Easily download Instagram pictures.
Please don't use it too much, the operation is not allowed by IG.
Although this tool only simulates local storage of images, IG may be able to detect abnormal users in the near future, so please take care of this yourself if it causes your users to be abnormal.
Latest reviews
- (2024-05-18) Sonya Mus: story does not work!! please fix best addon!!! + video download option!!
- (2023-12-13) REN SAIKA: むかしから使ってるが、少し前からずっと「動画・リール動画・STORY動画に対してダウンロード不可のまま改善されていない。 動画もダウンロード可能と書いておきながら、ずっと改善しないのは詐欺的行為なのだが、なぜ改善しないのだろうか? 2023.10・追記 ダウンロードのファイル名がダウンロードのターゲット画像にイイネなどつけた人の最新の方の名前になってしまっている。長い事改善されていない。 先日からはDOWNLOADすらできなくなっている。何故だかSTORY画像は未だにダウンロード可能。 2023.12・追記 遂に、STORYの画像すら落とせなくなった・・・様々な修正も行われないのでこの拡張機能は。 終わりですね。 追記の追記12/13にアップデートあったけど、何も改善はされていないですので。NAME問題もSTORY問題も
- (2023-10-03) Ghost Dragon: Functionality is reduced on all browsers. the icon doesn't appear. same as the last time.
- (2023-09-07) Cena Bale: Thank you
- (2023-08-04) Jay K: Still working well for me. However, the file titles are being mislabeled with the wrong IG handles.
- (2023-07-04) Zevs Silver: скачивает с левыми никами, очень неудобно, админы решите вопрос и пожалуйста!
- (2022-12-21) Wiliam ZED: 无法下载图片和视频.
- (2022-12-07) Ian Brian: 现在好像不能下载视频了
- (2022-10-23) Maria Jose Baena: ya no funciona
- (2022-10-20) CECILIA CANCINO: no esta funcionando para descargar historias con video solo en foto funciona
- (2022-10-16) 金城弘树: 1.26.0 终于可以下载图片了,之前的版本只能下载动态
- (2022-09-28) Ryan W: Broken for posts in the feed, the story downloader seems to be downloading a lower res version when you compare with other tools.
- (2022-09-26) 撒女内: 为什么这两天都不能下载图片呀
- (2022-09-24) Ryo Kaneko: As of right now it's not working anymore, it shows the download button in stories but not in posts, please fix it.
- (2022-06-19) Jaime Johansson: Works perfectly now. I used it daily on Firefox, edge and chrome.
- (2022-06-05) Edwin Solorzano: It got updated and works kind of. It can't download videos, but it couldn't download videos for last 6 months. still no update to get videos downloaded.
- (2022-06-03) xxx Terry: it doesn't work anymore
- (2022-06-03) ko dame: 是最新版本了但也无法下载图片和视频.
- (2022-06-03) me tell: 现在没有挑出来下载的那个图标了,有同样情况的吗?
- (2022-06-02) Carlos Wx: Used to be perfect. But now it does not work on instagram anymore. What is happening?
- (2022-06-02) Viacheslav: Does not work anymore...
- (2022-06-02) Sili liu: 最近IG更新了 都不起作用 快速更新抢粉!
- (2022-06-01) RICHARDO XIANG: 突然下载不了了,麻烦更新一下
- (2022-05-16) 5230 Nokia: 最近没法下载了,右上角的图标不显示
- (2022-05-15) Laura: never works anymore
- (2022-04-17) Ricardo Andrés Salazar (NIRKURT): Excelente pero... no permite descargar videos, en las últimas versiones.
- (2022-04-13) 李青鱼: 目前无法下载视频,什么时候可以修复
- (2022-04-12) Situ Jiawei: Is it stop working?
