extension ExtPose

Meet Plus for Google Meet

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Description from extension meta

分組討論室,出勤,黑暗模式,聊天,表情符號,獎勵積分,測驗,投票,文件共享,便利貼,靜音,Google Meet的許多其他功能

Image from store Meet Plus for Google Meet
Description from store ❤️️GMP現在提供英語,法語,意大利語,西班牙語,西班牙語,葡萄牙語,العربية,中文和日本語❤️️ Meet Plus for Google Meet是Google Meet用戶的必備擴展。它為用戶提供了一種實時協作,互動和娛樂的方式。🔰 請注意,確實需要參與者安裝GMP擴展才能查看GMP功能並與之交互。 GMP提供兩個版本,免費的GMP Basic和需要每月訂閱的GMP PRO。 GMP PRO功能演示可在以下位置找到: https://meet-plus.com/index.html#gmppro GMP PRO專注於教育者的需求。任務,幫助請求,分組討論室,出勤,控制面板,統計等功能,是專為現代教育工作者量身定制的,可讓他們輕鬆,高效地運行在線教室。全球許多教育工作者,學校和學區都訂閱了GMP PRO,並在虛擬教學中取得了巨大的成功。 GMP基本功能: ✅GMP設置:可以將以下設置配置為GMP設置的一部分: default可配置的默認麥克風和攝像頭狀態。 🢂按下/輕按以靜音或講話。 🢂給另一位GMP用戶發出嗡嗡聲,並使傳入的嗡嗡聲靜音。 🢂更改默認會議背景。 🢂從7種可用語言中更改語言顯示。 🢂DND請勿打擾(DND)模式 🢂靜音通知 🢂一鍵重置 🢂會議自動加入 🢂關閉視頻顯示以節省CPU和GPU ✅拖動/調整大小/恢復視頻圖塊:GMP用戶可以通過將視頻圖塊拖動到屏幕上的任意位置來排列視頻圖塊,將其調整為合適的大小,並在需要時恢復其原始位置和大小。 ✅暗模式:用戶可以微調所需的各種暗模式 ✅顯示/隱藏底部欄:能夠顯示和隱藏Google Meet的底部欄 ✅獎勵/兌換/排名/積分系統:GMP用戶可以從主機獲得積分,並用主機提供的獎賞兌換積分。點數和徽章在會議中排名。 ✅表情符號反應:使GMP用戶可以使用一些有趣的表情符號來表達自己的感受。它還允許用戶在兩種表情符號模式之間切換。 ✅Messenger:作為GMP用戶,您將能夠在會議室中廣播消息,或直接向其他GMP用戶或一組GMP用戶發送私人消息。您可以在郵件中添加表情符號!消息歷史記錄在Messenger面板中捕獲。 Status用戶狀態:會議中的GMP用戶現在可以通過頂部狀態欄設置其狀態。此外,用戶可以通過將鼠標懸停在頂部狀態欄上的眼睛圖標上來查看每個人的狀態。它還允許自定義狀態。有人更改狀態時將顯示一條通知。 ✅幫助請求:GMP用戶現在可以向會議主持人提交幫助請求/問題,當請求更改其在隊列中的位置時,將跟踪並宣布該請求的優先級。幫助請求也可以共享給GMP Messenger ✅任務管理:從會議主持人接收任務,並隨著用戶的進度更新任務的狀態。需要幫助選項與“幫助請求”系統集成在一起。 ✅瑣事測驗:啟用GMP的用戶可以通過兩種模式(GMP香草瑣事和GMP Bamboozling瑣事)開始瑣事競賽。我們大約有5萬個瑣事可供玩家選擇。 ✅鏈接共享:GMP用戶可以在會議會話中與其他GMP用戶共享圖像,網站和鏈接。 Timer會議計時器:使GMP用戶可以啟動會議計時器。其他GMP用戶將在會議中看到計時器。 Meeting靜音/靜音會議:使GMP用戶可以靜音/取消靜音當前會議會話的音頻。還使GMP用戶可以請求取消靜音用戶的靜音。 ✅最小化/可拖動:可以將GMP拖放到屏幕上的任何位置,用戶也可以隨時將其最小化到會議控制欄。 