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Red Block

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해로운 사용자를 막는 새로운 체인블락 확장기능

Image from store Red Block
Description from store 트위터측의 API 제한으로 인해 부득이하게 레드블락의 개발을 중단하게 되었습니다. -------------------- 새로운 체인블락 확장기능, 레드블락(Red Block)입니다. 트위터에서 특정 사용자의 팔로워나 팔로잉목록에 있는 사용자를 일괄적으로 차단합니다. --변경사항-- ## v0.14.1.3 - 차단목록 생성 세션이 작동하지 않던 버그 고침 - 중국어 번역 업데이트 반영 ## v0.14.1.2 - 트윗을 가져올 때 트윗반응 속성이 없는 경우 발생했던 오류 고침 ## v0.14.1.1 - 최초 설치시 등 특정 상황에서 레드블락이 저장했던 데이터를 제대로 불러오지 못하는 버그 고침 ## v0.14.1.0 - NFT 육각형 프로필이미지를 사용한 유저에게 원클릭차단기능 추가 - 인증마크를 받은 계정을 스킵하는 옵션 추가 - 유저검색 체인블락이 다음 커서값을 찾지 못해 제대로 종료를 못 하는 버그 고침 - edge2edge UI의 적용여부를 판단하는 과정에서 발생했던 버그 고침 - 로그인여부를 판단하는 과정에서 발생했던 버그 고침 - 레드블락의 팝업 UI에 React v17 및 MUI 업데이트 ## v0.14.0.4 - React v17 대응 업데이트 ## v0.14.0.3 - 체인블락 실행시 원클릭 차단버튼이 남아있거나 엉뚱한 위치로 움직이는 버그를 고쳤습니다. - 파이어폭스 외 일부 브라우저에서 확장기능 우클릭메뉴의 원클릭차단모드 전환이 작동하지 않는 버그를 고쳤습니다. - 로그인하지 않은 상태에서 나타나는 UI를 고쳤습니다. ## v0.14.0.2 - 중국어 번역(zh-CN)을 추가했습니다. - 레드블락에서 만들어낸 차단목록을 내려받지 못하는 버그를 고쳤습니다. - 파이어폭스에서 BlockBuster 기능이 오작동하는 버그를 고쳤습니다. - 확장기능 우클릭메뉴에서 원클릭 차단모드 전환이 작동하지 않는 버그를 고쳤습니다. - 파이어폭스 외 다른 브라우저에서, 확장기능 우클릭메뉴에 옵션 페이지로 가는 항목이 두 번 나타나는 현상을 고쳤습니다. ## v0.14.0.1 - 트위터의 트윗 UI변경(edge2edge)이 적용된 상태에서 원클릭 차단버튼이 나타나지 않는 버그를 고쳤습니다. -- 이 경우, 프로필이미지 아래에 공간이 없으므로 트윗메뉴 옆에 차단버튼이 나타납니다. - RTL 언어환경에서 원클릭 차단버튼에 여백이 적용되지 않는 문제 고쳤습니다. - 팝업UI가 좀 더 빨리 로딩되도록 개선했습니다. ## v0.14.0.0 - 되풀이세션 기능을 추가했습니다. - 트위터 스페이스를 지원하여 발화자나 청취자를 대상으로하는 체인블락을 실행할 수 있습니다. - 자신이 차단했던 유저목록을 내보내는 기능을 추가했습니다. - 체인블락의 차단 딜레이를 조정하는 옵션을 추가했습니다. - 원클릭차단 기능관련: - 트윗덱에서 사용할 수 있습니다. - 원클릭차단모드 전환을 전체 탭에 적용할 수 있는 옵션을 추가했습니다. - 원클릭차단 버튼을 유저의 프로필이미지 아래로 옮겼습니다. - 원클릭차단 버튼으로 차단 후 나타나는 알림에 차단해제 버튼을 추가했습니다. - 원클릭차단 버튼으로 차단완료 후 버튼이 사라지지 않을 수 있는 버그를 고쳤습니다. - 확장기능 버튼의 우클릭메뉴에서 원클릭차단모드를 ON/OFF할 수 있는 메뉴를 추가했습니다. - 트윗덱 신버전(Gryphon)에서의 우클릭메뉴를 사용할 수 있도록 하였습니다. - 유저검색 체인블락이 해시태그 페이지의 URL(twitter.com/hashtag/)을 인식할 수 있도록 했습니다. - 해시태그의 우클릭메뉴에서 "이 해시태그가 프로필에 들어있는 유저들에게 체인블락 실행" 항목을 추가했습니다. - 레드블락의 각종 설정값을 파일로 백업하거나 복원하는 기능을 추가했습니다. - 레드블락의 설정을 초기화하는 기능을 구현했습니다. - 팝업 UI가 일부 수정되었습니다. (세션목록에서의 새 세션 버튼을 목록 아래로 옮겼습니다.) - 일부 상황에서 오류메시지를 제대로 출력하지 않고 `[Object object]`가 출력되는 현상을 고쳤습니다. - (실험적) 차단우회기능의 이름을 "AntiBlock"이 "BlockBuster" 변경하였습니다. - (실험적) 차단우회시 트윗덱에 등록된 계정정보도 활용하는 옵션을 추가했습니다. - (실험적) 여러계정을 로그인한 경우, 그 계정 전체가 특정 유저를 차단/차단해제/뮤트/언뮤트하는 기능을 추가했습니다. - (실험적) 트위터의 새 에모지반응을 지원하며, 이 상태에선 특정 트윗을 마음에 들어한 유저를 대상으로 언체인블락을 실행할 수 있습니다.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-07) Serdar Erol: it doesnt work
  • (2023-10-09) Burak Doğan: Çalışmıyor.
