Geniessen Sie gewisse Seiten auf SPON mit extra-scharfem Senf!
Senf works together with it's sister extension "SponSpin". It alerts you to articles on a news site that were already reported for "spin" = propaganda and commented on. It also helps you find the original news article when you're on
When you're scanning through news articles e.g. on you may want to know which links were already reported for propaganda.
For this you need "Senf":
There are two methods:
1.) You click and enter each news link. As it loads, the Senf Icon will light up and you'll see a message float by with a link to the submitted comment in the forum. If you fail to click on it in time you can click on the Ikon which always stores the latest link.
2.) The second Method is quicker and doesn't require you to load a page, but does require some practice:
You simply rub the news link quickly with your mouse cursor, with kind of like a check mark motion. This will trigger the alerts with links to the forum, same as above. Please watch the Youtube video for a similar extension I am including, AltConSys.
Or you can just browse directly from the forum: There you simply click on whichever topic interests you and Senf will present you with the link back to the original Spiegel article.
Privacy Policy: This extension does not collect any personally identifiable information
Privacy Policy for Senf:
Senf is a browser extension that checks a database for links to a forum where other people have submitted notes relevant to the URL (and title) transmitted, using my other extension SponSpin. Both URL and title are public. No other information is transmitted. NO INFORMATION IS RECORDED.
The transmission of the URL/Title goes over HTTPS to a secured PHP script and is encrypted. No other data is available to that script, no IP address is collected or recorded.
All this extension does is check for a matching link and return a forwarding link to the matching comment on a public forum at that has been submitted by random people.
The complementing extension SponSpin adds a post or topic to a public forum. The data transmitted are: the URL and title of the page from and about the post is sent, the API key to the public forum at, the User's username and user number the User received when signing up to that forum and finally, the comment in a text box the user submits.
The transmission of these form data goes over HTTPS to a secured PHP script and is encrypted. No other data is available to that script, no IP address is collected or recorded. Besides recording the user submitted data the URL and title get recorded in a separate database that keeps them in RAM for speedy access by Senf.
By using this browser extension, you hereby consent to this Privacy Policy and agree to its Terms and Conditions.