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Vocal: Send voice notes in Gmail

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Send voice recordings in Gmail

Image from store Vocal: Send voice notes in Gmail
Description from store This Chrome extension adds a microphone to Gmail and allows you to record your voice and send audio messages through email. Recipients can listen to your voice message directly in their email client or on a personal web page where you can display a transcription and more. Welcome to Vocal.email! 🎉 Your innovative Chrome extension that takes your Gmail and Outlook communication to a whole new level. 🚀 Personal, intimate, and super-efficient, Vocal.email lets you speak your mind and heart, literally! 🗣️ Why just write when you can speak? 🎤 With Vocal.email, transform your emails from monotonous text to dynamic voice messages. Emote, express, and connect on a deeper level. 🤝 👋 Hello user-friendly interface! With just a click, start recording. 📂 And what's more? Your voice note magically turns into a shareable web page! 🕸️ Goodbye downloads, hello convenience! 🙌 Your recipient can listen to your voice message right inside their Gmail or Outlook. Smoother, faster, and simpler! 🚀 🎧 Plug in your custom mics and speak up! Whether in-built or professional, Vocal.email has you all wired up. No more long emails! 🚫 Vocal.email isn't just a tool, it's your ultimate productivity hack. Just speak your thoughts, hit send, and voila! Time saved is productivity gained. 🕓⏫ Not just for Gmail or Outlook. 🌐 Vocal.email loves all major email clients and platforms. It doesn’t matter if you are on your laptop or your phone, Vocal.email works everywhere. 📲 🛡️ Control your content. Sent something by mistake? No worries! Delete voice messages after sending. Your communication, your control. Get more done with Vocal.email. Zip through your inbox, answer clients on-the-go and declutter your communication. Work smarter, not harder. 💼🔝 Explain complex things effortlessly! 🧩 No more long emails. Speak, send, sorted! ✅ Calling all coaches, executives, business owners and more! 📣 Connect personally, build relationships, and turn customers into friends with Vocal.email. 🤗 Listen easy! 🎵 Your recipients need no new downloads to hear your voice messages. As MP3 attachments to emails, listening is a breeze. Customize away! 🎨 Add a profile picture, change your signature, and more. Make your Vocal.email experience truly yours. Supercharge your communication with built-in shortcuts. ⚡ Use the 30-second Gmail or Outlook demos to get started. In short, Vocal.email is your comprehensive solution for voice messages. Simple, fast, efficient, and transformative! 🥇 🔑 Key Features: One-click voice recording 🎙️ Quick sending of voice messages 💌 Compatible with all major email clients 🌐 Full control over voice messages 🛡️ Boost productivity 🚀 Smooth integration with Gmail and Outlook 🔄 Customizable interface 🎨 Safe communication environment 🏰 Built-in shortcuts for lightning-fast communication ⚡ MP3 attachments for hassle-free listening 🎧 Mobile-friendly 📲 Web version available for easy listening 🕸️ 30-second Gmail and Outlook demos 📺 Ready to voice out? 🗣️ Get started with Vocal.email today and redefine your online communication! 🌟

