Description from extension meta
Get the lyrics of your favourite songs while playing on Youtube!
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Description from store
Get lyrics to your favouirte songs on YouTube™,
While enjoying your favourite songs and watching the clips, you will be shown the lyrics.
The lyrics will be shown right next to the video on you tube without the need to click or search for it.
this extension gets the lyrics from third party websites,
in order to do so, access to all websites is required.
Latest reviews
- (2019-03-08) Lykke Dyrvig: It's not working at all! Cannot recommend this expansion!
- (2019-02-09) It didn't work at all. I started watching a music video and the lyrics just weren't provided at all. I tried clicking on the extension and there was no "toggle" option.
- (2015-03-16) christopher blair: i love it
- (2013-03-28) Itai Regev: very nice! no need to search for the lyrics or search for a version of each song with the lyrics, getting the lyrics was never easier!