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Brug denne online lydredigerer til at redigere dine lydfiler, fjerne støj, klippe og kombinere klip og anvende specielle lydeffekter. Prøv denne gratis audio editor online, du kan også trimme dine sange
og begynd at bruge vores sound editor.
- Importer lydfiler og rediger dem online
* Import og eksport af WAV-, AIFF-, AU-, FLAC- og OGG-filer.
* Opret WAV- eller AIFF-filer.
* Eksporter MP3-filer
* Import og eksport AC3, M4A / M4R (AAC) og WMA med FFmpeg-biblioteket.
Rediger lydfiler nemt med Klip, Kopier, Indsæt og Slet.
Fjern statiske, hvæsende, brummen eller andre konstante baggrundslyde.
Vores software kan redigere sange og har en mp3 editor og lignende funktion til wavepad.
Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Bemærk venligst, at denne udvidelse IKKE er lavet af Google og er lavet af et uafhængigt udviklingsteam. Alle ophavsrettigheder tilhører deres respektive ejere.
Google godkender eller sponsorerer ikke denne Chrome-udvidelse. Audio Editor til Google Chrome ™ ejes ikke af, er ikke licenseret af og er ikke et datterselskab af Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2023-03-15) Len Kowalik: It looks like it would be very powerful if one knew how to use it, but I could find no documentation. How do you delete a slice? How do you save only one slice? Is there a way to concatenate files?
- (2021-12-08) Joseph Maridon: Doesn't do anything useful
- (2021-04-07) E X FF: GG
- (2021-04-07) Icy_g_man_: cool
- (2021-04-07) paper cuts: fix it please
- (2021-04-05) Tova Summer: confusing
- (2021-04-04) Stanimir Georgiev: Useless, can't cut.
- (2021-04-03) Damián Moreno: Lo fundamental, que es que puedas descargar lo editado, no funciona. Una lástima.
- (2021-04-03) Luca Peluca speed Sonic: no te deja poner dos musicas, y se siente vacio
- (2021-03-23) RN Miguel: NO descarga lo editado.
- (2021-03-18) johanna garcia: no deja nisiquiera cortar, terrible
- (2021-03-13) Damaris Arriaga: Pesimo editor
- (2021-03-10) Wah Sin Kei: cannot save
- (2021-03-06) nga thu (Tác giả Thiên Thanh): chỉnh âm thanh hay nhưng không lưu lại được
- (2021-03-01) Jessica carmona Domínguez: esta bien pero no me deja descargar
- (2021-02-28) Lina Trujillo: no deja descargar lo editado, no pierdan su tiempo.
- (2021-02-17) ปรีชา รุ่งรัศมีธรรม: dd
- (2021-02-10) PAT THAIVICHITSILP: very good
- (2021-01-27) Joel Choez: No puedo recortar el audio
- (2021-01-26) Zulyed Aesthetic: genial
- (2021-01-24) Leohpy: NO DEJA DESCARGAR LO EDITADO.
- (2021-01-24) Triệu Đức: tt
- (2021-01-10) Jorge Ortega: no me deja descargarlo
- (2021-01-04) Basti jpx: no puedo instalar lo editado, ayuda
- (2020-12-28) Miskale Zerre: Sesleri birleştirmiyor.
- (2020-12-22) Andrés Salinas Tello: excelente
- (2020-12-08) Tadgh Bentley: Too many popups, bad.
- (2020-12-04) Isacc Brown: perfect expt you can not download
- (2020-11-28) Tamara Palacios Valladares: no me deja descargar lo editado
- (2020-11-18) thomy cast: bien
- (2020-11-17) J.C. A.: It's fun, having a time clearing that stalkers voice right now. Very helpful. Thank you!
- (2020-10-30) Chavdar Naidenov: It cannot cut. It crashed with a big wav file.
- (2020-10-20) guadalupe feijo: esta bien la app pero no me fasina pero la uso
- (2020-10-10) علي علي: OK
- (2020-10-03) Puddles b0i: its really good i can do voice acting
- (2020-10-02) Martha Navarro: All it does is let you change the tone/frequency... they should have a note stating what it's for
- (2020-09-26) Canal para Total Conquest: esta buena pero no es d mucha ayuda
- (2020-09-25) Rajinder Singh: Must have taken some knowhow and time to create but for what? It doesn't do anything! Its a Joke. OR they forgot to add a couple of controls LOL OR its reaping our data (the joke is on us !!) . But seriously Why waste other people's time ESPECIALLY your own?
- (2020-09-23) TX_axel: esta muy buena
- (2020-09-23) Henry Cruces: GENIAL!!!
- (2020-09-07) Kona Keiki: Confusing and hard to use not worth the time it takes to add it
- (2020-08-02) Thomascow Mc Mullan: it does nothing
- (2020-07-30) big gamer3.0: It sucked
- (2020-07-23) Laxzarck Official: Buenisimo
- (2020-07-20) Vicente Garcia: esta bien pero no es lo que buscaba
- (2020-07-19) van duquemena: muy buena
- (2020-07-06) David Kearsley: Didn't access files.
- (2020-07-01) oshadha shiro: its nice