  • (2023-08-24) Kadir Yüksel: Çalışmıyor...
  • (2023-07-19) Sebastian Wallus: Lately "New Session (Reactions of tweet)" stopped working, will that be fixed? Is that a me-thing? Who knows... I tried deleting the cookies too, and that didn't work either. Very strange. Otherwise, works pretty well.
  • (2023-07-18) Tanerce: Hello, your plugin that works great has been giving the error “Error occurred while retrieving tweet.” lately. I would appreciate it if you are interested. Thank you.
  • (2023-03-23) 미지: 며칠 내내 잘 작동 되는 거 같더니 또 오류나네요ㅠㅠ
  • (2023-03-15) 밀수업자햄스터: 요새 계~~속 오류떠서 체블 못돌림 개짜증남
  • (2023-02-09) 4567890987654 435657897643: It is good for blocking stupid people but there is a LIMIT(500). Please remove the limit.
  • (2023-02-06) Murat Polat: Not working. 06.02.2023
  • (2023-01-30) Dani: Hardly works
  • (2023-01-15) Jackie Mon: it said "error, over capacity". :(
  • (2022-12-10) Elmer Bernstein: Please, extend the block limit. These days, the limit of 100,000 blocked users falls short. Thanks.
  • (2022-11-29) 꿍요삐약: 잘 쓰고는 있으나 한 번 이용하면 자주 로그아웃 되고 오류도 뜨네요. 제발 업데이트 좀 해주셨음 합니다 🥲 동시에 500명 제한도 조금은 풀어주셨음 하네요...
  • (2022-11-20) GuyWithThePie: Used to work flawlessly, but now it just gives up after 50 or so blocks and thinks it's done, barely making a dent on tweets with thousands of likes or retweets. Hopefully it'll actually function again in the future, but in the meantime, if you want a chain blocker that actually works, check out CommanderRoot's Twitter Tools. That being said, the blocklist export/import functionality still works wonders, so this extension is still great for that.
  • (2022-09-09) Max Coulson: Doesn't work at all. Says "you need to be logged into Twitter to use Redblock" even though I am already logged in, and even if I log out and back in, it still shows that same message.
  • (2022-09-04) ari: i tried to chain block 6 times for one tweet and it doesn't work and when i first click on rts to block the red block extensions drop down turns completely grey.
  • (2022-08-31) Jude Gestalt: works great for the most part, but when trying to block people via quote retweets the red block menu turns completely grey and stops working. very frustrating. please fix this issue
  • (2022-08-08) 비비: 체인블락 시도하면 오류 뜨고 로그아웃 됩니다.
  • (2022-06-28) Stan Hatsune: It was working fine at first, I didn't mind the small amount I was allowed to block because I was block chaining small accounts, however now I can't block any account, I just get a never ending "status: waiting..." on every new account I try to do and I dont know how to fix it. I tried to delete some of my reoccurring sessions but nothing
  • (2022-06-03) CMAB: I've been trying to mass-block a bulk of about 70,000 Twitter users. It managed to block around 100 users the first try, but then when I tried to do the same thing again it didn't work. Unfortunately, each time I tried to use this it blocked 0 people. Giving me this status: "Status: Completed / Block: 0". I uninstalled and then reinstalled again about 5 times, and tried doing the process. However, it didn't work. The application has potential, but in my opinion it just doesn't work at the moment.
