Description from extension meta
Add this app to your Chrome browser and replace all instances of "Trump" with "Drumpf."
Image from store
Latest reviews
- (2021-09-14) humpa: Still works like a charm
- (2021-01-19) Hunter Robinson: Make the internet great again!
- (2021-01-08) Brenton Barker: If you told 2016 me, when I installed the Drumpfinator extension, that I would still be using it in the year 2021 I would not have believed you. This extension has been a much needed sanity check the past 5 years and I long for the day I can confidently uninstall it.
- (2020-12-03) Shassilene Cummings Hagus: Okay, some of the reviews are fake but this actually worked me and my democratic family got a laugh out of it
- (2020-11-26) Making fun of trump, hate this app. Who would be so stupid have you ever though about whoever like trump?
- (2020-11-08) Ken Hinzman: When I installed this, I thought it was going to be a fun thing to have for a few months during the last election. On the contrary, it's been one of the most useful aps for the past 4 years or so.
- (2020-11-07) Alvin Ahumada: And now we may say goodbye Drumpfinator. You've served me well over these past 4 years, and now you may rest, our noble hero, our dear friend... just cuz I don't want it running in the background anymore and it won't be necessary so much no more
- (2020-11-06) Soren Olaf: this is one of the best things ever to not see trumps name again
- (2020-11-04) Mike Chernev: Certainly makes following the 2020 US presidential elections a tad more fun
- (2020-10-25) Nathan Julian: It's great!
- (2020-10-16) Jon Madison: After 4 years i have solved my AirBnB rendering problem, and it's this extension. smh.
- (2020-09-11) Techno Logic: This is SO MUCH better than anything I could hope for! I was laughing my Drumpf off the second I looked up his name. And for anyone who's having problems with it, it might because you're not using chrome as your browser. If you're using OceanHero, Ecosia, Yahoo, Bing, Safari, etc and you got it off the chrome store it won't work. You have to use chrome as your browser.
- (2020-07-26) Alizabeth Foster: Love you, John Oliver <3 This is hilarious!
- (2020-07-24) Bob Th: you can get the same exact functionality, except it's customizable, from an XKCD substitution extension.
- (2020-07-17) Michael McGary: I still love seeing his name as Drumpf...hopefully we will be seeing a lot less of him after January.
- (2020-06-23) ShuAtStarbucks YT: This gave me so much serotonin. You are definitely the hero we needed.
- (2020-04-10) Marley: It worked better than I thought it would!!
- (2020-01-06) XKillaMarcX: Reading Drumpf in articles makes the upcoming war with Iran a little bit less tragic
- (2020-01-03) Zak Kirchner: I loved this extension, but it broke the CSS on Can you fix that? Or give an option to whitelist websites so it doesn't run?
- (2019-11-22) Lea Moonlight BTS ARMY: This is awesome, makes me laugh every time :)
- (2019-08-21) Karysa K.: If only it could make Trump go away as easily as his name... One week in, this app has replaced my usual scowling while reading his name after the word "President" with a bit of a smile ... or is it a smirk? Either way, much better. Thanks, Drumpfinator!
- (2019-07-16) Steve Olson: Reminds of the old Sheen Screen back when Charlie Sheen was constantly in the news while self-destruction...
- (2019-07-12) Debbie Hoffpauir: Even thought it doesn't always translate to Drumph, it does it often enough to amuse me .
- (2019-06-11) Paul Wintz: I enjoy the extension, but it also modifies the text in text edit boxes sometimes, which has caused some problems.
- (2019-05-11) The Profane Gamer: I've had this on my computer ever since the uneducated orange candidate for worst President in USA history came strutting out from behind his mirror. Utterly love it!!
- (2019-03-15) Agnes Flanczewski: I've had it till day one and I hope they never discontinue it. Very satisfied.
- (2019-03-15) This extension seems to break, i.e. when you open airbnb with the extension installed, the site is not displayed correctly.
- (2019-03-04) Magnus Guntvedt Brevik: Still the best chrome extension after 3 years
- (2018-12-24) Qcapackerfan: Doe's not work
- (2018-11-12) Sebastiaan Galjaard: Puts a smile on my face every time I see this masterpiece in action
- (2018-10-20) Texas Girl: This actually works I typed Trump into Google and it came up Donald Drumpf !!!!! LOVE THIS !!!!!!!
- (2018-08-23) Jamie Mullings: Love it
- (2018-08-20) Katherine Williams: It does work, and it's a fun extension that helped take the edge off of the news for several months. However last night I discovered it had put Drumpf into a Wikipedia edit I was writing (guessing because I preview everything as I worked through the changes). I can't have it changing his name in things I'm writing online, especially on Wikipedia. So will have to remove it.
- (2018-08-09) Dylan G: legitimately cannot read the word "Trump" on my computer without it looking weird anymore
- (2018-07-29) Kyllein MacKellerann: Pretty well done switch proggie. Makes the "Predisent" look like the incompetent clown that he is. I like it.
- (2018-07-20) Rolland Iordachescu: Best thing EVER!
- (2018-06-28) Igrolf The Nord: John, you have done it again! Bravo!
- (2018-05-08) Joshua Schmidt: amazing :)
- (2018-05-01) David Jacobowitz: This extension is fine and all, but if you really want the full Trump-mocking experience, you need to install Detrumpify. It's 10x better with many more options, many more insults, and even can replace pictures of T and his perfidious friends. Yeah, and I'm the author of Detrumpify.
- (2018-04-10) caleb snell: 5 stars this made me laugh for 5 minutes
- (2018-03-08) Jim Drain: waiting for the impeachment in zen repose.
- (2018-02-26) Armïn Ariya Hïdari: sweeeeeeeeeet! The burden has been lifted :D
- (2018-01-09) OrangeCuber: That is so sick, how did you do that?
- (2017-11-15) Kristoffer ‘Necrodust’ Jørgensen: make drumpfinator drumpf again