extension ExtPose

Bookmarks Commander

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Description from extension meta

A dual-pane Norton Commander liked bookmarks manager that supports sorting, dark theme, search, and duplicate detection

Image from store Bookmarks Commander
Description from store This is a two-panel bookmarks manager for your browser. It works similar to the famous Total Commander. You can move items between the panels or view two different directories simultaneously. Instruction: Click on the toolbar button once to open the commander in a new browser tab. By default the left panel has focus. Use arrow up and arrow down keys to navigate. Use Enter to move to a directory. To move the other panel simply press The left or right arrow key. Shortcuts: [open links]: Press Enter key to open on the same tab. Press Ctrl + Enter or Command + Enter to open in a background tab or use double-click to open on the same tab. Press Ctrl/Command while double-clicking to open in a background tab. [select multiple bookmarks]: Ctrl/Command with left-click to select more items. [copy links to the clipboard]: Ctrl + C or Command + C to copy selected links to the clipboard. [copy titles to the clipboard]: Ctrl + X or Command + X to copy selected titles to the clipboard. [directly navigate to a bookmark]: Press the first character of the title multiple times to navigate between items starting with this particular character [move one step up]: Use backspace to navigate to the parent directory [move between left and right panels]: use Tab key to toggle between panels. Use Ctrl + 1 or Command + 1 to move to the left tab. Use Ctrl + 2 or Command + 2 to move to the right tab. You can alternatively use arrow-left and right to move between panels. [move selected bookmarks and folders to the other panel]: Use Ctrl/Command + right arrow key to move selected items to the right panel when the left panel is focused. Use Ctrl/Command + left arrow key to move selected items to the left panel when the right panel is focused. [sort items]: Ctrl/Command + J for A-Z and Ctrl/Command + Shift + J for Z-A [find duplicated bookmarks]: Ctrl/Command + Shift + F; use the "duplicates" keyword on the search bar to find all duplicated bookmarks in the current directory and subdirectories. [move bookmarks between different browsers]: Ctrl/Command + Y to export selected bookmarks to the clipboard, then use Ctrl/Command + P to import them to the new machine. This way you can transfer bookmarks between two browsers. [configurations]: Use Ctrl/Command + S to access configuration panel. You can change the font size and font family of the interface or change the color scheme (theme) of the interface (dark, light, or based on your OS color scheme) or toolbar icon's color. It is also possible to use the new "VIM" mode to support VIM-compatible navigation (still in progress). Notes: 1. When an operation is not allowed, the button is disabled. 2. You can see all the shortcuts by placing your mouse over the buttons. 3. You can drag and drop bookmarks between panes 4. You can use right-click context menu to open links in new windows