  • (2022-05-07) 飯匙倩蓬瀛: Twitter Block Chainと同じ操作を行い、同じく凍結したゴミソフト。 使い物にならない。Twitterアカウント返せ
  • (2022-04-28) DannyStark: The best app of Twitter in the history.
  • (2022-04-24) J V: Can't block accounts on tweets with more than 1,000 likes. It'll usually say "chain-block completed! Blocked 15 users. (Already blocked:1, Skipped: 0, Failed: 0)." When you go to check the likes on the tweet again, there's still accounts that haven't been blocked. Overall good especially when just going on someone's profile to block their 6,000 followers.
  • (2022-04-20) Ali Utlu: I can't login to start a session. No clue why this is not working.
  • (2022-01-20) Kamyar Tour: The best adds on for mass blocking twitter accounts that I've ever seen.
  • (2022-01-11) GG K: 500명 한정이 불편하기는 하지만, 트위터에서 잘못되지 않기 위한 조치인 것 같아서 넘어갈 수 있음. 기능도 좋고, 블락도 확실해서 매우 편하다.
  • (2021-06-29) keatoncore: really good for blocking transphobes and whatnot. for those complaining that it logs you out too often: i hate that too but it's not the extension's fault, twitter just does that when you block too many people even manually. this is almost perfect but i have one suggestion: you SHOULD be able to chain-unfollow yourself. i need to unfollow everyone who doesn't follow me back because it just clutters up my timeline, but it won't let me do that... i don't see why that isn't an option.
  • (2021-04-27) Matthew Trevor: Have been a big fan but would really like an explanation for why it's now demanding increased permission. Why does it need to read my browser history or manage downloads?
  • (2021-04-26) Eline Muijres: This extension is super helpful, thank you! I know the 500 limit is because of the Twitter API, but it would be great if the session could automatically resume after 24 hours. I am trying to block followers of a large account (100,000+) and at this rate I have to do this manually for over 200 days to be finished... Please 가을별, could you consider adding a feature like this? I would be happy to pay for it too.
  • (2021-03-20) 박머핀: 잘 작동하고 좋은데 500명 제한이 좀 불편하네요.
  • (2021-03-07) G3IG3RC0UNT3R: Doesnt crash like the other blockchain extention
  • (2021-01-25) Ártemis López: The ability to block people by whether they liked or RTd something is friggin life-changing. There are lots of kind people who follow accounts without realizing they're bigoted or who follow them "to keep an eye on them" (why??), but there's no possible excuse for RTing bigotry. This extension is wonderful!!
  • (2020-12-30) Gaurav Dhingra: Worked for me! Just the limit is annoying, but it's crucial. Twitter booted me out after I blocked around 2000 followers by clearing cookies and logging in again. Did the two step auth/verification, and solved it
  • (2020-12-27) Heather Louise Lee: I actually really enjoyed this, despite the forcefully logging out (and the restricting of my account) and the 500 limit, until my account was restricted with only a broken "call me" button to unrestrict it. Twitter Support has been no help, so I've lost my account
  • (2020-12-05) candy: I've only been able to find 2 twitter chain blocker extensions on google chrome and neither of them work. This is one is just stuck and won't move from 0 no matter how many times i reset the blocker or reinstall the extension. Please help me.
  • (2020-11-05) Sweet Singing Amateur: For anyone annoyed that the limit is now 500 blocks: this is twitter's fault. You can't block more people per session even if you do it manually and you can't import or export blocklists (you can export your archive though). Twitter makes so many bad changes lately. Why is it so bad that we block people? How much will the limit shrink even more?
  • (2020-10-06) babyspacebear ᴖᴥᴖ: I don't really know what to say about this extension honestly. I've heard great things about it, but it hasn't worked for me at all since I got it. I've tried to use it on tweets to block likers and rters, since I was under the impression it worked that way, but whenever I right click the way I'm supposed to there's no functions that RedBlock can do. All it brings up is something that says "(empty)". It's also not working right for follower blockchains. It doesn't seem to be actually blocking users, and it makes twitter completely freeze every time I try to use it.
  • (2020-10-04) Sawyer Aik: It does log me out when I press "reset" on the 500 block limit, but it's tolerable. I just log in right after. Worth it for how reliable it it in getting all the blocklist targets, and they don't get randomly unblocked after some time either.