- (2022-03-16) Gfriend Buddy: Funcionaba perfecto, pero ahora no deja descargar videos
- (2022-03-15) REN SAIKA: ERROR 2022.03.15 通常の部分の動画のみDOWNLOADしようとすると、ファイルの内容がおかしい事になっています。 特に「リール動画」がERRORで落とせなくなっている! 以前も申したけど、改善されていない。
- (2022-03-12) Sabrina Julieta Larramendy: It used to be easily the best media downloader out there, but it stopped working for videos a days ago. Please, fix it.
- (2022-03-08) 陳心怡: 下载不聊视频怎么办,近期发现的
- (2022-02-06) 申权: 您好,更新了版本以后还是不能下载inst story的视频和图片
- (2022-02-05) Yunus Emre Kara: after after 6 february instagram update, doesn't work for stories
- (2022-01-29) Rafael Almeida: Recentemente não está mais baixando os vídeos do Instagram.
- (2022-01-26) 정바비: 최근 갑자기 동영상 다운 안되는 앱이 많아졌는데. 이건 잘 되서 너무 좋네요 ^^
- (2022-01-22) REN SAIKA: ERROR 2022.01.23 通常の部分の動画のみDOWNLOADしようとすると、ファイルの内容がおかしい事に なっています。ご確認の上、修正願いたい。 特に「リール動画」がERRORで落とせない確率が多い! 昔は良かったけど、今では画像の読み込みも(落とすのに)遅くなってるし、余り改善はされなさそう。 評価も降格ですねww
- (2022-01-21) Niklaus li: 现在没法下载视频了 图片正常,每次下载视频 都提示 失败-网络错误
- (2021-12-07) REN SAIKA: また、STORYがダウンロードできなくなりました。 今回は写真も動画もです。おそらくインスタ側が何かしたのしょう。 対応をお願いします。 2021.12.07・追記 タイムライン上からだと画像も動画も落とせなくなりました。 STORYも動画も画像も落とせなくなっています。 ただ、落としたい人のページにいってからだと、動画も画像も落とせるようになります。 ですが、STORYだけはタイムライン上と同じく動画も画像も落とせないです。 修正をお願いしたいです。
- (2021-09-24) Evelyn: can't get highest resolution from instagram story.
- (2021-07-27) 白㿟柏: 好像已经用不了了
- (2021-06-28) Davi Баrтаv: nao funciona
- (2021-05-27) Android User: What does it access Facebook for?
- (2021-05-22) Don Gillette: Used to be great until the update. Now videos do not download until you leave the instagram site and if you've clicked the icon more than once, you'll get multiple downloads but you won't know for a few minutes.
- (2021-05-21) REN SAIKA: ずっとWATERFOX & CHROMEで使ってきているけど、アップデートの度に新しい利用許諾が必要な追加が起きていて、不自然さを感じるようになった。 度々、ダウンロード不可になる事も増えたし、最近ではアイコンをクリックしてからダウンロード開始までのラグがありすぎる、特にMOVIEやIGなどは。 なので、評価は5STARから2STARに下げます。一応もう少し利用はしてみようと思うけど。 WATERFOXなどFIREFOX系はINSTAGRAM関連の良い拡張機能は粗無いので、やむなしでもこの拡張機能のFOX版を使うと思う。
- (2021-05-20) Patty Tejam: It was okay before but now it's not working at all. Too bad as this extension was really helpful
- (2021-05-19) Q Ahhchooo: 最近这几天下载不了图片了,望修复
- (2021-05-09) Animesh Bhattacharya: Mr. Mittya what is the problem with ur plugin. not work in chrome or nor in firefox...from past 2 year i use this plugin without any problem. any hope for this plugin or i move to other pls tell me
- (2021-05-07) Brian Gonzalez: since the new update, it no longer downloads anything or images or videos
- (2021-05-06) 張文斌: 一直以來都是很方便的功能,但從前天開始就無法使用惹QAQ
Latest issues
- (2023-10-01, v:1.27.5) REN SAIKA: 改善する気はありますか?