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-22) Remaksiva: Супер додаток!!! Ви можете швидко впорядкувати свої закладки. Є сортування. Гарячі клавіші для Mac і Windows. Все інтуїтивно зрозуміло. Велике спасибі! 5 зірок!!! Super app!!! You can quickly organize your bookmarks. There is sorting. Hotkeys for Mac and Windows. Everything is intuitive. Thank you very much! 5 stars!!!
  • (2023-06-12) cajunfries: I do like the innovative NC interface, so good intentions, but execution was something else. My goal is to remove hundreds, maybe thousands of dupes. Tried deleting a small group of 50 or so as a test, and it is SO SLOW! They seemed to delete, but then it just got hung and unresponsive. Tried quitting Chrome, but now it won't re-launch. Tried "restart" as well as all the other available options to launch it but still no response. I guess it might still be there somewhere running in the background, but doesn't show on Activity Monitor, so can't kill it (is there a unique process name for it?). I suppose a reboot would clear it out, but that's just not how any software is supposed to work.
  • (2023-04-09) Pavel Klinecký: Great! No problem, excellent helper!
  • (2023-01-23) RJ Deng: 1. 非常期待中文版扩展,虽然英文版也能用😂 2. 希望能支持设置书签根目录 3. 功能强大,管理书签的梦中情人😘
  • (2023-01-18) Péter Krima: It would be an excellent plugin to manage the huge collection of bookmarks. But it should be much more simpler! Too many click necessary to delete a bookmark, however Del button doesn't work. Too many options in the right click contect menu The bottom menu bar should be redesigned, because it was hard to understand how this system works. I don't need modified column. It would be good if I can rename bookmarks by F2 key.
  • (2022-11-28) lowpoly brain: Well, it is one of a kind, I guess. But the UI is horrible - no F-keys hotkeys, and with dragndrop there's no way to drag a bookmark INTO a folderl... But what is unforgivable is that it opens its website every time it's installed/updated.
  • (2022-10-19) Just Me: Мне понравилось, мне удобно. Мне уже достаточно того, что можно бродить по закладкам, переносить и переименовывать.
  • (2022-09-01) Mahesh Molz: I use Chrome and keep a lot of bookmarks. The native Chrome bookmark manager has significant limitations to me, in comparison with Firefox’s native, with which I was overall happy. (Compared with Firefox’s manager, Chrome’s seems to be better in just only one aspect, to me: when searching for a bookmark, you can find where it is.) So I was looking for an alternative to use with Chrome. I looked up many candidates, tried some, and finally found this one. Because I basically liked it, but missed important features in it, and since it still seems to be under development (last version released 3 months ago), I take the time to write my opinion about it. Note: My references for comparison are Chrome v95 and Firefox v62 (pretty old versions, I guess). Bookmarks Commander (BC) has the basic structure I was looking for: two panels, allowing for organization of loose bookmarks into a folder structure. The crucial feature I miss is: 1. An option to have folders in one of the panels shown as a pure folder structure (without any bookmarks). When BC will have this, I will move to it. Otherwise, navigation is too difficult and I will rather stick to the Chrome manager. But I would like to point out that BC is superior to Chrome’s in that it allows you to create a folder (“directory”) any place you want, by using a keyboard shortcut, without messing with the view in panels. (In Chrome’s, there is no shortcut I know of, the folder is created at the bottom of items inside the folder where you created it, and then you have to go back to the folder whose bookmarks you are moving/organizing. If you are creating lots of folders to organize your new bookmarks or whatever, this clumsy procedure is very time consuming.) Other missed features, in order of importance: 2. A more compact view of the folders and bookmarks would also be most welcome. (But it is already a bit better than Chrome.) 3. The mouse’s cursor’s movement when dragging and dropping from one pane to the other is, for some reason, significantly slower than with Chrome’s manager – it has a marked delay. (How does Chrome manages to make it fast/smooth?) 4. Still regarding the view, I think the lines between the items (bookmarks/folders and related info of each) are distracting, and clutter the view; having alternating shades of gray between items is of little help, at least for me. I mean, just look at Firefox’s manager: it has still more items visible, and still items are distinct enough. And it of course looks cleaner. 5. Keeping a memory of the column widths as adjusted last time would also be a bit helpful. (Currently it opens up everytime with default widths.) Summing up: if the developer(s) could produce a manager like Firefox’s native, and allowing you to find where a bookmark is, that would be excellent (at least for me). I am giving it 4 stars counting on improvements, hopefully soon (so I can start really using it).
  • (2022-08-18) hyphen point: Would have programmed it myself :) Thanks for this extension.
  • (2022-07-22) Nathaniel Van De Kamp: Simply outstanding! I just had a quick glimpse at this extension but I'm pretty sure it's the best bookmark manager
  • (2022-04-22) Luis F: Buena disposición de los favoritos de yandex y me ha gustado mucho 😊 que haya muchas opciones, gracias
  • (2022-03-08) Pat MySecret: Simplified Drag n Drop in a familiar window explorer style. Utilitarian type tools tend to work well for me.
  • (2022-01-24) Leo B: Great tool, nice look and feel. Delete without prompt would be a nice feature.
  • (2021-12-29) Oleg Gusev: всё было бы хорошо, еслиб не было бы так всё плохо ! Ужасно ! Ужасные тормоза! После первого же переноса из одного каталога в другой и ждать порой приходится очень долго ! === it would be fine if it wasn't so bad! Terrible! Terrible brakes! After the first transfer from one directory to another and wait sometimes very long !
  • (2021-11-02) Da7win: "Двухпанельный менеджер закладок, поддерживающий сортировку, темную тему, поиск и обнаружение дубликатов." Зачем писать то, чего в принципе нет? Поиск дубликатов отсутствует.
