extension ExtPose

Notifications for YouTube (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Stop missing notifications for your YouTube subscriptions and live events.

Image from store Notifications for YouTube
Description from store No te pierdas las notificaciones de los canales a los que estás suscrito ni de los eventos en directo. Recibe las notificaciones de los canales y eventos en directo a través de la extensión para navegador. ¿Recuerdas cuando estar suscrito significaba recibir notificaciones? Nosotros también. Notificaciones de YouTube está pendiente todo el tiempo de la actividad de tus suscripciones. Un ícono permanente en la ventana de Chrome mantiene un registro de la cantidad de notificaciones que tienes. Al abrirlo, verás las notificaciones en orden cronológico, desde la más reciente hasta la más antigua. Pronto también tendrás la opción de ver las notificaciones agrupadas por canal. ☑︎ No te pierdas las notificaciones de YouTube. ☑︎ No te pierdas los vídeos o eventos en directo de los youtubers a los que te has suscrito. ☑︎ Recibe notificaciones casi en tiempo real. Ten la certeza de siempre contar con información actualizada!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-19) Jake Karlsson: I'm gonna have to give it a 1/5 since it's not working, but I would like it to. If it starts working I will change the review.
  • (2023-08-09) Natali Iriador: Расширение было хорошей заменой, когда отменили оповещения на почту. Но, уже несколько дней не открывается. Присылает оповещения не обо всех видео. Видимо, разработчики перестали им заниматься.
  • (2023-06-20) ねろ: 通知が出るので、助かります。(わかりやすい) 2022年6月23日 アイコンを押すと、揺れて見にくくなります。 酔いそうです。再インストールしたらもとに戻りました。         失礼いたしました。 11月27日      見おわった動画が再表示されます。(消しても) 2023年5月21日   アイコンをクリックしても開かなくなりました。               Chromeを再起動させてもだめでした。 2023年5月27日      今エッジの更新ついでにアイコンをクリックしたら                 開きました。                  chromeは今も開きません。 6月17日            再インストールしてみました。                 結果、表示されました。
  • (2023-05-22) Lilith Eve: the extension has stopped working for me for the past 3 days, just showing a black bar. I tried deleting it and reinstalling it but that didn't help.
  • (2023-05-15) Ghost 44: Really great keeps all of my notif together. 5 star 100%
  • (2022-12-19) riyan: hello Thank you for your application, is it possible to activate the audio notifications there is no sound??
  • (2022-11-26) Philippe Goutier: I just wish I knew this extension before. Google should buy it for 1 million $ and make it standard ;) This being said, it does not work any longer for a few days :( Removing / Adding the extensions works for a few hours. That's all. It's hard to be without this extension now, I must say :(
  • (2022-11-20) Łukasz W.: The extension is amazing, but lately it hasn't been working at all, just stuck on loading (on my laptop, it did work on the PC last time I checked). Reinstalling didn't help, don't know what's the problem.
  • (2022-11-20) T LIN: After updating to the latest version, there is a problem. Every time the notification shows that there is a new video, the first click on the icon does not display the new video, and the second click on the icon will display the new video. The version before the update does not have this problem , I hope this bug can be fixed as soon as possible, thank you very much!
  • (2022-11-19) Damien Poussier: It certainly can be useful, but for the last few days, I guess because of an update (as always with extensions you're never told about updates or what they do), this extension adds an annoying pop-up whenever I open my "youtube.com/feed/subscriptions" page, asking me to import subscriptions, even though I've already done that.
  • (2022-11-17) Michael Leahcim: Get it
  • (2022-11-17) Stefan Schulz: Very useful, thank you! My suggestions: - add a new button: "open all new videos in new tabs" - add mouse-over info for the options buttons
  • (2022-11-17) Dalton Andrade: Thank you guys very much for creating this extension! This is a pretty good one and has helped me not lose my videos. I wouldn't give you guys 5 stars because lack of an option to ctrl+rightclick at the notification and open the video on another tab. Please add this option. I'm sure many will like it!
  • (2022-10-28) Tony: Had to stop using the extension. This causes the web browser on macOS to add itself to the mac login apps list, so every time the Mac powers on the browser starts up too. Have tried removing the login item and it reappears when the extension is installed.
  • (2022-05-18) nerdError: Really cool extension, thank you! It's so hard to find something cool, or even just working among browser extensions, and your one is surely among awesome ones!
  • (2022-04-24) ặßdŏ dĥɱ: I can Mute all, but, I can't Unmute all.
  • (2022-04-20) Noname: Not bad 100% recommended it
  • (2022-02-23) MALIK: Приложение хорошее, но не могу понять у уведомлений нет звука? Исключительно графическое отображение?