  • (2020-10-03) 귤찬귤멜팅: 기존에 쓰던 체블 버리고 좋다고 해서 써보고 있는데 한 계정 당도 아니고 하루에 누적 500 이상 하면 다른거 다 안되는거 좀 불편하네요 체블 돌릴 계정 많은데
  • (2020-10-02) Hannah Louise: used to work really well but recently, regardless of the 500 limit, it forces log out. Used to be able to block thousands of accounts but now i can't block more than like... 100 without being logged out. I assume this is probably just something that happens with twitter though and the makers of this extension might not be able to prevent it :/ But if it logs me out anyway I think the 500 limit is kinda pointless?
  • (2020-09-01) Ernesto Guevara: No sé qué ha pasado, antes podía bloquear mucha gente y de pronto hay logout y se limita a 500 bloqueos. Por qué???
  • (2020-08-22) 바다: 사용하기도 편하고 좋아요
  • (2020-08-15) Jordan DOURY: I was looking for a replacement of the Twitter Block Chain, but sadly, it doesn't work. A "JSON" error appears, and the extension doesn't block any account, whether on Google Chrome or on Mozilla Firefox.
  • (2020-08-15) 그냥, 오늘 일상: 요새 체인블락 기능이 오류가 나네요ㅜㅜㅜ확인해주시고 수정부탁드려요
  • (2020-08-13) busancookies: it was working fine until yesterday, whenever i try to chain block it just says syntax error: unexpected end of JSON input
  • (2020-08-12) vidal sanchez: Muy bueno hasta AYER que ha dejado de funcionar.
  • (2020-08-11) Christoph Rackwitz: unfortunately twitter just decided to remove the old /i/user/block_all and /i/users/html/name_list APIs. they were working yesterday. now it's a HTTP 400 error.
  • (2020-08-04) 밀크쉐이크: 체인블락도 좋지만 체인뮤트 기능도 있었으면 좋겠습니다.
  • (2020-07-27) ozero: Twitterにいるアレなアカウントを、その垢のフォロワーごと一括ブロックできるので大変に良さみが深い。
  • (2020-07-16) Peter S.: The Red Block extension provides several tools for blocking or muting groups of accounts–up to 100,000 at a time-on Twitter. You can target groups of accounts following or followed by a certain Twitter account, or all of the accounts that have retweeted or liked a particular tweet. The extension does not block every account in a group reliably on the first run–as explained by the developer, this is due to the Twitter API the extension must use to block/mute large amounts of accounts at once. However, you can save accounts within the extension to run another session of blocking or muting later. You can also un-block or un-mute groups of accounts defined in the same way as above, and without the reliability issues of blocking/muting accounts. I have found it to be a perfect replacement for Twitter Blockchain.

Latest issues

  • (2022-10-07, v: Farid Fi: Status Check
    hello please add "Account Status" on the extension when you export someone's followers. you know the extension is limited to 500 blocks. i want to know how many people i blocked from an exact user and how many remained. so it would be great to see the status in the export list
  • (2022-09-08, v: az hsb: Can't export Follower / Following list
    It's been a problem for the past few months Exporting my follow list is not working
  • (2022-08-31, v: Jude Gestalt: red block menu turns grey and stops working when trying to block quote retweeters
    i have someone who is private quote retweeting all of my posts and i would like to block them, but when i try to select 'quote retweets' in the 'reactions of tweets' section of the menu, the whole menu turns grey and unresponsive. i thought that maybe this was happening because the account that was quote retweeting me was private, so i went to try it on a post with a lot of quote retweets, but the same problem still happened. it also happens across browsers; i tried it on firefox as well but the problem occurred. this is an issue with the extension itself currently. i've blocked people quote retweeting posts before so i assume this is a very new issue. please fix this!
  • (2022-06-25, v: Clarisse Linao: over capacity error
    i keep getting the "over capacity" error. No matter how many times I log back in or restart the session or reset the block counter, it keeps saying "error occured: over capacity". It is an account with 2,459 followers, and I've chain blocked accounts with larger followings of 6k. I've only blocked 1,796 out of 2,459. Why is this happening and how do I fix this???
  • (2022-04-08, v: Alan Carroll: Recurring sessions
    How do recurring sessions work? Any time I set one up it stops at 500 and will not go again. Isn't it supposed to wait ten minutes and run again?
