extension ExtPose

Netflix™ Extended

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Extension for Netflix™ to skip intros, recaps, start next movie/episode in faster pace and many more.

Image from store Netflix™ Extended
Description from store Disclaimer: NETFLIX is a trademark of Netflix, Inc.. This application and its developer are in no way affiliated with Netflix, Inc.. General features: - Clicking on extension icon will open Netflix™ page in new tab - Clicking on extension status icon in a video player, disable/enable all extension features - Extension has options menu which allows you to change extension behaviour, this is accessible via an icon that is shown when hovering on extension status icon or in browser extension management page - Extension adds a coloured icon at video player controls that indicate extension state and show more extension info when hovered upon - Extension will try to automatically recover if it stops working or updates itself - Options can be changed via extension status information bubble options button in browse or video player pages - If configured, extension will auto-disable itself on Kids profile Title screen key bindings: - Press R on browse page or search screen to start a random title excluding disliked titles (can be changed in the configuration) Title screen features: - If configured, extension will try to obtain and show title ratings on title details screen (turned off by default, note that this feature makes internet calls on background to gather these ratings from https://omdbapi.com/ and https://wikidata.org/) - If configured, extension will be hiding all title story description to avoid spoilers - If configured, extension will be hiding all disliked titles - If configured, extension will stop trailers on browse page Video player key bindings: - Press 'N' in the player if you want to go to the next episode during the current episode (can be changed in the configuration) - Press 'B' in the player if you want to go to the previous episode during the current episode (can be changed in the configuration) - Press 'Escape' in the player to return to browse page (can be changed in the configuration) - Press 'H' in the player to temporarily disable subtitles (can be changed in the configuration) - Press 'Up Arrow' in the player to increase volume (original feature) - Press 'Down Arrow' in the player to decrease volume (original feature) - Press 'M' in the player to mute/unmute (original feature) - Press 'Space/Enter' in the player to play/pause (original feature) - Press 'Right Arrow' in the player to skip forward (original feature) - Press 'Left Arrow' in the player to skip backward (original feature) - Press 'F' in the player to make video full screen (original feature) - Press 'S' in the player to make skip intro or recap, if skip button is shown in UI (original feature) Video player features: - When current episode ends, either next episode will start as soon as possible or credits will be rolled (can be changed in the configuration) - Extension will delay 10 seconds before starting next episode if previous title and next title are different titles (can be changed in the configuration) - Mouse wheel scroll up/down can adjust player volume (can be changed in the configuration) - If configured, extension will stop playing if previous title of a series and next title are different titles - If configured, extension will stop playing if previous title of a movie and next title are different titles - If video is stuck on loading for longer than 5 seconds, it will be reloaded within next 15 seconds if nothing changes (can be changed in the configuration) - Any Skip Intro or Skip Recap button will be clicked automatically (can be changed in the configuration) - If all skip features are turned off, video player will ask every few episodes if you are still watching, this will be automatically skipped (can be changed in the configuration) - Extension keeps 100 unique entries as history in local browser storage (can be changed in the configuration) - If configured, video will automatically pause, if not in focus and can also automatically start, if focus is regained - If configured, highlight shadow around subtitles to stand out more with possibility to remove subtitles, change subtitles size, color and font as well - If configured, video features like playback speed can be enabled and changed permanently or temporarily while extension is running (Video playback speed, Video aspect ratio (21:9), Video zoom) Chromecast player key bindings: - Press 'M' in the player to mute/unmute (original feature) - Press 'Space/Enter' in the player to play/pause (original feature) Chromecast player features: - When current episode ends, next episode will start as soon as possible (can be changed in the configuration) - Hiding extension status icon (can be changed in the configuration) Title ratings: - Support for this feature is very limited as data are obtained from external sources (https://omdbapi.com/ & https://query.wikidata.org/) that are out of reach - Title