extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

AGR - the other OGame experience for all communities.

Image from store AntiGameReborn
Description from store Enhances OGame for experienced users with many features. - Plenty of features for convenient regular play - Permanent storage of options and data in the browser with ability to backup and synchronize them with other browsers and game accounts. - Participates in "Fair play" and might stop working if strictly forbidden tools are used. Copyrights: - OGame is a browser game from GameForge. Official AntiGameReborn Discord server: https://discord.gg/sb72AFN

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-29) Necip ÖZEL: yeni güncellemeden sonra AntiGameReborn çalışmıyor, çok alışmışız yeni güncellemeyi yaparlar umarım.
  • (2024-05-24) Konrad Bąk: Need new update! No doesnt work.
  • (2023-09-17) Aleksandar Obradovic: Non è morta, anzi! Molto completa. Questa estensione è eccezionale ed è in continuo sviluppo. Dal sito e su Discord tutte le info sullo sviluppo e possibilità di segnalare bug. Per me è essenziale, senza non giocherei più. Troppo comoda. Bravi gli sviluppatori che riescono a stare dietro ai ritmi innovativi di game forge
  • (2023-05-31) Orhan IŞIK: Kesinliklle hatalarla dolu, bunları biran önce düzeltilmesi gerekmektedir.
  • (2023-01-07) NieMa: Great tool, but full of errors and bugs. And such completely unnecessary things - I would definitely rebuild the side panel ... because it bothers ... I still use it, but I don't know if you can expect any update.
  • (2022-12-23) Ra Fał: Panel z lewej strony działa jakoś dziwnie - klikam USTAWIENIA i nic tam nie ma Po rozwinięciu niektórych zakładek w tym panelu tekst przy polu wyboru jest ucięty Wtyczka ma błędy
  • (2022-09-16) Рустам Гайсин: Классная штука, только не устанавливается в Яндекс-браузер.
  • (2022-07-16) Chris Chabrowicz: Fixed – thank you! ^^
  • (2022-05-21) Fausto Lara: La mejor extension o script para el juego desde que aparecio hace muchos años ha facilitado la vida para muchos, funciona increible ,muy recomendada
  • (2021-12-17) Jakub Matveev: I find this extension extremely useful and gives an edge over all the players who don't use it. I'm so glad that it's officially accepted extension by Ogame. The only bad thing about it is that after an update some features are not working - which is not a reason to give it a low rating. It's ridiculous that some people are rating the extension for 2 or 1 star. The fact that the updates are coming to Ogame every now and then is nothing that AGR dev can influence! Or maybe you would give it 5 star if RiV would decide to quit his day job or leave his personal life behind to implement all the fixes sooner? I am only upset about not being able to select players and see their planet lists to be honest - I hope this will be updated in foreseeable future :)
  • (2021-12-15) László Szabó: Nagyon elégedett vagyok a bővítménnyel, de most az Ogame frissítése miatt nem lehet játékosokat ,felvenni a listára
  • (2021-05-29) Kevin Moosdorf: Also ich finde es sehr gut, hab ca. 7 Jahre nicht mehr OGame gespielt und das unterstützt das Spiel echt gut. Aber so ein kleines Update mit den neuen Schiffen und einer verbesserten Expo Einstellung wäre ganz cool. Bitte weiter so machen
  • (2021-02-23) B.: Dont work....
  • (2021-01-05) Enrico Fontana: Dead, unfortunately.
  • (2020-11-27) Simon Burger: Ehre wem Ehre gebührt!
  • (2020-10-01) Odrin Merloni: I like the extension is really helpfull. the only problem is that is starting to have some problems on ogame. first theoption to put max on ships building is gone. now i cannot see anymore the arrows that allows me to see how much are going to cost me 5 level of a research. pls fix
  • (2020-10-01) Francisco Melo: I really liked this extension, the only problem is that with time certain things start to disappearm first the max ships info, next the numbers near the images and probably more that i didn't realize. Please fix...
  • (2020-08-11) victor passos: essa disgraça fica travando de vez em quando, não mostra as colonias dos alvos salvos, só achei mais ou menos pq é a unica opção, talvez por isso seja tão ruim
  • (2020-04-08) Mariodorsai: Va aggiornata alla nuova versione di ogame perché non riconosce la capienza delle navi da carico.
  • (2020-04-05) Sven Dahm: Richtig Fett! Ohne gehts nicht mehr. Vielen Dank RiV- Bester Mann!
  • (2020-03-29) Fritz R: Das Tool für Ogame schlechthin würde niemals ohne Spielen
  • (2020-03-24) Rufus Neumann: Looked great on first sight, unlike many other extensions, this one did load up. But sadly, it's not very helpful despite having 10,000 options crowing the UI.
  • (2020-03-23) Yalçın Ahmet: güncellemeden sonra kafayı yedi karmakarışık
  • (2020-03-20) Engraved: Nie wieder ohne! OGame kann ich mir ohne dieses Tool nicht mehr vorstellen. Leider funktionieren momentan ein paar Features nicht, der Admin ist aber schon dran. Ich freue mich schon drauf, wenn das Tool wieder einwandfrei funktioniert. Bis dahin nutze ich es trotzdem weiter und übe mich in Geduld.
