Aksharamukha aims to provide conversion between various scripts.
Aksharamukha aims to facilitate conversion between various scripts (also called as transliteration). It also specifically provides lossless transliteration between the main Indian scripts (along with Sinhala). Apart from the simple mapping of characters, Aksharamukha also attempts to implement various script/language-specific orthographic conventions (where known) such as vowel lengths, gemination and nasalization. It also provides several customization options to fine-tune and get the desired orthography.
Aksharamukha as of now supports 120 scripts and 21 romanization methods. For more information see here: https://aksharamukha.appspot.com/about
Latest reviews
- (2021-07-30) Rushil Dhar: Wonderful! Used it for Devanagari to Sharada and works perfectly for me.
- (2020-11-11) shanker P shyam Sundhar: Works good for me. I am using devanagari to Tamil. Perfect
- (2020-04-02) Proactive Patrol: For devanagari to english, forget! Breaks the page completely. Likely does for all languages. Takes 3 sec to convert (will certainly be true on all langs). For devanagari to English, use extension "Convert Indian Scripts to Hindi or English".