Description from extension meta
Решение проблемы дубликатов вкладок!
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Description from store
Когда вы открываете дубликат уже открытого сайта, расширение закрывает вкладку-дубликат и фокусирует уже открытую вкладку.
В результате:
* вы не тратите время на открытие уже загруженного сайта
* больше нет дубликатов - ваш компьютер больше не тратит память на ненужные вкладки!
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-13) Sal B: It works ! and does exactly everything I needed it to do. No more 5000x chatgpt windows :P
- (2023-07-25) Денис Романиченко: Есть один минус, возможно расширение не обновлялось с момента выхода фичи группировки вкладок, но на данный момент дубликат не обнаруживается если он лежит в группах вкладок (открытых или закрытых значения не имеет).
- (2023-06-18) lee fc: The Marvellous Suspender 恢复标签页时直接关闭标签
- (2022-04-24) Walton V.: Whenever I create more then 65 tabs, it quietly CLOSES older tabs randomly...
- (2022-04-18) Андрей Булыгин: This extension is exactly what I was looking for!
- (2021-12-18) sense: Работает, как нужно. Если на вкладку нажать ПКН и выбрать Duplicate, то создается именно копия этой вкладки. Не ожидал, что и это будет продумано.
- (2021-11-20) miaabb ____: misss some settingss but do the job quickly and perfectly ;)
- (2021-11-03) Алексей Зотов: Прекрасно работает! Закрывает именно новую и открывает уже открытый дубликат!
- (2021-10-20) Ged Oni: When extension close duplicated tab opened as new in the background - you automatically jump to the survived tab. This bug makes the extension unusable for me.
- (2021-10-05) VeNoMouS NZ: Good, but sadly, does not appear to work across windows... only manages tabs in the same window...
- (2021-07-09) Катя Шушина: Всё работает как надо: при попытке открыть дубликат уже открытой вкладки новая вкладка закрывается и активируется старая, открытая ранее вкладка. Было бы просто идеально, если бы старая вкладка при этом автоматически обновлялась бы.
- (2021-07-08) Катя Шушина: Мечтала об этом функционале уже несколько лет! Спасибо! Всё работает как надо. Только настройка "Переместить совпадающую вкладку в позицию только что закрытой вкладки", на мой взгляд, работает с точностью до наоборот: Чтобы доблирующаяся вкладка открылась на том месте, где была открыта превоначальная (которая закрывается, как я поняла), галку ставить не нужно. Если галку поставить, то старая вкладка закрывается и новая открывается самой последней в списке вкладок. Но это мелочи, настроила как мне нужно! Супер!
- (2020-10-04) Alex Chudinov: thanks for the extension, works as expected ) The only thing is that sometimes I duplicate a tab via right click menu and in most of the times the extension closes it automatically. Could you keep the duplicate if it appears in such a way?
- (2020-07-31) Alonso de la Garza: Does what is expected, Highly recommended: a must!
- (2020-07-23) unknown unknown: закрывает ВСЕ вкладки
- (2020-04-12) 林君昱(giclin@psy): Thanks for the nice addon. It works great for me so far. However, the hotkey "ctrl+shift+t" seems not working for me. It opens just-closed tabs as Chrome original setup. Is there a way to customize the hotkey? Thank you!
- (2020-04-04) Codo Coderson: Lovely, silent and useful! Feature request: An option to refresh the tab which is focused, or maybe to play a little sound when it does its thing, because the user may need to see the updated contents of the page. For example, I had a pinterest board opened 30 minutes before. After that I had pinned new elements, then tried to open the page again in a new tab and it would bring me to the "old" board without me noticing... I thought all my new pins hadn't been added! That's the only thing I miss in this great extension. Congrats!
- (2020-03-18) Manohar Bhat: This extension works as expected. Thanks. It would be great if it had the option to whitelist sites. Example of where this feature would be useful, when i open links to 2 different pages quickly and both of them redirect for login url, then one of them gets closed
- (2020-02-15) Chen Cong: Great extension! Just one feature request: an option to consider tab history. That is, we close a duplicate tab only if the existing tab has the same history.
- (2019-11-04) Cherng-Yann Ing: Great extension! I only have one suggestion, which is very important to me. If a newly opened tab contains the same URL of an existing tab, but with "different hashtag", I would like the new tab to be killed and the existing tab to be opened "AND ALSO" navigate to the new hashtag. Currently different hashtag will be treated as different URL. You see in Google Doc when a document is large, opening a new tab is very costly. If you have to jump among multiple bookmarks (which is implemented as URL hashtags), this feature will be of great help! **Note, original review is written at Oct 9th, and the author responds so quickly several days after. Best author!
- (2017-11-29) Frédéric Camblor: I like the way this plugin works by closing the *new* tab (and not the *old* one which may lead to data loss if you were writing some stuff on the old tab at the moment you opened the new one) There is only 2 missing features from my POV : - Provide a way to allow 2 same tab to be opened (either by putting whitelists, or maybe add a shortcut to "force" opening duplicated tab) - Don't automatically close a tab when we cmd+shift+T it (reopen latest closed tab)
- (2017-04-03) Dean Sofer: It would be nice if it didn't take focus away for tabs loading in the background. To perhaps allow me to find the already open tab (instead of opening and closing a tab in the background) perhaps you can slide the pre-existing tab into the new tab's position?
- (2016-04-20) DD: There is a terrible bug: I am on site A and I want to open site B which is already opened. I click (left mouse, default click) site A tab closes and redirects to B. After realising I need tab A to be opened again, I press CTRL+SHIFT+T. That makes the tab open and close immediately. Please fix this issue. This extension is the best among other similar ones, though.
- (2016-04-19) Marty Ulrich: It should deselect the old tab after selecting the already-open tab. As it is now, you end up with two tabs selected.
- (2016-03-25) Ross Yesikov: Love it! Quick and easy, faster than the Unique Tabs extension. Exactly what I needed.