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Marlies Dekkers is a Dutch lingerie designer whose designs are seen internationally as pioneering, trendsetting and innovative. The…
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Description from store
Marlies Dekkers is a Dutch lingerie designer whose designs are seen internationally as pioneering, trendsetting and innovative. The traditional romantic lace and ribbon make way for a strong ensemble of lines, layers and subtle cut-outs in unexpected places. Marlies Dekkers designs lingerie to please women…
Latest reviews
- (2024-11-23) Kari Norton: It's now 2024, and I STILL love this theme! love this theme
- (2023-12-07) UPD 2023. Сижу с 2011 года)
- (2023-11-08) nandoztx: uso a mais de 10 anos, simples e bonito;
- (2023-07-26) Raquel Martinez Salleras: SIEMPRE lo utilizo prácticamente desde que lo creó soy la única que cuando ya no tiene nada más que hacer cruza los ojos y usa el fondo como 3D? es un efecto que tiene nombre que no recuerdo pero es algo genial!
- (2023-07-02) Sava`nt: Пропал фон на сервис вкладке жаль. Похоже новое обновление браузера убрало данную фичу отображения темы...
- (2023-06-24) Pedro Vasconcellos: Been using it for a decade now
- (2023-04-19) #: Llevo años con este tema, alfin pude encontrarlo, lo había sacado por accidente. Es hermoso.
- (2023-04-01) Taraji, Mohammad Borhan: updated on 2011 but i still use it to this day (im 9 years old)
- (2023-03-28) Narda Ornelas: Nice!!!!! =D I has been using this one since 07/May/2017 and still in love!!!!
- (2023-03-24) Ted Res: Шикарная тема. Только через несколько лет рассмотрел фею и саксофониста.
- (2022-12-29) UnclePlaying: 最喜歡背景,深色、紋路很有質感。
- (2022-12-05) Carlos Martínez (Daahrien): I have used it sice around 2009? Not sure. But it is my favorite.
- (2022-08-30) Валентина Журова: Cool
- (2022-07-29) Jeremy R: had it for years. simple and clean
- (2022-05-30) ariela Bautista: bonito XD
- (2022-04-14) Sofía: Es mi tema favorito
- (2022-04-07) briannahoney: I've searched through like all the themes and this is defiantly the best. I love how simple but elegant it is.
- (2022-01-10) hjh h: Very nice theme.
- (2022-01-07) YoDexxter: Just Perfect!
- (2021-11-25) Артемий Шмедов: на века!
- (2021-11-03) Robin VanGilder: I've been using this theme for a decade, and I still love it.
- (2021-05-27) 邱瓊瑤: 用了很久,是我最喜歡的背景。
- (2021-05-22) Gabriel Macedo: Melhor Tema
- (2021-05-04) Αναστασια Μανου: omg this is soo kawaii!!! 🌸📸
- (2021-04-26) Viktoria Shein: Любимая! Много лет стоит! Сначала на ноуте, теперь на рабочем компе. Иногда хотелось сменить, но всегда возвращаюсь к этой.
- (2021-01-12) Irina ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ: The prettiest theme on here. Really love the victorian gothic vibes ♥
- (2021-01-07) grande puffo: ormai lo uso da anni, ogni tanto cambio ma poi torno sempre su questo. Non riesco a stancarmelo! Qualcuno ha notato che la trama si può vedere anche come nei quadri 3D.
- (2020-12-17) wherearetheavocados: underrated.
- (2020-12-03) Salado M: buenisimo muy muy elegante y no espacioso
- (2020-11-21) Mean Yl: Nickel
- (2020-09-04) Micheal White: 百看不厌
- (2020-08-10) Charles Yuan: 选了好久,这个一眼相中
- (2020-07-25) Ya Yun Tsui: Fabulous
- (2020-07-19) Gizella Miklósi: Örökké csodás, nemcsak szép is :) TETSZIK NEKEM ÖRÖKKÉ
- (2020-07-18) Murad Alim: Opened chrome and saw that my theme disappeared i was like i lost something dear, omg i think i'm crying, no, just kiddin, but still one of first themes i just cant live without this theme, thanks Marlies!
- (2020-04-16) P M: This has been my forever theme, but suddenly it's making the URL bar black in Chrome and I can't bear it. What changed?? Please change it back!
- (2020-02-29) МаркVen: ок
- (2019-09-22) Misael Gómez: la hé tenido varios años
- (2019-08-22) Amane SS: 花鳥文様のパターンが繰り返されておりウィリアム・モリスを彷彿とさせますが、ブラックトーンのシックな雰囲気が現代的なブラウジングに快適さと美しい装飾性を与えてくれます。
- (2019-08-01) Jeff Komarow: I have never changed my theme. Chrome isn't Chrome without this classic picture.
- (2019-06-30) 萧筱: cool
- (2019-06-02) 昱成: 很不錯,, 非常的耐看
- (2019-05-17) Lesley Ho: I live for this theme...Everytime my chrome somehow lost it, I would dig over to reinstall it.
- (2019-04-12) Nicole LaPlante: Hands down my favourite theme for Chrome. I don't even bother looking for new ones anymore.
- (2019-03-19) Charisse Sandro: i'm so inlove with the design aaggghhhh.....
- (2019-03-19) Ch. Terlington: Не могу поменять уже ооочень долгое время))) приятно взору и все предельно четко.
- (2019-03-18) Tania Limoges: This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for to change my 6 years going on 7 years theme. Thank you!!!
- (2019-02-21) Katarína Kubičková: have it for yeeeeears
- (2019-02-15) Ken Ratih Kumalasari: nice
- (2019-02-03) Yohel Espinoza: Excelente, lo he usando desde siempre