extension ExtPose


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Description from extension meta

关键词搜索量,CPC以及您搜索的所有关键词洞察。谷歌、YouTube、亚马逊合作。Neil Patel的SEO工具。

Image from store Ubersuggest-SEO与关键词神器
Description from store Ubersuggest是一款免费的Chrome扩展程序、强大的SEO工具,为您显示关键词每月搜索量、CPC以及竞争对手数据。 Ubersuggest扩展程序将为您提供与Google™、YouTube™、Amazon™等网站上的某个关键词搜索相关的数据,为您提供精准的洞察。没错!在YouTube或Amazon上进行搜索时,您将看到建议关键词的数据。 在安装了Ubersuggest关键词搜索工具后,您只需前往Google、YouTube或Amazon进行搜索即可。在这里,您将可以查看与关键词和搜索词相关的数据。若想了解您搜索的某个关键词的更多详情,只需点击搜索栏旁的“查看全部”即可,您将获取更多的关键词与SEO洞察。一次搜索,即可获取大量数据,可让您的搜索更细化精准,以定位您可以排名的关键词与短语。 • Ubersuggest SEO扩展程序还提供图表与趋势!这些图表将细分总月搜索量,显示某个关键词的每月手机端搜索量与桌面搜索量。 • 当您使用谷歌进行搜索时,在每个网址下方,可显示流量预测。若您更青睐可视化数据,在右侧的侧边栏,您还可以查看所有排名前10的流量预测。 • 反向链接数据:在原始结果上方,您将看到一个对话泡泡,详尽显示排名靠前网站的平均权威(域名权威),以及排名前10的网站所引用的域名平均数量(反向链接)。您可以利用该数据,完善您的链接构建策略。 • 您可以定制地理位置与语言。 • 您将还拥有:趋势图、相关关键词、“别人还在搜”、热门关键词、长尾关键词。 访问任何网站时,您只需点击浏览器标签上(“扩展程序”下)的"U"图标,即可看到下列指标: - 域名指标-您将看到每个域名的快速概览。从某个网站排名的自然关键词,到关键词的预计本地流量、域名分数,以及反向链接的数量。 - 历史流量-您将看到任何网站在过去6个月的自然流量表。 - 热门页面(按国家排列)-想了解您的竞争对手网站上最热门的网页吗?该图表将祝您一臂之力。 - 热门关键词(按国家排列)-您还可以查看为网站推动流量的最热门的关键词。 利用Ubersuggest来提升页面排名、获取建议,从对您的业务最有价值的搜索中改善搜索引擎结果页面(SERP)。 Ubersuggest现有9大语言:英语、葡萄牙语(巴西)、德语、日语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、简体中文、荷兰语(荷兰)。 Ubersuggest提供的完整关键词指标、数据、功能包括: 不同的关键词建议 内容建议 谷歌关键词 Amazon关键词 YouTube关键词 排名靠前的页面 关键词分析与详情 网站审核 反向链接资料 搜索量 CPC 高精准度关键词建议 反向链接平均量 域名分数 Pinterest分享量 Facebook分享量 综合数据明细表 您的搜索关键词获得的SEO点击量百分比 搜索您的关键词的不同年龄群 若有任何问题、评价或建议,请联系我们: [email protected] --------------------------------------------- 网站: https://ubersuggest.com/ 扩展程序数据由Ubersuggest提供: https://neilpatel.com/ubersuggest/ 常问问题 ★ 你们会更新/变更扩展程序吗? 会的。实际上,我们目前正在开发可能会在未来10个月添加的新功能。我们的目标是:让Ubersuggest成为最优秀的SEO和营销扩展程序。我们在不懈努力,以实现这个使命。 ★ 我可以建议其他的功能,添加到扩展程序上吗? 当然可以啊!请发邮件到[email protected],主题栏写明Chrome extension。我们会倾听用户的心声,以确保我们添加真正提升您的工作流的功能,节省您的工作时间,为您提供所需的数据。 ★ 你们的扩展程序适用于哪些浏览器? 现在,我们的扩展程序仅适用于谷歌Chrome。但我们也在计划拓展到其他浏览器。 ★ 所有功能都可以免费使用吗? 在我们的Chrome扩展程序中,您可以免费获取所有的功能,但同时有大量的每日数据额限制。如果需要的话,您可以升级套餐,以获取更多数据。如果不需要,您也可以正常使用我们的APP。

