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Subtitles player. Reading and translating subtitles aloud.
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Description from store
New translator for video Subtitles player - become independent of the language of the original files in training and entertainment.
If you like to watch videos, films in the original language, get acquainted with books or other cognitive literature, but do not have the necessary linguistic knowledge, subtitle dubbing is the only right solution.
Simultaneous translation will allow you to fully enjoy watching foreign videos and films, without waiting for the official release of their voice acting. Such an audiobook reader is your opportunity to get quick access to the necessary information, regardless of its country of origin.
Translator for video - A subtitle player is used to implement:
➤ viewing bloggers with translation;
➤ instant translation from any foreign language;
➤ scoring subtitles when watching foreign video files;
➤ choosing your favorite voice for voice acting;
➤ viewing lectures with translation;
➤ video picture synchronization and voice track tempo.
Such voice dubbing will greatly simplify:
➤ programming training using materials from foreign schools;
➤ teaching foreign languages from the source;
➤ watching movies, videos, programs and entertainment shows.
After installing the application on YouTube, the best online e-reader, all foreign sites, audio books, courses and training programs will become available to you.
Reading subtitles for you will no longer be a distraction, because now there is the opportunity to get a video translation, while choosing your favorite voice sound.
How to use?
Video dubbing is carried out automatically, as well as determining the language of the original audio track.
In order for synchronous dubbing of video to be carried out without delays and problems, it is necessary to periodically update the application. Information on the release of new versions will be in the public domain for all users of the product, which will allow you to get high-quality voice translation of the video file you need.
Learning Features
Online learning in a foreign language has become much easier and more comfortable with the beta player subtitles application. Such a reader for YouTube will allow you to:
➤ listen to lectures at a convenient time;
➤ access information in all languages of the world;
➤ watch all existing video courses with translation.
An online reader is not limited to educational videos. Voice acting is performed regardless of the direction of the selected file, its contents and size. The video lecture you need will become accessible and understandable, regardless of the language in which it was read. Such synchronization of the picture and the sound track simplifies the understanding and development of the material, making it easier to remember.
New foreign films without waiting
You no longer need to wait until foreign series with voice acting come out or read subtitles, straining your eyes. The synchronized voice translation, which is equipped with an audio reader, will give a pleasant viewing experience, simplify acquaintance with foreign cinema, bringing you closer to the mysterious world of art. An additional advantage is the ability to learn a language while listening to it from native speakers.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-20) вокруг тюнинга: не работает
- (2023-10-09) vicus rigo: Nekem nem működik, néztem a videót is ami mutatja a beállítást. Akkor sem működik. Aki tudja a titkot hogyan kell életet lehelni bele, kérem ne tartsa magába.
- (2023-09-26) Rüdiger Hössel: Höre nix!
- (2023-09-03) Kacper B: strasznie wolno to tłumaczy a nawet wogule
- (2023-07-30) Marek Krauze: Mrtvý produkt
- (2023-07-22) Lucyna Ryś: Nie dziala
- (2023-06-02) Lixandro Cordero: whyyy!! why why why whyyyy!!! the best caption reader in the world, is a piece of crab ;)
- (2023-04-20) Dev KD: not work
- (2023-03-31) Andras Ferencz: nem mukodik afordito magyarra a bealitas lehet hogy nem eleg a proci 2.4 gigaherc kell 4gigaram ezen mar fut az android 9 pc s verzio 64 bit es a bluestark plajer android... win 7,8,10,11,23 bit ,64bit
- (2023-03-31) Mariusz Samson: Nie działa
- (2023-03-19) Угнивенко Максим: Не работает!
- (2023-03-05) HafizAhmadun Nabi: Nobody reported that it is working.
- (2023-02-17) Образовательный: Не работает!!!
- (2023-02-07) Владэк Джонсил: гуано....не работает
- (2023-02-07) Kevin Diestra Montero: no funciona
- (2023-01-10) Andrey: кол
- (2023-01-08) Ham Burg: Doesnt work
- (2023-01-02) Евгения Матросова: оно не работает
- (2022-12-26) Тимур: Спасибо большое, теперь нету языкового барьера.
- (2022-12-16) M Rain: 完全不起作用
- (2022-12-09) ольга к: не работает
- (2022-11-15) Fatih Mustafa Şengül: türkçe çalışmıyor
- (2022-11-14) fatih akarca: daha önce kullanmıştım...ama şimdi ne yaptıysam çalışmadı...bildiği başka bir eklenti yada program olan varsa paylaşabilir mi?
- (2022-11-09) Mihaly Mathe: Még mindig nem működik próbálam Win10-n és Win7-n. Nem ajánlom senkinek, kuka. Sajnálom, hogy nincs -pont, mert abból szivesen adnék 5 is.
- (2022-11-09) Libor Martynek: nefunkční
- (2022-11-09) Sbryf: Задумка интересная, но не работает ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- (2022-10-30) Алексей. Т.: Пробовал в трех разных браузерах, не работает!
- (2022-10-18) Elsa Xia: 没用
- (2022-09-18) OSINT РЕБ (РЕБ): Не работает
- (2022-09-02) Alexandr T: Не работает!
- (2022-08-22) Dax Vadadoriya: does not work. fake.
- (2022-08-18) Drag On: włączyłem i wogule nie tłumaczy nigdy tak nie wkórwiło mnie rozszeżenie
- (2022-03-19) Miguel: La idea es buena, pero no funciona. Te sale: Para un funcionamiento correcto - 1 ficha para el uso de Youtube!, y ahí te quedas.
- (2022-03-13) Frodo Nick: often not work
- (2022-03-08) Sander Man: Para un funcionamiento correcto - 1 ficha para el uso de Youtube!
- (2022-03-02) محمد الفيفي ١٣٧٩: DId Not work
- (2022-02-25) Carl Martin: Çalışmıyor ( NOT WORKİNG )
- (2022-02-23) Eduard Pinchuk: ужас ,непрацює нічого
- (2022-02-08) pritam sarkar: it is not working
- (2022-02-06) Александр Д: Вообще не понял как работает. У меня ничего не переводил.
- (2022-02-02) Vinicius Subtil de souza: cara se você adora perder tempo esse é perfeito para vc não funciona
- (2022-01-31) Claudemir Laureano: Não funciona, meramente para gerar trafego, furtar informações. It doesn't work, just to generate traffic, steal information.
- (2022-01-09) Ростик Бабенко: Вообще не работает
- (2022-01-08) Alexandre Maximiano: Não funciona, não percam tempo
- (2021-12-25) 马玉峰: 这个不起作用 推荐另一款 CaptionSpeaker 可以同步播放中文语音
- (2021-12-25) cristianocvg: Nossa ! Desisto, Um aplicativo tem que funcionar quando precisamos, e não quando quer, por favor...
- (2021-12-13) Matheus Gomes: Essa é horrivel! Eu descobri uma que funciona de verdade é muito lokoo!!! AirMagic o nome aqui na web store
- (2021-12-12) юра марчук: Не работает
- (2021-12-06) Grace Mckenna: 好用
- (2021-12-02) KingCosworth: doesn't work
1.9268 (205 votes)
Last update / version
2022-03-29 / 1.1.6
Listing languages