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有趣的自定义猫在您的 Chrome 浏览器中追逐光标。你的个人宠物。
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Description from store
😻 光标猫 - 一只追逐鼠标光标的小猫
为 Chrome 获取一只有趣的宠物,可爱的小猫会在不同网站上追逐您的鼠标光标。使用此扩展程序,您可以享受各种动画小猫的陪伴,它们栩栩如生,与您的光标嬉戏互动。
1. Greeny 猫 🐱:认识 Greeny 光标猫,这只永远充满好奇心的虎斑猫喜欢扑向任何移动的东西——无论是被遗忘的玩具还是无人看管的鞋带。Greeny 随时准备用他的杂技跳跃征服您的光标!
2. Pika 猫 🎀:认识 Pika 光标猫,这只猫科时尚达人喜欢展示风格,有时会把家居用品误认为是最新时尚潮流。她肯定知道你的生活需要更多的猫科时尚!
3. 朋克猫🎸:朋克光标猫是一只调皮的黑猫,它擅长寻找麻烦并将其归咎于跟随它的阴影。朋克是猫中真正的摇滚明星!
4. 招财猫🐾:招财光标猫是一只幸运猫,无论走到哪里都会带来好运,经常留下一串意外发现的宝藏。招财猫总会为您找到一些有趣的东西!
5. 彩虹猫🌌:彩虹光标猫是一只经常陷入沉思的梦想家,凝视着虚空思考宇宙的奥秘。彩虹猫知道您有时也会梦到猫科动物的宇宙冒险!
6. 格林奇猫🎄:格林奇光标猫是一只无法抗拒节日装饰的圣诞节爱好者,经常被金属丝和灯光缠住。格林奇喜欢假期,即使这意味着有点混乱!
7. 鲁道夫猫✨:认识一下鲁道夫光标猫,这只猫性格活泼,喜欢用自发的能量爆发和胡须抖动的滑稽动作点亮房间。鲁道夫是你的私人节日之光!
8. 圣诞猫🎅:认识一下圣诞光标猫,这只节日英雄非常认真地对待传递欢乐的工作,即使这意味着不小心撞倒几个牛奶碟。圣诞老人随时准备带来节日欢乐!
9. 蜘蛛猫🕷️:认识一下蜘蛛光标猫,这只害怕蜘蛛的猫总是在寻找想象中的蜘蛛,随时准备扑向八条腿的入侵者并拯救世界。蜘蛛猫是你在猫科动物世界中的超级英雄!
10. 蝙蝠猫🦇:认识一下蝙蝠光标猫,这只夜行英雄在夜间徘徊在阴影中,像有翅膀的十字军一样隐秘地寻找零食和铝箔球。蝙蝠猫是光标的夜间守护者!
11. 绿巨人猫 💪:绿巨人光标猫是温柔的巨人,它经常发现自己被困在专为小猫设计的门口,思考着自己肌肉力量的物理原理。绿巨人猫是你强大的光标保护者!
还有更多很酷的 🐈🐈🐈 角色。
1. 从 Chrome 网上应用店安装此扩展程序。
2. 安装后,其图标将出现在浏览器的右上角。
3. 打开任何其他网站(Chrome 网上应用店或主页除外)。
4. 单击浏览器中的扩展程序图标。
5. 单击选择任何小猫。
6. 将光标移到站点区域上,选定的小猫就会开始追逐光标。
7. 尽情享受和你的新虚拟朋友一起玩耍的乐趣吧!
注意!⚠️ 根据 Google 规则,我们心爱的光标猫无法在 Chrome Web Store 页面和内部浏览器页面(如主页、设置和下载)上工作。但别担心!在所有其他页面上,他会很乐意帮助你抓住光标,玩迷你游戏,并简单地振奋你的精神。想象一下你的猫探索互联网,在你最喜欢的网站上跳来跳去,但不幸的是,即使是他也有猫科动物的局限性。
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-15) binken: can be confusing u need to click the cat you want twice for it to work
- (2024-06-13) signe juul: the hall you mean 4,5?! this dose not work fix it a wast of time!
- (2024-06-12) Kimberley Nauwelaers: comment cela fonctionne ?