ratings are turned off by default to prevent unwanted internet calls on background, this can be changed in configuration if wanted - Many ratings may not be available or might be out of date - Due to limited number of calls that we can make to OMDb API daily, it is possible that ratings will stop working because we use this feature too much - Once title rating was obtained, it is stored in local browser storage for some number of days before they get refreshed to reduce number of calls to OMDb API, so we can all enjoy this feature - Currently, OMDb API provides ratings from Internet Movie Database (IMDb), Rotten Tomatoes (RT) and MetaCritic (Meta), if available - If this feature will cause too many problems in the future, it might get removed - If configured, users can define their own API key to make sure they will not share number of calls to this API with other users (Free API keys can be generated here: https://omdbapi.com/apikey.aspx) Note: - At any time Netflix™ can change/update their UI and make this extension not work or misbehave, extension will be updated to work with this new UI once the UI reaches developers and as their updates are not rolled out all at same time this may take a while Supported browsers (all in their own web stores): - Chrome - Edge (Chromium) - Firefox - Opera Warranty: The software is provided "as is", without a warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-01-01) Marius I.: I like that I don't have to click Skip Intro or wait for next episode. Had to spend a couple of days with it off (a bug that was quickly solved!) and was really bothered by Continue Watching or intros. Edit: changing my rating because after 2+ years it still jumps over Recaps (with the option off) and I have to constantly disable it when going back to a show. It should be so easy to check a button text and don't "press" it, why is this not fixed?
  • (2023-11-30) Sebastian: The app has been crashing consistently since the latest update scripts/assistant.js:712 (handle_next_episode_feature) %cNETFLEX ERROR: handle_next_episode_feature: TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'click') button_back_to_browse.click()
  • (2023-11-11) Memento Alhebsi: extension keep crashing after watching 1 episode .. if i refresh the page it works again but it goes off after the new episode ... not sue why
  • (2023-09-17) Kelvin Low: Stop series/movies on different title is causing error on the extension have to reinstall to fixed itxx
  • (2023-07-18) J P: Works great. High customizability with many good features. Would like to request the a setting to change time-skipping. Maybe even the option to add additional ones other than < & > arrows. Cheers!
  • (2023-06-15) S Linka: overwrites my subtitles settings at only lets me have the smallest possible font
  • (2023-05-29) [YOU-RDY] N54 VIC: Actually works unlike the rest which skips episodes now, great work guys!
  • (2023-04-20) Christopher Short: IT WORKS
  • (2023-01-15) aXL Gamer Respeita: essa é a braba, única que funcionou
  • (2023-01-08) elise . *: i don't usually write reviews but this is such a great extension, I was initially just searching for a reliable recap and intro skipper but this is a whole package of that and much more that make for a much smoother experience and I appreciate that you seem to really listen to the users :) thank you for this!
  • (2022-12-20) Bilal Tahir: love it and been my main netflix extension...would be 5 stars if ratings were more aesthetically pleasing and loaded without you having to hover over title before they appear as can be seen below: shorturl.at/juTZ8
  • (2022-11-27) Termix: Skip feature doesnt work immediately. You still have about a second of that loud into.
  • (2022-11-24) Nicole Rusca: IT WORKS!! OH MY GEEH!!! I LOVE YOUUU!!!
  • (2022-11-16) Nandakumar singh: i loved this extension earlier but this past week i having trouble in subtitles they are showing duplicate subtitle with the original one in the screen. i am not able to disabled that. i have also tried this extension in different browsers but still this problem occurs. Netflix is working fine the other browser where i have never install this extension, i think this might be some bugs. can you guys please fix this up. this extension was the best to chill except this bugs.
  • (2022-10-21) TECH HINDI: I watch Netflix on browser with this extension, Makes life a lot easier. Loved it...
  • (2022-10-13) Gijsbert Dekker: Configuration options are not available or can not be found, useless. Promise a lot but delivers nothing.
  • (2022-10-09) Nathan Lam: Simply works
  • (2022-09-04) Mo: Works very well, has nice features !
  • (2022-08-29) 바밤바: 작동 안함
  • (2022-07-25) CivicMindNYC HelpingPeople: Like it much including aggregating multiple review sources to best make sure you see a rating. BUT it doesn't show ratings for A) Episodes of a TV series (see example below). B) The many movies shown on each movie info page in the "More Like This" section such as for netflix.com/title/80174608 as an example. Please fix these.
