extension ExtPose

Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome

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Description from extension meta

Profile and debug Liquid template on your Shopify store

Image from store Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome
Description from store Profile and debug Liquid template on your Shopify store Shopify themes are fast out of the box, but Liquid changes made afterwards can cause slowdowns. Shopify Theme Inspector for Chrome helps identify Liquid changes that are slowing your site down by providing a visualization of Liquid render profiling data, and giving you the means to triage the slowest parts of your Shopify theme. Once you install this extension you should be able to sign in with your Shopify credentials and see a “Shopify” panel in Chrome DevTools. This tool helps you visualize results as a flame graph which is readable and easy to understand. You can examine the flame graph nodes to localize performance issues down to the exact file and line. A handy code snippet link will open up the exact line of Liquid in your admin code editor so you can view and edit the code in context. This is the perfect tool to accelerate your workflow while debugging Liquid performance. If you would like to learn more, contribute a feature, open an issue, or make a feature request you can check out the shopify/shopify-theme-inspector Github repository.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-25) Djonar Tags: Ne marche pas. j'aurai tout simplement dû faire confiances au commentaires
  • (2023-08-31) Kin Cheung LEE: not work
  • (2023-08-23) Ka Shing LAU: not work, uninstall
  • (2023-08-15) Bradley Lee: 在我店铺后台打不开,也好久没更新了
  • (2023-08-14) Pui Tak LEE: My store doesn't work anymore, but it can work with other plug-ins, what's the matter?
  • (2023-08-09) Kin Bun Peter FUNG: It doesn't work on my store, what's going on, what should I do, can you get back to me?
  • (2023-08-09) Shi Ho CHENG: ça ne marche plus
  • (2023-08-08) Kwok Yau KO: ne peut pas rechercher
  • (2023-08-08) Manisha THAPA: Il y a un problème avec le plugin, il ne peut pas être utilisé
  • (2023-08-07) Rahul Kappor bhh: It seems that it can't be used, withdrawn
  • (2023-05-27) Roland Lee: It works. But Didn't help me at all. What you can see is, a flame graph nodes to localize process to the exact file and line. It does not show what the problem is. And you can not search it even you know which file is issue.
  • (2022-12-27) Corey Partridge: there is no way to get on remove from chrome now
  • (2022-11-23) Kari Ytterdal: Does not work.
  • (2022-11-07) Ryan Hetkowski: Literally doesn't add a Shopify panel to Chrome Dev.
  • (2022-11-02) Yeshe H.: Installed it and was never able to get past the login screen, just loads and loads. Guess I should have trusted the 2-star rating.
  • (2022-10-30) Bhagyaraj Mallampalli: Not working at all, its stuck in login and its loading hours and tried many logins, not working at all..
  • (2022-10-21) Joey Babcock: Seems to work decently, but quite glitchy on the frontend, not very informative other than to show which sections take a while but no way to tell why
  • (2022-10-11) Javier Pintos: no funciona. Te pide loguearte, te logueas y luego no funciona.
  • (2022-08-10) Nana Poku: Shopify could have done a better job with instructions. This extension WAS working but then it suddenly stopped, and now it's working again. I had updated my security settings to prevent extensions for working on pages unless I clicked on them. This prevented the profiler from working correctly even after attempting to sign in. IF this sounds like your situation, you could change the extension settings in chrome to only work for your Shopify domains you are profiling or have access to all sites you visit. I'll suggest the former for security reasons of course. Once your settings are updated. Refresh your page and attempt to profile again. Hope this helped.
  • (2022-08-01) James Jang: doesn't work
  • (2022-07-18) Ebony Glass: It doesn't do anything. I was able to log in as the sore owner, but it doesn't do anything. It just takes you back to the Chrome Web Store. I'm uninstalling this. I'm sure that the 30,000 installations were fudged or at some point uninstalled before they could do anything.
  • (2022-07-05) Dalton Davidson: Had to re-add this extension just to write this review. This extension simply doesn't work. You click Sign On but it won't Sign On.
  • (2022-06-14) Carlo Crighton: Site owner and this extension asks me to login again which fails each time. Why does Shopify offer a broken resource like this? It erodes goodwill with me as a Shopify merchant.
