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GNOME Shell とその拡張機能リポジトリ を統合するブラウザー拡張機能です
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Arch Linux、Debian、Fedora、Gentoo、Ubuntu では、"chrome-gnome-shell" というパッケージ名でコネクタが用意されています。
コネクタは手動インストールも可能です。手順については、 をご覧ください。
Latest reviews
- (2023-01-16) iday raD: I love GNU/Linux!
- (2022-12-12) Martin “Smart Mart” Denyer: Used to be amazing but now no longer does anything. I expect someone upstream has badly borked gnome on ubuntu, no extensions work, can't install new ones, can't configure existing ones.
- (2022-11-06) Давид Манукян: Поставил два из своей щедрости, было бы очень полезное приложение если бы работало. Идея хорошая конечно, но по факту не реализовано. Пользовался бы с удовольствием если бы довели до ума) Пока что 2...
- (2022-09-17) Conal Garrity: Love this extension, however it has stopped working. I did upgrade to Ubuntu 22.10 early so was expected some things would be broken until after official release. Just a PSA for anyone thinking of doing the same. "Your native host connector do not support following APIs: v6. Probably you should upgrade native host connector or install plugins for missing APIs. Refer documentation for instructions." As per the instructions: Sudo apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done chrome-gnome-shell is already the newest version (10.1-5). 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
- (2022-09-05) Alex Heil F.: Since long time it is broken, saying there is a problem with the installation of the "native host-connector", one should read the documentation. Nope. There is othing in the documentation that helps to get it running. As many pieces of Gnome, things does not get developped properly...
- (2022-08-12) Juriaan Romkes: Although GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected Stopped working last month or so.
- (2022-07-03) Sihab Habib: nice it's work
- (2022-05-04) Ferenc Brandhuber: DO NOT INSTALL this !!! Becuase You can't remove it. Big brother application.
- (2022-05-01) Profesor LuisFernando: No se puede encontrar la versión o la configuración de GNOME Shell. Asegúrese de que está instalado y en ejecución. Y de ahí no pasa. En linux mint
- (2022-02-08) Jean-Francois Saucier: This extension is not working anymore, always says : Native host has exited.
- (2022-01-30) Cristian Sosa: La utilizo en Ubuntu 21.10 y esta extensión añade una excelente funcionalidad extra para gestionar las extensiones de Gnome. Esta extensión es mi forma predilecta de gestionar las extensiones, incluso por encima de las funciones integradas que trae el entorno.
- (2022-01-20) Danielle Ripepi: Doesn't work, keeps saying Native host connector is not supported for your platform.
- (2022-01-14) Royal Chan: great!
- (2021-12-10) Lars Schweighaüser: I found this experience tediously nightmarish and still it doesn't even bother to work right. All I ever wanted was my task bar on every monitor. The one that actually could perform some task not a barely glorified clock. 0/1000 poor effort and a huge waste of time. Real bummer.
- (2021-11-19) Guilherme Barbosa: Me polpa um bom tempo
- (2021-11-10) Khải Hoàng: This extension does not distinguish different device types. It just sync extensions blindly.
- (2021-08-27) Youralmight: Thanks to Zach Norris. I totally agree with him. Typical web user interfaces serves with a system service and a local web page. But gnome and chrome, they work in a different architecture. The architecture is like <gnome shell extensions> - <GNOME Shell integration for Chrome>(It's a package called chrome-gnome-shell in ubuntu) - <This browser extension> - <>. So this browser-extension serves as a connector between web page and your gnome extensions and you can manage your gnome-shell-extesions at
- (2021-08-04) good option for those running linux gnome, i run it on latest ubuntu works great.
- (2021-06-29) Aaron Mader: Works well, and lets me get Ubuntu 20 looking juuuust right. :)
- (2021-04-08) Felipe Figueiredo: Perfeito !
- (2021-03-29) Maciek Knurek: good
- (2021-02-08) Gokul B: Needed for gnome DE. If this extension doesn't worked in chromium based browsers, try it in firefox. Because, this extension doesn't worked for me in chromium, but works well in firefox and brave
- (2021-02-05) Manuel Rico: Perfecta para acceder a la web de las Shell Extensions y poder manejarlas desde el navegador. Para sincronizar entre distintos ordenadores no me gusta porque no respeta la configuración de cada extensión. Para ese cometido, mucho mejor la extensión Gnome Backup Tools que también guarda la configuración de cada extensión, aunque no tenga sincronización directa. Solo hay que transportar los archivos del backup en un pendrive o mediante alguna nube de archivos y restaurar en el nuevo equipo para que las extensiones queden exactamente igual que en equipo original
- (2020-10-05) Adrian Peredo: GENIAL!
