extension ExtPose

Roblox Friend Removal Button

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Useful for removing friends with ease.

Image from store Roblox Friend Removal Button
Description from store Adds a red-crossed button to each friend card. Allowing the ability to easily dispose of friends. This only applies to the friends list.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-03) Jenn: This extension gave my computer a virus, my PC immediately detected malware and I had to quarantine it and delete it. It's a new computer and I had almost nothing on it otherwise, so I'm certain it's this extension that did it. Especially when you have to uninstall and reinstall this to delete more than 20 friends at a time. No thanks.
  • (2023-11-07) Nguyễn Gia đình: Nó làm rất nhanh,nhưng cái nút xóa á nó nhỏ hơi khó bấm nhưng vẫy rất nhanh
  • (2023-11-05) Ada Zam: So Quick damn son
  • (2023-10-15) hilal yalinalp: Bayıldım,Hemen Siliyor Zaman Tasarrufu Çok Güzell
  • (2023-09-27) I See: works slowly but does help a lot when unfriending people. you can also unfriend a lot of people at once if you press the button fast enough on the people you want to unfriend. also if you have a problem seeing your friends list after using this that is robloxs fault not the creator of the extension, just refresh roblox 3 times or go to friends.
  • (2023-09-22) NITHISH: Super it helped me a lot
  • (2023-09-21) Danny: Works great :)
  • (2023-09-17) newguy963: To everybody saying it's too slow then just think about how much faster this is when you actually unfriended alot of people, big diffrence right?
  • (2023-09-03) Андрей: работает нормально, жаль что после удаления определенного количества друзей приходиться обновлять страницу, раньше с этим не было проблем, но во всем виноват сам роблокс а не создатели расширения, так что 5 звезд за удобство
  • (2023-09-03) Sereni Luv: I downloading the extension and had high expectations due to all the good reviews, but when I tried it I was highly disappointed. Every time I pressed the removed button it would say I have 0 friends just after removing only 5 or 6 of them, I reloaded my page, no change. So I reloaded Roblox completely and to my surprise it read " unable to load friends" I don't know whats wrong with this extension, but its sketchy, I wouldn't risk it, just delete them yourself because its not worth getting a virus, or getting hacked. Don't mean to sound paranoid, but these days it's so easy to slip in a code that gives them access to your account/ google passwords. Be safe yall...
  • (2023-09-02) Angel Alberto Hernández Del Angel: esta buenisima
  • (2023-08-30) Erika Norero: it works for me love this
  • (2023-08-17) Enrique Duran: Best It works but sometimes stop i still dont know why.. but its a great extension
  • (2023-08-16) Jakob Comeau: Wonderful remover, this was useful for my blocking spree to deal with people that I never talked on roblox ever, well done, you deserve 5 stars.
  • (2023-08-15) Yusif Adnayev (Adnayevv): Just Perfect
  • (2023-08-14) FYRZ: Раньше удаляла вообще быстро! щяс надо обновлять страницу после 10 удаленных друзей Это ограничение роблокса так что 5 звезд!
  • (2023-08-10) Daniel Bagger: It's okay but it gets a little slow and buggy once i start unfriending a lot of people.
  • (2023-08-04) Emilio N: didnt help at all
  • (2023-08-03) матвей Третьяков: после перезагружаю страницу, пишет друзей нету но они есть, приложения отличное советую всем!
  • (2023-08-02) Ralph Tudor: it wouldn't show up and it took half of my storage
  • (2023-07-28) dayz k: It works but every 7 friends removed it starts buggin
  • (2023-07-28) MomiN EditZ: Sometimes this not works but it's too good, Thank You ❤
  • (2023-07-27) Justin Wilcox: when you guys say its buggy you mean my friends dont load cause mine arent it said i dont have any friends left but its probabbly just a bug
  • (2023-07-25) Clif: hidden behind the favorite button
  • (2023-07-17) taski: its great!! (when it works) but even when its glitchy it still gets the job done so yay
  • (2023-07-14) Arie Nuraini: bro i cant open the app not bug its cuz i dont know how:v
  • (2023-07-14) michael carley: It's aight. It works, but it's a little buggy every now and then
