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View your comics quickly from Google Drive or your hard drive.
Want to read your comics online today? Simply install the software Comics Viewer for Google Chrome™ today.
Read the most popular comic books on your computer. This extension supports file formats such as .cbr, .cbz and .pdf today!
Our software loads the comics instantly and allows you to begin reading your comics within minutes.
With the growing use of smartphones, tablets, and desktop screen reading, major publishers begun releasing comics, graphic novels and Manga in digital formats.
Declining sales and copyright violation have led some publishers to find new ways to publish their comics, while others are just adapting to the digital age while still having great success with the printed comic format.
You can read your favorite Marvel comics today using our comic reader software. Marvel & DC comics all have digital formats and subscription services
available for their top comics such as the Captain America, Batman, Superman franchise. The most popular comics nowadays still revolve around superheroes like Captain America, Batman
and Superman. Other popular comic niches include the X-Men and other characters made by Stan Lee inside the Marvel Universe.
Marvel Comics launched Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited, a subscription service allowing readers to read online many comics from Marvel's history, on November 13, 2007.
The service also includes periodic releases of new comics not available elsewhere. With the release of Avenging Spider-Man, Marvel also became the first publisher to provide free
digital copies as part of the print copy of the comic book.
Since 2012, DC Comics has offered to sell its comics through all three major E-book stores: Amazon Kindle Store, iBookstore and Nook Store, as well as through the
site and through comiXology. DC Comics was the first to offer readers multiple formats to download and digital issues releases on the same
day as their printed counterparts. The company stated that it sees the future in digital comics, but its digital sales also help the printed books.
In Japan, web manga have started to pick up steam as many manga artists choose to upload their own original works on image hosting sites and social media forgoing traditional publishers.
Many of the big publishers have also launched digital magazines and websites where web manga get released alongside traditional print works. Unlike digital comics in other Asian countries,
web manga are almost always released in black-in-white rather than color despite being released digitally in contrast to titles released in nearby countries.
In China, digital comics are known as "web manhua" and many of the big internet giants in the country have created platforms for anyone to submit their own works and read many titles for free, "U17" being an example.
Thanks in part to free access to these comics and most being in color, the manhua industry has seen a surge in revenue and production in both China and Taiwan. On those platforms, there
are comics created by so-called "Platinum Authors" who have over one million "Paid Subscription/Views"
The South Korean manhwa industry actually created their own original format for comics called webtoons which helped revitalized the manhwa industry in the country. Before, the industry had difficulty taking
off and becoming popular among readers due to the popularity of translated manga and lack of support for local titles. Webtoons have brought in new readers and fans of manhwa, both in South Korea and around
the world. The popularity of webtoons has even led to other countries adopting the format to release their own comics. Toomics is another popular comics website which provides
Free color web comics, read the latest Japanese and South Korean webtoons instantly!
Enjoy the wonderful graphics of comics from your Chrome browser and read your favorite cartoons and comic books today using our software.
Install the software Comics Viewer for Google Chrome™
Choose the comic you wish to open
Begin reading
This software is 100% free and can open comic files not just from your computer, it also supports Google Drive as well. Start
reading your comics online now!
Disclaimer: Please note this extension is NOT made by Google and is made by an independent development team. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Google doesn’t endorse or sponsor this Chrome extension. Comics Viewer for Google Chrome™ is not owned by, is not licensed by and is not a subsidiary of Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2024-02-29) Raza Shihab Mahbub: Amazing extension
- (2023-11-08) Pooja Pahuja: great I love it so much.
- (2023-05-04) Sainaba M: ok
- (2023-05-02) Luc Loiseau: Impossibe de lire une BD en pleine largeur: Application inutilisable dans mon cas
- (2023-04-24) Hellerick Ferlibay: It works only in full page view, which makes pages too small. Instead of scrolling through pages with the mouse wheel you have to click for every page. It would make much more sense if pages were just scrolled vertically. Which would work perfectly fine both for Western (left-to-right) and Japanese comics BTW.
- (2023-04-16) Ayesha Siddiqui: simple to use .................. and also works in offline mode unlike other softwares
- (2023-03-21) robert ksajikian: works like a dream
- (2023-03-10) Imeon Imeon: It's wonderful!
- (2022-11-09) patricia fallau: Lee formato CBR, pero no lee comic en formato PDF
- (2022-10-15) Buehler: Can't recognize my .CBR files either
- (2022-09-06) Jer Youngquist: Can't recognize my .CBR files.
- (2022-04-29) John Yang: Very good app
- (2022-03-17) yến hoàng: hay lắm
- (2022-03-16) Yamila Duarte: No me deja abrir los archivos desde el drive.
- (2022-03-07) antonio cantillo: funcional, agarro archivos CBR, acerca y aleja la imagen que es para lo que quiero
- (2022-02-03) Nicole Ajomewo: great one because i have to read comics tommorrow because of my costume day
- (2022-01-16) Thùy Chi: tốt, phát huy thêm nhiều truyện vào nhé
- (2021-11-09) Gaurav Rajput: Really Really good for reading comics, manga and other such files in cbz or cbr format.
- (2021-04-25) Miguel Vasquez: Solo me gustaria que se pudiera acercar con control + scroll
- (2021-04-09) Linh Pham: rất hay
- (2021-04-04) EGO GAMER: ben böyle uygulamanın ta amına koyam
- (2021-03-24) Linda Ortiz: no se puede leer
- (2021-03-08) jon doe: please further explain
- (2021-03-06) samuel abraham zavala alonso: no puedo hacer nada en esta pagina 😀
- (2021-02-05) Dean Jury: does not open CBZ and will not open CBR correctly - not recommended
- (2021-01-10) nunca te rindas: Amazing for reading .cbz files
- (2021-01-09) 熊人: シンプルで使い勝手が抜群です。必要十分!
- (2021-01-08) 한창성: 매우편하비다
- (2021-01-06) BENJAMIN RONDAN PIZARRO: esta exelente creo
- (2020-12-27) Manuel Patrick Katapang: great comic reader so far
- (2020-11-22) Boltian: It is GUAY!!!
- (2020-11-21) Ian Davison: Great extension.
- (2020-11-09) marcelo coria: Sólo muestra la página sin posibilidades de agrandarla y deslizarse..., sólo si no hay más remedio...
- (2020-10-25) Xavi Rafa: Muy bién Muy útil