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Get to know about company reviews & ratings before applying for a job
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Description from store
Never apply for a bad company again!!!
Company Reviews & Ratings is a free tool which help job seekers in taking informed decision by providing real company rating and reviews on various job websites.
Why should you install this extension?
1. Always know about a company before you apply for a job
2. 2,50,000+ trusted company reviews & ratings
3. Trusted and real company reviews from their current/former employees
These company reviews and ratings are collected from AmbitionBox (, a platform for genuine and real company reviews where job seekers can get in detail information of a company.
Our extension is currently available for following job websites
1. Linkedin
2. Shine
3. MonsterIndia
4. IMJobs
How it works?
Install the extension. If you are browsing jobs page from any of the above listed job websites, you will be able to see company ratings near job title/company name/company logo. If you click on the company rating, you will be redirected to detailed reviews of the company.