  • (2022-02-20) Alexandre Motsny: I am having a problem , i cant connect any youtube subscription
  • (2021-12-23) Napalm Secret: Перестали приходить уведомления после переустановки OS с Win 7 на Win 8.1. Переустановка расширения не помогла.
  • (2021-10-21) Zerconixe: I'm using it as an alternative to youtube's notification counter (it was removed a few days ago from the browser tab) and it's doing pretty good. The mute/unmute is a little bit of a hassle but once figured, it works perfectly fine. The only feature I'd like to request is the addition of a max of 3 notifications from a channel per day (akin to youtube's system) since the channels with notoriously high uploads per day flood the counter and it gets difficult to keep track of the other channels. Regardless, thanks a lot!
  • (2021-09-29) PhunkeyMunkey: Been having a problem with my notifications the past few days, I'm receiving them on phone but not desktop. Anyway, I installed this extension, when I click the button to import subscriptions, it says "This channel has no subscriptions to import!" Am I doing something wrong here? Help appreciated.
  • (2021-09-27) ApenasUmCara2772: can you get comments notifications with this extension?
  • (2021-09-16) Maurício Castioni: It would be amazing. By length of video and highlight those viewed.
  • (2021-09-13) J. Kaire: It's been working like a charm, although I forgot that it might pick up topics you are subscribed to (Beware Various Artists channel) and woke up to 200 notifications flooding it. I didn't want to clear all notifications so I left an autoclicker on to delete them. The only features I would want is removing all notifications from muted channels after muting them, and the x of all lower notifications to move up to the previous notifications x when there is only like 5 left.
  • (2021-09-09) Sahaprof: Как же уведомления когда тебе пишут комментарий? Неужели это не важно!?
  • (2021-08-25) Panagiotis Skordilis: Can you add please the option to open the videos to a new tab without missing the main window? thank you.
  • (2021-08-04) 32x32: It's a great extension for keeping track of new uploads for my subscribed channels. Only thing that I would like to ask is that is there a way to add desktop notifications for this extension? If you can then great but if its not possible then its okay. Thanks
  • (2021-05-06) Алексей Сергеев: Works great! But there is one strange bug - when you select "settings", if before that you were in "notifications" or in "subscription", the extension window starts shaking and stops responding. Have to close the extension window and reopen it. But when you go to "settings" from "info" there is no bug.
  • (2021-04-20) Гузель Гайнутдинова: Отлично!
  • (2021-03-15) stitched-heart: This has been nice thus far! I was wondering if there was an option for getting notified about a channel when they make a community post
  • (2021-03-12) Mohamed Mahdy: i dont know who to use this extension , first i installed it for opera , then i signed in for my youtube account , and clicked import , now i dont know ehere i could found the notifictrion ?
  • (2021-03-10) Ярик: То что нужно, все каналы были импортированы, осталось дождаться новых уведомлений, чтобы оценить работу расширения. Ютуб так выбесил в конце августа 2020, когда отключил уведомление по почте о выходе новых видео, а пуш-уведомление это шлак какой-то, а не уведомления, особенно на пк.
  • (2021-03-04) Michael Waltman: This is the only working alternative to YouTube notifications that WORKS. Ignore the 1 stars reviews IMO. Those trolls have 1 starred every single YouTube extension and are probably bots. The developers support this project and are constantly updating and improving it. I've watched them respond and implement suggestions from the users. Every serious YouTube user should be using this extension to stay up to date and get control back of what content you want to be notified about on YouTube.
  • (2021-03-04) Volodia Kotylo: Opening it daily to check upon MY subscribers, not the recommended list. Works awesome for that. At first it was hard to mute the channels that are making noise (but I would like to still be subbed to them to check them once a month) - going from main tab to subscriptions - tapping mute, but after bl... disablelisting dozen of them it works beautifully. Maybe some option to mute channel from the first tab would be nice.
  • (2021-03-04) lumen 75: Veri,VEERY helpful :-)
  • (2021-03-04) M Kříž: after 1 day of use: this addon works like i expected, but i have one question... YouTube subscription feed does not show you all new videos (especially if you have sub to a lot channels) To avoid this i used to use RSS Feed, but unfortunately, YT api to export Sub rss feed was recently disabled. SO i started use this addon as alternative, but it seems like this addon just mirrors YT subs. feed page.... is it true, or this addon show really all videos? Button for opening all videos and also delete their notification from app would be nice. EDIT: it realy seem like its not notifi about all new videos... so since its not reliable its not usefull at all.
