that you're doing nothing but on your computer instead of video gaming? This is the perfect extension for you
- (2021-01-19) Rogie Jovenal: I absolutely love it, works amazing and a great way to make a small difference effortlessly.
- (2021-01-11) Cringe Squad: I think its amazing that this site lets you help change the world! Climate change is a HUGE issue in todays world. Climate change is real. Its time to act. This site actually helps the world! We need to change this world so future generations live in a beautiful world! This is a song I found that hopefully changes everyone that won't help with climate change:We’re killing the earth and that’s really fun no one believes us because we are young our forests are turning to ash in a second, ask California they’ll tell you about it, they’ll tell you bout how they’ve lost all their homes while Trump turns a blind eye and tweets on his phone! Global warmings and expensive little hoax for the last time this is not a joke! Our factory’s are working toxins emitting the ozone is crumbling and we won’t stop putting, chemicals in what we’re trying to breathe, our future is stolen, and we are the thieves, sea levels are rising and icebergs are melting the coral reefs are dying and no one is helping! Don’t you realize they keep the ocean alive? This started in 1985! Don’t come to me when your child cant think, of what a tiger is 'cause they're extinct, don’t cry to me when your fur coat ain’t clean the endangered list is now 41,416. Dear 2045, I don’t think we’re gonna survive if you end up hearing this story I just wanna say, I’m sorry. That's the song! And its starts with Were and ends with Sorry. Were Sorry!
- (2021-01-08) Nathan Chen: I love how I am saving the oceans! I HIGHLY recommend this search engine to anyone and everyone! Keep up the GREAT work Ocean Hero!! :D
- (2020-12-26) klara young: amazing idea and its a super simple way to help the environment
- (2020-12-04) Maxwell's Piano: really, this is the same thing as google, only your helping the ocean. So would you rather have google or google PLUS help the ocean? I would pick the second one.
- (2020-12-04) Ethan: I love it. No complaints at all.
- (2020-11-19) Cool person: Ok like I know you see 4 stars but I really like the concept of this extension but I'm having a slight difficulty that I do not know how to fix since I've tried a lot of things. I cannot change the backround from a slightly annoying "website" screen or a blue and black screen that makes it hard for me to read things. Other than that it's GREAT and it sounds like a really nice way to help oceans reduce plastic and waste inside of them!!!
- (2020-11-11) william cullimore: save the turtles
- (2020-11-09) pog champ (not pog): its great, faster than google and looks pretty
- (2020-11-04) Eulalia Goluboff: I would totally recommend Ocean Hero. It keeps all the features of Google, but it helps the environment. Also it adds great new tab wallpapers.
- (2020-10-24) Mary Miller: This Extension is AMAZING. You're helping the earth and saving the oceans❤️
- (2020-10-20) Lexie Koay Eblaghie: It was working amazingly until today when it glitched and I couldn't use it anymore to search anything.
- (2020-09-18) Imogen Clark: i did not get to record myself so i could not find what i was looking for
- (2020-08-30) Sophia Lunsford: Great cause! I love this and it makes me happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2020-08-23) Evan Antony: best search engine!!! (Including ecosia.)
- (2020-08-18) Gerold Russello: Great idea, and I use it all the time. A few problems though. 1) There is no MS Edge version, so I need to install the chrome version on my edge browser. 2) When Duckduckgo is installed it overrides Oceanhero as the default. There is no way to have both Duckduckgo installed (to block trackers) and Oceanhero (to search via the address bar <<Specifically). When both are installed and you do a search in the address bar, Duckduckgo results show up, not Oceanheros. PLEASE COME UP WITH A SOLUTION OCEAN HERO!
- (2020-08-16) Kelly Martin: OceanHero gives very accurate searches and for every five searches, that's one less piece of plastic. OceanHero is awesome because its totally free. If you want to know how they make money click this link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icv88p42UD0&feature=youtu.be
- (2020-08-14) Hira Fasih: look, i really want to help sav the ocean but ocean hero has literally ruined my life
- (2020-08-12) VmXtra: A simple way to contribute, I love it.
