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Find sci paper by sci-hub
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一鍵在sci-hub上查找sci paper,免除貼來貼去的繁瑣
- 開啟期刊網站上的欲查詢paper頁面,點擊右上的此外掛按鈕便會開啟新分頁至sci-hub的該paper頁面
- 或是用滑鼠游標反白doi號碼後,右鍵>find by doi,便會另開啟新分頁至sci-hub的該paper頁面
- 自定義網域:右鍵此外掛按鈕>選項,於開啟的頁面中輸入欲自定義的網域名稱後儲存即可
Find your reference paper in sci-hub by one click
How to use:
Go to the reference page on journal site and click add-on button, then chrome will open a new tab to find resource in sci-hub.
Or you can select doi text then right click>get by doi, then chrome will open a new tab to find resource in sci-hub.
Custom domain setting: right click add-on button > Options, then input custom domain you want and save it.
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-02) 9 Thug_: 以前用的还很方便的,但是最近突然不能用了,点开论文后只有空白页,请问有其他人也遇到相同问题的吗? --------更新-------- 今天才知道原来这款插件能修改sci-hub的后缀,修改好最新后缀后就可以正常使用了,感谢开发者
- (2023-08-13) mohamad mahdi: very useful and easy to use. my thanks to its developers.
- (2023-08-11) Hsieh Hsiao-Chun: It still works now!
- (2023-04-10) Anna Salminen: This is the most useful addon I have. Finds 98% of papers around paywalls.Thank you for making science accessible again.
- (2022-02-08) Dr.Ne0Gen3tic (Forensic Buro of Quantum): Extremely useful tool, if it rakt times again at the "paper", because with this, really almost all papers can be obtained. Science should be accessible to everyone, because together you are much better at the goal! I am glad to have this tool to be always "informed first hand". Just in the current time can be so "certain experiences and decisions", which are made earlier than the people know who should help us or me! So one can healthy and Munter in the "things dive", which are really important! Thank you for this really very successful tool!
- (2022-01-21) Nathanielle Morel: No longer works.
- (2021-08-21) Pooria Yavari: perfect
- (2021-07-05) YEN-HSIU “Matthew”: 超方便 不用剪剪貼貼
- (2021-05-12) Ivan Villanueva: PERFECT! i hope they still updating every time scihub change the url
- (2021-05-07) Simon Leung: 想请问开发者可以考虑出Firefox版插件吗?如果可以的话非常感谢!
- (2021-02-18) Tania Miller: 用处是不用再打开网址,复制粘贴。在选项里可自行更改域名,不过要注意各网址scihub还是sci-hub。
- (2021-02-05) Yichao BIAN: 能否加一个关闭右键菜单的选项,现在会对任何选中的字串调用菜单
- (2020-12-06) Nikki Palmer: this might help
- (2020-11-26) yang Harry: 后缀默认是tw嘛,还可以改成什么可以更快的?
- (2020-11-22) niubility !!!!
- (2020-11-10) dimitris charalambous: Excellent tool for Students!! Highly recommended
- (2020-10-21) LastNameBravo: Does anyone know what is the right domain to type in the options?
- (2020-10-20) Fairy Cat: 挺好用的,再也不用自己复制粘贴了!!
- (2020-10-15) 梁为何: If the extension is no longer work, you can right click the extension button->option->custom domain, and then fill with the right domain.
- (2020-10-15) 柳冠碩: 太方便了!! 以往都要先開啟sci hub頁面再貼上DOI 有了這個擴充功能方便很多 但是請問是否可以支援游標指到DOI網址時按右鍵就可以使用get by doi (因為游標指到網址好像就會自動辨識出是網址) 如果還要反白也是要多花一秒鐘XDD
- (2020-09-27) Maria Peña: It is no longer working.
- (2020-09-25) Nicolas Parent: The extension needs to be changed. The .tw domain is no longer working.
- (2020-09-24) OldG: 10/10
- (2020-09-21) Charlene Tan: Whoever developed this, you are a god!!!!
- (2020-07-10) Buddhika Isuru Samarasinghe: Amazing.... I love it
- (2020-06-29) Yury Morgachev: There is not enough option that allows you to download an article with a single button. To not do it on the sci-hub page.
- (2020-06-26) R Sophia: 节省了很多时间,感谢作者
- (2020-04-10) chris paul: 厉害了,希望持续更新!!!
- (2020-04-06) yao zhang: 没看懂这是怎么用的,算是下载工具吗?还是别的
- (2020-04-02) 李晓龙: 完美替代pubmedy这个插件。这个插件没有在线版本了。只能离线安装。很烦。
- (2020-03-27) Tyro Liu: 再生父母!
- (2020-03-19) Paula Chen: Save lots of time from downloading paper~
- (2020-03-15) m tens: Amazing app
- (2020-03-05) Erica Martins: ótimo
- (2020-02-26) 沈培鑫: 谢谢!能够手动修改网域非常赞👍
- (2020-02-22) Chen PAPA: 太方便了!!媽媽再也不用擔心我找不到論文了~~XD
- (2020-02-21) haris Xue: 用不了啊
- (2020-02-21) Fangyi Li: 再生父母!
- (2020-02-19) ni tian: 我安装上之后无法使用是怎么回事呀?
- (2020-02-14) Lincy LI: 神器!太感谢了!
- (2020-02-13) Jinming Ma: 好工具!能否加入网址的切换功能?可以选择.tw或其它后缀的域名。
- (2020-02-13) vanessa lin: 菸酒生的好夥伴!!