Dark Instagram™ - changes Instagram theme to black
Razširitev za Instagram ™ Dark Instagram ™ - ko kliknete ikono, se uporabi temna tema, ki deluje na vseh straneh spletnega mesta Instagram ™. Po želji lahko Dark Dark ™ onemogočite.
Novi Dark Instagram ™ dizajn je popolnoma eleganten in minimalističen, zelo udoben je ponoči, toda tema je odlična za vsak čas. Dark Instagram ™ ima v zgornjem desnem kotu gumb za preklop, s katerim lahko preprosto preklopite z dnevne teme na nočno.
Dark Instagram ™ je najboljša tema za oči med gledanjem videoposnetka, ki izboljša kakovost gledanja ponoči. Podaljšek spremeni ozadje na vseh Instagram ™ straneh v temno temo, pisava pa v svetlo sivo. Dark Instagram ™ je bil ustvarjen za ljudi, ki ne marajo bele teme spletnega mesta in za bolj priročno gledanje v temi.
S svojo temo in novim videzom Dark Instagram ™ lahko prijetno presenetite svoje prijatelje in znance, saj Dark Instagram ™ prinaša nov videz, hkrati pa ohrani enak občutek, zaradi česar je znan, a nov.
Če vam je všeč Dark Instagram ™, ga delite z drugimi. Vaše pozitivne povratne informacije mi pomagajo, da jo izboljšam. Zahvali se!
★ Mnenja - Uporabniki Dark Instagram ™ (ponosni smo)
Marios Pentelas ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ deluje dobro! In črna tema je zelo prijetna za oko.
Babulalparmar Selri ★★★★★
Vse dobro, temna tema je v sozvočju s preostalimi! Vsem svetujem, naj uporabljajo Dark Instagram ™
Chippers ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ izgleda odlično, medtem ko deluje. Tema je odlična in ni problema!
Eddie Osbourne ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ je odlična razširitev za ogled Instagrama v temnih barvah!
Catafei Rusty ★★★★★
Hvala razvijalcem Dark Instagrama ™ za koristno razširitev!
John Marston ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ deluje dobro! Zelo preprosta namestitev in hiter prehod iz temne teme v dnevni način!
Patrick Stark ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ je zelo enostaven za uporabo in uporaben podaljšek, tej temi podarim 5 zvezdic!
Adrian Budoingsing ★★★★★
Vedno mi je bila všeč črna tema! Dark Instagram ™ je zdaj na voljo tudi za Instagram ™.
Modri meči ★★★★★
Temen Instagram ™ Brillianten podaljšek! Temna tema Instagram ™ 5/5.
Patrick ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ je moj Instagram spremenil v temen in zelo mi je bila všeč ta tema!
Temen seznam sprememb za Instagram ™ (glavne spremembe):
- Manjše popravke na Dark Instagram ™ za nočno temo.
- Posodobljeno Dark Instagram uporabniško vmesnik za temno temo.
- Izboljšana temna nastavitvena stran Instagram ™ za povezljivost s Instagram ™.
- Manjši tehnični popravki za temno temo Instagram ™.
- Opravljeno je bilo delo za izboljšanje teme in uspešnosti Dark Instagram ™.
Extension for Instagram ™ Dark Instagram ™ - when you click on the icon, a dark theme will be applied, it works on all pages of the Instagram ™ site. If desired, Dark Instagram ™ can be disabled.
The new Dark Instagram ™ design is completely sleek and minimalistic, very comfortable at night, but the theme is great for any time. Dark Instagram ™ comes with a toggle button in the upper right corner to easily switch from a daytime theme to a night one.
Dark Instagram ™ is the best theme for the eyes when watching a video, which improves the quality of viewing at night. The extension changes the background on all Instagram ™ pages to a dark theme, and the font to light gray. Dark Instagram ™ was created for people who do not like the white theme of the site, and for more convenient viewing in the dark.
You can pleasantly surprise your friends and acquaintances with this theme and the new look of Dark Instagram ™, since Dark Instagram ™ brings a new look while maintaining the same feeling, making it familiar, but new.
If you like Dark Instagram ™, share it with others. Your positive feedback helps me improve it. Give thanks!
★ Reviews - Dark Instagram ™ users (we are proud)
Marios Pentelas ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ works well! And the black theme is very pleasing to the eye.
Babulalparmar Selri ★★★★★
All is well, the dark theme is in harmony with the rest! I advise everyone to use Dark Instagram ™
Chippers ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ looks great while it works Theme is great and no problem!
Eddie Osbourne ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ is a great extension for viewing Instagram in dark colors!
Catafei Rusty ★★★★★
Thanks to the developers of Dark Instagram ™ for the useful extension!
John Marston ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ works well! Very simple setup and quick transition from a dark theme to day mode!
Patrick Stark ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ is a very easy to use and useful extension, I give this theme 5 stars!
Adrian Budoingsing ★★★★★
I always liked the black theme! Dark Instagram ™ is now also available for Instagram ™.
Blue Swords ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ Brilliant extension! Dark Instagram ™ 5/5 theme.
Patrick ★★★★★
Dark Instagram ™ changed my Instagram to dark, and I really liked this theme!
Dark Instagram ™ Change List (Major Changes):
- Minor fixes to Dark Instagram ™ for the night theme.
- Updated Dark Instagram ™ user interface material for a dark theme.
- Improved Dark Instagram ™ setup page for Instagram ™ connectivity.
- Minor technical fixes for the Dark Instagram ™ theme.
- Work has been done to improve the theme and performance of Dark Instagram ™.
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Last update / version
2020-06-03 / 1.2
Listing languages