- (2020-09-28) Mark E: I dual boot. So in order to have any kind of Gnome customisation I must forever suffer this extension being present when I use windows or Mac. This is hateful.
- (2020-09-07) Игорь Шарутин: К сожалению, не работает в Chromium версия 85.0.4183.83 (Официальная сборка), snap (64 бит). Ранее все было хорошо. В Chrome Версия 85.0.4183.83 (Официальная сборка), (64 бит) работает отлично. Использую исключительно Chromium, т.к работаю постоянно в режиме временного пользователя. Ubuntu 20.04.1.
- (2020-09-01) Excelente extensão pra quem usa GNOME, para instalar extensões no GNOME Shell com essa extensão é extremamente fácil!
- (2020-08-16) Alperen İsa NALBANT: Pardus 19.3 GNOME kullanıyorum. Bu eklenti sayesinde tek tıkla masaüstüme eklenti kurabiliyorum. GNOME masaüstü ortamı için HARİKA!
- (2020-07-01) Mubelotix: Works perfectly on Brave
- (2020-03-17) Kathirvel Rajendran: It is very useful extension. It is working in GNOME 3.36 with Xorg in Arch Linux.
- (2020-02-13) CodeDoctor: Make Gnome better!
- (2020-01-28) Tobias Roland: Makes extending gnome super easy.
- (2020-01-25) IKH: works great!
- (2019-10-10) Hipolito Ruiz: no funciona ,nosé ni de donde ha salido no se puede desinstalar horrible...
- (2019-08-15) shashi srinath: worked perfectly on manjaro gnome 3.32
- (2019-07-15) Paul Arijit Panja: great.
- (2019-07-05) Illya Antonyuk: Установил через терминал Chrome Gnome Shell, потом поставил расширение, перезагрузился и когда захожу на сайт расширений, то пишет "Не найдены настройки или версия GNOME Shell. Убедитесь, что приложение установлено и запущено." и поэтому нельзя ничего поставить.
- (2019-04-27) Aksel Hunter: Корисне розширення!
- (2019-04-18) John Tango: Used gnome for quite some time, with time it became more buggy, more ugly, more unfunctional, strange behavior, less support .... etc. So sorry for the time I spent with this tool adjusting it, fixing it, hoping this will work better with next version. Just a waste of time. It is far away from what is supposed to be. Please stop developing this, you will save your time and other's time. Stay away.
- (2019-04-07) Very useful with OS integration, installing, enabling and disabling extensions for gnome.
- (2019-04-05) Найт Сталкер: не работает даже после установки хоста. Расширение его не видит
- (2019-03-20) very good
- (2019-03-16) To be honest, this's a very nice tool to manage GNOME extensions on ubuntu 18.04.
- (2019-03-11) Xuhui Shen: how to remove it ...
- (2019-02-18) ZEL IN DA HOUSE: Приветствую! установил расширение. установил дистрибутив $sudo apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell и все равно продолжает появляться ошибка: Although GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected. Refer documentation for instructions about installing connector. В Firefox работают, но я хочу в хром. Придется с липким углом жить =(
- (2019-01-17) Юлия: Приложение появилось после обновления chrome без моего ведома еще и без возможности удаления через настройки. Отвратительно.
- (2019-01-10) Florent HAZARD: Ce fonctionne pas sur Chrome 71.0.3578.98 (Build officiel) (64 bits) et ubuntu pourtant je me suis tapé une sacré installation sur mon PC pour avoir gnome-shell... La page de l'extension me dit "Impossible de trouver les paramètres ou la version de GNOME Shell. Assurez-vous qu’il soit installé et en cours d’exécution." Gnome shell est bien install et il me dit être bien lancé.
- (2018-12-18) Михаил Карпенко: Not work correctly. Does not adding extentions to Gnome 3.30.1 from Chrome 71. Pls fix it...
- (2018-12-12) Franziskus Karsunke: Nice extension to customize your gnome desktop.
- (2018-11-30) l Badr l: Unable to locate GNOME Shell settings or version. Make sure it is installed and running.