  • (2021-03-04) Stefan Schulz: Very useful, thank you!
  • (2021-03-04) Josh Kolb: great!
  • (2021-03-03) Marko Grbac: it was a great application But it doesn't work anymore :-( I cannot load the subscriptions. will you update the application? Thank you
  • (2021-02-28) 瀧澤卯琴: youtubeの仕様変更により通知が届かなくなった為、この拡張機能を利用し始めました。登録してあるチャンネルの新規動画を見逃さないで済むようになった為、とても便利なのですが、端末によって新規動画のサムネイルをクリックしてページが表示されても、自動的に再生が始まらない事が多々あります。改善できればして頂きたいです。よろしくお願い致します。
  • (2021-02-24) Here4 DaCheese: Notifications For YouTube is easy and simple to use. I like that this avoids Windows Notifications and uses its own display to list notifications. YouTube notifications are stored and accessible when I'm ready to access them and not as a pop-up distraction. I hope the author has intentions of integrating others services into this product(of course, changing the name of it - if that happens).
  • (2020-12-28) Shamahyadah: This does not work...I tried this with Brave and Vivaldi Browsers and it does nothing as others have indicated..sooo don't waste your time on this!
  • (2020-12-26) Kenny S: I would love to use your extension, but when importing anything all it does is open a tab with my subscriptions. I suspect something should be injected into the site reading my subscription list, but it just does nothing. Why isn't it possible to manually add channels? I just want this for a few YouTubers anyway.
  • (2020-12-20) Divermanuel01: Esta extension es genial no entiendo porque no hay mas de 100k miembros . es mas comodo y bonito ver las notificaciones asi sin que molesten en la pantalla cada rato. 5 Estrellas si me gustaria una función nueva seria: (ya que se pueden mutear) un boton para desuscribirse del canal. para evitar la molestia de entrar al canal y hacerlo XD
  • (2020-12-06) Dusan Meseldzija: This is an awesome and very useful extension! Since YouTube decided to just not fix their broken notification system (among other things), this extension has been a godsend when I want to keep up with all of the YouTube channels I'm subscribed to - it notifies the user EXACTLY when the channel imported onto the list has posted anything (video, comment, etc.) let's you get up to 100 updates listed at once, and as of recently, also has a "Purge" button for clearing out all of your imported channels off of the list for a specific YouTube account. The feedback by the developer(s?) of the extension is relatively quick, informative, and very helpful - when a specific bug related to importing channels appeared, they had it fixed within a few weeks (at most) of reporting said bug. To the developers: thank you for all of your hard work on this extension, and may you have all of the luck in the world for your future endeavors.
  • (2020-12-05) Dionysus: Does not work! Gets all the way to Import Subscriptions and does nothing, just sits there. What a waste of time!
  • (2020-11-29) Xenalto Xenalto: please add a mute all/unmute all buttons so that you can mute all channel and unmute a specifics channel that you want to see the notifications through the extension (useful in some cases and when you first import hundreds of channels into the list.).
  • (2020-11-14) Dwarven Defender: When I hit the import button, all I get is a screen that says, "Importing... ...importing." I thought the problem might be that I have too many subscriptions for it to handle, but then I tried switching to an account subscribed to only 2 channels and it still didn't work. Because I can't import my subscriptions this way, I can receive no notifications from the creator. I only want to get notifications for a single creator, rather than my 100+ subscriptions. I believe that notification extensions should have an option of manually adding singular entries into the list of channels you want to get notified for, rather than getting notifications for every channel you're subscribed to. The only reason I came to this extension is because my favorite creator's Notification Bell stopped working for me. I'm going to look into my devices' settings again to see if this was a client-side problem or a problem with YouTube itself, but given YouTube's history, when something happens like this, it's usually the latter. I am editing this rating as of 11/14/2020 to say that I have found a way to only get notifications from the one creator that I want to get notifications from via this extension and there appears to have been an update to fix the problem with importing. I will not be personally checking if it works, as I do not wish to risk somehow messing up what is working fine for me right now and adding 100+ channels to my notification feed.
  • (2020-11-13) S Stier: Doesn't work

Latest issues

  • (2023-09-05, v:1.7.1) wizzumz: Can this do push/toast notifications to desktop in the future maybe pls?
    pls and thank you maybe <3 if not no problem still the only reliable sub notification thingy I can find atm~
  • (2023-08-19, v:1.7.1) Jake Karlsson: Not working
    The problem is that under Notifications and Subscriptions it only says Loading... litteraly nothing is happening. When I press import in settings a page opens with my youtube subsciptions, ok? are they imported now? I can't tell. Please help.
