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O soluție simplă pentru securitatea dvs. de internet! Deblocați site-urile blocate. Garanție: disponibilitate, confidențialitate,…
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Description from store
Proxy VPN nelimitat - este un serviciu proxy VPN rapid care asigură confidențialitate și securitate pe internet pentru toată lumea. Deblocați fluxul media, protejați-vă datele, evitați spionajele și hackerii și bucurați-vă de paleta completă de experiențe online cu extensia noastră VPN.
Îți faci griji cu privire la hotspot-urile Wi-Fi neprotejate? Vrei să fii anonim și protejat de supraveghere și hackeri? „Proxy VPN nelimitat - Deblocați site-urile” - este cea mai bună soluție pentru dvs.!
✓ Fără nicio înregistrare.
✓ 100% gratuit. Nu sunt necesare informații despre cardul de credit. Nu s-au oferit încercări.
✓ Cu adevărat nelimitat. Fără limitări de sesiune, viteză sau lățime de bandă.
✓ Deblochează lumea printr-o singură atingere a butoanelor țării.
✓ Criptarea SSL puternică vă va face complet anonim și securizat.
VPN nelimitat folosește o tehnologie modernă, prin urmare viteza este mare, conexiunea proxy este lină și continuă, iar utilizarea capacității este redusă. Este o soluție reală pentru toți oamenii de pe Pământ pentru a schimba adresa IP ascunzând IP-ul original și conectându-se la o rețea securizată.
Imaginați-vă o confidențialitate completă în interiorul și în afara activității browserului: fără jurnale, fără mențiuni ip reale, fără indicarea țării. Doar conexiune la rețea privată pentru streaming, conectare, descărcare etc.
Instalați acum Unlimited VPN gratuit și fără înregistrare.
Unlimited VPN proxy - is a fast VPN proxy service that ensures internet privacy and security for everyone. Unblock media streaming, protect your data, shun away snoopers and hacker, and enjoy the full palette of online experiences with our VPN extension.
Worried about unprotected Wi-Fi hotspots? Want to be anonymous and protected from surveillance and hackers? "Unlimited VPN proxy – Unblock Sites" – is the best solution for you!
✓ Without any registration.
✓ 100% free. No credit card information needed. No trials offered.
✓ Truly unlimited. No session, speed or bandwidth limitations.
✓ Unblock the world with just one touch of the country buttons.
✓ Strong SSL encryption will make you fully anonymous and secured.
Unblocks any websites and applications.
★ Permission & Terms of Use, Privacy Policy ★
In order for Unlimited VPN proxy to work, it needs permission to accessibility the websites you’re on, so it works on all pages that you visit.
We do not collect, store, use, share or sell any of your personal information. In addition, we do not monitor your online behavior, track your activities or collect the web pages you visit in accordance with our policy. We also are strictly against selling your search queries to third parties and displaying ads in the app.
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Latest reviews
- (2021-04-23) Jein Maren: раньше поставила бы 5... но последнее время тормозит безбожно, ооочень медленно грузит... думала может обновить-проверила, стоит последняя версия.. жаль, радовалась хорошем плагину..Но это пока единственный что позволяет смотреть заблоченные сайты...бывает на полчаса вырубается совсем... потом шустрее идет
- (2021-04-22) Farid Nashrulloh M: nice
- (2021-04-16) WillDoesStuff: PLEASE READ!!! dont believe these reviews, they are bots and by installing this extension you are giving someone full access to your device DO NOT DOWNLOAD!!!
- (2021-04-16) Санек Pabger: Одкуда такие отзывы? пойти зарегатся в вк не не заходит Скачать чтото не не заходит и каждый пвн который скачиваю не помогает
- (2021-03-28) Pirata das Magnólias: Limited time access? There are many alternatives 100% free.
- (2021-03-25) Светлана Иващенко: России в перечне нет.
- (2021-03-23) Oleg: login
- (2021-03-20) Christopher Perry: It does what it says it will do but the number of connection points (5) is low and one of those was not working. Also can't see if the connection is encrypted over https so 3 stars. Can't see any sign of the reported spyware in other reviews. On the whole OK for a freebee.
- (2021-03-14) Dominika Callistos: Просто невозможно долго загружается! Даже так... Минуту, если не дольше ждала, пока гл.страница Яндекса загрузилась, а по ссылкам так вообще!!! ((
- (2021-03-11) Croowd Waterfield: 看起来只是用来代理的,不能用来fanqiang
- (2021-03-08) Superb Lobster: Garbage. Lies about which IP it's giving you. I chose United States and Canada and got Azerbaijan and Bulgaria.