  • (2022-06-30) Harry Van Koll: WORKS This is the only extension that actually worked for me. Skips recaps and intro. Awesome thank you!
  • (2022-06-21) Med Ismail: i use it for skipping intro and recap it's GOOD
  • (2022-02-21) diego: Muy buena una extension que sirve no como otras que ni funcionan la verdad de 10!
  • (2022-02-06) Unknown User: To whoever created this extension, it works really great and impoves my Netflix experience a lots. But I really, really love it if you would add this feature: The ability to hide the video player controls completely. The video player controls take up 1/5 of the screen when you pause or forward/rewind the show. When the video player controls shows up, the subtitles would jump up a notch and down a notch when the video player controls disapears. Overall, it's kinda annoying. If you didn't understand what I said, please download this extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hyde-%E2%80%94-hide-the-youtube-v/pmkpddhfbiojipiehnejbjkgdgdpkdpb It allows you to play the youtube video without the video player controls pop up by pressing Cltr+M. I really hope you can do the same to Netflix, hide the annoying, kinda bulky layout of the video player controls.
  • (2022-02-01) william hudson: Love it works as advertised on the brave browser! Thank you for your work! One request for the developer(s), would it be possible to add an option to 'Don't autoskip intro on first episode in session' I normally wanna watch intro's just one time when I first start watching but then have them skipped and I'm a lazy baby about doing it myself.
  • (2022-01-17) Noah Lobitaña: does not work we need sigh up to payment
  • (2022-01-16) Adam Jablonski: It works cross-wide on all web-browsers I use with a small exception of Edge. It works in Edge but only if it's installed via Chrome Web Store. At first I installed it from the Edge Add-ons. It didn't work, had no impact on Netflix movies at all. Then, I enabled Chrome-Web-Store, installed Netflix Extended and - Voila! The app turns out to be really helpful to avoid the "Are you still watching?" pause, removing intros, recaps and disabling the mouse volume control which is pretty annoying if you use a laptop touchpad. Thank you!
  • (2022-01-12) Antonio Falco: On Edge doesn't work
  • (2022-01-12) ERROR 404: the best!!!!
  • (2022-01-03) Giray Temel: It was not showing the ratings until i enabled it from settings. Only problem is it can not find ratings for some movies. For example for these two: tt16379224, tt15216504
  • (2021-12-25) KK HH: 真是太強了,在Netflix上可以,把視屏畫面放大縮小, 穩定正常沒問題,真是太強了。 若是也能支援鍵盤熱鍵來放大縮小視屏畫面%比例,則更是方便。 譬如.....< h5player for tampermonkey > shift+C 放大視頻畫面 +0.1 shift+X 縮小視頻畫面 -0.1 作者真是佛心來得,寫出這麼好用的觀看Netflix影片時, Netflix™ Extended 插件。
  • (2021-12-16) Sami Eren Berkil: çok detay var. bazı detayları görünce netflix neden kendi eklemedi diyorsunuz.
  • (2021-12-05) Haydeez West: Overly complicated feature set, doesn't even save your settings in between episodes, GUI hangs over the show and building into the playbar obscures content whilst you fiddle with a million needless options. Awful, avoid.
  • (2021-11-15) PamalaW: loved this for quite a while but recently I can't seem to get in and change any options... have to disable it completely.. annoying
  • (2021-10-29) Isadora Q. Gadelho: Fantastic extension, does everything it promises flawlessly.
  • (2021-10-28) Inservio Letum: I absolutely love this addon, it's even better than the Firefox one I was using before. One question though : how on earth do I set it to automatically allow access on all pages rather than only on netflix.com?
  • (2021-10-24) sumit singh: This is just awesome. Automatically switches to next episodes as well keeps the description of the episode faded. And the new Icon loving it. Kudos to the developer.
  • (2021-10-22) Jo M: Hello Martin, Really love this extension. Any chance you can add a 'replay' feature that replays the current movie or last episode that I'm watching once it ends? Thank you!
