Displays a page formatted for print based on data from displayed TFS query result.
This Google Chrome extension allows the user to show a HTML page formatted for print with data from any TFS/Azure DevOps Server workitems query or a workitem page.
Scrum-board friendly format
Print from query
Print from workitem page
Print hierarchical queries (shows item's parent)
Any text in print view can be live edited
Individual items in print view can be removed from view
Supported attributes
Shown by default
Work Item Id
Work Item Title
Parent Id with Parent Title
(non-standard) Segment
(non-standard) SD Code
Hidden by default
Work Item Type
Parent Id
Clone repository or Download as ZIP directly from GitHub.
Add new extension to Chrome as a folder via sideloading.
Just click on the extension's icon in browser's toolbar to toggle view when on a query page or a workitem page.
Extension can use only data shown on page! Query must contain all listed attributes, otherwise those omitted attributes won't be shown in the print view.
Visual apperance is controlled exclusively by CSS styles in content-tfs-print.css. Items are using CSS Grid for its internal layout, which can be changed easily. Also this way some attributes can hidden or show or entire layout can be reformatted.