ダウンロードのファイル名がダウンロードのターゲット画像にイイネなどつけた人の最新の方の名前になってしまっている。長い事改善されていない。 先日からはDOWNLOADすらできなくなっている。何故だかSTORY画像は未だにダウンロード可能。 - (2023-08-18, v:1.27.5) 490tx: Username isnt showing
Everytime I download a pic it comes with a different username, its never the name of the actual account. Is there any way to fix this bug? its been more than a month now. thnx! - (2023-07-19, v:1.27.5) REN SAIKA: ダウンロード時の名前
ダウンロード時のファイル名がおかしくなってる。 落としたい人の写真・STORY写真をアイコンをクリックしてダウンロードしようとすると、なぜかその写真に自分がフォローしてる他のUSERが「いいね」をつけてると、その人の名前がデータの最初に来るようになってしまっている。 理由は不明だが、改善求む! - (2022-10-26, v:1.26.0) Yunus Emre Kara: Story and reels problem
Only working in photo posts and photo stories, not video stories, not video posts, and reels. - (2022-10-21, v:1.26.0) REN SAIKA: Ver1.26
今回のアップデートで通常の写真は落とせるようになったけど、未だに動画だけが落とせない。STORYの写真も問題なく落とせる。けど、動画は相変わらずできない。 修正する気があるのだろうか? せめて通常の動画とSTORYどうがは落とせるようにして欲しい - (2022-09-28, v:1.25.1) Steven Lin: No icon show up
No icon shows up, and cannot download anymore. Would this fix it? Thanks. - (2022-09-26, v:1.25.1) REN SAIKA: 通常の写真・動画がダウンロード不能
タイトル通り「通常の写真・動画がダウンロード不能」となっている。 なぜか「STORYの画像・動画はダウンロード可能」という不思議な現象。 早急に原因特定・復旧を願う。 - (2022-07-20, v:1.25.0) REN SAIKA: 修正される兆しなし
2022.07・また画像と動画が落とせなくなった。 しかも今回はタイムライン表示では拡張機能アイコンすら表示されない。 画像は詳細表示(大きな画像にする)ではダウンロード可能だが。 動画はほぼ不可能になっている。 再三言っている「リール動画のダウンロード不可」はいつになったら修正されるのであろう?? - (2022-07-18, v:1.25.0) Lisa Jones: Inconsistent download option lately
Hi, The download icon rarely appears anymore over videos/pictures (seems to appear randomly) so in the end we are unable to download anything anymore on Instagram...Been like that for a few weeks now. Hopefully you find a solution to this issue as your work and extension is usually stellar and very much appreciated. :) Thank you - (2022-06-13, v:1.25.0) E M: Doesn't download videos
Lots of popular Instagram accounts are now video only or mostly video, but IG Helper won't download any videos. Please could you change it so that it will download videos too? Many thanks! - (2022-06-01, v:1.23.0) anna wu: Nothing happens after adding
Nothing happens after adding - (2022-04-04, v:1.21.0) Crystal Anokam: Downloaded images show up as .Webpage instead of .JPG
I have downloaded a lot of images using this extension only to find that the files are not useable... not sure why they are downloading as .webpage and not as jpg files. - (2022-03-15, v:1.21.0) REN SAIKA: ERROR 2022.03.15
ERROR 2022.03.15 通常の部分の動画のみDOWNLOADしようとすると、ファイルの内容がおかしい事になっています。 特に「リール動画」がERRORで落とせなくなっている! 以前も申したけど、改善されていない。 - (2022-03-03, v:1.21.0) daily life: 下载视频显示 失败,网络错误
下载视频显示 失败,网络错误,换浏览器使用也是一样 是什么问题呢? - (2022-01-27, v:1.19.0) Lisa Jones: No longer able to download from Instagram main feed.