  • (2021-10-18) Inflammate Omnia: La mejor extensión para Netflix!
  • (2021-10-17) R P: Plz remove the green color from button in UI. All buttons are transparent and the green color in the circle is annoying. thankyou
  • (2021-10-15) Priscilla AwYong: This extension is so far the only one that's working with the new UI. I can't say I've tried them all, but this is definitely the only one that works of all that I've tried. Awesome work dev! Thank you for making the effort to update promptly. Made a donation to support your work!
  • (2021-10-11) swim: So useful, and developers are really quick to fix bugs. Keep up the good work!
  • (2021-10-06) Paweł Górski: Great extension, without it I couldnt watch Netflix. I have one question though, when you pause video, and the title screen appears, it shows episode description and title, but i have them turned off in options. Did this somehow changed? Also the green dot is on the left edge of the screen, not sure why.
  • (2021-10-06) Yanzhang Chin: Hi I have just started using Netflix and your extension certainly enchance the watching experience a lot! There's a tiny issue though, the green dot is showing after the windows 11 update (it could still be access on Netflix homepage), could you fix it if possible? Thanks!
  • (2021-10-04) Place Holder: The best extension for Netflix EVER! Thank you! One thing: I have to use "Super Netflix" (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/super-netflix/iakpdiefpdniabbekcbofaanjcpjkloe) to hide thumbnails of episodes. (because they often have spoiler regarding a character we haven't seen in ages)
  • (2021-09-29) Gabriel Marques: O único que funcionou. Sensacional!!!
  • (2021-09-23) ARatQuiRit: A real upgrade for Netflix, no doubt. And quality dev !
  • (2021-09-23) Carmen Laura Alvarez Morell: The options menu is not available (the text is faded) :( I would want to configure all the features in the extension. However, will not be deleting because the skip intros and outros work!! Most other netflix extensions don't work and i see from the reviews that you are constantly updating the extension so thanks for that! Update: Settings can be accessed by hovering over the green dot that shows up on the netflix home page in the top right corner. Everything works perfectly! This extension has so many good features, I highly recommend to literally any and every netflix user. It's a must-have!!
  • (2021-09-22) tahir mollayev: does not work. used "Trim: IMDB Ratings on Netflix" instead.
  • (2021-09-17) Double E.T Long: Works perfectly, thank you very much for this extension.

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-23, v:8.2.8) RΛVIΞ (Dimv922): Extension for Netflix™ Firefox
    Hello, what happened to this add on for firefox?
  • (2023-10-05, v:8.2.8) zahid shabbir: Status icon once hides
    Status icon once hides then it doesn't come back unless if i remove and add it again and i lose all configurations.
  • (2023-09-28, v:8.2.8) Rabidmonkeyman: Sound from other episodes plays
    Im going through watching One Piece and every 20 minute mark on the episodes it will start playing, i think, the opening music of the next episode. pausing the video still plays that audio. it lasts about 10 seconds and nothing seems to stop it. it happens every single episode, every single time i launch chrome again, or restart my pc and try to watch it again. its very strange. i watched one episode without the extension on and it didnt happen.
  • (2023-05-25, v:8.2.5) Vince Wilson: doesn't work
    not working, luckily i found one that work https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/netflix-enhanced-20/ghiknhfdbocjbinidgohlpaccgpjfolj
  • (2023-05-18, v:8.2.5) A O: Scrolling up/down is enabled even when you have the episode list pulled up
    If you're watching a video on Netflix, and click the episode list to see other episodes, then scroll down or up to see more, it changes the volume down/up. Ideally volume control through scrolling should be disabled with the episode list pulled up. Thanks!
  • (2022-11-05, v:8.2.4) Tynisha Prum: custom profile picture
    i want to have a custom profile picture but i cant figure out how can u tell me how? please?
  • (2022-06-28, v:8.2.0) Jasmine: New Key Shortcut Suggestion
    I'm suggesting a shortcut to enable/disable captions because some movies I need caption and some I don't. Maybe we can choose a default language that we always use and the shortcut just enables/disables caption for that language. Thanks for your extension tho.