  • (2020-03-09) Martin F.: Meiner Meinung nach seit langer langer Zeit das umfangreichste und beste OGame Add-On! Leider sind nach den letzten Updates einige Funktionen nicht mehr ganz am start, allerdings habe ich größtes Vertrauen, dass diese bald zurück kehren werden und einige Neuerungen berücksichtigt werden (z.B. die Klassen in Bezug auf den Laderaum, ...). Einfach weiter so, das Tool ist super! Danke dafür!
  • (2020-03-03) Mal ick: Wann immer ich mal Ogame spiele (seit U29 immer wieder mal) eigentlich das einzige Addon, welches ich fest in mein "Ogame-Repertoire" zählen würde, abgesehen von einem Res.Rechner (vorhandene Resourcen Flug/Planis) hat AGR alles und vieles mehr, was man zum entspannten Ogame spielen benötigt. Danke an dieser Stelle :)
  • (2020-02-16) Alena Sohr: leider nicht mehr so gut. wird wohl nicht aktuell gehalten bzw. updated. schade drum. für einfache dinge reichts immer noch deswegen 2 sterne
  • (2020-02-10) Fabian Isensee: It's great to see that the old AGO is being continued, but I think the development is not really keeping pace with the game. Crucial functionality is missing or not working since the new update. For example, if you have all planets of a players listed and click on the coordinates to send ships to one of them, ogame will return an error message. It really looks like a simple thing to fix but the devs are taking their getting these kinds of things done. There is also some things missing that would greatly improve the user experience. It may for example be beneficial for explorers to do raids on inactive players using pathfinders as they are much faster than transport ships. An option for this really must be included.
  • (2020-01-30) Roberto Tosti: Se giochi ad ogame da pc è basilare anche con i nuovi universi Leda
  • (2020-01-27) Erçin Ergin: yeni güncelleme yok daha
  • (2020-01-18) Rodolfo Recabal: aún esperamos que actualicen detalles de la versión 7...agrupar recursos dejó de funcionar lo mismo que para enviar recursos faltantes que era lo más útil de todo
  • (2020-01-11) Erkan Eroglu: Bu yeni güncellemeden sonra bu uzantı çok karıştı iss de bile süre hesabı otamatik değil simde filolar eklenmiyor eskisi gibi kullanışlı değil bir an önce düzeltirseniz sevinirim ve yeni sürüm ne zaman çıkar acaba ?
  • (2020-01-05) Neshiyo Tassa'din: Not all features work after this last update of 21.12.2019.
  • (2020-01-05) Julian M.: seit dem Ogame update mit dem neuen Marktplatz und Schiffstypen funktionieren etliche Funktionen nicht mehr. Beispielsweise, wenn ich Rohstoffe im ersten Schritt beim verschicken von Flotten eingebe werden diese im letzten Schritt nicht übernommen und ich muss sie erneut eingeben (er merkt sich nur die Anzahl der Schiffe)
  • (2020-01-04) Artanis02: Some construction costs need to be adjusted, as well as ship capacities (scaling with some research). Also, estimating req solar satelites vs level of a mine with reard to Crawlers. Game ver. 7.1.0-rc16
  • (2019-12-18) Manuel López: Deben actualizarlo urgente...!!! El Ogame cambió hace unos días.. y las cosas están un tanto desordenadas... sin embargo, siempre ha sido una extensión espectacular!
  • (2019-12-16) 3akaT: Удалил, установил заново. Настроил. Работает. Только для экспедиций надо бы учитывать наличие "Первопроходцев" и автоматически добавлять их в состав экспофлота.
  • (2019-12-15) Tairone GuideTTi: Boa tarde! Arruma a configuração que mostra a velocidade das naves. Quem escolheu classe general está mostrando velocidade antiga das naves. Good afternoon! Arrange the setting that shows the speed of the ships. Who chose the general class is showing the old speed of the ships. ¡Buenas tardes! Organice la configuración que muestra la velocidad de los barcos. Quien eligió la clase general está mostrando la antigua velocidad de los barcos. Добрый день! Организовать настройку, которая показывает скорость кораблей. Кто выбрал общий класс, показывает старую скорость кораблей.
  • (2019-12-15) Janusz Ż: Bez tego dodatku OGAME jest do niczego
  • (2019-12-15) gelée payton: Que serait ogame sans antigame? Un outil indispensable une fois qu'on l'a essayé. Et gg pour la maj V7!
  • (2019-12-14) Aleksandr Boldinskiy: Хорошее приложение было, только сейчас, после глобального обновления оно бесполезно, надеюсь исправят
  • (2019-12-14) Juan Hein: Funciona bien hasta que actualizas con las nuevas funciones. desde allí no más, pero era la mejor de Ogame siempre
  • (2019-12-13) ilyas kutlu: yeni sürümde çalışmıyor
  • (2019-12-13) Erhan ÇINARBAŞ: Yeni sürümde çalışmıyor
  • (2019-12-13) El Kor: Any news about the 7.1.0 update? (Fleet features do not work....)
  • (2019-12-13) Matthijn Zwart: Loot is not showing correctly in the spy table.
  • (2019-11-18) Federico Lucietto: Not all funcionality are working in ogame 7.0
  • (2019-11-10) Bradley Neiser: when i click on a players name its supposed to show all of their planets.. was working for a bit but is no longer. what must i do to fix it
  • (2019-09-27) Pumped fkin Lenny: good tool for ogame
  • (2019-07-09) Askin Sis: kordinat filtreleme özelliği çalışmaz oldu yeni güncelleme ile. çok kötü çoook acil düzeltilmeli cordinat filter not workkkk


20,000 history
4.1488 (121 votes)
Last update / version
2024-11-14 / 12.0.0
Listing languages
