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Balance - 改变你生活的极简待办清单
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我们大多数人把大量时间用于工作,而极少时间用于自己和我们的生活。这取决于社会的优先级 - 现代社会生活中的每一天令人们越来越深陷追求经济福祉的竞赛中,迫使我们更努力更好的工作,而忽视了工作和生活带来的乐趣。
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-05) Martin T: Simple and easy to use. Just shift+alt+c for easy colour picking. (5/5) Edit: Ultimate Color Picker got hacked. UNINSTALL
- (2023-09-21) Yan Kwan: Yo bring back colour picker it was hella good
- (2023-09-18) Usman Abbasi: This extension got hijacked. It was Color Picker before.
- (2023-09-03) Haldrin Chable: Amazing, functional, simple and really good
- (2023-06-17) Macgrady Tracy: 当前没完成的能不能自动复制到下一天的任务里?退一步,是否可以快捷按钮复制过去?现在只能人工copy,或重建任务,不好
- (2023-05-24) Arctic Snow: It chooses colours accurately and it works perfectly fine. However, the colour chosen is not centred on the crosshair, making picking colours slightly harder. (5 + 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679)/10 stars.
- (2023-04-19) Maxime Le Morillon: really good tool to get the colors easy to use !
- (2023-03-22) Vlad Akhmetov: Было бы неплохо добавить напоминания и обзор календаря сразу на главной
- (2023-03-18) Max Geller: ignore the average rating for this extension. those ratings were all for a different extension. this is now a new extension, under a new name and with completely different functionality, but with the same ratings and reviews. that's a form of lying on the part of the developer. i will keep this negative review up until either 1) the extension returns to its previously-advertised functionality, or 2) all previous reviews and ratings are deleted.
- (2023-03-16) Ryan Zigler: "Balance – your perfect daily ToDo", replaced a previously installed extension "Color Eye Dropper" in an attempt to hijacked the current install base "Color Eye Dropper".
- (2023-03-04) Vince DePersio: Overall, I like this alot. BUT, what is annoying is that after I copied the color and exit out of the extension, the + cursor remains on screen and I can't get rid of it unless I close and reopen the browser. HELP!
- (2023-03-03) Knowd Digital: Excellent solution. Works well
- (2023-03-01) Seung Han Park: 단축키로 쉽게 추출가능하니 좋네요. 저장할 수 있는 방법이 있다면 더 좋을 듯
- (2023-02-24) Philippe Dietrich: Useable with Google Presentation
- (2023-02-20) Nishank Singh: sa
- (2023-02-18) Magdalena Anna: Lame! It says "copied" when I'm ready to copy but it copies the thing I had copied before. Waste of time. Getting a different colour picker. Thank you but no thank you.
- (2023-02-16) shajib sutradhar: Awesome extension. Nice design. Handy to use and works well
- (2023-02-14) Luciano Patulé: Ótimo, excelente ferramenta... ajuda muito
- (2023-02-10) Aurobindo Ghosh: Copying code doesn't copy sometimes.
- (2023-02-07) Alexandre Todorovic: Je n'arrive même pas à trouver une façon intuitif de quitter l'outils. Pas de copie, rien. j'ai vue mieux
- (2023-01-24) Arte Educação: Thanks, It works, but that warms the browser, Chrome.
- (2023-01-22) Wanderson Rocha: Excelente ferramenta.
- (2023-01-20) Isaque: muito bom
- (2023-01-13) Ali Hassan Abbasi: Loving it...
- (2023-01-13) Includes the # when copying, so can't use it for what I'm doing
- (2023-01-13) Javier Gonzalez: Simple y funcional !!
- (2023-01-12) Gary Martin: Would give it a 5 but only problem I am having when I am done picking the color and close it the cursor doesnt change back it stays as a + sign.
- (2022-12-27) Raouf Yasin: Finally, I found the best extension. Does exactly what it describes. Thank you.
- (2022-12-26) Carlos Alves (Dan Games): excelente
- (2022-12-25) Rob Allsbrook: Love It! Why? Because IT WORKS! All the others could--should--do what this one does. That is simply 'to work'. They don't. This one DOES.
- (2022-12-16) Jaafar Nasrallah: 5 seconds from installing and already got the job done.
- (2022-03-20) Poli4u: Funciona perfeito
- (2022-03-19) QwertyGuiRb: easiest thing ever to use!!!! on one click, its a selector!
- (2022-03-16) rocki: doesn't work anymore please fix.
- (2022-03-12) Nayemul Hassan: enough easy for the beginners.
- (2022-03-12) Никита Сутягин: Работает как надо
- (2022-03-11) Pascal: Simple, efficace.
- (2022-03-02) Siamak Fatollahi: Very good thankyou!
- (2022-02-25) Manoj Joshi: this is the simple and easiest eyedropper color picker among all i've used before. highly recommended
- (2022-02-23) Агент А.: Привет. Спасибо. Удобно. Успехов.
- (2022-02-17) Black Place: класс
- (2022-02-17) Hugo Morand: Great tool, especially for software that use color setting in a complex way, and you have to match IRL corlors
- (2022-02-10) Romain Faber: Useful, but keeps showing up even when I don't want it to, forcing you to pick a color and then close the window to be able to keep on working. Very annoying, I'll just find another one.
- (2022-01-23) Farzam Maghouli: exactly what i was looking about, its just a little laggy tho, dont know why it could be cuz my pc aint that bad.
- (2022-01-20) Arrow Studios: Excelente herramienta, supera con creces a colorzilla.
- (2022-01-16) Baptiste V: Exactly what i'm looking for except it starts itself randomly when I restore Chrome windows on MacOs. So Have to uninstall.
- (2022-01-14) OldSeaWolf: Perfect
- (2022-01-12) Son Phung Ngoc: Great extension! Keep up the good work!
- (2021-11-28) Cường Lê: good
- (2021-11-23) Francesco Restivo: Great extension
4.5061 (328 votes)
Last update / version
2023-05-17 / 20.1.7
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