- (2020-08-08) Klaegh: very easy to install and works extremely fast with a fun and optional background. you'll probably hardly notice the difference from google or your current browser but whatever changes you do see are either beneficial to you or are hardly of any negative impact compared to the positive impact of Ocean Hero. I %100 recommend installing this browser extension.
- (2020-08-08) Matteo Cunningham: there is nothing like a search engine that genuinely cares about the privacy and security of the user, and also cleans up oceans. 10/10
- (2020-08-06) Aryan C: Save the Planet pls
- (2020-08-05) Rebecca Gadberry: I LOVE IT
- (2020-08-05) More people and institutions need to get with this search engine!
- (2020-08-05) Dem 5 Random People: This should be up there with the big boi Ecosia. Honestly, I would choose to save lives than to plant trees. This is actually better than Ecosia, for Ocean Hero removes plastic for 5 searches, and Ecosia does 30 searches to plant 1 tree.
- (2020-08-04) harpreet datta: Ocean Hero is sssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.
- (2020-07-29) Stephanie Hammer: This app is amazing! They use 50% of profits to help save the ocean life! They have to pay workers Which I understand. I've used this app on all my tech that I can! I've been clicking on the ads just so I can save the Oceans. I've used this app for about a year now and I love it!
- (2020-07-29) シシy̶o̶u̶r̶ r̶a̶n̶d̶o̶m̶ p̶r̶i̶n̶c̶e̶s̶s̶: if you think about it we are the aliens to this planet cause remeber the animals were here first now we took over it and we are killing it thats unfair so yeah.
- (2020-07-28) phoebe neel: There is absolutely NO reputable third party information that this company does what they say they do. I switched to Ecosia (same idea - search engine charity but they plant trees instead) because they publish their financials and PROVE that they make the donations they say they do, and Snopes even did an investigation on them and validated their claims. This could easily be a scam and nobody would be the wiser. Use Ecosia instead
- (2020-07-26) The Deer YT: I thought that it was a great idea. But when you use it it actually never works. After you do 15 searches it stops. This leads me to believe it is fake!!!
- (2020-07-25) Lucy Hansen: When I use this extension it the very same as using Chrome and so I am very very very very happy that I am able to save the oceans and fish and sharks and whales and turtles and Many other animals.
- (2020-07-24) Neopolitan Torchwik: I'm surprised this is safe and helping the ocean, if your reading this review get it, they remove 1 plastic bottle from the ocean every five searches with money from ads, this needs to be used by the whole work, you even get HD amazing backgrounds of the ocean unlike chrome were you can add your own images, it ends up blurry in chrome but i mean, who doesn't want ocean wallpapers? chrome doesn't have it which is unfair, you can also save bottles with searches in groups with your friends and save more together!
- (2020-07-24) Annie Zhang: SUCKS
- (2020-07-23) Kayden: Once you added as extension it put a virus on your search engine and i removed the extension but it still is using that instead of google which was set as my default search engine
- (2020-07-23) Siddhanth Bharadwaj: Im giving it 5 stars because it is takeing the money every search gives them into cleaning the 18 BILLION pounds of plastic in the ocean, If you like the sea animals and turtles like me then use ocean hero to save the turtles and the other sea animals
- (2020-07-22) Murray Benswa: i love OceanHero! im a big "save the world" type person and when i saw the ad i didn't even hesitate!
- (2020-07-18) Anas Playz M English: amazing!! think of how many searches their are each day everyone should click ADD TO CHROME I just hope this is true tho
- (2020-07-18) joey crump: this is sooooooo cool it is free but it helps the ocean
- (2020-07-18) Fermin.B. Sakamoto: there was a few bugs and told you things when you were resarching things but i dont care becouse there saving the planet
- (2020-07-14) Meredith Camet: I deleted it because it wasn't the same as normal google and it would not go away. i removed my extension but nothing happend. I like the idea of it but it wont remove. How do i remove it?? i tried doing what it said, nothing happend. I removed the extension... Again nothing happend. Please help.