- (2021-03-08) Sheena Rubenecia: its not work in roblox
- (2021-03-08) Saeed A Kalala: doesn work
- (2021-03-04) ZEN4TEX gaming: Doesn't connect when I turn it on. Trash
- (2021-03-04) Kanesaje: No funciona, la da de un país que no es además de más bien dificultar el acceso a sitios web.
- (2021-03-01) Mikhail Konechrugo: Отличная работа, и бесплатное, в отличии от некоторых. Спасибо!
- (2021-02-19) Peterbuilt 200: This VPN actually works very well but the only thing is that I wish that you could connect to Germany. Its the only thing other than that I love it.
- (2021-02-18) Андрей Недоступ: Not working. Blocked sites still blocked.
- (2021-02-14) Ramos W: Funciona, mas a custo de deixar o carregamento da página extremamente lento como se fosse internet discada
- (2021-02-14) Ahmed Mutawa: Not Working. Does not have any indication that it is ON or OFF.
- (2021-02-11) sdtd Gaming: Im surprised it really works and even is for free
- (2021-02-06) glitch: its free and not like other vpns that says its free but its not
- (2021-02-02) jr al: very slow
- (2021-02-01) Mülayim Hoca: sorunsuz çalışır ve veri çalmaz . mağazadaki en iyi vpn budur . başka vpn aramaya gerek yok
- (2021-01-31) Gabriel B: me gustaria q tenga una IP de españa
- (2021-01-30) anthony: Doesn't work in Australia for UK sites
- (2021-01-29) Днат Култубович: приходится долго ждать загрузки видео. скорость очень медленная
- (2021-01-24) Andrey Pilotov: Не работает!
- (2021-01-20) v6404unlim: Как только кидаешь адрес в белый список доменов, так сразу всё, что должно и открывалось мгновенно перестаёт работать, добавил ютуб тут же перестали открываться лостфильм и бабочка, и другие тоже начали отваливаться как так-то? Можно это как-то поправить?
- (2021-01-19) Nicolás Muñoz: No coincide la ip con el pais solicitado. Quiero una ip de EEUU por ejemplo, me da una dirección y es de Costa Rica. Placebo.
- (2021-01-17) Андрей Суравенков: не работает
- (2021-01-13) Manu Picchetti: De funcionar, funciona. Sin registrarse, punto a favor. Pero no cambia la vpn como dice. La que dice USA es Azerbaijan y la de Canada es de Bulgaria.
- (2021-01-13) Ovidiu Clopotaru: it doesnt unblock all the websites, it justsays no internet, i know thats cap because i have fulll bars rn.
- (2021-01-12) Андрей Жуков: yotube tv всеравно говорит что я не из штатов, хрен
- (2021-01-08) Rikka Preobrazhensky: Works very well, I dont understand these fake reviews saying it can control your whole computer. For something to do that, you need to download a EXECUTABLE that is infected. Extensions cant be RATs!
- (2021-01-05) Bestmust The Kid: This is Actually work No Cap i swear im not a bot
- (2021-01-05) Vladimir Lenin: I copied this, but u can too. we need to spread the word about this PLEASE READ! Do NOT trust any of the reviews on this VPN. All the reviews are FAKE and this VPN does not work. By installing this VPN, you are giving the company owner access to your whole computer and webcam. Please do not install this if you do not want that to happen and if you don't want any viruses.
- (2021-01-05) Екатерина Капальдерина: Включён, но вообще не работает, даже на панели не отображается, какого чёрта?
- (2021-01-04) Dmitry Yerofeyev: перестал работать, а жаль: радовало наличие белого списка (
- (2021-01-02) Ваня Бабинець: хуйня повна не советую нічого не грузить
- (2020-12-27) Andrzej Domin-Bizjak: Sehr gut, schnell , zuverlässig.
- (2020-12-26) Arsen: Сначала не разобрался, но работает отлично.
- (2020-12-22) Anna Marykon: Все працуе дякую
- (2020-12-21) santiago samisahi aldely: super genial
- (2020-12-20) Izanareth Forsaken: Постоянно слетает, вечно приходится переподключать.
- (2020-12-19) luz marina cardenas soto: no sirve, no la descarguen
- (2020-12-18) Николай Александрович: Скорость загрузки падает до 1 мегабита, даже на отключенных сайтах!
- (2020-12-14) Steven Ledger: Opera rejects this extension saying it is from an unknown source.
- (2020-12-13) Olim Pather: still asking for registration and i don't wanna get hacked don't use this free VPN
- (2020-12-08) Максон Также: все не так как на скриншоте, из списка стран ничего нельзя выбрать , только 4 страны есть .
3.6 (167 votes)
Last update / version
2021-01-09 / 1.4.1
Listing languages