  • (2023-05-23, v:1.7.1) Tadhg O'Leary: the app is not working
    I clink on the app and all I get is a narrow black stripe
  • (2023-05-23, v:1.7.1) Ashelynne: "This page isn’t working" error page.
    This page isn’t workingnotifications.viewtrender.com is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 503 that's the error message i get when i try to connect my google account.
  • (2023-05-22, v:1.7.1) A Alex: When will the Problem be fixed? No new notifications since Saturday???
    No new notifications since Saturday???
  • (2023-05-21, v:1.7.1) Luke Hill: Live notifications stopped working
    Today notifications stopped working and you get a the below error when trying to connect with a google account. 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.17.3 Thanks!
  • (2023-05-21, v:1.7.1) Ridiks29: does not work
    The extension was working great, but today something stopped working and doesn't notify me. I hope this can be fixed
  • (2022-11-22, v:1.7.1) Гузель Гайнутдинова: Уведомления
    Уведомления не удоляютсья
  • (2022-10-28, v:1.6.0) Tony: Causes web browser to be added to mac app start up.
    Had to stop using the extension. This causes the web browser on macOS to add itself to the Mac login apps list, so every time the Mac powers on, the browser starts up too. Have tried removing the login item and it reappears when the extension is installed.
  • (2022-09-21, v:1.6.0) Ridiks29: Problem with Notifications
    The extension was working perfectly, but lately something isn't working as well and it doesn't always notify me. I hope it can be fixed
  • (2022-09-19, v:1.6.0) Łukasz W.: Problem with Notifications
    The extension was working perfectly, but lately something isn't working as well and it doesn't always notify me. I hope it can be fixed.
  • (2022-04-28, v:1.6.0) Natali Iriador: Не открывается
    Здравствуйте. Уже дней пять или больше приложение не открывается в яндекс браузере. В чём причина? Или его заблокировали для России?
  • (2022-04-06, v:1.6.0) くまのシーさん: Notification by sound and pop-up.
    It would be appreciated if the start of the live feed could be notified by a sound and pop-up.
  • (2022-03-26, v:1.6.0) Mannix MD: Videos run time
    Would it be possible to add videos run time in the notification? I think it would be a cool addition.
  • (2022-03-19, v:1.6.0) Josh Kolb: vivaldi - can't view full list
    In vivaldi, if there are multiple items, the interface is cut off. I can scroll through them so functionality isn't fully broken.
  • (2021-12-09, v:1.6.0) John L: Desktop notifications would be good
    adding desktop notifications would be good I find I am missing notifications because I have to click on the extensions. Gmail Checker provides desktop notifications which is useful
  • (2021-11-29, v:1.6.0) Gilliam De Lauw: Notifications not deleting.
    There is an issue that has existed for a while now where deleted notifications will come right back when you open the window again no matter how many times you delete them. Only very occasionally all those notifications you have tried to delete in the past will disappear with no discernible reason or pattern of actions.
  • (2021-11-18, v:1.6.0) snejana snejana: Звук
    Расширение супер!!! могли бы вы еще добавить звуковое уведомление ?
  • (2021-07-31, v:1.6.0) 瀧澤卯琴: 通知が来なくなりました
  • (2021-06-29, v:1.6.0) Dusan Meseldzija: Can't re-import subscriptions after purging
    I am getting this error after purging subscriptions and then trying to re-import them: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined if you see this please send this error message to [email protected] So we can fix it!"
  • (2021-06-16, v:1.6.0) ZTOwlz: For Firefox
    Is this extension available for Firefox? I switched over to Firefox 'cause I'm tired of Google Chrome crashing on me and I don't want to go back to it just for notifications from Chrome desktop. I wish to add this extension on Firefox so I can be notified right away.
  • (2021-04-19, v:1.6.0) Mehdi person: I am not receiving any notifications on Brave
    I have also tried it on Chrome, deleted the extension, re-imported, the channels show up but I am not getting any notifications (windows/ Brave and Chrome). Love your product. Is there any way of clearing any settings someplace? Much appreciated.
  • (2021-03-29, v:1.6.0) Layo Frederico: Notifications for YouTube
    I am not receiving all notifications. There are notifications on YouTube that are not coming on notifications for YouTube
  • (2021-02-26, v:1.5.0) Notifications For YouTube: Troubleshooting Notification Outage
    Feb 26, 2021 - We're seeing an outage of notifications from YouTube ATM. We're troubleshooting to see if it's on our end or their end. If it's on our end, it'll be fixed shortly!
  • (2021-02-16, v:1.5.0) Notifications For YouTube: From the Dev team. YouTube Update, Please Read!