  • (2021-11-01) NewWorldDoritos: Finally someone did it! Thanks for implementing dual-pane navigation for bookmarks! I use Total Commander and Midnight Commander all the time, so naturally, for me this is the best possible bookmark sorting extension. Very clean and effective, easy to use as well.
  • (2021-10-18) Andrea Del Chiaro: I really appreciate and like the approach of this bookmark manager. However I see this two major limitations to productivity: - is not possible to drag bookmarks within a sub-folder of the current view (in both left and right pane, or dragging from one to another). This means that if I'm ordering many bookmarks from a temporary top-folder in sub-folders, I need to manually dive in each folder one by one and then drag, instead of directly dragging them on top of the wanted sub-folder icon. - no way to easily open bookmarks in new tab without diving into right-click menu. Simple shortcuts like center mouse button and ctrl-click as normally working in chrome would be the best. - it is not remembering column size setting. In any case, thanks for great job.
  • (2021-08-29) Kirill Pankin: Это просто восхитительно! Сколько перепробовано разнообразных менеджеров закладок, все в чём-то кривые. И, наконец, нашлось настоящее РЕШЕНИЕ! Спасибо!
  • (2021-07-05) Ken Ng: This is a very nice tool! very convenient to edit bookmark. One thing that still hope to have, can we have a list of most recently added bookmark? Thanks!
  • (2021-06-28) itw: Wow, this is just simply awesome! many thanks!
  • (2021-06-20) Tom Schi: Thanks a lot for sharing your great and very useful work!
  • (2021-06-07) VL: The idea to use classic file manager UI for bookmarks is a good one, implementation is useless. Not enough search options (actually none). Weird, irrational decisions for UI, like changing background color for no reason.
  • (2021-06-06) Lothar Scholz: Very good idea but two important useability problems that both remove stars from the result. FIrst the tab column width once set manually are not stored and reset with a tiny title field while having a giant URL (which is much less important when organizing). And the number one mistake is that i can't preview the page without leaving the window. Can't even find a "open in other tab" in the context menu. It makes using it to reorganize your bookmarks impossible to use when you have to look at a page to remember what it was about.
  • (2021-06-02) Karl Masterr: Genius mate, olde style for coders, cheers 6*
  • (2021-05-25) cedric pouralle: Love it, a lot of good way to stay up to date with your bookmarks when you have to sort. I would find a way to sort by date my bookmarks It would be great to have the possibility to select all bookmarks in a directory with a control A need to investigate, but still a very good tool
  • (2021-05-01) Ita Legslover: BEST OF BEST for organize all bookmarks (sort, duplicates and other) 5 star form me
  • (2021-03-08) Marek Skalmowski: Élevé sur Norton Comander à l'ère DOS, pour un travail sérieux et systématique avec des objets tels que des fichiers ou des signets, je trouve que le système de deux fenêtres configurables est le plus contrôlable et donc le plus simple et protège contre les mauvaises surprises. Il y a peut-être un peu de «sexi» et pas beaucoup de jets d'eau panoramiques, mais un vrai programme de travail. Brought up on Norton Comander in the DOS era, for serious and systematic work with objects such as files or bookmarks, I find the system of two configurable windows to be the most controllable and therefore the easiest and protect against unpleasant surprises. There is maybe little "sexi" and not many scenic fountains, but a real program for work.
  • (2021-02-04) Steve Edwards: Just got it, looks good. Sorting, breadcrumb trail. Not familiar with Norton Commander, having some trouble figuring out the buttons on the command line. There are no doubt advantages to the two-pane view, but having to open the source folder and the target folder seems like a little more trouble. Then again, dragging to a closed folder can go awry with a mouse error.
  • (2021-01-30) Marcin Kowol: Very good bookmarks manager NortonCommander's style.
  • (2021-01-28) 『Sea of Chaos』: I love it hella good!
  • (2021-01-23) Sławek Kosmala: Prosty i dlatego najlepszy, bez zbędnych wodotrysków! Brawo!
  • (2020-12-19) Sergey Andreev: Удобнейшая вещь для того, кто привык пользоваться двухпанельными файловыми менеджерами, а не проводником. Позволяет навести порядок в закладках, пользуясь исключительно клавиатурой.
  • (2020-12-03) Mark Janus: Remembering and applying Norton Commander to manage Bookmarks is excellent. There are menu buttons I could not figure out, like tools. A F1 help window with clear explanations to menu buttons would be a great addition.
  • (2020-11-13) Myroslav Zapukhlyak: That is a great idea and years of usability experience behind this bookmark manager. The only missing features are 1) Sort by name, link, added, modified. Currently, sorting is done by name column only. 2) Filter for current folder. And even better if it could be an extended filter i.e. filter should enable to select filtered column (name, link, added, modified) .
  • (2020-09-22) Hyung-jun Chang: I really like how clean it looks like this is easily the best looking bookmarks manager in chrome store and dual pane is very useful as expected. However it's frustrating that I have to learn keyboard shortcuts and always need to put my both hands when with other bookmark managers I can just drag and drop. I don't know I suspect chrome doesn't allow extensions to have usual windows shortcuts and mouse functions but some extensions somehow manage to include it so I can't say that it was an optimal experience.
  • (2020-08-28) FEDERICO RAMIREZ: Espectacular para organizar los favoritos. muy simple, fácil y funciona para lo que está hecho: organizar y facilitar.
  • (2020-08-27) Peter Hillerström: Does what it promises, and finding duplicates is fast.


6,000 history
4.4098 (61 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-29 / 0.5.0
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