extension ExtPose

どこでも音声認識 365

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Description from extension meta

音声認識を使用して、電子メールやドキュメントを作成します。 あなたの声でインターネットを制御します。

Image from store どこでも音声認識 365
Description from store どこでも音声認識 「どこでも音声認識」を使えば、音声でインターネットを操作できます。音声認識を使用して、Web上のフォームやドキュメントに記入してください。スピーチからテキストへのメールを口述してください! スピーチをコピーしてフォーム入力フィールドに貼り付ける必要はありません。あなたが話すスピーチは、ハンズフリーのWebページ上の任意の標準形式に自動的に入力されます。また、Webを閲覧し、音声コマンドでWebサイトを完全に制御することもできます。仮想アシスタントのように使用できます。 新着! Speech Recognition Anywhereには、テキスト読み上げ、カスタム音声コマンド、スクリプトが含まれるようになりました。詳細については、seabreezecomputers.com / speechを参照してください。 無料機能: *音声認識のために数十の言語と方言から選択してください *メールとオンラインドキュメントを口述する *あなたの声でフォームに記入してください *あなたの声で次または前のフィールドに移動します *あなたの声で任意のウェブページに移動します *タブを切り替えて、あなたの声でウェブページをナビゲートします *ページを上下にスクロールします *あなたの声でリンクとボタンをクリックしてください *切り取り、コピー、貼り付け、クリア、ハイライト *ウェブページのボタンのラベルを表示するには、「ラベルを表示」と言います *「再生(アーティストまたは曲の名前)」と言うと、すぐに音楽を再生できます *テキスト読み上げ(tts) * 3つのカスタム音声コマンド *スクリプティング 完全な機能: *音声アクティベーションウェイクアップフレーズを使用する:(例:「OKGoogle」、「Computer」、「Alexa」、「Hey Siri」、「HeyCortana」) * Chromeの起動時に「どこでも音声認識」を開始します(常にリスニング) *バックグラウンドで「どこでも音声認識」を開始します *検索フィールドを自動的に送信する *音声がタブで再生されている場合は、「どこでも音声認識」を一時停止します *仮想アシスタントモード *「SpeechRecognitionAnywhere」が聞いている間、システムがスリープしないようにします *「SpeechRecognitionAnywhere」が聞いている間、画面がスリープしないようにします *無制限のカスタム音声コマンド *自動句読点 *カスタムコマンドのエクスポート/インポート 注:Googleでは、拡張機能を特別なchrome://ページまたはChromeウェブストアで機能させることは許可されていません。そのため、音声を使用してChromeウェブストアで直接レビューを書くことはできません。これはGoogleによって課せられた制限であり、拡張機能の制限ではありません。 ヒント:特定のWebページで音声認識が機能しない場合は、(1)Webページを更新するか、(2)コンピューターを再起動してみてください。これで問題が解決することがよくあります。 保証の否認:Sea Breeze Computersは、この製品またはサービスのパフォーマンスに関していかなる保証も行いません。この拡張機能は、音声認識にGoogleのWeb Speech APIを使用しているため、音声認識サービスの品質や継続的な運用を保証することはできません。 利用規約 このソフトウェアを使用することにより、http://www.seabreezecomputers.com/speech/termsで利用可能な利用規約に同意したことになります 2021年12月22日-バージョン1.5.9 +日本語版では、説明とメニューが日本語で表示されるようになりました。 (日本語) +日本語にコマンドを追加しました。