  • (2022-05-27, v:8.2.0) Zopyrus: I thought this extension was open source?
    But the github is not working any more
  • (2022-04-02, v:8.2.0) Pirouette 93: options seem to be reset by some process not me
    Hello and thank you for this extension. I was unable to comment on the firefox version so I am submitting this comment to the chrome version but it pertains to the firefox version. Very recently, the firefox version of the extension loses a setting I have given it. I set the setting TITLE END ACTION to "roll credits and skip after" and when I come back from closing and reopening the browser, TITLE END ACTION has been changed to "none". This has happened repeatedly over the past few days. This appears to be the only setting that gets changed. Thank you.
  • (2022-02-21, v:8.0.0) Dimitris T: Option to be able to move the video forward/backward by scroll wheel left/right action
    Would it be possible to add the functionality to move the video forward/backward by clicking the scroll wheel right/left?
  • (2022-02-08, v:8.0.0) Tom Noel: Import/Export Settings
    In the about section there is an option to export configuration but I can't find import settings, nor can I paste into the box. How do I export the configuration and import them into another browser? I'm on linux btw
  • (2022-01-30, v:8.0.0) DK GAMES: How to import configuration settings to another browser
    In the about section there is an option to export configuration but I can't find import settings, nor can I paste into the box. How do I export the configuration and import them into another browser?
  • (2022-01-12, v:8.0.0) Antonio Falco: doesn't work
    I've installed it on edge but doesn't work. Option is not active
  • (2022-01-05, v:8.0.0) Gregory Gull: Video Zoom problem on 21:9 monitor
    Hello, i ise 21:9 (3440:1440) monitor and noticed today 05.01.2022 that when i set aspect ratio to manual (with zoom 100% by default) i see black bars on all 4 sides if video is wider aspect ration than 16:9. It wasn't the issue earlier and increase zoom only when video was having black bars on all 4 sides by deafut (some Netflix movies and tv series dont fill the height of non 16:9 monitors ) using more features options while watching. But now i need ti disable manual aspect ratio option completely and use original or use increase zoom every time i load a video with wider than 16:9 aspect ratio. Can you please fix this behavior.
  • (2021-12-21, v:7.3.1) Emily Joseph: seems to not work with chrome Version 96.0.4664.110
    no longer skips intros / end credits since the most recent chrome update.
  • (2021-12-14, v:7.2.1) Michael Morris: Old and ridden
    This plugin is although Functional, Infected. its Current version (as installed by here) is 7.2.1 And when installed (i am using opera and malwarebytes btw(yes chrome plugins are compatible for opera gx and supported natively)) as soon as its installed will redir to "metriq.xyz" a well known virus website. Using the one installed from Opera store (BY the Real dev at version 7.3.0) does not have this issue. Id recommend others use the opera extension store to install this on your browser (you dont need to use opera) as I am unsure What these redirects will lead to as mine were blocked by malwarebytes flagging it as a trojan.
  • (2021-11-13, v:7.2.0) Franz Strassmayr: Player controls "freeze" when extension is enabled :(
    Hi there, i use this extension now for... dont know 2 years without a problem! But lately if the extension is enabled the Player controls always "freeze" :( Means i can not control anything, Play/Pause, Volume ect... Not with Mouse nor with Keyboard. If the extension is disabled, everything works fine. maybe you can take a look into it?
  • (2021-10-24, v:7.1.3) Doug B: Not working
    First noticed not skipping the intro, so looked at the circle that is usually green. Is now grey. Says it is currently disabled and to click the icon... so I closed netflix, and clicked the Icon that then reopens the netflix site. Nothing new, still grey with same message.
  • (2021-10-14, v:7.1.2) Angry Moe: blinking screen
    my screen is blinking and the extension is the reason...
  • (2021-10-06, v:7.1.0) Katie Tsai: Skipped intros is still not working
    Skipped intros is still not working is it my problem or the software is still not supporting ?
  • (2021-10-03, v:7.0.2) 이재진: Hide subtitles not working
    One of key bindings, hide subtitles is not working. Only English subtitles working. but else languages is not working.
