Calculate Depo-Provera next injection date range.
Calling all healthcare professionals using Depo-Provera!
Sick of searching through endless lines of dates in a PDF* to figure out when your patient needs to come back in?
Well no more!
Download the chrome extension to quickly look up any date.
PLUS copy and paste the date range anywhere you need.
Just download the Chrome extension, and as soon as you open it today's date with the date range will be pre-loaded.
If you need a different date, select today's date field and a calendar will appear, select the date you want, and voila!
Feel free to reset the date at anytime to today's date by using the reset button to the side of the data input field.
*The original perpetual calendar PDF that was created does not account for February 29th in a leap year. However, since the calculator detects leap-years, it will always be accurate.
See the link below for date comparisons between the original PDF and the dates given by the calculator.