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-11) ΣΙΝΕ ΠΑΛΛΑΣ: Perfect application ... but you have to solve payment problems. I have paid for a year and suddenly after 2 months it needed update again.
  • (2023-09-01) Scott Stewart: I love this app!!
  • (2023-07-05) SivaMani Krishna: Hello, sir. I'm a student working on developing a voice assistant similar to the provided extension. However, I've encountered some difficulties during the process. Would you be able to assist me in completing my project?
  • (2023-03-24) Patrick Do: meilleur système de reconnaissance vocale nettement supérieur à dragon naturally is speaking.
  • (2023-03-19) Rich Navarra: This is the best speech recognition software out there by far... I am handicapped and I need something to help me type spend the extra buck and get the software
  • (2023-03-01) Anthony Soudet: ça vous force à payer sinon il ne fonctionne plus après la période d'essai. et en plus, ça installe des virus et des mauvaises choses sur votre ordinateur!
  • (2023-02-28) hugo paolantonacci: Super il manque juste une fonction pour pouvoir arrêter la dictée vocalement
  • (2023-01-12) darianiesther guzmandisla: me parece un apk buena
  • (2023-01-11) M. Fels: Also es ging nun einige Monate echt gut, aber seit zwei tagen nimmt er das Kommando Komma nicht mehr als Zeichen an, sondern schreibt " ," aus also als Wort. Das macht das diktieren eines Textes sehr schwer, da die Satzzeichen setzen eine menge Zeit in Anspruch nimmt, deswegen einen Stern Abzug, vielleicht kann man sich um dieses Problem kümmern? Dann gebe ich auch gerne 5 Sterne... Denn ich habe dies auch von einem anderen Nutzer dem ich das Programm empfohlen habe ebenfalls gehört, das er das gleiche Problem hat...
  • (2022-09-28) Gabi Maier: funktioniert überall hab gar keine probleme damit. sehr gutes tool
  • (2022-08-28) Fisnik Ibrahimi: funktioniert seit dem ich das zweite Jahr aboniert habe nicht. Was ist los?
  • (2022-07-21) Lieselotte Nicklaus: Fällt laufend aus und macht was es will!
  • (2021-09-28) شنبات: تطبيق رائع
  • (2021-07-06) mountain hero: amazing. I don't know what's going on with the ranking here. i think it's the best online software that you can get. Show me a different one with the same futures you would not find that on the market for me it's a best software that you can get for this price amazing
  • (2021-06-02) Roxana Iveth Perez Trejo: horrible
  • (2021-05-31) Mohamed Bahy Darwish: انا لا أعرف لماذا هذا الإمتداد تقيمه سيئ لقد جربت الامتداد وهو يعمل بدون أية مشكال
  • (2021-03-01) Francis: really buggy, sometimes it can't recognize any sound from the mic. Maybe Chrome and Windows 10 problems too.
  • (2021-01-27) Pit Bulls: Please can someone tell me what's the difference between this version and the one I purchased two years ago? What's going on here?
  • (2020-08-21) que "#$%%&/&%$#"!"#%$ esto es unatonteria no me gusto para nada es una 💩💩💩#$%$#$%$ no recomiendo para nada esta "#$%/&%&/(/& la odio 🤬
  • (2020-08-15) Atiqul Islam: this is a very bad esxprians for
  • (2020-08-11) muhmmad hanif: m hanif
  • (2020-07-23) jacques STEPHAN: pas mal !
  • (2020-04-10) Carlos nascimento: e muito bom