on聚焦於Google Meet:通過單擊GMP擴展名圖標,Google Meet標籤將被最大化和突出顯示。 ✅作為GMP用戶,您將可以在同一會議室中查看GMP PRO用戶執行的所有操作 s免費!:上述所有功能都是免費的,隨著新創意的出現,我們將添加更多功能。 GMP PRO功能: 除了GMP基本功能外,GMP PRO還提供了一組高級功能。它需要每月訂閱。主要目標是支付我們不斷增長的基礎架構成本,並為所有用戶提供更多功能和優質服務。 訂閱GMP PRO時,我們提供3天免費試用,以便您可以在訂閱開始之前試用GMP PRO功能。 對於學校,學區,機構和組織,我們提供批量購買價格和年度訂閱。我們還提供了用於批量購買的在線許可證管理系統的訪問權限。請聯繫[email protected]了解詳細信息。 GMP PRO用戶發起的所有操作對所有GMP用戶都是可見的。 ile瓷磚快捷方式:GMP PRO用戶可以在與會者的每個圖塊上顯示功能快捷方式,可以方便地嗡嗡聲,響鈴,聊天,靜音和關閉會議中其他GMP用戶的攝像頭。 🅾獎勵/兌換/排名/積分系統:GMP PRO用戶可以為參加者獎勵積分,也可以為參加者兌換提供獎品。授予與會者的積分和徽章將作為其成就的一部分進行排名。 Break標準分組討論室:在進行中的會議中立即創建多個分組討論室。這項強大的功能使GMP PRO用戶可以將會議參與者分配到不同的分組討論會議室,將他們發送到會議室,將他們帶回主會議室,並向分組討論會議室,監控室廣播消息,快速專注於特定會議室等。 🅾AIO分組討論會議室:AIO代表多合一。這項獨特的功能使會議主持人可以在會議中創建分組討論會議室,而無需將參與者發送到另一個會議室。由於所有分組討論會議室都位於一個會議室中,因此這將大大減少管理標籤式分組討論會議室的工作量。主持人可以輕鬆配置分組討論會議室並將參與者拖放到其他會議室,參與者可以在不離開當前會議室的情況下開始其分組討論。儘管每個人都在同一個會議室中參加分組討論會議,但是他們只能與自己的小組成員聊天並聽到他們的聲音。 🅾文件共享:GMP PRO用戶可以直接與會議中的選定參與者共享文件,並監視文件傳輸的進度。收件人可以選擇接受還是拒絕文件傳輸。 Screen私人屏幕共享:GMP PRO用戶可以直接與會議中的選定參與者共享選項卡或屏幕,而無需向所有會議參與者演示。共享屏幕將顯示在可拖動,可調整大小,可折疊和最大化的窗口中。 🅾私人語音聊天:允許GMP PRO用戶在不離開會議室的情況下與一個參與者或一組參與者發起私人語音聊天。它與分組討論室和停車場集成在一起,可以提供幫助。 light突出顯示用戶:選擇一個或多個要在會議中突出顯示的用戶。啟用此功能後,可以關閉其他與會者的視頻。 🅾主持人的控制面板:GMP PRO用戶將被視為會議的主持人,並有權啟用/禁用許多功能,禁止用戶,拒絕進入,向非PRO用戶授權某些GMP PRO功能,使所有用戶靜音和自動接納新客人等 🅾出席:GMP PRO用戶可以參加會議,記錄出席和停留時間,並將數據另存為CSV文件。也可以安排出勤。歷史記錄可以保存到用戶Google雲端硬盤。 for用於請求幫助的停車場:作為會議的主持人,GMP PRO用戶現在可以管理隊列中與會者的請求幫助。可以通過上下拖動請求來調整請求的優先級。它還與分組討論室和GMP Messenger集成 🅾任務:賦予主持人為與會者創建任務的能力,當用戶更新其任務狀態時,將跟踪任務的狀態。任務功能還與分組討論室和幫助請求功能集成在一起。 alk會說話的棍子:此功能使主持人能夠按配置開始發言。選定的參加者將按安排的順序訪問麥克風,而其他參加者則使麥克風靜音。 GMP將根據配置自動管理與會人員的講話時間和麥克風訪問 🅾統計信息:提供有關會議和功能使用情況的一些有用的統計信息。 White實時白板共享:使與會人員可以共享和在會議中的白板上進行協作。會話中的所有GMP用戶都可以實時查看圖形。只有GMP PRO用戶可以在板上繪畫。圖紙可以下載為圖像文件。 Po即時投票:在會議會話中配置並啟動安裝投票,結果可以下載,保存,查看和導入。 