  • (2022-01-24, v: Johannes P.: Option to Prompt input on Follower/Followings block
    When importing a blocklist, there are options on how to handle users that are followers of your account, or that your account is following, such as skipping, muting, etc. It would be very helpful if an option could be added to pause the import when such a user is found and prompt you to select what action should be performed. That way if someone you follow or that follows you is on the blocklist that you are importing you can choose how to proceed on a case-by-case basis.
  • (2021-12-16, v: O M: one click block features not working correctly
    when i try to turn on one click block, nothing happens. even after restarting my computer. when i turn it on while viewing quote retweets, it only shows the block button on the original post account not on anyone quote retweeting. I also used the oneclickblock word list under options which I've just found has completely wiped itself empty and removed all the words i had listed.
  • (2021-07-11, v: Evelyn Looi: Red Block is not showing up
    When I clicked on the Red Block icon in my Extension bar on Chrome today, it just appeared blank. What happened to it?
  • (2021-06-29, v: keatoncore: chain-unfollowing yourself
    i think you should be able to chain-unfollow your followings. i need to unfollow everyone who doesn't follow me back because it just clogs up my timeline
  • (2021-05-19, v: beep boop: nothing showing
    i hit the 500 limit and reset, now the extension doesn't load and is completely blank.... i tried to remove from chrome and redownload but it's still just blank
  • (2021-03-02, v: Milk Friend: export & import
    how to import & export followers? i see no button
  • (2021-02-26, v: Samiya Furazu: How do you export the blocklist?
    How do you export the blocklist? i don't see an option to export blocked accounts
  • (2021-01-29, v: Simp Deku: Log In Issues
    Every time I try to use RedBlock but a pop-up shows up saying "Error: check log in". I've logged out and logged back in multiple times but nothing works. Why won't it connect to my account?
  • (2021-01-25, v: Neural: Does Retweets include QUOTE-retweets?
    Blocking the re-tweets include the quote-retweets?
  • (2020-12-14, v: Sonya: Feature Request: A Whitelist to Avoid Blocking Certain Accounts
    Sometimes I would like to avoid blocking certain accounts that get caught in the chainblock because they don't follow me and I don't follow them. Currently, the only way to do that is to navigate to each of these account afterwards and manually unblock them one at a time. If there were a way, inside the extension, to list the accounts that you do not wish to be blocked, I think that would be a very useful feature. Thank you.
  • (2020-11-02, v: Garrapita Garbanza: 500 block limit
    Dear developer, Thank you so much for developing this app. It has made our life safer and contributed to our personal wellbeing. We would like to ask if the 500 block limit is a temporary issue?
  • (2020-11-02, v: Garrapita Garbanza: Unfollow all feature
    Dear developer, Thank you so much for developing this app. It has made our life safer and contributed to our personal wellbeing. We would like to ask you if there is a way to add an "unfollow all" feature to the app? We are looking for this type of app atm
  • (2020-08-21, v: 0 2: 혹시 상대 차단과 상관없이 체블 돌릴 순 없을까요?
    체인 블락을 돌려야하는데 상대가 차단해서 체인블락을 돌리지 못하고 있슴돠 혹시 상대가 내 계정을 차단해도 체인블락 가능하게 할 순 없을까요
  • (2020-08-15, v: icebearsuga: SyntaxError
    I've been getting this message for the past few days now. Same with the other people that have complained: " Error occurred.: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input"
  • (2020-08-15, v: Leonard Marino: New Error
    The extension worked without issues until the last few days; now whenever I try to run it, it immediately times out and says "Error occurred.: SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input". This happens regardless of the settings, and regardless of the target account.
  • (2020-08-14, v: kmkill: Error
    Whenever I try to block-chain a user I get an error saying "syntaxerror: unexpected end of json input". Help please?
  • (2020-08-13, v: RF DN: Got an error
    I got an error saying syntaxerror: unexpected end of json input any help please? thank you!
  • (2020-08-12, v: ファ!?: エラ―
  • (2020-06-11, v:0.10.2) Dana Johnson: Show skipped users?
    Thank you for the very useful extension. I feel much safer on twitter being able to use it. However, I have a suggestion. When I block followers of an account and I see "skipped: 1" or "skipped: 2" because some of them also follow me, I would like to be able to see a list of skipped users. Then I can decide for each one if I want to block them as well.


16,980 history
3.4853 (68 votes)
Last update / version
2023-07-25 /
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en ko zh-CN