  • (2021-09-10, v:6.4.4) Tony Lichtenberg: I WOULD DONATE
    hi thanks for your efforts Id like to help support you without signing up to be a member of anything especially if you fix it. How can i send you payments intermittently? have a good day
  • (2021-09-10, v:6.4.4) Konark Jha: not working
    it is not working now after new changes
  • (2021-09-09, v:6.4.4) R Ra: no longer works
    hi It no longer plays next episode or skip the intro so i keep getting the 'are you still watching' popup
  • (2021-09-09, v:6.4.4) 도현왕: suddenly the program isn't played,please
    suddenly the program isn't played,please
  • (2021-08-08, v:6.4.4) Fhabio Jarno: netflix changed the UI a few days ago and the app it not working anymore
    the green dot with all the options still shows on the main screen, but not while the video is playing, with the new UI the app stopped working, any plans in updating the app for the new UI anytime soon? thanks
  • (2021-08-06, v:6.4.4) HeWhoIsAnonymous: green dot
    how do i remove green dot?
  • (2021-07-20, v:6.4.4) Dirkie Ebersohn: Hide the "liked" rating = watched
    Hello. Glad found here to make a suggestion. I am very happy with hide the unlike rating. It save me annoyed display "unlike" movies. But I am still seeing the liked (It mean I have already watched and rated) movies. It would be if there is an option to also hide the liked movies (except on the added "list", because still need to finish it.) all unlisted liked movies should there be option to hide. It makes more to choose another movies for me without repetitions.
  • (2021-06-10, v:6.4.3) Federico Duratorre: New Interface, no more dot
    Hi! i'm writing just to let you know that the extension it's not working anymore because I believe i've received the new interface from Netflix. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zpZx6Pu-HJy_vDc-tKGIUAq76JNxhMHs/view
  • (2021-05-16, v:6.4.2) Mr.Faisal: Please make the suggestion
    I want to program this addition on the Shahid Net site https://shahid.mbc.net/ar
  • (2021-04-18, v:6.3.1) Honey Jam: Not skipping intro anymore
    Suddenly, there is no 'green dot sign' on video page, and all the Netflix Extended functions are not working.(There's still 'green dot sign' on homepage of netflix.) Also, his phenomenon is represented on my other computers, so I'd like to ask you how to fix this kind of problem.
  • (2021-04-11, v:6.3.1) htoaejra heoawheoajfg: suddenly only two episodes play then stops
    I think netflix changed something on their side recently like the past week or so. Always before I could watch an unlimited number of episodes perfectly. Now Netflix stops after only two. Two episodes, or two movies, whichever that I had on. Thank you for the great extension!
  • (2021-04-06, v:6.3.0) Peter Skotnicky: Sort movies by the ratings?
    Hi Martin, can you sort movies by the ratings? so for example I want to filter out all movies with rating below 7.0 so always have presented only high rated movies, to save time wasted on clicking each title and see that it has low rating and it is bad. Also When I already watched the movie I do not want to see it in my account again, only as watched in the history. Is this possible?
  • (2021-03-29, v:6.2.12) Laurentiu Zamfir Nastase: Screen reader acces settings
    Hey man, I use your great extension for a long, long time but I recently found that I can't acces the settings using my screen reader, when i right click the extension icond and go to the options meny my screen reader says: Options unavailable and when I press the options It do nothing, so, how can i tweak the settins, thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English.
  • (2021-03-18, v:6.2.12) Nicolás Donazzon: Netflix new UI
    Hello Martin, thank you for your good work in this extension. I have a problem since Netflix updated its UI, the extension no longer works for me.
  • (2021-03-01, v:6.2.11) Kari: Option for removing letterboxing
    Hi, can you add an option to remove letterboxing in certain films?
