Description from extension meta
njegova razširitev omogoča ustvarjanje novih Google Documents ™, Predstavitev, Sheets ™, Draw ™ Forms ™ z le enim klikom
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Description from store
Ta razširitev vam omogoča, da z enim samim klikom ustvarite nove Google Documents ™, Google Presentations, Google Sheets ™, Google Draw ™ in Google Forms ™.
Ste naveličani, da kliknete Google Drive ™ in ustvarite nove Google Dokumente? S to pripono ustvarite nove datoteke Google Docs z enim samim klikom. Prihranite čas pri tipkanju, če morate redno ustvarjati Google Documents ™ / google prezentacije ™ / google listi ™, saj lahko to storite z le dvema klikoma.
Omejitev odgovornosti: upoštevajte, da te razširitve NE izdeluje Google in jo je izdelala neodvisna razvojna skupina. Vse avtorske pravice pripadajo njihovim lastnikom. Google ne podpira in ne sponzorira te razširitve za Chrome. Hitro ustvarjanje Google Docs ™ ni v lasti, ni licencirano in ni hčerinsko podjetje družbe Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2024-03-26) Dragos Epureanu: Foarte buna !
- (2023-08-08) Sean Dempsey: Exactly what I wanted! Its great when something works as expected
- (2021-12-06) Darci Larsen: New docs open in the wrong profile. I can't make my new docs open with my Work profile as the owner, everything makes my Home profile the owner. This is unacceptable. Delete.
- (2021-06-16) Kstar 15: It works really really good everybody should get it
- (2021-02-14) mamantal: I didn't use it yet but I hope It really helps me
- (2020-10-18) aedxlvr: I can use it offline, but nowadays i can't use it anymore
- (2020-10-07) Missy Duke: cant even get the dang thing to work