Description from extension meta
快速切换 Domain-IP 配置而不需要编辑 Hosts 文件,并方便的添加、修改、分组(批量开关)。Switch domain-ip mapping (Hosts file) between different environment
Image from store
Description from store
Changes the hosts rules in Chrome. It's easy, and effect immediately.
I just want to make the web developer works happy if they often need to switch hosts between develop/test/production environment.
One more feature is that you can set a local proxy for some kind of domain,for example, if you use Fiddler AutoResponder,you can set the domain IP as
By the way,
1. if you use windows system and just want to easy to manage you system hosts config, I recommend a tool called [SwitchHosts!](;
2. If you use Fiddler, you can try Tools > HOSTS, but I think it's difficult to manage the host rules.
Sorry for my Poor English, learn more from the screenshots please.
Any questions/issues let me know:
基于代理PAC自动切换一个域名的IP,而不用修改 hosts,同时不纠结系统的 hosts 缓存生效慢等问题。方便web开发人员在 各种/测试/开发/线上 环境快速切换。
通过该 Chrome 扩展,快捷方便的切换、设置 host 代理规则。
IP[:端口] 域名 [tag] [备注] prod Fiddler *
注:由于没有 https 服务,所以 https 的测试不完整,如有遇到问题,请确保您的目标服务器支持相应的 https 请求。
在程序开发过程中,难免开发、测试、生产环境各种切换,一般我们直接修改系统的 hosts 文件。
1. 编辑、管理麻烦,推荐 [SwitchHosts!](;
2. 生效延迟。用 Fiddler 的同学可以试试它 Tools 下的 HOSTS 工具;但是这个工具又让我们回到了第一个问题上。
好了,能否有一个工具管理方便,又快捷简单呢?我找到一个 Chrome 扩展 [Chrome Host Switch](;
可是为了用 Fiddler,我还装了插件 [Proxy SwitchySharp](
而 Chrome 的代理插件只能同时有一个生效,那么有没有什么办法整合一下呢?
感谢 Chrome Host Switch 是在 Github 开源分享,遗憾给他的 Issues 一直没有回应,估计作者也是很久没有跟进了;于是自己动手吧。
大概看了下代理实现部分,尝试修改了一下,同时完善了原作者没有完成的编辑、批量添加等功能,并清理了文件很大但用处不多的 Bootstrap 及其 Js 插件。
由于最近忙,没有详细测试完善,任何疑问,建议,欢迎[提交 Issues] (
1. 该版本暂时没有支持原版 Host Switch 的别名功能 web1
Latest reviews
- (2019-12-17) opr opr: Does exactly what it has to do! awesome
- (2019-10-04) Markus Arndt: Doesn't work - even when checking the gray/green dot in the extension.
- (2019-09-11) Aleksandr Podaruev: Best extension for QA and DEVELOPER using it with FIDDLER 1 checkbox Enable must be improved to 1 button Connected or not or need to Reconnect because when you shutdown fiddler and start it again - Checkbox Enable need to recheck because extension not reconnect to fiddler =( 2 Need all english translations (because some asian symbols still here)
- (2019-09-04) Martin Larsen: Very useful tool. No more need to mess with your hosts file when testing a new site without a DNS record. Remember to both enable the extension itself by checking the upper right corner and enabling the specific sites you need to test by clicking the dots.
- (2019-08-12) Diego Teliz: It doesn't work for https.
- (2019-07-17) Zhan Jie: 辣鸡,经常失效,浪费时间
- (2019-07-16) Harris Papazoglou: Works great!
- (2019-06-04) Thomas Pyle: Doesn't work
- (2019-05-15) Виталий Фигушкин: работало отлично и перестало с какой-то версии chrome
- (2019-04-16) Marc Casajús: It does not work, if you want to add some names to IPs like a DNS Server, you can use the local file in windows: c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. You can edit this files by running notepad as Adminitrator and opening this file. You can do the same in Linus by editing /etc/hosts file.
- (2019-03-30) Bjorn J: Sorry, does nothing.
- (2019-03-14) 문승욱: very good. only one thing i need, apply different host per tab. 진짜 좋은데, 탭별로 다른 호스트좀 적용하게 해주세요
- (2019-03-13) Does what i need it to I HAD to add 2 host entries for it to work though. Weird bug. Over all awesome alternative to using OS host files
- (2019-02-20) 什么时候能支持https啊?
- (2019-02-01) Bohdan Yatsenko: Does not work
- (2019-01-11) T U: It works. You gotta click the green little dot for each dns override. The enable itself is not enough, click the dot next to the domainname and it turns green then voila or whatever.
- (2018-12-20) Jason Yang: this is exactly what i want. great extension!
- (2018-11-11) Toby D: Works here. Even though it says it's "enabled", you still have to click the dot next to the entry to activate the entry. It'll turn green when it's on. Once I did that, it kicked in. (Further testing remains to be done.)
- (2018-10-08) CR Jack: 本来以为发现了一个不错的软件,后来发现一个BUG,会很很多软件冲突,比如Shadowsock,所以我只能卸载了。不过要鼓励作者,做的不错!!!
- (2018-08-30) 陈建彬: 不支持https
- (2018-08-22) Davide Ferrandini: Funziona. Puoi impostare un indirizzo ip diverso per accedere al sito in fase di sviluppo dal proprio terminale e broswer. L'ho provato perchè chrome non riconosceva la modifica al file Hosts in Widnows System32. Lo disinstallo perchè ho scoperto il motivo ed ho risolto in un modo piu semplice. Disattivando il plugin "Risparmio Dati" di Google che è il colpevole del non riconoscimento della modifica del file Hosts. In ogni caso, questo HSP resta un plugin semplice e che funziona.
- (2018-08-07) kan ma: 用了这个,chrome翻不了墙了
- (2018-08-05) 李明忠: 比其他评分高的好用多了
- (2018-04-26) SIA ATAKA: Если бы работало не на весь браузер, а на отдельную закладку, было бы круто.
- (2018-04-04) Tom Halley: Just doesn't work at all
- (2018-03-07) Murray Roke: Works intermittently
3.1584 (101 votes)
Last update / version
2018-05-13 / 1.3.11
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