Anpassbarer DM Screen für D&D Beyond Kampangen & Spell Listen Manager
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Wenn ein Charakter unter DnDBeyond geöffnet ist, können die Einstellungen der Erweiterung geöffnet werden. Hier können Sie den DM-Bildschirm anpassen. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, besuchen Sie die Website oder kontaktieren Sie mich über das Formular auf der Webiste
~~~Spell Listen Manager ~~~
Einige Klassen können ihre Zauber täglich ändern. Für diese Klassen ist es gut, einige vorbereitete Zauberlisten für Kämpfe, Erkundungen, soziale Begegnungen oder andere zu haben. Mit diesem Plugin können Sie Ihre aktuell vorbereiteten Zauber speichern und an einem späteren Tag wieder auswählen.
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~~~Defense Rolls~~~
Ein Defense Roll ist ein alternativer Weg, um die Monster Angriffe zu gestalten. Das Ziel ist den Spieler auch außerhalb seiner Runde würfeln zu lassen und ihn so stärker einzubinden. Hierbei rollt der Spieler, um zu sehen, ob er der Attacke des Monsters entkommen kann. Außerdem verbessert es häufig das Roleplay, weil dadurch, dass der Spieler den Roll macht, wird nicht mehr beschrieben, wie das Monster angreift, sondern wie der Spieler ausweicht. Der Spieler steht also im Fokus.
Wenn Sie Fragen haben, besuchen Sie die Website oder kontaktieren Sie mich über das Formular auf der Website.
Latest reviews
- (2022-09-28) Samuel Schmal: Very nice
- (2022-07-12) Swampthing 870: I have no issues with the DM Screen popping up when i click the button in D&D Beyond but the problem i am having is customizing it. I have tried messing around with it for a few hours, looking up tutorials on youtube and even searching reddit but cant seem to find any information about it. I love the idea and it seems like it could be a very useful tool, as I currently have to run my games online, but just cant seem to figure out how to get the most use out of this online tool.
- (2022-06-27) Ryan Irwin: Doesn't work. I've added and re-added and it just doesn't do anything. Not sure what the issue is, but not finding any documentation to help.
- (2022-04-04) Tim van Leeuwen: Non-functional as of right now. Clicking the DM screen button shows an emptywhite screen with the table in which the names of the player characters are supposed to appear, but it stays fully white. Nothing is clickable. The "Race & Class" part of the table is also called "Rasse & Klasse", which I'm sure is just a small mistake, but I did want to point out.
- (2022-03-04) Tom Ward: This DM screen is a really good tool. It's pretty easily customizable, which is great. It's not the best looking, but that's not a problem for me. I'm still getting used to it, but it seems like there are a couple of improvements that would get it that extra star, such as being able to sort the rows based on a given column (or at least manually reorder them), altering the size of each text cell or allowing text wrap/shrink-to-fit, and an auto-refresh option (for hit point monitoring). However, opening the character sheet from the DM screen is pretty fantastic. The second DM Screen Chrome Extension I've tried, and I prefer this one. That's partially because the other one needs updating and isn't always giving the correct information, but it's mostly because of how easy this is to customize. Worth noting that I'm not using the Spell List Manager function at all, but I have several players who use classes that can prepare spells after long rests, so I might recommend that they try it. EDIT: As of 2/1/22, I'm running into an issue with the add-in needing to be removed and re-added, which means I lose my customizations. I've reached out to the creator and will hopefully have a resolution soon. EDIT: As of 3/3/22, the developer has added functionality from my original review and resolved the issue I mention in my previous edit. I'm bumping my rating up to five stars and absolutely recommend this add-in.