extension ExtPose

Vivienne Westwood

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Description from extension meta

Vivienne Westwood ha fet de dissenyadora durant gairebé 40 anys i se la reconeix com una de les dissenyadores de moda més influents…

Image from store Vivienne Westwood
Description from store Vivienne Westwood ha fet de dissenyadora durant gairebé 40 anys i se la reconeix com una de les dissenyadores de moda més influents d'avui dia. El característic logotip en forma d'esfera que es va utilitzar al disseny simbolitza el traspàs de la tradició al futur.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-20) Beauen Wang: 很棒
  • (2023-06-25) Ulrich Becker: Very happy
  • (2023-03-27) 蒼翼: 不過強制白色背景希望有暗色版本
  • (2023-03-10) Henrique Tinoco: Já uso esse tema há uns 5 anos, não troco por nada, simples e maravilhoso!
  • (2023-03-09) Tina Bacot: Umm. It looked so pretty and I liked it at first after installing...then I looked at a home page and saw all these wild lines and strange scribbles in what looked like heavy smeared marker. Looking closer it appears the image to have been an attempt at a doodle of a flower. I don't like that part at all. I really love the color scheme. I just wished they had left off the smeared doodles. I'd have preferred small pretty fashion icons. Just my opinion.
  • (2023-01-20) Suporte @TH: Tema simples mas fica lindo nas barras de tarefas.
  • (2022-10-18) Mauricio Santos: Tema simples e incrível!
  • (2022-05-12) Mason R: I've been using this theme since ~2010. There's just something I like about it. I have no idea who Vivienne Westwood is, but the theme looks nice. Although, I'm thinking of finally changing it after 12 years lol. On Windows 10 and Chrome versions newer than a few years ago, it's hard to see the minimize, resize, and close buttons. The Chrome user button is also hard to find, as it's not visible at all! I know where they are, so it hasn't been much of a problem. But before you use this theme, just know that it was designed for Chrome over 10 years ago, not Chrome today.
  • (2021-11-18) Yousef Mostafa: Amazing i really love it , Thank you
  • (2021-06-15) Marce Zam Leo: El mejor tema del mundo :D lo seguiré usando para siempre <3
  • (2021-03-08) taruu: Los colores son agradables de ver, pues los tonos son parecidos por lo que no molestan los ojos si uno utiliza chrome por mucho tiempo. El diseño del fondo es precioso y genera una sensación de calma y, por más chistoso que suene, de elegancia. Definitivamente un tema que se usaría si es que quieres que Chrome se vea más formal sin que sea fome xd.
  • (2020-12-02) Edite Volineca: Amazing! You can see all the text, active tabs and have a cool drawing showing at all times.
  • (2020-11-23) Yusuf Taha UÇAR: mükemmel tam oluyor sade ve hoş oldukça minimal
  • (2020-09-01) Waleska Crosara: Muito bonito
  • (2020-07-22) Kacper Grabowy: Uwielbiam
  • (2020-07-17) Candace: 百看不膩!
  • (2020-07-02) delfi farachi: lo quiero sacar y no me deja
  • (2020-03-08) Ethel Hao: very artistic and unique! love this theme!
  • (2020-02-15) Elias Pelayo: muchos años y me sigue gustando
  • (2019-10-25) Angela Nichols: As soon as this theme popped up on my address bar and all, my eyes were so pleased, I can't even remember if I said wow and yes to myself or out-loud; that's how much I like this theme. I'm no fan of all blues but some blues mixed with white like this reminds me of gorgeous plates in the China cabinets and kitchens that you would find in southern Georgia today and a half century ago also probably. My first glance also was very peaceful and comforting to me because I grew up around a dining room table full of great food, love, and my closest loved ones many a day and these memories bring such peace and warmth to my heart. Thank-you for creating this fantastic theme.
  • (2019-10-11) Hana: Sobre, la touche de personnalisation parfaite.
  • (2019-07-21) benwei lu: so beautiful
  • (2019-05-11) tortoiselove: 右上の×◯_が見づらくてしようがない。
  • (2019-04-22) Loenne555: Mein Chrome Design seit 2008. Sattes Tiefblau, schöne abstrakte Muster, nicht aufdringlich, aber immer deutlich sichtbar. Alltime-Favorite, Chrome geht für mich nicht ohne Viviennes Design...
  • (2019-02-22) "Westwood." - a psychopath in westwood suits.
  • (2019-02-15) Kohl Meeks: I've been using this theme for years. Every time I think I should change things up, I can't find a theme that even begins to compare to how awesome this theme is. Such a fun pattern for the top bar, but with solid and easy to read tabs. Cannot recommend this theme enough, I wish that more themes put as much thought and attention to detail into their design.
  • (2019-02-12) Виталий Чумаков: Фон скучноват,но на 4 потянет.
  • (2019-01-20) Madhav Nayak: I love the theme. But it's too pixelated on my macbook's screen. I'm not sure if I'm the dummy or something is wrong with the theme itself.
  • (2019-01-15) bibinkac: It´s hard to seen icons in the rigt top corner (minimalize, maximalize, close window)
  • (2018-11-22) Yousef Joe: i love it and i will never change it
  • (2018-11-01) Lilo von Weissenfels: MY STYLE FOR EVER; THANK YOU VIVIENNE
  • (2018-10-11) Artur Bereśniewicz: The best theme ever
  • (2018-10-02) FYLGJA BANSHEE: 很美很美!很優雅!
  • (2018-07-14) Asama Alhashem: I remember using this theme years ago,and I still love it.
  • (2018-07-11) 大漠知秋: 用了最久的主题,超级棒,感谢
  • (2018-05-20) Himanshi Dhawan: Fell in love with the ablaze blue color of the tabs as well as the graffiti of UFO in the background. On a whole, the theme looks super cool!!! Cheers!
  • (2018-05-08) Тимур Бикинеев: Приятная
  • (2018-04-13) J.D. Crilly: Love this theme don't normally go for blue but the simplicity of this one appeals to me, everything on the address and task bar are very easily seen
  • (2018-01-20) Hanz Hacar: Love this theme! Mostly the background design on the top and seems clean and cozy.
  • (2017-12-24) py chen: 简单美丽,非常喜欢
  • (2017-11-24) Moon Devil: great i love it
  • (2017-10-16) Daryl Lim: Lovin' it
  • (2017-09-20) Ketan Gandhi: Tab color is very dark. Not Visible.


10,000 history
4.6936 (1,214 votes)
Last update / version
2011-10-11 / 2
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