Icon appears but cannot download short videos from Instagram main feed. Download window appears but without any extension and then in the end it downloads nothing. Thanks for your hard work and great app. - (2022-01-25, v:1.19.0) Ricardo Andrés Salazar: It is not allowing to download short videos
It is not allowing to download short videos from Instagram feed, the other options works perfect - (2022-01-22, v:1.19.0) REN SAIKA: ERROR
ERROR 2022.01.23 通常の部分の動画のみDOWNLOADしようとすると、ファイルの内容がおかしい事に なっています。ご確認の上、修正願いたい。 特に「リール動画」がERRORで落とせない確率が多い! - (2022-01-20, v:1.19.0) REN SAIKA: ERROR
ERROR 2022.01.20 通常の部分の動画のみDOWNLOADしようとすると、ファイルの内容がおかしい事に なっています。ご確認の上、修正願いたい。 - (2022-01-19, v:1.19.0) REN SAIKA: ERROR
ERROR 2022.01.20 また、STORYがダウンロードできなくなりました。 今回は写真も動画もです。おそらくインスタ側が何かしたのしょう。 対応をお願いします。 通常の写真と動画は現在は可能なままです。 - (2021-07-19, v:1.18.4) James Porter: names
Hey, Any idea why on one browser it names the downloaded files and not on another? - (2021-07-18, v:1.18.4) Roman Dragunov: Filename in Vivaldi browser
Profile name is no longer saved in the downloaded filename. - (2021-06-24, v:1.18.4) Carlos Wx: Not working anymore
Have the latest version, it does not work anymore. Please update. - (2021-06-18, v:1.18.4) REN SAIKA: ERROR
また、STORYがダウンロードできなくなりました。 今回は写真も動画もです。おそらくインスタ側が何かしたのしょう。 対応をお願いします。 通常の写真と動画は現在は可能なままです。 - (2021-05-29, v:1.18.4) Charlie Philip: Instagram Issues with the app
Instagram is blocking for pishing the accounts using this app. The app probably must be updated to avoid instagram blocks accounts using this app. Instagram unblocks account after the app is removed. The issue is known and discussed on downdetector. - (2021-05-28, v:1.18.4) Gavin Z: 更新后下载文件名没有账号名称
为啥新版本下载后文件名不像以前那样加上账号名称了,感觉以前那样挺好的 - (2021-05-22, v:1.18.2) REN SAIKA: また動画が落とせなくなった
画像系は問題なしなのだが、動画系は一切ダウンロード出来なくなった! インスタ側が何かしたのかはわからんが、予備で入れてる別の拡張機能では 出来た所を考えると、これに問題あると思う! - (2021-05-21, v:1.18.1) Lisa Jones: No longer downloads anything when clicking on icon
Hi, No longer downloads anything when clicking on icon...Been like that for a few weeks now. Hopefully you find a solution to this issue as your work and extension is usually stellar and very much appreciated. :) An update from you would be great as this seems to be a problem for many if not all the users of your extension. Thank you - (2021-05-15, v:1.18.1) ak ak: media helper not working
in picture its show by right click save the image . picture has been saving but on video its not working - (2021-05-15, v:1.18.1) Mark Cortejo: Now stopped working
I think IG might've changed something in the code. Because it doesn't download anything. - (2021-05-09, v:1.18.1) Paul misterio: not working
Worked fine for ages then last two weeks ,nothing.Icon appears ,doesn't download.If you tap it twice it likes the post and nothing else - (2021-05-08, v:1.18.1) Rendy Mulyono: Broken down again (Chrome and Firefox)
It was working again for a while, but now it's broken. - (2021-05-07, v:1.18.1) Aditya Girish: Stopped working
Hello, Thanks for developing this extension. Just wanted to let you know that it's stopped working, maybe IG changed something. Hope you are doing okay. Thanks! - (2021-05-07, v:1.18.1) Edwin Solorzano: Does not work
Ext. use to work but then it stopped. Download icon appears yet nothing happens when button is pressed. I have removed ext. and re installed already. - (2021-05-05, v:1.18.1) Kjetil N B: No longer want to download, its blocked, button is there but no files extracted
No longer want to download, its blocked, button is there but no files extracted - (2021-02-24, v:1.17.2) Kjetil N B: Prefix with number, no username.