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-23) Jennifer Merritt: Hey! I had used a previous app for a few years for transcribing my audio content. It often was time consuming going through everything and fixing errors. I recently purchased Vocal, and it's a 1000 times better. I didn't need to go though and fix a lot of my content and it is useful because I can send audio files through gmail. I highly recommend this app and wish them so much success! It's a great platform and I'm looking forward to seeing you grow.
  • (2023-08-19) M Shajera: Dealing with Dyslexia has been an ongoing battle for me. Over the years, I have tirelessly searched for a straightforward email solution that can ease the difficulties brought on by my reading disability. I have been dreaming of an easy tool that would allow me to send voice messages via email instead of writing. I was in complete disbelief when I stumbled upon this incredible tool. The Vocal App has revolutionized my communication with others, enhancing my productivity and saving valuable time and energy like never before. Pros: – Eliminate the need to write time-consuming emails and explanations, saving you valuable time and energy. – Sending voice messages via email is a simple and effective way to facilitate seamless and efficient communication. – With just one simple click, you can effortlessly begin recording. – Voice messages are transcribed automatically to provide easier accessibility. – Intuitive and user-friendly interface – It seamlessly integrates with email client interfaces, providing a smooth and efficient user experience. – It seamlessly integrates with my preferred email clients, Outlook and Gmail. – You have the option to add voice recordings as attachments or image links. – You can conveniently listen to voice messages directly within your email client. – Record and send messages without any limitations or time restrictions. – It is suitable for both personal and professional communication. – When it comes to customer support, the Vocal Support Team is second to none. Their exceptional assistance is unmatched in quality, and you can always rely on them. They are always ready and willing to assist you in any possible way. The App Features and customer support deserve a solid 5-star rating, without a doubt. Cons: I haven’t found anything yet. If you’re looking to boost your productivity and make the most of your precious time and energy, give Vocal a try.
  • (2023-07-12) Stacee Matheson: Finding this app to be really helpful on our website. Even if someone doesn't want to leave a voice message, they can quickly send a written one. Had an issue with the embed customizer and Nathan took care of it really fast. I'm impressed!
  • (2023-07-09) Michael Jeanfavre: Title: Supercharge Your Email Workflow with Vocal! Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ As someone who relies heavily on email for professional communication, integrating Vocal software into my Microsoft Outlook and Gmail accounts has been a game-changer. This powerful tool has revolutionized the way I work, enhancing both my effectiveness and efficiency. One of the standout features of Vocal is its intelligent email prioritization. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze email content and categorize them based on importance. This feature alone has saved me countless hours sifting through my inbox and has allowed me to focus on the emails that truly matter. Additionally, Vocal's smart suggestions for email responses have been a tremendous time-saver. It analyzes the content of incoming emails and offers pre-populated response options that are contextually relevant. This has not only sped up my response time but also ensured that my replies are concise and effective. A specific use case where Vocal has been a lifesaver is during busy periods with an influx of emails. By utilizing its email prioritization and response suggestion features, I have been able to breeze through my inbox in a fraction of the time it used to take. This has allowed me to stay on top of urgent requests and maintain a high level of productivity. Vocal's seamless integration with Outlook and Gmail has further elevated its value. I can access its features directly from my email interface, eliminating the need to switch between applications. Whether I'm drafting emails, responding to important messages, or managing my inbox, Vocal is always within reach. In conclusion, Vocal is a critical add-in for Microsoft Outlook and Gmail, offering a plethora of time-saving features. Its email prioritization, smart response suggestions, and seamless integration make it an indispensable tool for anyone looking to supercharge their email workflow.
  • (2023-06-20) Alysha Branton: Great and easy to use! I am not a computer wiz so I needed something simple to add into my emails and its been great so far!
  • (2023-01-07) David Welch: Love the app, and the generous 60 seconds of free transcribed message is awesome.
  • (2022-07-13) Jesús Cazorla (Preparador de oposiciones): Una gran aplicación. Ahora va fenomenal.
  • (2022-05-21) Deepak Mehta: Great Chrome extension , very easy to use and saves 5x time in sending emails.
  • (2022-04-06) Julien Cassagne: I definitely changed my mind, so I completely change my comment ! In fact, there's a bug during the installation and once again, don't play the fool like I did, and think that there are people behind the apps and their code... After seing that I was desappointed with my comment here, I've been contacted soon by a team member. He sent me a video to explain how to install it (30 seconds) and wow !!! magic's there !!!! Didn't try already, but it's installed and seems to work. So just for the fact that tey take REALLY care about their users, I put a five stars !!!!! Thanks again !!!
  • (2022-02-03) Ravi Patel: Vocal has saved me many hours per week and made me significantly more productive throughout the day. As a bonus the team has been incredibly responsive with any questions or feedback I have had.
  • (2021-11-21) Nolan King: I am an Online Fitness Coach with 150+ clients.Vocal has allowed me to reply to all of my clients via e-mail WAY faster. Thank you vocal! My fingers have finally received a much needed break from typing and I now have the opportunity to scale my business even further.
  • (2021-11-08) Jason August: You'll use vocal.email because it's simple, there's no learning curve, it fits into your current workflow, and it helps you communicate. Vocal.email is a quick way to get your point across. Sometimes text email doesn't cut it. You can't hear the tone of someone's voice in text, and sarcasm is harder to detect. With vocal.email, there's nothing extra the sender or receiver has to do to. The sender clicks on the Vocal icon in Gmail to record the voice message. The message is sent as a standard audio file attachment, so it's easy to open on any platform without additional software. 5 stars!
  • (2021-08-17) Jesús Cazorla - Preparador -: La aplicación esta bien, pero ha empezado a fallar, no graba el audio con calidad, se escucha mal; no es problema del micro ni de otras cuestiones, pues con otras aplicaciones y mismo micro si graba bien.
  • (2021-06-21) leo ganser: Top! J'ai découvert cette extension à travers App Sumo!
  • (2021-06-19) Applied AI Course: This is really awesome. I am saving at lease 4-5 hours in a day at my work place using this extension. I can simply record a message and send it to all my customers in resolving their queries. Thank you so much guys for this extension.
  • (2021-06-09) Noelia Glencross: I can't listen to my voice message before I attach it, I have to download it in order to be able to listen to it and check its quality. How can I solve it?
  • (2021-06-09) Frank Biocca: Bugs: Software blocks out the send button rendering Gmail useless I can't get rid of the vocal icon on emails even after removing software. It has killed my ability to send emails in Gmail because the SEND button is no longer on the email. Amateur hour. Have to use another account to get my email to work.
  • (2021-06-09) Fahad: It's incredibly helpful! Sending voice messages has become simpler with this. It's easy to use and saves you a lot of time.
  • (2021-06-07) Nathan Ganser: Proud to be using Vocal to share thoughts and ideas with my email contacts!

