Description from extension meta
It's the easiest way to save anything from the web to your ToDo lists.
Image from store
Description from store
❗ This is not an official Microsoft extension.
The extension allows you to add information about the current page to ToDo: title, selected text, and URL.
* Adding using the extension interface - you can add page information, select the desired list, and set the reminder time beforehand.
* Quick Add - adds page (or link) information to the default list without demonstrating the extension interface.
* Assigning keyboard shortcuts for both types of operations.
* Flexible configuration of the expansion interface: time and date formats, default list (with ability to remember last used), default reminder time (or last used).
* If more than 24 hours have passed since the previous use of the extension, then when you start it you will see a browser tab automatically opening in the background. The extension uses this tab to obtain an updated access token. It is due to the features of the Microsoft identity platform. Details:
* When you select a list, the lists are shown in an un-grouped form. Reason: the public API does not allow you to get information about grouping lists.
* This is not an official extension. But unfortunately, there's no official extension at this time –
* The extension requires the seemingly unnecessary "Read browsing history" permission. But this permission is needed for an alternative implementation of user authentication. The reason is the inability to use the stock chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow with the Microsoft identity platform. More details:
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-22) Jason Gomez: Very useful! I only take one star away as I would prefer to not have it in dark mode while my browser is in dark mode. Please add a dark/light switch in settings.
- (2023-09-23) Pepun Barua: Superb
- (2023-04-12) Elisabeth L: Falla bastante y tarda mucho en reaccionar.
- (2023-04-09) Frequent Traveller: Great extension. Plugs an astonishing gap in Edge.
- (2023-03-04) עמיר אשכנזי (Amir Ashkenazi): Exactly what I was looking for. Very nice interface. Easy to use. Adds the link as a task. Recommended.
- (2023-02-02) Robert Silverman: Absolutely Perfect! Thank you so much for this. It's something MS should do but I'm glad someone did it.
- (2022-11-14) Ivan Vyshnyvetskyy: Super useful! Works perfectly. And from Ukraine :-)
- (2022-10-21) Chengnuo Chen: This extension is what I am looking for to click and create a task in MS Todo. I really like it :-D
- (2022-10-16) Zeng Sheng: Updated 2022 Oct, as developer suggested, it is not issue caused by extension, and can be resolved by restart the browser. Thanks for the developer for the quick response. now I change the rating to 5 again:-) used to be a best one for MS todo, but these days, I got below error quite often: This site can’t be reached Check if there is a typo in DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
- (2022-05-14) Oleksandr Serhiichuk: Отличнейшее приложение. 5+ :)
- (2022-05-06) Sadman Saquib: Adding the task from the form works, but I can't select the Task List. There's an error message saying "Failed to load all task list".
- (2022-04-14) Heath (Laryngectomee.eth): The best MS ToDo extension!
- (2022-02-17) Works great! Thank you so much for your work.
- (2022-02-16) 平井伸治: This extension is useful for setting a deadline. This extension creates the task name from the browser title. If possible, I would like to set the task name from the currently selected text.
- (2022-01-01) David Snyder: Pretty cool, but this extension needs the ability to not have a reminder time.
- (2021-12-15) Gang Liu: thanks, it helps a lot.
- (2021-11-24) Faribourz Najarzadeh: Excellent ! loved it .. me too, I used to use todoist too, and now, your extension made Microsoft to do great again!
- (2021-09-11) soheil amiri: vey use full extension. i use it for day to day task. but calendar interface could be better UI.
- (2021-09-06) Jan Ramil Intong: The extension is so useful i like the way how its been implemented. but lacking some features for example when I add some task. I would like to add some images for complete details for the task I want to work on. but overall its a solid extension
- (2021-07-17) Rasoul Norouzi: Easy to use! Very fast and efficient. good integration with Microsoft todo.
- (2021-06-29) Alexander Tolivaisa: It saves me from using up precious Zaps on Zapier. This is a great for GMail users who don't want to use Google Tasks.
- (2021-03-20) TOGAWA Yota: Chromium Edge のマイクロソフトアカウントと職場アカウントで使っています。 なぜか時々裏でサインインのしなおしをするらしくもたつくことがありますがそれ以外は良好です。 Web サイトを買い物リストに放り込んだり、リマインダー付きで後で読むリストに追加するといった場面で便利です。
- (2021-03-08) Михаил Кульчицкий: Полезная вещь. Спасибо!