Latest issues

  • (2023-08-08, v:1.7.14) Tony A ONE: Multiple key press
    Firstly just letting you know it now works as it used to, thank you so much. Additionally could you give me some advice how I can get SRA to press the enter and keys simultaneously? The reason being that on some websites including facebook pressing the enter key submits comment but the ENTER+ALT key combination starts a new line, and when I use the existing new line phrase It also just submits the comment. Thank you ‌
  • (2023-07-30, v:1.7.12) Tony A ONE: deleted text
    Hi Jeff I'm still having the same issue on facebook where if I want to correct something in a a sentence SRA just delete all previous text following the correction , I tried the Voice In - Speech-To-Text Dictation extension and it does not have this issue, and SRA never used to have this problem, so I'm wondering if you have the same problem or there is some setting I need to change, any assistance will be greatly appreciated, regards Tony
  • (2023-06-20, v:1.7.12) Lu F: compra
    gostaria do reembolso
  • (2023-05-21, v:1.7.12) Jessica Titzer: small letters
    Is it possible to set the program so that everything is only written in small letters?
  • (2023-05-10, v:1.7.11) Auto popups in gmail going crazy
    I'm using Speech Recognition in Gmail and it's creating 10 new messages. It's popping up keyboard shortcuts. It's crazy.
  • (2023-04-22, v:1.7.4) Adam York: Not inserting text into Google Docs
    After I click on the extension and it starts picking up my voice, I open a new tab with a google doc in it. I can see the text I am speaking show up in yellow boxes on the upper left hand of the browser window, but the text just disappears. It is not inserted into the Google Doc. Any suggestions on how to get it to insert the text into the doc?
  • (2023-04-17, v:1.7.4) Dominic H: zensierung aufheben
    Hallo und schönen guten Tag ich wollte fragen ob es eine möglichkeit gibt die Zensierung von Wörtern abzuschalten , sprich das keine ************** mehr kommen ? Danke Lg Dominic
  • (2023-04-15, v:1.7.4) Fadi Zakzouk: Very slow
    Why is it very slow? It worked fine with the right microphone and I was very happy with it but the last couple of day it become very slow why?
  • (2023-02-13, v:1.7.4) Rich Navarra: Initializing...
    pgm stays Initializing...i have only 1 page up....how can i re-Initializing...without rebooting
  • (2023-01-09, v:1.7.1) claudia Günther: ich möchte ein anderen browser
    ich möchte einen neuen browser benutzen mit einer anderen mail adresse. leider sagt er mir da das ich die version kaufen muss. kann man das auch einstellen das es nicht so ist? denn noch mal kaufen will ich es nicht
  • (2023-01-09, v:1.7.3) Joni Pranata: Google Docs
    This extension has problems when used to write in Google Docs. First, it can't start at the first paragraph. Second, it removes newlines and single letters at the end of words. Thus, the last word will be broken and continued with the next word. I hope Dev can solve this problem. I think, this is one of the best Speech Recognition out there.
  • (2022-06-24, v:1.6.8) margaret rosita hector: Dear jeff
    hey and good day also hmm well although it isnt Actually working for me on my acer travelmate b13 which is a fairly small Laptop it is for many and although it isnt 100% free still we all just gotta appreciate this guy for working on this web app all these amount of years cuz may upon many will just quit within a month or 2 muchless keeping up with his creation for multiple years and trying his all out best in making sure its a relevant app good enough for all and ever1 of us To use i had always Liked this app and wanted my folks to use it as a hands free way of navigating with chrome by folks what i meant was parents if you can get it working for my b13 id Love That so damn much tbh yh so thank you mr jeff and thats my appreciation speech i really meant all of this with all my heard you are amazing
  • (2022-06-05, v:1.6.8) Amadeo Cutini: Speech Recognition Anywhere 365 for Brave
    Does it work on Brave?
  • (2021-10-11, v:1.5.1) Lucian Andries: Confused............
    What is the difference between this one, and the normal one? Both are v1.5.1......
  • (2021-08-13, v:1.5.1) Fisnik Ibrahimi: Problem with payment!
    Hi, how much does it cost und how can I buy it?
  • (2021-08-09, v:1.5.1) Raju Shanbhag: Full version usability
    If I buy the full version, can I use it in other applications such MS word and powerpoint? Raju
  • (2021-06-30, v:1.4.8) Sam Winchester: can't upgrade
    I paid for the upgrade but it still says I am on the trial version how do I fix this??
  • (2021-04-13, v:1.4.5) Maria del carmen Gomez: busqueda
  • (2021-04-10, v:1.4.5) Soran Richards: Voice Anywhere
