extension ExtPose


CRX id


Description from extension meta

Pick a preferred audio output device for HTML5 audio and video elements

Image from store AudioPick
Description from store AudioPick allows to pick a preferred audio output device that is used when a chrome tab is playing HTML5 audio or video over HTTPS. The extension finds HTML5 audio and video elements within the document tree and manipulates the "sinkId"` in order to switch to the preferred audio output device. Since version 0.3.8 it also finds Audio, Video and AudioContext objects that have not been inserted into the document tree, e. g. Spotify and SoundCloud should now work with the extension, too. Since it's now possible to store/remember a preferred audio output device per domain, the extension's option panel and hence the option to set a global preferred device (for the browser) has been removed. Note that the "Media Capture and Streams API" requires media (microphone) permissions to be granted to every site with audio sinks that need to be manipulated, which - as a result - allows those sites to access your microphone. Hence AudioPick only acquires permission when the user actually picks a non-default device for a site and restores permissions when the user reverts back to using the default. Since version 0.3.10 a "smartMicAccess" mode can be activated in the UI which further reduces the number of microphone permissions granted by the extension.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-26) Joe Fuller: doesnt work
  • (2023-09-22) andras huszar: IT WORKS! Just u need to go (ex: youtube and on the left of the url on the lock u need to go to settings and allow microphone on site ) so now my girlfriend can watch netflix (u need to do the same thing) on 1 monitor and on speakers and I can watch youtube on the main screen on headsets and everyone is happy
  • (2023-08-24) Not Sure: Is there any way to automatically change the audio output device when moving a tab from 1 monitor to a 2nd monitor. In other words, if I have YouTube open on monitor 1, and have the tab audio device set to monitor 1, but then I move the tab to monitor 2, is there any way to automatically update the tab audio device to monitor 2. The only software I found capable of doing this is "Actual Multiple Monitors" so I know it's possible, but "Actual Multiple Monitors" doesn't work with chrome :(
  • (2023-07-29) Dmitry Konoko: Необьходимо выдаь права на работу микрофона и все работает
  • (2023-07-23) doan du le real: love this extension! just found out extension dont work on <audio/> elements 7/21/2023 9:15 est doesnt really work, please fix 7/21/2023 9:18 est just updated chrome, fixed
  • (2023-06-18) Trinity: It seems to work now
  • (2023-05-30) Norbert Elwart: Works! but you need to manual give permission microphone to site(example youtube.com) click lock on the left from url a Wszyscy co tu piszą że nie działa się mylą wystarczy dać zezwolenie uprawnienie na mikrofon ręcznie stronie np. youtube Kliknij na kłódkę obok adresu url i kliknij ustawienia witryn i Mikrofon daj na zezwalaj https://github.com/rain-fighters/AudioPick/issues/36#issuecomment-632015099
  • (2023-05-27) Alexandre Rodrigues: it just doesn't work, even with permissions.
  • (2023-05-19) Jaywoo Christner: As if may 2023, does not work
  • (2023-05-05) Den Den: Работает на актуальной версии Chrome, как указано. Нужно в настройках сайта разрешить использование микрофона и все заработает
  • (2023-05-03) deadCXAP: просто не работает, не переключается звук.
  • (2023-04-26) Mohammad Diab: It was working on windows 10 , I am not sure that it is related to windows 11 or not, but it doesn't work any more. last update is 2017 , it would be great if the developer updates it. Also , it wasn't working for https://music.youtube.com/ on windows 10.
  • (2023-04-02) Semyon Bayandin: Не работает. От слова СОВСЕМ. Тупо не даёт изменить аудио-устройство
  • (2023-02-15) Diogo Pereira: This product does not fulfill its purpose, when I try to select a different audio output device, nothing happens and it just resets to the default one, I use Windows 10. IT DOES NOT WORK.
  • (2023-02-13) Pawel Kolberg: Use AudioXout. AudioPick doesn't work since 3 years now.
  • (2022-12-02) Solarr D: Doesn't work
  • (2022-11-04) Alexander Kolnogorov: Приложение прекрасное, и отлично работает! У кого не работает, разрешите сайту доступ к микрофону в настройках сайта, и всё заработает.
  • (2022-10-21) Breeze: 10/2022 This does not work, I've followed all the recoms but no luck in getting it to work.
  • (2022-09-01) ProCal (ProCal): As of August 2022, this works on most browsers that run on Chromium and are able to use chrome extensions. Works very well, the only thing I wish is to not have to re-select the audio source output every time the tab reloads or the URL changes, it would be more ideal of the extension worked on a per site basis instead of on individual tabs or give us the option to pick either. For those having issues, you have to go to the extension options and select "allow access to all sites". Then you have to go to the URL bar and click on the lock icon on the bar and "allow access to Microphone".
  • (2022-08-11) Jonatan Eseiza: Doesn't work on linux.
  • (2022-06-26) mate gamer: i bought Bluetooth adapter for my pc and when i connect it doesn't work on chrome (the device) this helps me to make it work
  • (2022-06-24) Taehl: Wish it worked, but it didn't. I followed the extra steps, and still nothing. Maybe it isn't compatible with Brave?