🅾自定義測驗:GMP PRO用戶現在可以在活動會話中創建實時測驗,並保存結果/分數。 tic便箋:創建和配置便箋,便箋會自動保存到您的計算機中。用戶可以在會話中顯示,隱藏,最小化,刪除註釋並與其他GMP用戶共享註釋 🅾Messenger:作為GMP PRO用戶,您之間的聊天等待時間將縮短。此外,禁用Messenger時,GMP PRO用戶可以選擇從其他人接收消息。 avoBravo徽章,煙花和動畫消息:作為GMP PRO用戶,即使有消息,您也可以啟動各種類型的煙花。您也可以將徽章授予會議室中的其他GMP用戶,並向會議室或會議室中的其他GMP用戶發送動畫消息。 🅾勵志名言:參加會議時會根據您的語言設置自動發送,用戶可以共享名言。用戶還可以輸入報價以與會議室共享,並可以選擇在底部欄上打印報價。我們為所有主要語言提供了數十萬種報價供您選擇。 🅾多媒體反應:GMP PRO用戶現在可以使用“自動播放”選項共享Youtube視頻,共享的視頻可以最小化,最大化並拖動到屏幕上。用戶還可以對許多預定義的聲音和動畫圖像做出反應。您的反應肯定會打動其他用戶。 個性化頭像:隨時更改您的頭像,只需在線找到一個很酷的頭像鏈接,然後使用GMP PRO更新您的頭像,它也接受動畫圖像 hat聊天表情符號:內置於Google Meet聊天中的嵌入式GMP表情符號,在聊天時易於單擊和選擇。 🅾3天免費試用:訂閱GMP PRO,您將自動獲得5天免費試用,以便您可以在訂閱生效之前進行試用。 G即將推出的GMP PRO功能:我們列表中還有更多針對GMP PRO用戶的新功能 GGMP PRO用戶執行的所有操作對同一房間的所有GMP用戶可見 當會議室中的每個人都安裝GMP時,它的工作效果最好,請立即與您的朋友和同事一起安裝它! we我們如何使用您的數據? GMP僅收集您的Google Meet用戶名和電子郵件,以識別您的身份並支持GMP的功能。這些信息是必要的,因為我們將您的獎勵積分和徽章存儲在我們的數據庫中。 可以在https://meet-plus.com/legal.html上查看我們的隱私政策和條款與條件。 ❓是否有權訪問您的瀏覽器歷史記錄? GMP將其配置/設置存儲在需要訪問瀏覽器歷史記錄存儲空間的瀏覽器緩存中,因此需要此權限。除了與GMP相關的配置/設置外,GMP不會讀取您的瀏覽器歷史記錄。

Latest reviews

  • (2023-09-18) ahmed mamdouh: they mentioned it's free, however, they will ask for a superscription more than the google
  • (2023-04-24) Ethan Cale Domugho: does not work
  • (2023-03-27) Madhavan_S: nice extension for me thank you
  • (2022-10-24) Soji Spicy: I liked it, but every time I uninstall it, it mutes everything else so I have to download it again. Can you please fix this
  • (2022-10-19) Muhammad Hamza Khalil: Thank You This Is The Best Extention :) its helpful me also thanks for https://quizllc.com/ for this extension recommendation
  • (2022-10-06) Zian B. ERCE: This is the best extension for google meet! I am pretty stisfied with it. Thank you very much!