    The only Limit is The sky And it has 0 Then so WE might aswel find out HθW Far we can truly get Right After All Trying is All and The Least a man can Dθ so now...imagine if it Had A few extra Activation words Such as computer</>>computer Assist Me/Assist me With full YT media control such as Resume/Play/continue [Image Searching]=show Me _cats_ ///Show Me A cat-an cat <<__show me an picture/image/photo θF: barack OBamma- A cat<< /show me pictures/images/photos θf cats-barack obama /photo/image/picture search for barack obama/find me an photo/image/picture of A cat /find an image of bob marley/find bob marley images/show bob marley pictures/images/photos/find A picture/Photo/image of bob marley image opening command should be click/open/SELECT the first Second etc image/photo/picture or Result first will be @ the Top Left where A human will consider as First.position/ order [Reading pages/Articles]=Read That for me</>>Read for me<</>>Read this For me< Also without for me /Read The screen/Read The page/Read Aloud /Start Reading/Read [Auto scrolling very Slowly]=AUTθ scroll up-Down/Slide up-Down basic Scrolling is Scroll/Swipe down-up if you want Add go Faster-quicker to scroll momentarily slightly Faster [YT Searching]=Search bob marley θN Youtube/video Search FoR bob marley /Youtube Search bob marley/Youtube find videos of bob marley/Youtube find bob marley/Youtube bob marley/bob marley video<<Simple Term [Links/Elementz opening by Spoken/said word]=Touch/ Select/open/click: ->> i Love cats<<- [Random videos]=play A video 0F bob marley/play A bob marley video especially offical music video even interviews Are welcomed /play A song by Bob marley it must be official Audio [playing video @ Any mark]= Example >play @ 1:28 or 7:59 <etc if Yu Add them All its basically completed i did The thinking for ya so yu dont have /need to
  • (2020-12-13, v:1.3.6) Juan Jose Damis: Quiero quitarlo de mi celular, mis informes profesionales se distorsiona, quiero volver escribir yo r
    son informes profesionales, soy un profesional y mi tarea es esencial. por favor desactiven de mi 0221 4551249 .el Google voice search
  • (2020-12-12, v:1.3.6) Rossy Charres: Precio de la aplicación
    Hola me gusto mucho su aplicación cuanto cuesta por instalarla, ya la tuve 30 dias y realmente me agrado trabajar con ella, Manden su precio por mes y año, Gracias
  • (2020-07-11, v:1.3.6) mosxa komninou: problem with Upgrade
    Hi, i bought the full version. i restarted chrome and my pc and still doesn' t work.
  • (2020-06-19, v:1.3.6) Dave Cross: How do I get the free version to start listening?
    Hi, I've added the free version of the extension but I cannot see how to actually turn it on and start using it. I would expect something like that to be obvious, but it's not to me. I would like to enter some text into a Google Doc. I'm using my work laptop so maybe they have restricted use of your extension, but I don't know. Regards, Dave.
  • (2020-05-23, v:1.3.6) Soran Richards: chrome's Hands free voice command/control assistant speech recognition anywhere
    hey there buddy whoever is Actually responsible for the very well known And powerful voice control personal virtualAssistant for chrome/chromium based browsers i just wanna say that youve done an amazing/excelent work here its certain that everyone that has came accross this And its alternate fairly older version is impressed aswel as facinated by your work wether youre male or female one person or a group And all id Like to see which most people would just the same as we are all fans is for there to be Like a built in calculater And date voice results if youre not interested in giving the full version anytime soon or ever for that matter we All would surely Like for just Like buddy and few others to be hidden in the background with maybe Almost no evidence of it running the icon should probably change to blue if not then colorful when its turned on via voice activated hotword phrase Another thing id Like is up -down /Left- right it highlights the selectable with maybe A covering box or what ever accordingly to the shape of the element/selectable for example a picture Like what happens on a tv when controlled with a remote your voice is the remote for your browser well that would be the point of being handsfree after all but i dont know if you can do such thing as its never been done before by anyone as far as i know the click phrase should be be select most people would feel more better with that expecially the elder And tab there can be various for one Action there dont need to be many but enough to get it right i just want to see this improve because theres others Like it somwhat but i dont think theres any as fast give ir an activated sound what you say its activation word Like siri's or google now/assistant's sound etc of its own though custom by you im reaching out for obvious reasons obviously the number one is because i simply do care And secnd because this needs to go beyond limits to be improved And become ultimate supreme above the all rest which isnt impossible or considerably the hardest thing to do regardingly i mean if hey buddy can do it for free and still strive then why cant you ???? people with disabilities would love this sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much beyond believe it brings hopes to them major ones And ive seen so many times that high hopes can bring big disappointmeants but this doesnt have to be the case its what you make it so if its your will for it to succeed then it ill 9/10


7,000 history
3.76 (25 votes)
Last update / version
2023-08-02 / 1.7.14
Listing languages