  • (2022-05-08) Shashank Tripathi: Doesn't even login. STUPID extension. Useless.
  • (2022-03-04) Alessandro Vanini: "this page cannot be profiled" on every page, useless
  • (2022-01-26) Clemesson Salgado: Funciona Perfeitamente! Recomendo. Parabéns aos desenvolvedores.
  • (2021-12-04) Martín R.: Se me hizo difícil al principio, si requiere que inicies sesión, pero luego si me ayudó a encontrar el file que necesitaba dentro del tema
  • (2021-11-29) Manas Ranjan Paul: Very bad experiance.
  • (2021-10-22) Jacquie T: For all the devs saying they cant test it - host a copy of the theme in a dev partner account test account so you are the admin. its not ideal but it gets around the admin account issue - or request a password of an admin on the site to login (most clients are ok with that if it improves site speed)
  • (2021-10-05) Ismael Pérez: es horrible, para empezar necesitas iniciar sesión en shopify para usarla, y cuando por fin inicias sesión, no sirve de mucho realmente
  • (2021-06-17) q shine: New try. Still trying. Hope it works!! :0 Always looking for new tools for my Shopify store. I swear dropshipping sounds easy, actually not that's easy. If you're also struggling with dropshipping business, another tool I'd like to share with you 💜:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/esdropshipping/acpefmnnjpbkagapjjmpggamglkjemoj Let's get Rich Together 🙂
  • (2021-04-27) romain coard: Doesn't even show in Chrome Dev Tools while I am logged with a single login Shopify account... Useless
  • (2020-11-23) luke backus: can't log in, looks like it would be cool as soon as it works
  • (2020-11-21) Hector Barresi: Useless. Being the store owner, I cannot even login.
  • (2020-11-11) BG Bruno: + zoom show - after click "Load Profile" cpu hit 80-120% - low trust to send credentials
  • (2020-10-26) Eugene Fedorov: This page cannot be profiled Click here to read more about this. In 90% when I click refresh I get this error, for other 10% it works fine.
  • (2020-10-25) Very helpful tool for finding unexpected liquid performance issues. Collaborator account access is now working which was the first big ask and works wonderfully. Unfortunately if you're using Shopify's new multi-line liquid syntax this tool doesn't work. It ignores any liquid rendering after use of multi-line liquid rendering the extension a bit useless.
  • (2020-10-23) Tom Jacobs: Support Partner accounts, there main account type that has a use for this
  • (2020-09-18) Anne Thomas: Without collaborator access, this extension is extremely limited in how helpful it is. So much potential for partners to help merchants speed up their shops (which would go hand in hand with the new performance dashboard). Please make opening this up to collaborator accounts a priority! Thanks!
  • (2020-09-03) P Andrew: useless waste of time just like shopify these days
  • (2020-08-30) Susanna kayed: this page cannot be profiled on every page of every shop too
  • (2020-08-05) Nicola Guerra: app doesn't work! "this page cannot be profiled" on every page of my various shopify.
  • (2020-07-23) Paul Mourer: I've made changes to a backup theme, and the rendering profile doesn't change. It still seems to be evaluating the main theme. When i click to go to line, it brings me to a line that doesn't exist since the code is not there on the preview theme. How am i supposed to test changes?
  • (2020-07-07) Adam Weis: This extension doesn't work unless you have a staff account login for a site. For most of Shopify's Partners, who work with clients using "Collaborator Accounts" this app will not work.
  • (2020-06-29) Liam Griffin: Super helpful for seeing which snippets are causing potential issues.
  • (2020-06-27) Harold AO: It works perfectly for me :)
  • (2020-03-04) Jeffrey Levy: I am the site owner and already logged in to my shopify account. This extension is asking me to log in again. For all I know, the extension is trying to grab my log in credentials. There is nothing that indicates that I am on Shopify’s website for the login. Be careful. I have removed the extension because of this.
  • (2020-02-22) Efe Kurnaz: Well, same here. Without collaborator access, it's useless for me.
  • (2020-02-04) Travis Blair: Needs collaborator account access
  • (2020-02-04) Scott Austin: With collaborator access to 100s of stores and no staff accounts to those stores (as staff accounts are limited in number by the Shopify plan of the store), I can't use this with my clients. It sounds great. But it seems to me target audience would be Shopify partners over store owners?


40,000 history
1.7869 (61 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-06 / 2.0.6
Listing languages