  • (2021-02-28, v:6.2.10) Eleanor Electric: Cannot load settings menu
    When I click on the gear icon, a "loading..." icon appears, and never changes. So I cannot activate any of the awesome features you claim to offer. I am using v6.2.10, on Chrome v88.0.4324.192 (Official Build) (x86_64), on MacOS Big Sur v11.2.1 (20D74)
  • (2021-02-25, v:6.2.8) manolo speaking: doesn't auto skip intro
    doesn't auto skip intro
  • (2021-01-03, v:6.2.7) Peter Chabot: FHD
    Does this extension support video playback at 1080p + or are we still capped at 720p?
  • (2020-12-29, v:6.2.7) Ivan Chau: Ratings
    Hi, I was wondering if it's normal to have almost all titles say that there's no rating available. I know that's not true because I can look up movies on google to check for ratings. It appears that only about 5% of videos have a rating according to the extension
  • (2020-12-21, v:6.2.7) Jami B: Firefox
    Are you planning on bringing this to Firefox? It is one of the best extensions for Netflix I've used. If not just the best extension period.
  • (2020-12-05, v:6.2.6) Tyler Yang: A/V Sync Compensation
    Hi there, I really appreciate your extension - it's by far the best Netflix related extension I've ever used. Recently, I had trouble audio/visual out of sync issue due to use of bluetooth speaker. This could be easily resolved by use of audio delay (video delay) when watching video offline/locally. However, I've looked everywhere, there is no solution how to potentially solve this issue for Netflix. I noticed Netflix used to have secret menu where users can do A/V Sync compensation by shifting the video around to compensate the lag. I wonder with the extension available, is this something can be achieved? Ctrl-shift-D shows something called total frame delayed - so i was thinking it might actually be what i was looking for...But I am not that technical to figure those out haha. Anyway, hope to hear from you! Thank you!
  • (2020-12-05, v:6.2.6) Jay Burrows: Netflix rolled out a new player
    The extension doesn't integrate while watching a title. On the browse/Home page the ratings and status icon work, but once you start a video the features don't work I'm assuming because of the change in the player.
  • (2020-11-29, v:6.2.2) 윤박햇님: option disabled
    i can't click on the option fix it asap please
  • (2020-11-29, v:6.2.2) Sol Song: "Option" disabled
    If I right click the extension button, the option button is not clickable. Can you help me with this?
  • (2020-11-27, v:6.2.2) nomadKJ: Change in 'Blur Spoilers'
    It's a very good program. It's very useful. By the way, what happened in the last few days? Something's changed. Click on 'Blur spoilers' and you'll see nothing. Except for the title, there was only a beautiful black background, as if everything had been neatly removed. But not now. I feel dizzy and have sore eyes because of the blurry letters. I suddenly don't know what's going on. Is this a problem caused by me? Has something changed? I want to solve this problem. It was much better before.
  • (2020-11-24, v:6.1.1) Adrian Sausenthaler: Browser history
    I also want to know the reason for this permission.
  • (2020-11-24, v:6.1.1) Hammad Farooq: Browsing history permission
    Recent update is asking permission to access browsing history? Why would this extension need this permission now?
  • (2020-11-24, v:6.1.1) Sachin Kamath: Why does the app need history access?
    I don't see any reason this plugin needs access to the browser history
  • (2020-11-05, v:5.0.1) bannane girl: Uhhm,: Okay new User to Netflix Extended
    Ok, well how do I put this as an interrogation/question,.. Well I have tried another extension which seems to be quite extinguished as of ''itself'' in 2020, based on the technical issues and the bad reviews, and unfortunately me figuring that out by myself, which I had to refix or block access twice in only 20 minutes to the chrome app so it wouldn't eat up some browsing info or private datas,.. So well briefly explained: I'm now trying ''Netflix Extended'' app. as a better ''alternative'', but I cannot seem to quite figure out where the additionnal features and functions are located , should it just pop-up on my pc screen (is there a specific shortcut that I should enter manually?), (yeah I'm quite a new and lost user) Finally, not least but last: Is there a way to find playback speed settings and scripts translated, or streaming codes, and does it still work although there might be a location setting within a vpn! Ooh yeah; is there a specific website or help center? Thank you for your time!!:) Jane


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4.4335 (263 votes)
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2024-05-17 / 8.2.13
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