So this addon wont download username anymore, only numbers. - (2020-12-19, v:1.17.1) Yunus Emre Kara: inform
app only download stories square, not rectangle - (2020-12-19, v:1.17.0) RevenkoGaming!: There's a problem with your app, just to let you know.. ^_^"
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that your app doesn't download videos anymore from IG, I tried to download a video of something I uploaded earlier and had forgotten to back up beforehand only to then get the error on the download saying "Failed - Network error", my internet connection is perfectly fine, I tried it on a picture and it downloaded perfectly but videos aren't, not sure why that is but as I had said in the subject header, I had just wanted to let you know so you can hopefully fix this issue! ^_^ .. Thanks a lot for taking the time to make such a wonderfully useful app, I'm sure I'm not the only person out there who has thanked you, if I am then, then thanks, your app makes it easier for me to transfer stuff from my main IG to my secondary one when I need to re-upload something! ^_^ .. Anyway, no idea if you will reply back, if you even can so either way, I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas (If you celebrate it that is, if you don't then I apologise for that as I don't want to offend you!) and a very Happy New Year for when it arrives to you and all of your family and loved ones! Take care and stay safe, kind regards from Scotland, UK.. n_n .. - (2020-12-18, v:1.17.0) Sharon Timms: Videos won't download
Videos seem to have stopped downloading? How do we fix this? - (2020-12-15, v:1.17.0) REN SAIKA: 動画がダウンロード出来なくなった
写真はダウンロード出来るけど、動画が一切ダウンロード出来なくなりました。INSTAGRAM側の何かしろの変更があったのかも。対応をお願いします。 - (2020-12-03, v:1.16.0) Nepturian Gaming: Needs to be updated!
With the new IG updates, the app wont download stories and video. Please update it! :-) - (2020-10-23, v:1.16.0) Aditya Girish: Instagram Stories format changed
Hi there, Instagram has just changed how stories are displayed on the web and the download button doesn't work any more. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks for this extension! - (2020-07-27, v:1.16.0) Lenin Zapata: filename with username
Hello, months ago I asked about the characteristic that when the photo is downloaded, the username is concatenated. When will you add this feature? example: username_116264364_637088657162070_4933160943574320119_n.jpg - (2020-06-10, v:1.16.0) Michael Sankey: Username not displayed in filename
Fantastic app! Recently I noticed that with downloaded files the username no longer shows up in the file name, its just the numbers. It's very handy for sorting to be able to know which page a picture was downloaded from. This seems to have changed only in the last few days. Thank you. - (2020-05-05, v:1.15.0) Kjetil N B: Doesnt properly work with the new instagram design change.
button isnt displayed on the main page - (2020-03-20, v:1.15.0) Kjetil N B: _generated_background_page.html:0 (anonymous function)
The button no longer displays - (2020-03-06, v:1.15.0) Dirk Reul: download button no longer shows on posts and in stories, can be reproduced on two different devices.
the download symbol is no longer visible, hence no downloads for posts (images, videos) or stories since the layout change with the stories being larger on the top instead of on the side. - (2020-02-21, v:1.14.0) WowSabrosa2: Filename of downloaded stories
Downloaded stories are saved with the name of the album. (My version installed is: 1.14.0) Is it a new ''change''? Can you fix it? Can you add an option to let me save files with or without original uploader (instagram profile/user) name? Thank You. - (2020-02-19, v:1.13.0) zhangzhiquan: Filename of downloaded picture changed after win10 updated to 1909
This is the best ig downloader ever used. But after win10 updated to 1909, the filename of downloaded picture changed, the prefix was missed, it was username of the picture uploader before. Can you fix this? - (2020-02-18, v:1.13.0) 死薇瑾: Download name error
Name becomes like - (2020-01-24, v:1.12.0) Lenin Zapata: Rename
Hello, could you concatenate the name of the user who is downloading the photo ?, because sometimes you need to know where that photo is from and it would be great if the username is the first string and then the numbers, please add this feature.