Latest reviews

  • (2025-02-27) Moisés (ShopMix): Maravilhoso excelente tem ajudado muito em vários projetos, entrei em contato com o suporte, foi rápido e funciona perfeitamente, estão de parabéns. 10 https://www.entretelaparabordado.com.br/ https://www.eletricistapirituba.com.br/ https://www.dreletricista.com.br/
  • (2024-06-07) Jatin Kumar Saini: Best and most affordable
  • (2024-06-04) Barb C: Great tool. I use it all the time to have a quick shot of any website.
  • (2024-05-31) Awlad Hossain: Superb!
  • (2024-05-30) Carlos Cusi: Mucho valor para ser una extensión gratuita.
  • (2024-05-30) Foodcube Sales: A great extension for understanding web traffic for competitor's website.
  • (2024-05-28) Eddy Prince: awesome Extension, as an reviewing and all level has shown.
  • (2024-05-17) Cameron Knox: great extension for a quick SEO snippet
  • (2024-05-14) Roshaan Ansari: never use that kind of free services with this kind of top notch results and accessibility
  • (2024-05-08) Link Building Specialist: close to accurate result
  • (2024-04-29) Hesham Abdel Rahman: Very useful and free
  • (2024-04-28) Anil Agrawal: Extremely useful SEO extension tool with clean and crisp UI that gives great user experience (UX).
  • (2024-04-25) Andres Herrera: Es una Extensión bastante útil y fácil de usar.
  • (2024-04-24) Hit Lathiya: SEO Expert Useful Tools
  • (2024-04-22) Enzo Snyman: A useful tool when it comes to getting quick stats on-the-go
  • (2024-04-22) 吴追风: nice!good helper
  • (2024-04-16) Fect Agency: A very valuable tool! Likewise with NP Digital.
  • (2024-04-08) Fit Design: Great tool and works well. Cheers
  • (2024-03-29) Raghib Raza: Very Good Extension For Seo
  • (2024-03-21) harat elhoussain: Very good extension better then most other extensions that are concentrating only on profit
  • (2024-03-14) Luan Azevedo: A atualização recente foi muito bem vinda! Sempre usei, vou continuar usando e parabenizo a equipe pela atualização, ficou muito mais clean e didático de coletar e tratar os dados.
  • (2024-03-12) Shamim Bhuiyan: Loved it
  • (2024-03-12) Sharad Pawar (Sharad Pawar): Very Nice
  • (2024-03-10) ren jimmy: 我觉得很好用,尤其是比similar好用多了,你们家是最棒的 别人家的都是垃圾软件,支持你们
  • (2024-03-08) saran afzaal: Am use this extention last 2 month, I still surprise his data. Completely Valuable :)
  • (2024-03-07) Ben Kelly: Few occasional bugs but overall its a very helpful tool
  • (2024-03-03) Baji Darade: great
  • (2024-02-29) Greatives Web: Thank you for this great tool! :)
  • (2024-02-28) A Giordanno: This tool was already good, and now, I'm surprised with the new extension layout. Congrats!!!
  • (2024-02-28) Aamir shahzad: awsome it help me alot just it has one issue you guys dosent put any cross button in the updated version plz add for easy to use
  • (2024-02-22) Raymond Massey: new update is fantastic. highly recommend this tool.
  • (2024-02-22) Rohit Lohia: New Update Is Just Wesome
  • (2024-02-21) Chand bukhari: I love this update 😁
  • (2024-02-19) SmartSpark: new update is cool
  • (2024-02-19) Felix Schmidt: I´ve been using UberSuggest for over one year now and got great results with my customers. the latest one is that one customer got 4 inbound messages over the contact-form of his website. That is a new experience for him, because he never get messages with sales in the future. after 6 weeks he ranks at top 10 in Google for one specific keyword with about 250 Searches Per Month. So yes, I`m very happy with UberSuggest!
  • (2024-02-15) How To: excellent
  • (2024-02-14) Huzaifa Zirgham: Best Extension For SEO
  • (2024-02-13) Marco Jean de Oliveira Teixeira: Estou enfrentando dificuldades para utilizar corretamente a extensão do Ubersuggest. A extensão frequentemente desloga da minha conta e, ao tentar fazer login novamente, devido ao cache, informa que atingi meu limite de uso. Para continuar usando, preciso limpar o cache ou reinstalar a extensão. O processo, que deveria ser simples, exige várias etapas complicadas para que eu consiga utilizá-lo. Entrei em contato com o suporte do Ubersuggest três vezes, mas o problema persiste. Fico com a impressão de que, como sou um usuário vitalício e não represento mais uma fonte de lucro, o suporte não se empenha em resolver minha situação.
  • (2024-02-10) Atiqur Rahman: Just love it
  • (2024-02-09) Aryan Koli: One of the best SEO extenstion and that also free.
  • (2024-02-09) Jean-Yves Maurice: tres bonne extension. Petit bémol : il arrive que l'extension ne fonctionne plus si on est connecté avec son compte. Je n'ai pas encore trouvé de solution à ce problème
  • (2024-02-07) Khalid Shawki (‫إستثمر فى نفسك‬‎): It is Really an Excellent tool, move on strongly
  • (2024-02-06) Jessica Mendes Macan Francisco: Muito boa!
  • (2024-02-06) Iqbal Mahmoud Siraj: Amazing seo tool
  • (2024-02-04) Fox Mídia: adoro a ferramenta
  • (2024-02-03) pelano ir: 👍👍
  • (2024-01-30) Har Har Mahadev: wonderfull
  • (2024-01-30) Steven Stamko: amazing
  • (2024-01-29) Subarnamoy Bose: best tool ever
  • (2024-01-25) Optimizatech - Ecommerce de productos Optimizados: increible y completo analisis


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4.3393 (787 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-11 /
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