  • (2022-04-07) MARVEL MARVEL: this extension is so bad i hated it its so dumb like why add a buzzing thing its annoying someone in my class even said that this extension let people go on his account
  • (2022-04-06) Daisy Daisy: Best google meet extension ever! I use this almost everyday. It's especially helpful when you just want to message one specific person, not everyone.
  • (2022-04-06) Chip 'Glichez': This is an awesome extension! I use it friendly and it never bugs or glitches! The only thing I'd like it to improve is how much space it takes up on the google meet page when opening it.
  • (2022-03-21) Gougle spam: All of the features except very few disruptive features require pro. This is a bs extension.
  • (2022-02-07) Hidekazu Hamada: I'd like to set meet shortcut key on gobal.
  • (2022-01-10) FILIPPO RAVAZZINI: Causes audio/video loss on clients with extension enabled. Same computer without the extension doesn't have any issues. Tried reloading the page, along with removing other extensions. Only after this one got removed the audio/video issues got resolved.
  • (2021-12-14) Tavi Renáe: Awesome extension. But unfortunately wouldn't work for me. It turned my camera off and it won't come back on as long as the extension is running. Probably bc my Mac is pretty old. I received a notification that the extension was corrupted. I selected to repair it to no avail.
  • (2021-12-14) 6ARadha Seth: I loved it but it stops working it was updating first but now it stopped working today so now I can't ask my friends questions regarding what we are doing in my class and school!
  • (2021-12-09) hover crew: This is the best extension I've used for google meet. It contains a lot of useful and helpful features and my favorite feature of the extension is the private chatting. You can private chat with somebody else on the meeting if they have the same extension. I use this in my online class to private chat with my friends during school if I need their help or if they need mine. Amazing extension, 10/10, good job and keep up the good work 👍
  • (2021-12-09) Arabi sucks in life: This is the best Google Meet extension I've ever used. It has a lot of useful and helpful features, and my personal favorite is the private messaging feature. If you have the same extension as someone else in the meeting, you can have a private conversation with them. Excellent extension, ten out of ten, excellent job, and keep up the fantastic work. The only reason I gave 4 stars because recently it stopped working otherwise I would have given 5 stars rating. I miss buzzing and chatting with my friends who have this extension even buzz while he/she is doing something XD. So please fix that issue and let us enjoy :). Edit: The issue fixed.
  • (2021-12-09) Gopal kumar shell: It is very good meet Extensions for online communication. Thanks for update. -Thanks.
  • (2021-12-07) agarwal 202 agarwal: I don't know why but this extension has stopped working on my meets. Its definitely good but it's not working
  • (2021-12-07) aurvana: i loved the extension but now im not able to view it in any of my g-meets and it causes a lot of issue.
  • (2021-12-07) Neeraj: Ive given 5 stars as this extension is really great but its disabled right now for some reason even though i enabled it. ive tried unninstalling and reinstalling the extension but its still not working. Please help me as this extension is like something i use on a regular basis
  • (2021-12-07) Kalel Kris: I used the extension a long time ago but now its not visible and my friends asked me why did I delete the extension but I told them I didn't. Please find a way to fix this glitch
  • (2021-12-07) Bluet00th: Hey I need help, when the update came out the extension does not work anymore, if possible, can I have the older version of the extension that would mean alot since this extension was downloaded on my Opera GX since months ago and I loved it, I need the old version of the extension since it feels bland without the extension on my browser, thanks!
  • (2021-12-06) Madina: well it is good its just i don't understand the read and change your data on www.googleapis.com like i feel like it'll just steal some of my data or something...