  • (2023-07-13) Javier Montelongo-Perez: It was pretty good but I had some problems, when I unfriend some amount of people, it stops working so I have to reload. Another problem is that sometimes when I reload, it says I dont have any friends
  • (2023-07-01) Gamer_ Angxl: hey um.. i saw the other reviews that said "oh this is really good never freezes" yeah no. that's wrong it unfriended like five people, now it doesn't work. might as well do it manually..
  • (2023-06-18) A.N.T Thunder King: Just like all the reviews, it pretty much works but does freezes and messes up your friend pages. However, it serves its purpose just as good as it still is faster than going through individuals profile pages and selecting unfriended over and over again. I think this is more of download when needed type of extension rather than having it added all the time.
  • (2023-06-17) Alex halo: I hate it, it was terrible, bugged my friends list and froze instantly.
  • (2023-06-13) jay :0: This hardly freezes. It is so helpful for clearing out my friends list. I have been holding onto a lot of friends that have not logged for years. This has been so helpful! It hardly freezes.
  • (2023-06-08) jayden c: yall are trippin i havnt has a SINGLE problem with this, litteraly not one, no freezing, no need to refresh, nothing
  • (2023-06-05) Kourosh Esfahani: ok so the extension is very good..now i see ppl saying it freezes now yes it does freeze but.... u can fix it.so u know like the page thing like it says page 1 of ur friends lists..well just go to the next page and come back like 4 times and it should work again...i hope it works for u guys too over all....VERY GOOD
  • (2023-06-04) bujscbj jkgkg: At first it was great but then it kept freezing and I would have to refresh the page about 3 times I think you should work on that.
  • (2023-06-04) Dino Nuggies: it takes a really long time to load
  • (2023-05-25) Даркинс: хорошое расширение, не так быстро удаляет и после 5-8 удаленных друзей нужно обновлять страницу но это все равно быстрей чем без расширения
  • (2023-05-02) Roman: This extension was great at first, but then all of a sudden it start freezing, and not only that but I have to refresh the page every time I unadd someone using this exact extension. I turned off ALL of my extensions for this single one to work properly, but it didn't, and I hope that the creator of this extension work on it.
  • (2023-04-28) EliMeliGames: После Каждого Удаления друзей нужно перезагружать страницу :/
  • (2023-04-14) Not OP: it kept making my friends list disappear and didn't really work too well
  • (2023-04-09) João Guilherme: Ótima extensão. No entanto a cada amigo que você remove a tela fica em branco e é necessário reiniciar a página, oque torna um pouco cansativo; mas já é melhor do que ter que ir manualmente no perfil de cada um para remover.
  • (2023-04-08) NLO Js: Not a virus. Checked by IT Security Pro XXL Super Professor
  • (2023-04-05) getfenv: Parcialmente dejó de funcionar recientemente, pero cumple con su funcion.
  • (2023-04-04) Solar Storm: i have to refresh every one second!
  • (2023-03-31) Contax Vz: Esta bien pero hay un problema el problema es que cuando eliminas a un amigo los demas desapareces y eso hace q tengas q recargar la pagina espero arreglen eso pronto
  • (2023-03-29) Bora Moldur: zaman tasarrufu tamame o yüzden çok güzel
  • (2023-03-25) Ryan Hannant: It was amazing and after a while i didn't have to refresh anymore!
  • (2023-03-20) Арина Евдокимова: Всё хорошо. Не слушайте тех людей, которые говорят, что после удаления перезагружается страница. Без этого фактически не возможно. Думайте своей головой. Тем более за раз можно удалить 5 человек (до обновления страницы). Скачивайте!!
  • (2023-03-19) grandfather coursed: ужасное приложение, после перезагрузки страницы, все друзья которых ты удалил остаются
  • (2023-03-18) Angie Savoy: It refreshes the page everytime you do it, which is okay. I dont mind it but the fact that roblox added a favorite button to overlap it - you cant click on the button.


300,000 history
4.2399 (967 votes)
Last update / version
2023-05-10 / 1.1.0
Listing languages
