Beautiful landscape wallpapers with every new tab. Sourced from amazing photographers on Pexels
Get awesome HD landscape wallpapers on every new tab. These New tab landscapes are fetched from the latests pictures on the Pexels service. Pexels is home to some of the most beautiful landscape photos.
You can support the photographers as well by checking out more of their work by clicking the link on the bottom left of the screen.
New Tab Landscapes also accepts your requests for specific wallpapers and features. In order to do so, just click on the link at bottom right and contact us at Easy Software Developer.
That's all! Enjoy the beautiful landscapes🌴
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-18) Josh Baer: Love the pictures, but it removes all my Google shortcuts and links from the home page :\ Not worth the tradeoff.
- (2023-06-16) Free Think: Great. Too bad you can't remove the useless scrollbar, though. It spoils the scenery a bit.
- (2020-06-25) Amber Aabid: Beautiful pictures and really makes my tab pop.