- (2021-01-29) Alex Panev: Первое и надеюсь не последнее расширение. Еще бы работу со списком задач реализовать :)
- (2021-01-08) dhimant shah: Love it because it is simple. Helps me quickly add my tasks to the list before I forget. Really grateful to the author.
- (2020-11-24) Renesh: Its fast & just have to click on the icon and it add the link to the task list.
- (2020-11-16) The Rock's Fan: Good Job! Add More Features Like The Ability To See Task Lists Like Todoist Chrome Extension!! Keep It Up Pavel!
- (2020-10-31) D.I. Abigor: Отличное расширение, большое спасибо! Не хватает возможности открыть сразу созданное задание в to-do для дальнейших действий с ним - например, для создания чек-листа.
- (2020-10-03) Taufan X: This site can’t be took too long to respond. ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
- (2020-10-02) Joao Vitor Squillace Teixeira: Why does this extension needs my browsing history permission?
- (2020-09-16) Антон Полищук: Супер, спасибо! Не хватает горячей комбинации для вызова расширения.
- (2020-08-31) Anthony Lee: Great extension and have the source code available for feature improvement! Thank you for taking the initiative to get this started.
- (2020-08-19) Marco Chierichetti: Long awaited after switching from Wunderlist. Works great, thanks!
- (2020-08-14) Roberto r: Instale la extensión Microsoft To Do, pero cuando le doy click al botón (Get started) trata de conectarse pero me sale un error (Add to Microsoft To Do, Failed to fetch Google Chrome). Antes si funcionaba correctamente. Espero me puedan apoyar a solucionar este error. Gracias.
- (2020-08-13) Kendall Gosage: Works Great But there is one issue that is not working right. I mainly use this extension as a read later for to do but it keeps wanting to default to tasks in spite of me selecting "save last used section" I have to keep resetting it to the right section each time. If that is fixed I will be happy to give it a 5 star! Thank you.
- (2020-08-08) Valentin Pertsiya: Отличный плагин! Ставьте!
- (2020-08-06) Ariel Gur-Arieh: Simple and Great! Made To Do much better than before. Thanks for this.
- (2020-08-03) Gilles Pion: So happy to have found this extension Exactly what I needed.
- (2020-07-24) Ramis Ganiev: Расширение отличное, большое спасибо. Но можно ли добавить возможность убрать «Быстрое добавление задачи» из контекстного меню? Случайно нажимаю, привычнее пользоваться кнопкой рядом с другими расширениями.
- (2020-07-04) Manish Pawar: Nothing fancy about this extension. I was expecting to see the list/tasks as well, instead of opening the todo web in another browser. I would like tosee daily tasks using this extension without navigating away from the current page.
- (2020-06-24) Vitaly Vlasyuk: Fabulous: has moderate access requirements, works natively like a charm. Use it for readlists/tasks as a part of Microsoft ToDo, but that's a great start already Thanks a lot to the author. Advice to the author: update the extension only with browser-critical features, e.g. update existing task's description with an url/create sub-task/Google Calendar integration, etc. Viewing task list, managing tasks or anything related to that is pointless for a Microsoft ToDo, which is used perfectly as a separate instance and does not need anything like that.
- (2020-06-24) Mohammed Hamad: Easy to trace ur tasks.
- (2020-04-14) Yuto YASUI: I cant use this extension app. it is no problem to use original app but extension one dont work to add new task. it was better when using wunderlist.
- (2020-04-09) Jerry Nelson: Doesn't display any lists or let me create a new one. A complete waste of time
- (2020-04-08) Hossein Farrokhi: simple and useful. i use it to add links of a list in a batch to the todo app, just by right click and select 'Quick add task' :)
- (2020-04-08) Nolberto Coy: No puedo agregar Microsoft To Do como pestaña en Chrome.
- (2020-04-07) Susi Sorglas: Great work, like the extension very much! Is it possible to add like for Important (= the star button) also a button for "My Day"? So that after the task is created in MS ToDo it also appears in the "My Day" list?
- (2020-03-27) Niko Forsström: I have to say that after using Wunderlist this feels terrible. For example, I can't see the current tasks from chrome extension, the UI is not as intuitive and the Android app keeps asking password. What were the developers thinking with not adding the possibility to see the current tasks?! :'D Looks like MS bought gold and converted into dirt.
- (2020-03-22) Sunil Patel: basic extension. Would like to get enhancement in terms of viewing tasks within extension itself.
- (2020-03-16) Marcos Carbonell: No respeta los grupos de listas cuando quieres ver las tareas por fecha de vencimiento. Se mezclan todos los grupos en el mismo día...