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Tinder Auto Swiper | Tinder Auto Liker | Tinder Swipe Right | Tinder Chat | Tinder Date
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Tinder Авто Лайкер с умным свайпингом - Swiperino делает ваш свайпинг более похожим на человеческий, чтобы избежать блокировок.
Пользовательское географическое местоположение - Планируете поездку в Швецию или Грецию? Почему бы не начать подбор заранее. Это действительно меняет ваше местоположение. Таким образом, будет показано, что вы действительно находитесь в выбранном вами месте.
Авто-сообщения! Когда вы впервые находите совпадение с людьми, вы можете автоматически отправить предварительно написанное сообщение!
Рутинные задачи! Настройте время, когда вы хотите, чтобы Swiperino автоматически начал делать свайп за вас!
Наша цель - помочь вам получить максимум от Tinder и, надеемся, найти того правильного человека, которого вы искали.
Please note that while this translation captures the general meaning of the text, there may be slight nuances due to the inherent differences between languages.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-31) Gündüz Tekin: Ich weiß nicht was im Augenblick los ist, aber meine Swipes laufen jetzt Rückwärts? Anstatt geliked wird, wird nach links geswiped? Außerdem wurde Bumble entfernt und im Augenblick funktioniert noch nicht einmal Tinder. Habe mein Abo wieder gekündigt. 14€ Umsonst ausgegeben und ich war ein längerer Kunde. Schade .. wenn es besser wird, komme ich wieder aber so nicht.
- (2023-08-30) R8: I was on the paid plan for one month, I cancelled before the next charge but my credit card was still charged somehow. I reached out to them via email and phone but have not gotten a reply on issuing a refund. If they reach back out to me to resolve this issue and issue the refund, I will change my review accordingly.
- (2023-06-02) Daniel Kelly: It works for Tinder but not for Badoo. When I turn it on for badoo, the numbers change indicating its swiping but the cards in badoo do not change. In other words, the same person is visible all the time and I have to manually swipe myself. The other Autoswiper v3.7.1 works flawlessly. Swiperino needs to step their game up!
- (2023-05-02) Danny Flood: Tool looks good but I can't change the location 😛 I tried to input the coordinates for Bangkok, but nothing happens. Actually it doesn't seem to have any cities in Asia except Tokyo.
- (2023-03-21) Sofia Rosario: Extension is good, misses a major feature like spintax support for messages which is very easy to implement. Until then is a 3 star from me! Thanks
- (2023-01-30) Ruby Sheppard: They didn't add an option for you to change API key easily. They didn't add Spintax support. So much improvements to make and it's easy too. It will have 2 stars from me for the time being.
- (2022-12-12) Douglas: i bought the paid version for the unlimited feature, except it doesn't work and stops around 100 swipes on bumble. I need a refund!
- (2022-09-26) Amod Raj: Bumble not working!
- (2022-09-21) Tamilore Joseph: hello, really great app. how do I cancel my subscription if i already subscribe
- (2022-07-28) Daniel Kelly: Works as advertised. I was a bit hesitant because of 1 star reviews but decided to try. Good app. Sometimes it is best to ignore bad reviews and try for yourself.
- (2022-03-19) Joanna Termo: doesn't work
- (2022-03-18) Aristobaldo Socrates: I just paid the premium and it is not swiping at Tinder. So fix fast or I'll change to 1 star and refund my payment
- (2022-02-26) Forbes Rossbacher: DO NOT believe the 5 star reviews. The companies way of updating customers an API change has basically made Bumble swiping impossible by adding a post on their site in the help section. Not a single email, communication, or transparent message for those who experienced this. Really deplorable and borderline fraud. Please remove this extension and fire all involved as it's sketchy and I can't think of another word besides fraud and criminal behavior.
- (2022-01-18) JWE SportsTV: Swiperino has great customer service!
- (2021-09-29) C C: Literally a perfect app. Most the 1 star reviews below are fake. Just notice how they all have terrible grammar and say the exact same thing. This app is amazing and doesn't get enough appreciation. Thanks swiperino team.
- (2021-09-14) Rob McGilicuty: It used to work wonders on Tindr and Bumble, but now it doesn't swipe on Bumble anymore with routines or manually clicking Start. I mainly used it for Bumble, so I'll have to cancel my plan if this isn't fixed ASAP.
- (2021-08-14) Varun Kumar: Not Worthy Waste Of Time...
- (2021-08-12) Naidu: Not A Worthy App.....
- (2021-08-12) 202 , EEE Hemanth: Doesnt work. lots of ad .Also you nees to pay for it which is stupidious. Im going to use another extension that does the same thing smoothly and is also free.
- (2021-08-12) 583 -sai: Scam, you need to buy there service and make an account. All these reviews are fake too.
- (2021-08-12) y.v.e.m naidu: Not that good many more out there better than this....
- (2021-08-12) PUJA HEMANTH ORUPULA: Not that good many more out there better than this
- (2021-08-12) saisumanth orupula: Scam, you need to buy there service and make an account. All these reviews are fake too.
- (2021-08-12) SAISUMANTH ORUPULA: Doesnt work. Also you need to pay for it which is stupid. Im going to use another extension that does the same thing that is also free.
- (2021-08-11) ADHITYA YELLAPU: Doesn't work. lots of ads. Also you need to pay for it. I'm going to use another extension that does the same thing smoothly and is also free...
- (2021-08-11) Vamsi Yellapu: Not that good many more out there better than this...
- (2021-08-10) MANOJ Russo: Scam, you need to buy there service and make an account. All these reviews are fake too...
- (2021-08-10) Vamßi Yellapu_572: Not A Worthy App....
- (2021-08-10) Sandeep Thota: Not that good many more out there better than this...
- (2021-08-10) 562 CseB: I Have used it but its worst....Worst in all conditions....
- (2021-08-10) Kumar Rocks1626: Doesnt work. lots of ad .Also you nees to pay for it which is stupidious. Im going to use another extension that does the same thing smoothly and is also free.
- (2021-08-10) 581 Sai Teja.R: not that good many more out there better than this .
- (2021-08-10) Anand Y: scam,you need to buy there service and make an account.
- (2021-08-10) yellapu vamsi: Scam, you need to buy there service and make an account. All these reviews are fake too...
- (2021-07-24) Rachana Bhattad: I have used it but its worst its worst in all conditions
- (2021-07-24) Pranav Bokade: not good app
- (2021-07-24) darshan gupta: doesnt work. lots of ad .also you nees to pay for it which is stupidious. Im going to use another extension that does the same thing smoothly and is also free.
- (2021-07-23) Piyush Rathi: not a useable app
- (2021-07-23) Nikhil Harkanth: worst app
- (2021-07-23) nitin gupta: man this is not worth the extention! it took me hours to work with,then it said to pay for stuff!! worst!!
- (2021-07-23) Ayush RATHI: bad application don't waste your time
- (2021-07-23) ramesh chandak: someone help me it keeps crashing... i am done with this extention
- (2021-07-23) RAM 26: bogus!!!!
- (2021-07-23) madhav verma: its so frustrating to use this!! and paying for it is stupid.
- (2021-07-23) PUBG fan: not worthy waste of time
- (2021-07-23) TM Vivek Khawale: this is so worst,i launched the extention it starts crashing
- (2021-07-23) Downless Gaming: Not that good many more out there better than this
- (2021-07-23) Sushilkumar Dhamane: Average.
- (2021-07-23) Swayam Agrawal: Useless app, The creator of this app should cut his internet connection
- (2021-07-23) Swayam Agrawal: Doesnt work. Also you need to pay for it which is stupid. Im going to use another extension that does the same thing that is also free.