    Feb 16th, 2021. We've noticed that YouTube has updated some of their old legacy pages that the extension relied on in order to onboard new extension users. As they make these changes, we have to react and patch accordingly. You can still import/re-import your channels by going directly to this page. https://www.youtube.com/feed/channels If you want to import subscriptions from multiple channels. 1. Go here https://www.youtube.com/channel_switcher 2. Select the channel you want your subscriptions imported from 3. The go here directly https://www.youtube.com/feed/channels 4. Click the import channel button You can repeat this as many times as you'd like for as many channels as you'd like. If you try and import using the current flow the channel selector my or may not work. We have several YouTube test accounts that are seeing the old version that works and the new version that is broken. We are going to be overhauling the onboarding, and channel importing because of this update but it's going to take some time. We're basically having to rethink the entire flow because of YouTube's update. Feel free to contact us via email if you need anything! The Notifications for YouTube Development Team
  • (2021-02-15, v:1.5.0) MOhammadAli Najafzade: Purge Button
    i accidentally pressed the purge button now i cant re-import my subscription .
  • (2021-01-29, v:1.5.0) Stefan Schulz: Suggestion: adding runtime to video images
    Thanks for the extension, it's great so far! A suggestion: when notifying the user about a new video, how about putting the video's runtime on top of the video image (bottom-right corner), like YouTube does it on its page?
  • (2021-01-21, v:1.5.0) Steffen Roller: How to import?
    when I go to the "Subscription" tab and press the button labeled "Import" it just opens https://www.youtube.com/feed/channels - that's all. Shouldn't there be a list showing up in my list of subscriptions?
  • (2020-12-07, v:1.5.0) Gilliam De Lauw: Undeletable notifications
    There's been a persistent problem for a few versions now where sometims you'll get a notification that will permanently be marked as *new* and is impossible to delete with the x button.
  • (2020-12-04, v:1.4.1) Александр К: Не работает импорт подписок
    Не работает импорт подписок патч 1.4.1 . Пишет загрузка и не загружается Import of subscriptions doesn't work patch 1.4.1. Writes loading and doesn't load. Мне кто ответит?
  • (2020-12-03, v:1.4.1) Александр К: Не работает импорт подписок
    Не работает импорт подписок патч 1.4.1 . Пишет загрузка и не загружается Import of subscriptions doesn't work patch 1.4.1. Writes loading and doesn't load
  • (2020-11-25, v:1.4.1) juser joker: subscription import not working
    Hi, I've recently got the last extension update. I've purged all my subcriptions and tried re-import but for some reason it doesn't work, since when I click the import subscriptions button it does nothing, so I can only click on finish without the import being done. I need to do something else? Thanks in advance
  • (2020-11-14, v:1.3.0) Dusan Meseldzija: The same problem pre-1.3.0. patch still persists + a suggestion?
    After patch 1.3.0. the importing of subscriptions still does not work for me. It might be a Youtube problem at this point, since the only reason I installed your extension is because Youtube just stopped sending subscription notifications to my email for both of my channels. Both channels have the same number of subscriptions, 81, and I started the second channel after the notifications stopped working on the first one, but the notifications stopped working after a few months for the second one, too. I also have a 3rd channel with no subscriptions that is tied to the email I used to set up the first channel, and when I switch to it during "importing subscribtions" it acts like it imported all 81 of the subscriptions from that first channel, but it actually didn't. Other than that, your extension works great, and it notifies me the very second one of my subscriptions uploads something. All other options work like a charm. Now, for the suggestion: If I could propose adding a "Clear imported subscriptions cache" button/option, that would probably fix everything. I don't know how difficult that would be to implement, but I hope you consider adding it as an option in a future patch. Thank you for your time.
  • (2020-10-30, v:1.2.0) Dusan Meseldzija: Notifications not Re-importing + Unsubscribed channels still remain in list
    1st problem: Recently I have not been able to re-import my channels subscriptions to update the list - it remains frozen on the "Importing..." screen. 2nd problem: Some Youtube channels that I have unsubscribed from still remain even after re-importing my subscription list into the extension. This has been a problem for months now.
  • (2020-10-29, v:1.2.0) Paolo Sinigaglia: Lingua
    Come fare cambio lingua in italiano
  • (2020-09-23, v:1.1.4) Anatoliy Khomyn: Could not load icon 'icons/16x16.png' specified in 'icons'.".
    Could not load icon 'icons/16x16.png' specified in 'icons'.".


1,200 history
4.0 (62 votes)
Last update / version
2023-01-12 / 1.7.1
Listing languages
pt-BR en de es ru it
