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Poiščite vse države ZDA in brazilske države v Maps
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Description from store
Neverjetno vzgoja orodje za otroke in odrasle, za gradnjo US statistiko v interaktivno in zabavno puzzle! V tem neverjetno puzzle, izberete državo in jo postavite na puzzle krovu, tako da ga je obliko, tako da ne boste le morali vedeti imena stats ", ampak njihovo obliko, kot tudi.
Amazing uganka za otroke! Nauči imena Kids ZDA stat in kako so izgledali na zemljevidu! Vse kar morate storiti je, da povlečete manjkajoči košček na pravo mesto na zemljevidu!
Ne čakajte drug drugega! Dodaj to neverjetno ZDA sestavljanko na vaš brskalnik Chrome ZDAJ! In začeti učiti svojega otroka ali sebe vsa imena in oblike zveznih državah ZDA.
Prav tako skozi to neverjetno sestavljanke, brazilske province, boste dobili dvojno zabavo! Dodajte statistika sestavljanko na vaš brskalnik Chrome ZDAJ!
Latest reviews
- (2019-09-16) Nam Trung Nguyễn Ngô: What a great app.It helps people to know more about country.
- (2018-08-20) Oliver Luciani Pos Bulux: badbuni
- (2018-05-22) Sid Mehta: Easy to use!
- (2018-05-11) Lekhnath Ghimire: This is very educational and this helps me improve my understanding in geography.
- (2018-05-01) bibek shrestha: This makes a game out of learning the locations of each nation of the world.
- (2018-04-20) anish subedi: Fun way to enjoy the world map. Love this!
- (2018-04-07) Nodakin Yako: The app is awesome.
- (2018-03-30) SomeRandomGuy7 :D: Pretty good! Though, it needs more places. All it has is USA and Brazil, but, still, it's good!
- (2018-03-22) rima baral: I’m using the free version and it has all the entertainment that I need!
- (2018-03-12) Merry Johnson: This helps me learn the position of the countries in the world. Nice and very educational.
- (2018-03-09) Miguel Paz Soldan: ok
- (2018-03-05) Ellen Kohli: Love this app.
- (2018-02-23) sujip shilakar: Handy world puzzle. I learned more about different countries.
- (2018-02-21) САША МИЛАНОВИЋ: add more.
- (2018-02-13) anwar ali: Love the puzzles.
- (2018-01-30) Mohamed Ahmed: Interesting puzzle.
- (2018-01-15) stanimir stankov: Impressive map puzzle game. Very challenging too!
- (2018-01-12) Cat Ashton Ryan: Keeps reinstalling itself. Malware!
- (2018-01-08) Nono Gomes: Love this world maps puzzle.Entertaining