  • (2021-12-06) Mayteee Rosas: For some reason, it isn´t working right now:(
  • (2021-11-10) mia isabelle: Sorry if I'm being a bit much but How do I work this extention I really wanna try it..
  • (2021-11-09) KRISH NAIR: Best extension i ever used i give it 10/10
  • (2021-10-07) Akshita Kotih: it was ok buit i whish it had a few more featuresfor us to use. also it stopped working for most of the ppl in our class. i am still not able to acces it
  • (2021-10-06) hover crew: bro i liked it a lot but nowadays the bar is not visible so none features are working plz help fix this issue as i want this extension to chat in private also fix it on [email protected]
  • (2021-09-22) Patricia Rodrigues: Mano funciona mt bem meus colegas tem ai agente fica conversando kkkkkkkkk é a prof n vê as msg
  • (2021-09-22) Abello, Anthony Miguel M.: its the best dude you can literally do things while in class like talk or emoji. it also has trivia. pretty fun.
  • (2021-09-16) Shanuj !!!: i want to control host panel but i not able to use that please help me
  • (2021-09-14) Jaime Jesus A. MANCAO: Thus is a great extension, but it's kinda not working for me lately. Do you know what's the problem with this?
  • (2021-09-14) M. Yasir: not working at all
  • (2021-08-26) Aditya UwU: Da Best! :)
  • (2021-08-25) Sayujाा Acharya l०-०l: It stopped working...............The chat emojis EVERYTING!!!!. It does not work at all........Pls fix this.
  • (2021-08-10) Leonardo Da Cambridge: This is a great extension, for students and for teachers. It has all the great features that a extension like this needs. The only thing that makes it 4 stars is the ability to read browsing history, this could be for debugging to see crashes, but there are many better ways of doing that. If that is not the reason to read browsing history, someone tell me why. It just seems to be tracking method for collecting user data. I dont really care, not everybody buys prem versions so the developers need to make more money somehow. But still, I would appreciate it if someone could tell me why it collects this data.
  • (2021-07-30) Salo Peña: me parece una buena aplicacion para usar
  • (2021-07-22) Ganeve,Tejasveer singh Lamba: amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • (2021-07-13) Rounak Agarwal: Pls remove the delay in sending the messages and make enter as the key to send messages
  • (2021-07-08) Runtime Terror: Pls remove the delay in sending the messages and make enter as the key to send messages
  • (2021-07-07) ANTHONY GADIEL DOS SANTOS: adorei !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! acabei de usa e ja gostei bem se o desenho funsonase
  • (2021-06-28) Jai Vardhan Maheshwari: Very good but the pro feature should be free
  • (2021-06-24) Nhan Nguyen Thanh: I want to contact with you for buy 11 acccount for my shool
  • (2021-06-22) Anushka Sinha ,3533: Untill I used it ,I thought that online class are always boring. But when I found this extension it was one of the coolest moment in my life. I am so happy and satisfied with it that I don't need GMP pro..I liked it very very much. Thanks for this and encouraging students to do online classes. Love from India Anushka
  • (2021-06-04) sh singh: This is the best extension I've used for google meet. It contains a lot of useful and helpful features and my favorite feature of the extension are private chatting and reaction emojis. You can privately chat with somebody else on the meeting if they have the same extension. I use this in my online classes to privately chat with my friends during school. Amazing extension, but I would give it 8/10, as it would have been even better if all the option were free to use (no need to buy the premium). But overall it is really good 👍
  • (2021-05-31) this amazing I give it a 10/10
  • (2021-05-30) Zariyah Jackson: how do i make it work?
  • (2021-05-27) Bernardo Morsoletto: estaba funcionando pero un dia no podia poner emojis ni chatear con mis amigos
  • (2021-05-25) Boto cor de verde: but, the new functions are paid pls, add private call free


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3.8295 (305 votes)
Last update / version
2025-01-12 / 11.5.5
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