  • (2022-05-31) Rio: not working for me
  • (2022-04-05) Thao-Trang Hoang: Works as intended after allowing microphone access.
  • (2022-03-05) Unknown Person: @Aurore Central "This can be fixed by clicking on the lock icon beside the url > Site settings > Microphone > 'Allow' and refreshing the page. The extension must have access to all sites as well." works perfectly thanks to this guy. top man o7
  • (2022-02-24) Les Zani: Amazing idea, but it doesn't work. :( 2019 mac pro running Catalina
  • (2022-02-15) Dmitry Baryshkov: Does not work. It shows a list of my audio devices, but doesn't reroute audio to the selected one.
  • (2022-02-13) Haaris Qureshi: Does not appear to work - will click on a radio button, it will briefly jump to it and then jump back and the pop-up closes with no change.
  • (2022-01-06) Jesse Cox: No longer functions as of Jan, 2022
  • (2022-01-02) El ra: It hasn't worked on windows 10 for a long time, it does nothing anymore
  • (2022-01-01) Noel Curray: doesn't work on Brave in Linux
  • (2021-12-25) Romulo Trindade Alves: Para funcionar, precisa estar no site que deseja ouvir o audio separado, depois clicar no cadeado ( la em cima a esquerda ao lado na barra de endereço), depois configuraçao do site, depois em permissoes, va em microfone e coloque permitir. Mesmo que voce nao tenha ou use microfone precisa fazer isso. No meu caso abri um navegador para a netflix ou youtube e selecionei no audiopick a saida de audio na tv, e o som do windows deixe no computador, assim outros som do computador escuto apenas no fone de ouvido.
  • (2021-12-25) Nazanin M.Ch.: Not sure what is wrong, but doesn't do anything for me, it just jumps back to the default audio device when I pick any output. I'm using latest version of Chrome on Windows 11.
  • (2021-12-21) Alex Naishtut: У кого не работает расширение поставьте IndieVolume (оно не будет работать но пофиксит расширение)
  • (2021-12-16) wo ro: Only offers the option to stream audio to chromecast devices. Hoped it would allow me to send audio to a different audio output, not to my chromecast.
  • (2021-12-06) Denny Joker: На текущей, актуальной версии хрома - не работает. Да и судя по отзывам плагин год не обновлялся и не собирается.
  • (2021-11-23) Alekss: Didn't work for me at all on macOs Monterey while using Opera browser. Extension showed every possible output, but didn't do anything while changing them.
  • (2021-11-19) Kazaf 卡薩夫: 給那些安裝不能用的朋友們,如果你們安裝了沒效果,要記得把網站的麥克風權限設成"允許"。 Just remeber enable website micphone permission then it works.
  • (2021-11-14) Nicolas Asís: Funciona, pero quizá tengas que cambiar algunas cosas: "Great extension. Although upon installation it was not working properly. I was able to resolve this issue by: 1. Ensuring the AudioPick's site access permissions are set to "on all sites". 2. Then click the lock next to the websites URL and change microphone access to allow. If after doing all of this the extension still is not working properly: 3. Check your operating systems advanced sound options and make sure google chrome's output device is set to Default. It seems if you have google chrome assigned to a specific device via windows the OS will overwrite it and still play audio through the OS assigned device. I hope this helps anyone having issues with this extension."
  • (2021-10-30) Siao Kang Ng: this extension is awesom but doesnt work on windows 11
  • (2021-10-25) Clementine Moffett: does not work... literally plays every tabs sound through the same source regardless of what I've selected... even tried updating my chrome version... did nothing... this is a useful a fidget spinner... tried it with twitch, youtube, netflix, discord... DID NOTHING
  • (2021-09-09) Mateus Stefens: Não funciona
  • (2021-09-08) Jerther: Changing device did nothing at first but then I followed the microphone trick explained in this comment and now it works: https://github.com/rain-fighters/AudioPick/issues/36#issuecomment-632015099 Chrome 93.0.4577.63 Fedora Linux 34 (Wayland)
  • (2021-08-24) Kyle Guay: Great extension. Although upon installation it was not working properly. I was able to resolve this issue by: 1. Ensuring the AudioPick's site access permissions are set to "on all sites". 2. Then click the lock next to the websites URL and change microphone access to allow. If after doing all of this the extension still is not working properly: 3. Check your operating systems advanced sound options and make sure google chrome's output device is set to Default. It seems if you have google chrome assigned to a specific device via windows the OS will overwrite it and still play audio through the OS assigned device. I hope this helps anyone having issues with this extension.
  • (2021-08-13) Максим З: Good, awesome, almost perfect! It will be nice: implement inheritance of the custom output to another tabs opened from the customed
  • (2021-07-23) Aleksey Bardushko: Отличное приложение. Работает.
  • (2021-07-02) Wesley Hendrix: it didnt work for me i select my output and it goes back to the default one
  • (2021-06-26) atraxion invitado: english: dosent work anymore spanish: ya no funciona
  • (2021-06-24) Steven D'Hondt: Works just fine, just need to hit the 'lock icon' next to your URL and allow your microphone for some reason...
  • (2021-06-13) RRDHghfhfh: не работает


90,000 history
3.89 (518 votes)
Last update / version
2024-01-26 / 0.3.10
Listing languages