- (2024-06-11) Rachel Martínez Monsalve: esta bonito mas no se como activarlo
- (2024-06-04) Erin Chew: WHEN I CLICKED ON THE CAT I WANTED... IT WOULDN'T WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HORRIBLE
- (2024-05-29) vena selviana: gak bisa pakenya ,, hmmm
- (2024-05-25) Amaya Michelle: It doesn't work at all. I haven't seen a single cat I clicked on different ones thinking that would 'solve the problem and it didn't do anything but piss me off.
- (2024-05-24) Max Weber: not working.
- (2024-05-24) sameya .v.: i uninstalled the extension, but the cat was still there and kept moving around, terrible extension
- (2024-05-23) Amy Nicole: These are giant I don't want big cursors!
- (2024-05-09) Aadi Mathias: awesome I did it... and I'm 8
- (2024-05-08) Kerri: IT DOESNT WORK!?!?!?
- (2024-04-30) Dilan Gordillo: es muy ueno
- (2024-04-30) NimjaCat Nimjas: no veo el gato
- (2024-04-30) Priyanka Dixit: it was good
- (2024-04-27) enara gonzalez: bueno esta bien
- (2024-04-13) Viviane Weller: BRO IT IS SO ANNOYING GET RID OF IT!!!!!!!! AMBE_
- (2024-04-11) goofy ah potato: bro this is the stupidest thing EVER, it does't even work at all
- (2024-04-10) Oanh Kim: cũng ôkee
- (2024-04-06) Ye Myat Aung: How do i even make it work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS NOT WORKING
- (2024-04-03) Uguryahya Ayhan: bende olmuyor bozuk kaldırılsın
- (2024-03-31) jordy lacan: bueno
- (2024-03-29) Irving Nottoyou: So cute, really deserves the five stars
- (2024-03-27) Crystal Nightmare: I wished I like it but it DIDN'T WORK IN EVERY TAB I WENT INTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- (2024-03-23) BlahBlahBlahBoy977: This is a 5 star app but minus 1 star because it does not work in home page.
- (2024-03-19) Best Sister: it okay adorable animals just need more.
- (2024-03-15) Валерия Гонта: НЕ РАБОТАЕТ
- (2024-03-12) Vũ Đông: 10 điểm ko có nhưng haha
- (2024-03-08) Ramona Huerta: I think we need an option to move it when it is blocking a button, and what I mean by moving it, it is to place it where it does not block buttons, I think it is part of the fun but in cases it might be helpful. More cat options will make it more fun also.
- (2024-03-05) Cesar Molina: it dosen NOT WORK NO NO HATE IT
- (2024-03-04) July: es una bendicion 10 estrellas por esoooo🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
- (2024-03-01) brandon valles: it dose work you just have to tern it on
- (2024-02-27) Hải Nguyễn: okla
- (2024-02-25) MoxxieAndTheEdits: it works but its a bit delayed, and doesn't work on your home page, it only works if you search smth up.
- (2024-02-23) 苗嘉威: 刷新页面后,把启动按钮调到off.小猫就出现了。
- (2024-02-22) Julia DO: ca marche pas
- (2024-02-21) Tracy Law: Not would be cute if it worked
- (2024-02-19) 홍지유: It is worse thing I ever saw. Doesn't work...
- (2024-02-18) Issac “NETENDO” Gordash: its so cute i did not know i had go to a difrit tab
- (2024-02-15) Alan Garay: Because they give you this website to hack you
- (2024-02-13) pandita liez: muy lindo
- (2024-02-02) Mofoluwaso Nwamara: Perfect
- (2024-01-24) Summer: it is cute you just have to be on a certain page go to extensions and turn it on.
- (2024-01-22) kaylie golden: it didnt work
- (2024-01-20) vere vega: me encantó, igual soy fan de los gatitos y es padre ver al gatito persiguiendo el cursor!!
- (2024-01-13) candysworf: begendim ama kediyi sectigimden sonra kedi niye gelmedi
- (2024-01-06) Amanda Little (yogini): fun & cute
- (2024-01-05) Amy Z: It was very laggy for me. Didn't move until I went on to another tab.
- (2024-01-05) siti fatimah nazri: cute.....
4.4057 (3,490 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-03 / 3.2.0
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