Latest issues

  • (2022-12-12, v:11.2.6) c b: voice recording
    can't hear replay of voice recordings on my chromebook
  • (2022-12-12, v:11.2.6) c b: audio
    can't hear my voice recording on chromebook
  • (2022-09-26, v:11.2.2) vinitha vini: Integration
    Want to integrate with our system using PHP,is there API for it
  • (2022-04-21, v:11.0.19) Lukáš Klimpera: Recording not only voice, but also video in Gmail
    Hi, I would like to ask you 2 questions: 1. please is it possible to simply record not only voice message, but also a video in Gmail ? 2. when you finish recording a audio, there is transcribed text in the signature - please is it possible to disable this transcription (not to display it) ? :) Lukas
  • (2022-02-25, v:11.0.8) Julien Cassagne: doesn't work at all
    Hi, Each time I click on the microphone, a pop up appears to tel me to connect my account, I click on it, and tells me I'm connected and so on, always... Any ideas ? Thanks.
  • (2022-02-19, v:11.0.5) Solar Bang: I can't login my account.
    I can't login to my account. I'm just trying to make sure my product is activated. I'm not in a space where I can install the extension on this pc right now. I need to get approvals. Can you please advise?
  • (2021-12-23, v:10.1.6) Alicia Gonzalez Guillen: necesito darla de baja urgentemente
    ya desinstale la aplicación desde hace más de 15 días y hoy se me acaba de volver a realizar el cobro, como es que debo de cancelarlo??? me urge que me regresen mi dinero por favor
  • (2021-11-27, v:10.1.6) Alicia Gonzalez Guillen: Darme de baja
    Hola quisiera darme de baja para que ya no me cobren esta aplicación, podrían hacerlo por mi? o como lo hago yo?
  • (2021-11-23, v:10.1.6) benny feld: log in doesn't work
    i cant manage to log in using my account
  • (2021-11-23, v:10.1.6) benny feld: login doesn't work
    I downloaded the extension however I cant seem to login on the login page not throuhgh my google account and not through my email
  • (2021-10-12, v:10.1.6) Vaisesika Dasa: selection of mic
    When I start to record, I am only given 3 seconds to choose a mic; but, even when I'm quick to do that, it doesn't honor my selection. Can I choose a mic in advance as my default?
  • (2021-06-26, v:10.0.0) Wallace Merriman: The sound is coming in very low
    The sound is coming in very low. How do we fix this. I purchased through appsumo
  • (2021-06-09, v:9.1.2) Nathan Ganser: GMAIL BUTTON NOT APPEARING? HERE IS THE FIX
    Hi, I'm one of the developer building Vocal and we're super sorry about the bug that is hiding the Gmail send button. I've recorded a short explanation video on how to fix the issue: https://www.loom.com/share/1d866dc0ad1944b3b386af9de235f86d You simply have to delete one of the two extension: - Vocal (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vocal-send-voice-messages/boopggfapjaffppjmldgifjkgemgkgfd - Google Contacts Opener (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-contacts-record-au/pjpambjkhcilibnmeihhfgdkhfelbdkj) Sorry about the issue. We're fixing it right now. Expect the problem to be resolved by the end of the day.
  • (2021-06-09, v:8.0.0) Jeannette Gough: my send button has disappeared
    cannot send my emails anymore. what is going on. frustrated
  • (2021-06-09, v:8.0.0) Laurent Gregoire: Je n'aime pas utiliser Vocal.
    Je n'aime pas utiliser Vocal. Il semblait que j'étais obligé de l'activer. J'ai donc installé l'extension Vocal dans Windows 10, l'ai inscrite et l'ai repoussée. Le bouton Vocal s'affichait toujours à la place du bouton SEND. Pas de bouton ENVOYER du tout. Pouvez-vous m'aider?
  • (2021-06-08, v:8.0.0) Freek Verweel: Vocal
    I don't like to use Vocal. It looked like I was obligated to activate it, So I did install tje Vocal extesion in Windows 10, digned in and put it off. Still the Vocal button showed instead of the SEND button. No SEND button at all. Can you help me?
  • (2021-06-07, v:8.0.0) Adv. Piyush Mittal: Enable Minimise and Edit..
    1. Should be able to minimise cause when we are recording the email behind gets hidden 2. Should be able to edit the recording...cause if we make a mistakes we need to rerecord again from start


5,000 history
4.9677 (31 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-24 / 12.3.7
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